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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51232583 No.51232583 [Reply] [Original]

Why do libertarians have the worst fucking economic takes, even worse than faggot commies, bar none? Literally none of them amount to anything other than multinational corporations continuing to consolidate all the wealth in the world under their name because they don’t want to pay taxes which are likely 100% refunded to them.

>> No.51232596

Im never paying taxes on my bitcoins
Fuck off chudcell

>> No.51232600
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>> No.51232627

Idk I think accepting reality in spite of how harsh it may be is a based take. Only a faggot would think that it's a bad take to accept that you must improvise, adapt, and overcome.

>> No.51232630

>Why do libertarians have the worst fucking economic takes
How much of a woman do you have to be to think the freedom to choose what you do with your own money and property is the worst economic take? Good God, man. What’s it like having no dick or balls?

>> No.51232657

Yeah trump supporters just love neocons and the war on terror. What retard made thos image?

>> No.51232668

What’s it like being in high school? Libertarianism is for high schoolers who have taken an intro to econ class.

>> No.51232671

>The glowies ramp up their lolbertarians bad campaign ahead of midterms again
No other political standpoint is so universally hated by all sides. Should tell you something.

>> No.51232683

Its easy to spend money. Youre not a saint for doing so

>> No.51232718

>I support the right of corporations amassing so much wealth they start supporting commies

>> No.51232734

Maga was exclusively a social movement than an economic one
Only ZOG advocates have anything good to say about the war on terror, you cant blame people for being more upset about becoming 40% hispanic than a government bleeding money

>> No.51232748

Nice projection. Is your vagina leaking involuntarily by my high IQ take? Does having control over your own choices scare you, baby girl? I’m in my mid 30s, so I can be your sugar daddy and tell you what to do, if you want.

>> No.51232768

>i went to colledge, ecomony 101 was good learned so much
>economy is bad, give me stimmiez and pls pay my loans to help the economy
>fuckn liberterain don't want to pay taxes bad!

>> No.51232779
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>Why do libertarians have the worst fucking economic takes, even worse than faggot commies, bar none?
Make a real argument coward, instead of playing these faggot assertion games.

>> No.51232790

>t. economically illiterate
back to fucking reddit, now

>> No.51232793

Go back.

>> No.51232800

libertarians really have this illusion in their head that they will be part of the rich in their ideal society
but in reality most of them will be working a coal mine or a sweatshop till their heart gives out

>> No.51232818

Trump was a fucking neocon and every trump supporting boomer I know just supports anything somebody with an R by their name says

>> No.51232831

>ESG? Banning white men from being hired in new jobs? Yeah that's freedom

>> No.51232855
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If you aren’t a fascist you don’t belong on /biz/ or 4chan. Lolspergs are just useful idiots for kikes.

>> No.51232882
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I don't think you really understand how the world works. It isn't as simple as "lower taxes... they must be corporate fanboys!". You'll notice the richest corporations in this country donate to and support leftist politicians.

Big corporations don't dislike rules and regulations. They buy the government and weaponize them to entrench their power. In a "socialist utopia", ironically enough, everything is a monopoly, some state backed all powerful corporate entity. In a real free market, they are constantly warding off upstart competition and can only survive if they improve.

As far as income taxes go... please don't cheerlead the tax enslavement of the common working man. It's one of the biggest kike schemes in this country's history and normal people should unilaterally be against them. Imagine taxing WORK.

>> No.51232904
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What if... they just want to live free? Lol. Why do you insist on an overlord boot dictating your life?

>> No.51232910

Libertarians never advocated freedom for the few at the expense of others, and neither they use libertarianism to make themselves rich, expecially because it would be counterproductive giving you the freedom to compete against me.

You like OP are faggots strawmanning and making retarded claims.

>> No.51232943
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Let me reiterate: a free market is the natural way humans work and interact. There are only free markets and differing levels of state intervention in them. What you think is "unchecked freedom" is really "weaponized state power."

The absolute most croniest, unnavigable states in this country happen to be the most left-leaning. Cali, Illinois, New York, plenty of regulations and taxes there! So why is it hell for the average person? You have it entirely backwards.

The super rich LOVE empowering their friend and ally (the state).

>> No.51232949

your taxes are due

>> No.51232951

Trump is a paleoconservative and he will resort to interventionism when his nation is in danger.
But it's not libertarianism.

>> No.51232957

Yes. Now here's the scary part - you are intellectually inferior to those high schoolers.

>> No.51232966

>you are a child
>>no i'm not
Homosexuality in this one...

>> No.51232975

>Fascists unite! Let’s go Brandon!
Give up playing both sides with some weak false dichotomy. Actual men will do what they want until they die, and won’t be told what to do by weak people like you.

>> No.51232983


I pay them in full. I wish I was rich enough to evade them like the super rich who you unknowingly cocksuck. Pretty ironic that guys like Bezos, Gates, and Buffett support higher income taxes, huh? It's almost like they don't apply to themselves.

>> No.51232992

>lolspergs immediately show up to spew retarded ideology that has no bearing on reality
Cope beyond cope faggots. You will never succeed because you are the worst of the right and the left
Trump larped as one
His presidency was no different than Obamanigger’s in practice
Amnesty, catch and release, foreign wars, drone strikes, tax cuts for select billionaires, kike advisors, no wall, birthright citizenship intact, etc.
Guy spent 4 years telling white conservatives he was good for blacks people and Israel lmao

>> No.51233000

Biden and Trump are the same shit
And no you lolspergs aren’t strong men
You’re low IQ degenerates who have no convictions of worth and whose ideology is worse than nigger gibs

>> No.51233054
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If I'm dictator here's what I'm doing:

>axing the entire income tax code and replacing it with a much more simplified, flat version. No endless deductions, credits, loopholes. 3 brackets and straight amounts that don't waver whatsoever, at a much lower rate.
>reintroducing tariffs and excise taxes to temper hyperglobalized trade and make international businessmen pay their share
>gutting the overinflated DC bureaucracy and redistributing the departments throughout the states so that they can be decentralized and closer to who they serve, rather than colluding on a palace on a hill

There, I fixed the country. We wouldn't even lose any revenue because billionaires and trillionaire corporations would be paying a full bill not leveraging myriad loopholes and taking advantage of arbitrary complexity.

The people who can pay more are. The people who need more money get it. The budget gets balanced and the chaff gets trashed.

>> No.51233058

I feel like libertarians are the same type of people who say max out your slave 401k
>just give these large banks your capital bro they promise 5% returns
>yes bro them buying your house and renting it to you with your own 401k contributions is just the efficient market working

honestly I am okay with socialist large government OR extremely minimized small government

what I cannot stand is the collusion of government and corporations to drive the working class into the fucking dirt

>> No.51233069


Why do you type and argue like a deranged faggot. No, a freer society isn't as bad as a nigger gib society, you nigger gib lover. Fuck off.


>> No.51233072

Flat tax is good for the rich and shit for the working class
Poor people need a larger percentage of their money to survive than richfag billionaires do kike

>> No.51233076

>you want freedom for corporations
>>no i want freedom for everyone
>you don't want to tax the rich
>>neither the poor
let's see how far we're going.
>you are spoiled
>>no i'm not
>you want to be rich
>>no i don't, i don't want the be forced to do things i don't like
>you are a child
>>no i'm not
>Amnesty, catch and release, foreign wars, drone strikes, tax cuts for select billionaires, kike advisors, no wall, birthright citizenship intact
Very libertarian, expecially that printing stuff at the end.

>> No.51233081


Socialism, as we see in places like Venezuela and China, is just explicit collusion. At that point nobody is hiding anything, this is the company you have to buy from, it works in tandem with the state, they decide your fate and you have no freedom or options. It's hell.

>> No.51233088

Lolsperg faggotry isn’t freedom it’s a corruption of the term
Freedom does not mean the ability to do what you want and yes that is evil

>> No.51233098


Clearly you didn't read my whole fucking post you massive cocksucking retard. Don't you have a big ass bowl of boots to be eating for breakfast you limp wristed little piece of shit?

>> No.51233102

Picking up sovereign citizen vibes from you here. Are you a maritime vessel? Do you consent?

>> No.51233110

I said he was a neocon not that he was a lolsperg

>> No.51233118
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>Freedom doesn't mean the ability to do what you want

>> No.51233124

>muh good and evil
>freedom it's not freedom
>dah degeneration
Calm down the /pol/ sperging you nigger.

>> No.51233125

>start thread shitting on X
>doesn't know X 101 + economically retarded

>> No.51233126

>Freedom does not mean the ability to do what you want

>> No.51233140
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Don't care, not paying. Convince me to fund things voluntarily, I'm a reasonable person.

>> No.51233151

So what's your problem about libertarianism that you can't express in a coherent way? autismo?

>> No.51233180

That is a modern perversion of the idea of libertas
Freedom has exclusively meant the ability to pursue the good and noble things in life since time immemorial. Being able to debase yourself in vice wasnt freedom, it was slavery by a different name.
This is a /pol/ owner board lolsperg faggot
See above
I’ve expressed it more coherently than any of you subhumans