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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51220205 No.51220205 [Reply] [Original]

>Vaxxies account for about 70% of the population (mostly women)
>Vaxxies: Fucked (clots)
>Incels: (not)Fucked (They weren't gonna get a woman anyways. The game was rigged for them from the start
>MGTOWs: Fucked (vaxxies shed spikes, especially during sex so sleeping with random whores will ruin your body slowly)
If you aren't married to, engaged with, or in a long serious relationship with a smart unvaxxed woman, you actually ran out of time. It sucks (for some) but the question is how do I profit off of about 8/10 women in my country being unable to produce healthy offspring?
>inb4 vaxxie cope
If you're coping about it (and don't want to google the study that confirmed the DNA edits affect the child) we'll call this a "hypothetical".

>> No.51220287

Kek why did the vaccinations become such a belowed topic with schizos? Literally the same thing as with trannies.

>> No.51220297
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>If you aren't married to, engaged with, or in a long serious relationship with a smart unvaxxed woman, you actually ran out of time.

Very true and the ultimate blackpill. I'm just going to put my faith in the Lord and enjoy the collapse.

>> No.51220315

Invest in fertility clinics and funeral homes

>> No.51220333
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Nice riddance

>> No.51220350
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>lol why do schizos care that 90% of people were compelled to take an experimental gene editing concoction? just like buy yourself a funko pop and chill or something??? idk

>> No.51220364
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>Invest in fertility clinics
I had this thought, but they aren't vetting for purebloods and frankly they have no way of proving someone is jabbed outside of a physical.

>> No.51220371

Move to Bulgaria. Less than a third vaxxed.

>> No.51220391

I should verify that I'm married to a pureblood. I'm looking to make a profit off of those that aren't.

>> No.51220420
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>First it was 2 weeks until everyone dies
>Then 2 months
>Then 2 years
>2 years have passed, no mass dying
>/pol/tards now claim that vaxxed will not die (maybe in 20 year kek) instead they will become infertile
Back to >>>/pol/ you schizos I am unvaxxed btw.

>> No.51220507

I mean we've exceeded how many deaths we've had in 2021 in a lot of max vaxxed countries already but okay. It's a "hypothetical" for you.

>> No.51220598

>The vaxxies will die for sure any moment now
>Actually, I always said that the vaxxies will become sterile
>Actually, the vaxxies kids will be fucked up in some vague way, I always knew this was what would happen
Yeah obviously no one should take the vax and some people died, but I just cannot care about your habbenings anymore

>> No.51220702

>fucked up in some vague way
Their immune system is permanently altered the same way their parent(s) are.

>> No.51220736
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You know what is really interesting? Get the bluetooth scanner on an android and you will see random 12 random letters and Numbers, a mac adress not a device. You can test it right now and see for yourselves, What you will see is that every vaxxed idiot is infact one of these Mac adresses. Its quite a trip knowing What the vaxx actually contains along with these news of a cyber attack. I think its the dead switch on the vaxxed goyim combined with blackout on internet communications infrastructure.
Again don’t believe me, you need to see it for yourselves.
Its nano parasites broadcasting, grown inside the vaxxed idiots. Demon world next

>> No.51221033

What would stop those nanobots from entering the bodies of the unvaxxed if they are able to replicate? Or are they just inside everyone now?

>> No.51221178
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>Take mRNA shot
>DNA changes and you produce a substance linked to blood clots
I'm convinced schizos are a psyop. It's already sensational that the governments of the world mandated it, why exaggerate?

>> No.51221236

What does this have to do with business or finance you fucking mongoloid, go back

>> No.51221417

i thought this was the dumbest schizo shit when I first heard it so I tried it myself aaaaand it’s true. fucking insane

>> No.51221462

I'm really trying to be open to the idea of the vaxxes doing something permanently altering to your body, but why would they insist on people taking so many of them if even unvaxxed can get whatever they do to you through sex with vaxxed people? Also why was Israel so eager to be the first country to roll out mass vaxxinations, were those just saline injections?

>> No.51221579

>muh saline shots
Perhaps kek who knows. I know that all my tripple jabbed normie friends had worse covid than I did last week. I'm already cured and now immune the way nature intended while they are still coofing all over the place

>> No.51221613

I'm unvaxxed, have slept with NUMEROUS bitches who are vaxxed, I work out every fucking day with a nasty bod and I have not had any complications.
Where in the world did you get your info from? Specifically, where you mentioned vaxxed bitches shed spike proteins.

>> No.51221653

What bluetooth scanner should I get? Living in Canada I should connect to the entire population

>> No.51221672

Looking at everyone I know, vaxxed or not their reaction to covid mostly came down to age, lifestyle and diet. I know some phisically active people in their early 20s who "got it", but only found out through tests and had a mild cough for a day or two. (Most of them were vaxxed) Some of my relatives in their late 40s early 50s who got it got hit pretty hard, they also live pretty sedentary lifes and eat bad food.(around 50/50 vaccination rate here with no noticable difference between both). The vaxxed probably habe worse reactions on average if not just for the fact that they swallowed the covid narrative and got some hysteric psychosomatic reaction once they got a positive test result

>> No.51221815

Is the vax shedding thing true or just a meme guys? I kissed a few vaxxed chicks but nothing more than that. It seems impossible to find non vexed women nowadays.

>> No.51221838

third boost now

>> No.51221854

>pharma company sees opportunity to release product with no testing that every human is projected to take twice
>governments comply with lack of testing and mandates
It's money. It doesn't need to be anything other than money.

>> No.51221896

Real schizo hours

>> No.51221921

>I took the russian roulette and I won so it's must be fake

>> No.51221951

Basically just contrarianism on 4chan which is the norm
In this case they happen to have sided with low IQ baby boomers
They will be saying “two more weeks!” until a new schizo focal point comes out to plan Armageddon around

>> No.51221995

If it could be transmitted through bodily fluids, it could most likely also be put in the water supply and at that point if you aren't pulling water out of your own well you'd be fucked, also there wouldn't even be a need to go through all the vax shenanigans. So probably not

>> No.51222041
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>If it could be transmitted through bodily fluids, it could most likely also be put in the water supply
Holy shit I have AIDs now. Here's a rule of thumb: try imagining that you WANT something like this to happen and then feel that sense of doubt that your plan would work. Why would it survive in tens of thousands of gallons of water treated with chemicals?

>> No.51222173

Good question but I'm not sure. Say don't you have some Netflix to binge watch now?

>> No.51222175

boost yourself

>> No.51222176

hmm vaxxies are dying off stupid nigger pleb. Why do you think there is Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? How fucking stupid are you? It's really a coincidence that all these young soccer stars, actors, actresses and other young people are just dying mysteriously? and Coincidentally they have all been Vaxxed and boosted? Are you really this fucking stupid? You might as well be vaxxed asshole. Here let me in on something, the poltards are absolutely right, they just got the timeline wrong because they don't have all the facts. How are you this fucking dumb? Also the point is mutation and the other effects are supposed to do you in, the elites aren't that fucking stupid as to leave a direct trail. It's called plausible deniability so dumb Asses (you) can post saying hurr durr the vax doesn't kill ya.
kys pleb, please we need your water and resources.

>> No.51222206
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Mmh I don't know, the constant shilling and lying in the MSM, the censorship, and the insane COVID policies in a lot of countries, all this for a big flu ? And yes I catched the Delta (supposedly the deadliest variant) and it was only that, a big flu. But look at all that money. That "crisis" didn't happen by mistake.

>> No.51222225

Good point but we haven't reached the two year mark yet but anyways isn't there some new show on Netflix you need to go binge watch right now?

>> No.51222293

Meh I was going to clone myself anyway

>> No.51222304

Paid ebook leak

Thanks for purchasing my ebook, if you leak it or resell you will be reported and your data will be made public on the forum

In this method we will be using a RuneScape private server that pays money for voting on it on toplists

Go tohttps://mega.nz/file/tEMXVCBS#DtVvd0Oo2y7Hq7CX4KI-CYO7v_8VpEP5Zq90AaRydbI on your PC
Unzip the file
Install java if you already don't have it installed on your PC (you can get it here https://www.java.com/en-US/download/windows_offline.jsp))
Run the RSPS Diamond Scape.jar file
Wait for the RuneScape private server load
Create an account (no email needed)
Click on the vote button on the right hand bottom corner
It will open a list of 10 sites to vote for the Private server
Each vote gives you $5, after voting 10 times you will have $50 that you can cash out to BTC, PayPal or your Payeer account.
Repeat this process every 12 hours
An easy $100 per day

>> No.51222389

Google the Purdu pharma lawsuit. >>51221854 is right, it's all cupidity.
The so called "Opioid epidemic" caused the death of 500000 people over twenty years. All those dead people, victims of greed, and you know what ? Nobody will go to jail. 500000 deaths. The company will pay a 6 billion fine, the lawsuit will be settled, and everyone will come back home. And on top of that, doctors in the country keep giving opioids to people for fallacious reasons.

So again, are you sure you want to believe that kind of people ?

>> No.51222427

Fucking kek

>> No.51222609

I have stated before in this thread that no one should take the vax and that people have definetly died from them, I am just tired of hearing the same terminally online people rotating between saying the vax gives you aids/microchips/infertility or that it's some always changing form of gene therapy, always with the full conviction that they will be the only ones left standing in the promised two more weeks. The fact that videos making claims like this are recommended to me on my youtube feed makes me very doubtful that the vaccines are an going to lead to some nwo-induced mass-die-off-event, altough they are definetly a litmus test for seeing how much of the population is willing to throw away their bodily autonomy because the media, government or their employer told them to