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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5121491 No.5121491 [Reply] [Original]

Curious how much of the LINK supply is currently held by the top 100 wallets. Too lazy to add up sums. Anyone got those stats/a tool for grabbing them without a goddamn calculator?

Last I heard it was around 80% of all LINK held by the top 100 wallets. Curious which direction that's moved with the recent volume.

>> No.5121632


fucking stop already
Chainlink is a pure scamcoin

>> No.5121635

Nvm I'm a moron.


Top 100 LINK holders now hold 87% of all LINK.

Good sign there's a moon mission coming. That's a lot of LINK being squatted on.

>> No.5121670


lol, said the nervous and deluded linkie for 1000x times this year

>> No.5121691
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Not fucking selling

>> No.5121842


Nah. Said the guy who bought a fuckload of cheap LINK at the bottom and was curious how consolidated the LINK wealth is.

Turns out we're looking at pretty extreme levels of concentration. Those large holders aren't going to sell for these cheap prices, so that's a guarantee the price will rise.

87% of all LINK is in the top 100 wallets.

90% of LINK is in the top 250 wallets.

93% is in the top 500 wallets.

Less than 7% of all LINK is floating around between pajeets trying to scam eachother. The rest has been accumulated by the whales willing to squat their LINK until announcements light this powderkeg.

Nolinkers who haven't been using this time to scoop up as much cheap LINK as possible are going to get BTFO when they FOMO in at $10.

>> No.5122070

Mixed of deluded linkies and some whales rolling the dice.

I do like the concept but too many things I don’t like about it. Real questions and answers don’t get answered.

So I am in light last month. Do we really think corporations will buy link coins to pay the node operators?

Unless it gets listed on coinbase it’s going to be a struggle

>> No.5122188



>> No.5122301


2/3 of all the link is held by the developers wallets and the big wallet for incentivizing the ecosystem, so the 87% number isn't a very accurate depiction of whats actually happening.

i'm sure if someone cared enough they could figure out how much is held by the top wallets that actually own link in circulatoin but I haven't seen anyone do it. The number of wallets is growing though; its about to hit 12000 and I know I've seen my rank grow by about 200 spots in the past few days alone.

>> No.5122355


wow, like every other coin there

>mfg just fuck off linkies

>> No.5122361


They'll get paid in LINK for running nodes. Meaning they'll also want to squat LINK to reduce the supply and raise its value.

Being sure of LINK's value is really basic math. I thought pajeets were supposed to be good at math.

>> No.5122424

Also the big binance wallet seems to indicate that more than 1/3 of all the circulating link is being held on the exchange so it can easily be traded, which seems odd considering how much they tell you not to keep your shit on the exchange.