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51221177 No.51221177 [Reply] [Original]

5:58 pm
DugeBunk TG

We’ve received word that known DUBU whale Krispy14 has sold 4.5t of his 9t DUBU to ape a double top in LUNC.

Krispy14 is a well known boomer whale fag in the DUBU community. Early on, he provided funding for numerous stunts that experts say brought critical momentum to DUBU. Things like the New York billboard, Autistic Stunt, and many others came straight from his pocket.

The news was met with much kvetching in DUBU TG group. Krispy himself was on location to respond to claims. He reassured the seething Dubaggies that he would ape any gains back into DUBU.

DUBU has been in poor health. Beginning with the spectacular failure of the Autistic Stunt to do anything at all for the price, followed months after by The Shitposter’s Haven Jihad in which long held tensions within the DUBU community were brought to a head by a small cell of schizo baggies.

Adding to the trouble, just a few days ago, the much maligned dev of DUBU, Justin, revealed his status as a white supremacist terrorist in what is now being deemed “GetALifeNiggersGate”.

With this most recent blow by Krispy14, many are uncertain of the future of DUBU. More after the jump.

>> No.51221203

DC;DR. I'm invested in Nigger Sonic Obama Hitler Dragon tongue my anus gang gang gang Inu Ticker:(Cardano).

>> No.51221231



>> No.51221249

ok? and your discord faggot drama is relevant how? stop posting discord homosexuality. nobody gives a fuck some soft dainty handed homo sold his coins. THIS IS NOT THREAD WORTHY DISCORD RETART! DISCORD IS NEVER RELEVANT NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU BRAIN DEAD HOMOQUEER ZOOMFAGS THINK IT IS

>> No.51221253

Former d0b0 whale here. Sold 100k in November, now I'm in LUNC. Follow the money, nerds

>> No.51221265

I did the same last night but once I make some money on LUNC i will fomo back into DOVO with my gains

>> No.51221268
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>> No.51221274

Imagine not being rich enough to have large bags of both kek

>> No.51221301

>A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.51221327

Dragons are peak eroticism who are you to judge

>> No.51221340 [DELETED] 

>not having a bag of each one of these shitcoins on the off chance one of them moons

>> No.51221368

One of them is mooning, one of them is doing the opposite. Guess which is which

>> No.51221400
File: 130 KB, 988x551, TheLook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop gambling with shitcoins, anons
Wake up
You deserve better

>> No.51221406

When the antichrist takes power, anyone with a sex toy will be sentenced to death by pitbulls.

>> No.51221420

That's also my kink, sounds great

>> No.51221428

I sold my 6 million lunc for nothing a month or so back.

>> No.51221475
File: 2.17 MB, 1024x1024, 30BD7DFB-40A2-4B21-A144-D4C656796934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is going to get fucked chasing coins, KEK
There was a guy months ago that sold 100k worth and got rugged. Dumbass is going to experience the same fate

>> No.51221514

*sold 100k for some other shitcoin
Also lunc's market cap is too big to make any significant gains. It's at 2B. The burn tokenomics are literally worse than safemoon's too, Lol

>> No.51221546

Chasing pumps is how you get fucked. Would be different if we were in an actual bullrun.

>> No.51221602

What a fucking retard. He thinks a bull run isn’t imminent if LUNC keeps going?

>> No.51221620

I'm up, retard

>> No.51221629


>> No.51221644 [DELETED] 


>> No.51221680

Kek that's me. So much fud and outright lies. I was the #7 wallet and now I still own 4T d0b0. IF it ever even hits 1B MC I guess I'll only have $8M usd instead of $16M. How tragic. See you seething cunts at $1 lunc
Yea and I'll be balls deep in the coin that launched the bullrun and will have made it 10x over. Seethe

>> No.51221692
File: 318 KB, 1242x1501, 24EBFC9E-D4C7-4F7C-A765-389EE0246ADA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you. I'm up on dog with a bat too. Probably more than you. You're getting excited over this little pump. Pic rel. No coin, including dogbet, is going to be mooning for real until btc stops shitting inside its own mouth. Maybe lunc can 5x next bull market due to its high market cap, but no way it's going to be beating its ath as it's not even a memecoin. It's just a failed project. Like literally that's what happened. You would need to burn nearly all the supply to get actual rich status. That's not going to happen. Dogbet has better burn tokenomics and it won't happen with dogbet either (maybe dogbet will have 50% burns by the end of the next bullrun).

>> No.51221714

You think Lunc is going to 20b market cap in a bear market? Good luck with that.

>> No.51221737

shit. Wrong chart. I swear I typed it with a C. Regardless the market cap I said is correct

>> No.51221754
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peak of 40b btw and that was with utility.

>> No.51221799
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>Left biz for months
>Come back after relapsing on nofap
>Batman'sbestfriend is still causing seething
>Probably got a fuck load of extra tokens

Intensely bullish

>> No.51221826

Dogbet doesnt have that kind of volume

>> No.51221930

>entire thread dedicated to a shit bnb contract and a 50k usd dump, with tg screencaps and everything
the absolute state of biz kys you smelly jeets

>> No.51221950

Ya no shit. Your market cap is too high for it to matter anymore. Burns are also EASIER when the market cap is lower because burns are based on the transaction of the tokens themselves. Along with that the tax system for dogbet is more aggressive. Either way besides some pumps here and there, no one is going to the moon until btc recovers. Dogbat alone did like a 5x in 1 week or so, but what killed the momentum? Btc. Again. Btc must be in a bull market for the real rallies in alts to happen.

>> No.51222013

I have both and this guy still has 4.5 trillion
Anyone else in the same boat? I unironically believe dogbat and LUNC will 1000x in the next 12 months

>> No.51222118

Your up on Dogbat!? You mean you cashed out 100k just like me? How cute.

>> No.51222342

Where is the lie?

>> No.51222415

This guy posts every night, gaurenteed to post 50 replies. Yet fails to provide any evidence that he indeed "sold the top". Basically, this guy's a fag.

>> No.51222562 [DELETED] 

The fuck? I never sold. You're confusing me for a dogbat fud faggot

>> No.51222605

Lol every fudder apparently made 6 figures, it's the new demoralization play. Post your wallet, bitch.

>> No.51223348

based boge donky. lunc niggers tongue my ass

>> No.51223396

> Adding to the trouble, just a few days ago, the much maligned dev of DUBU, Justin, revealed his status as a white supremacist terrorist in what is now being deemed “GetALifeNiggersGate”.

Based. Also I don’t care, I’m holding both and I WILL make it.

>> No.51223447

thanks for the laugh anon, you made my day

>> No.51223787

Justin made Amy leave. Sell signal

>> No.51223978
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>> No.51224075

He's just a retarded whale
Aped 930k worth of bnb in d0b0 and it dusted to 60k

>> No.51225691


**Buy signal