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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51233971 No.51233971 [Reply] [Original]

Total overreaction Germany has already enough gas stored for the winter and it will be solved anyway.

>> No.51234152

Gazprom has announced that Nord Stream has been suspended for an indefinite period. Another malfunction.

In response to attempts by Western Nazi sponsors to set a cap on oil prices, Gazprom decided to help set a cap on gas prices

>> No.51234392

>and it will be solved anyway.
LOL no. Continental Europe is finished. all hail Africa. fuck you whiteys.

>> No.51234532

>another shill thread by snowniggers with proxy

>> No.51234636 [DELETED] 

Hello Sholomoi

>> No.51234656

Hello Shlomi

>> No.51234773

There are no countryflags back to pol with you

>> No.51234785
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>"yeah guys we habe gas 80% full, haha"
It will be enough for 2 months only

>> No.51234819

Based. It's not every day you get to see a continent committing suicide.

>> No.51234825

>everything I dont agree with is /pol/
imagine being so low IQ so subhumanoid the mere thought of someone having an opinion you dont agree with causes you to sperg out and start posting about /pol/ since it lives rent free in your low IQ brain all day. clearly subhumanoid in IQ

>> No.51234898 [DELETED] 

Retard, can you read?
Did you read what i ment?
Thats what im criticising on people that browase pol, they follow headslines and dont ever read properly.
I agree with them politically and im almost addicted to opinions i dont agree with to discuss
What i ment here he accused me of beeing a paid shill under a proxi which just makes zero sense

>> No.51234915

Retard, can you read?
Did you read what i ment?
Thats what im criticising on people that browase pol, they follow headslines and dont ever read properly.
I agree with them politically and im almost addicted to opinions i dont agree with to discuss
What i ment here he accused me of beeing a paid shill under a proxi which just makes zero sense
And what was his opinion?

>> No.51234962

>What i ment here he accused me of beeing a paid shill under a proxi which just makes zero sense
have you heard of a bot

>> No.51235004

> Germany has already enough gas stored for the winter
lmao no

filling up the reserves doesn't mean that germany has enough gas for winter. not even close

>> No.51235024

lmao you ate the narrative and vill stay home and not revolt goy.
That reserve is normally not even used, just to smooth out the purchase price in the more wxpensive winter months or a dire emergency like maintenance on pipes etc. That reserve will last two weeks on its own plus. The reserve story is fake and meant to pacify rowdy Europeans. It means shit and Europe is in deep deep shit.

>> No.51235058

>Germany has already enough gas stored for the winter
>lmao no
>filling up the reserves doesn't mean that germany has enough gas for winter. not even close
Europeans are gonna get taken to the cleaners this winter. You put sanctions on the country that supplies most of your energy, I guess all the smart people left with operation paper clip

>> No.51235093
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The goddamn Europoors get what they deserve. So sick of us taking braindead room temperature IQ decisions and then blaming other people when it comes back to bite us in the ass

>> No.51235118

All I can say is buy energy stonks while they're still relatively cheap. Europe is depending on the USA for gasoline and diesel but Biden already depleted half of our reserves and once people realize there will be an uproar and no more exports. Start collecting wood for the stove

>> No.51235165

lurk moar you fat fuck

>> No.51235375

>Germany has already enough gas stored for the winter

>> No.51235520

Ffs why can Am*r*c*n not once get the correct news?
Yes the gas stored isnt enought but germany gets more then enought from other countries and the other pipelines from russia.
I longed that dip
Im the first one who would wish it to be otherwise because i hate our government but it wont happen

>> No.51235531


>> No.51236085

>Germany has already enough gas stored for the winter and it will be solved anyway.

Lmfao. Grand delusions.