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5121836 No.5121836 [Reply] [Original]

I am thinking of marrying my first cousin because she's sort of cute.
She also won't divorce me because we're also family. And that would split the family.
The problem is that my parents were also first cousin's though their parents were not. What if our children are less than fit? That would cost alot right?
What's better? Going for a roastie that would divorce me or just go for my cousin and hope for good genes in the children?
Texas here if that helps.

>> No.5121863

please tell me you're larping.

>> No.5121879


>> No.5121882

I'm not larping why would I be?

>> No.5121940

Banjo music in the background.

>> No.5121960
File: 81 KB, 768x432, tutanchamun_1413833229-e1413833922785-768x432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it op. Egyptian pharaohs also did it, and they were gods among men.

>> No.5121961

Post cousin

>> No.5121971


>> No.5121994

You don't want to have a fucked up kid, OP. Stop

>> No.5122000

She's like 6/10 or 5/10 and that's not bad.

>> No.5122164

Who are you to lecture him on what he wants and doesn't want?

>> No.5122297

Post cousin

>> No.5122814

Nice Larp.

>> No.5122817


>> No.5122973

Look, we all related to each other in some form or fashion, but you talking red-neck levels or retard here. Genetically your children will be betas if you do this and be weaker across the board, I'm talking weaker immune systems and lower IQ. If you are okay with that and arealso cool with the higher risk of mental illness / autism/ Aspergers / retardation, then go for it. Of course, you could just not get married in general and keep looking for a woman that you are not closely related to. I know that sounds hard, but the best things in life are often not easy to obtain.

>> No.5123036
File: 13 KB, 426x304, 1318410326581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most American thing I've read all day. Good god you people are fucked.

>> No.5123091

I can tell you're white and you're killing me.

>> No.5123145

I think their IQ will be fine because we both have above average IQ

>> No.5123191

Can you please actually explain how this works for a non-burger? Are you actually attracted to each other? Have you already fucked? Or do you just discuss getting married like some kind of family business arrangement?

>> No.5123202
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>> No.5123226
File: 346 KB, 600x613, 2048 1 mirror 6_1441101841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure op, pajeets do it all the time what could go wrong?

>> No.5123267

Go to China and use IVF and genetic screening to get rid of the embryos that would be born retarded if carried to term.

>> No.5123286

Nothing wrong with inbreed as long as they're whites.
See Iceland people, they are the strongest men and women in the world and have heavily consanguinous families

>> No.5123289
File: 172 KB, 850x1133, __godot_gyakuten_saiban_and_gyakuten_saiban_3_drawn_by_asu_tora__sample-775c68f39291921a308d965030eb8317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christian-chan image
>Wants to fuck his cousin
>Complains about roasts

Checks out

>> No.5123321

>Or do you just discuss getting married like some kind of family business arrangement?
That's it.
Also I've already confessed to her

I don't trust those chinks. Can I get that done in the US?

>> No.5123371

How do you imagine it would be the first time you have sex? Would it be awkward or are you excited to be balls deep in her.

>> No.5123381

>Can I get that done in the US?
Nope, illegal here, "muh eugenics", could choose another country where its legal though I'm sure there's a few.

>> No.5123413

Excited of course.

Well shit. I guess I'll have to

>> No.5123552
File: 199 KB, 500x357, 1513197616781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cuddled with my cousin a bit.

Her parents and family didn't appreciate it..........................................................................................................................................

>> No.5123564

Why not?

>> No.5123605

cousin marriage is ungodly
holy roller kike worshippers baka desu senpai

>> No.5123637

>Why not?
I'm not too sure, it wasn't super sexual it was just fun and emotional since we were barely teenagers.

In-fact someone deleted all photos of me from the vacation photos......................

Imagine me being a guest and someone deleted all my photos off the computer on vacation from the vacation but left the rest.

>> No.5123696

>itt: people with ugly cousins

>> No.5123711

OP, you want to marry your second cousin if you want to have the most genetically fit children, first cousin is too close.

>> No.5123722

Marry her and abort if the children turns out to be retarded. You would need to inbreed several generations before coming closer to muslim levels of fucked up, so it's probably okay.

>> No.5123897

>Is cousin marriage good financially?
I have nothing against it. Just be happy.