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File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, bave girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5121490 No.5121490 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do when your cryptocurrency portfoilio is almost worthless if you decided hodl was the best strategy?

What if I told ou bitcoin isn't worth anything and Blckchain technology is just a processor-intensive menthod of keeping a regular ass leger?

Best application for Blockchain would be for voting, good luck with that, what with individuals needing private codes, people would assume these codes are issued to them by the NSA or CIA.

Blockchain is a method for recordkeeping, a technological answer to a question nobody asked, (How can we create an energy intensive method of using the National Security Agencies publically released crypto code to maintain a public ledger??? Believe it or not, blockchain doesn't solve very many problems, and the problems it does solve, it does so with shitttons of computing power.

blockchain is not revolutionary, bitcoin was just a demo of what this tech could do, as a decentralized currency, it's just a sideshow that pulled in all the retards.

Sell or hold on, I think it'll be hilarious to mock you faggots in 2-3 years when Bitcoin is $150 again and Steam accepts it as payment for it's games, lol.

Feel sorry for you fags that bought lately and expect to idk. Like fake virtual Internet ponzie scheme tokens are the actual currency of the future, lol, let's see your portfolios in 2-3 years.

>> No.5121511

Is it wrong this pic makes me hard?

>> No.5121534


>> No.5121538

I already came

>> No.5121577

Funny how nobody asked and yet the demand is high while participation is voluntary.

>> No.5121729
File: 67 KB, 600x500, morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i told you that bitcoin will be $25k by christmas?

>> No.5121768

What will you do when your amazon stock is almost worthless if you decided hodl was the best strategy?

What if I told you amazon isn't worth anything and its website is just a processor-intensive method of keeping a regular ass ledger?

Best application for Amazon would be for buying goods, good luck with that, what with individuals needing private computers, people would assume these computers are issued to them with viruses by the NSA or CIA or hackers.

Amazon is a method for recordkeeping, a technological answer to a question nobody asked, (How can we create an energy intensive method of using the National bookstores publically released list of books to maintain a public ledger??? Believe it or not, amazon doesn't solve very many problems, and the problems it does solve, it does so with shitttons of computing power.

Amazon is not revolutionary, its website was just a demo of what this tech could do, as a decentralized bookstore, it's just a sideshow that pulled in all the retards.

Sell or hold on, I think it'll be hilarious to mock you faggots in 2-3 years when Amazon is $1.50 again, lol.

Feel sorry for you fags that bought lately and expect to idk. Like fake virtual Internet ponzie scheme stocks are the actual store of the future, lol, let's see your portfolios in 2-3 years.

>> No.5121774
File: 88 KB, 660x471, SUNE-5-YR-Stock-Price-Movement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, it's the mythology of Pasiphaë wanting to fuck the bull so much. IDK what the artist of the little girl in front of the charging bull meant, besides the birth of the Minotaur.

Is there a better analogy? She loves it, look at her, she's riding that bull with no consequence.

>> No.5121819

>salty nocoiner screeching autistically
I already pulled out my initial investment and some more. Cry me a river you retarded cuck.

>> No.5121849

Sorry man I can't hear you over my 3000% gains

Shouldn't you be doing your monthly check to see if you're still up 3% or whatever?

>> No.5121958


>Laugh at you.
>Buy a Switch with my gains.

>> No.5122001


chainlink, science blockchain, makerdao,tiny bit of tehereum, tiny bit of bitcoin. cant lose.

>> No.5122006
File: 24 KB, 372x288, herbKickingABuddist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you for cashing out.

You think other people should buy Bitcoin or Litecoin or other cryptios at this current price?

Like if yu had to give a speech to the IRS agents in a general crowd.

Were you lucky, insightful? Do you think Bitcoins will be worth anything 5-100 years from now? YOu think you profited from a mania or do you think you tapped the essence of all wealth, a digital gold? In investors minds?

Or you just following the Alt-right narrative that believes Fiat currency is woethless?

What do you think this fictional fake-ass bitch-coin is worth when the real race riots erupt or the usd alters in value?

Do you also invest in gold or other precious metals?

>> No.5122097

6th post best post

>wot is proof-of-stake

>> No.5122132

>What if I told ou bitcoin isn't worth anything

You have been telling us, yet here we are at 19k and you have nothing

>> No.5122246
File: 141 KB, 900x674, IMG_3349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly sure it's making a mockery out of wall street's "fearless girl" symbol for gender equality/feminism

>> No.5122279


>muh alt right boogeyman

This reeks of shill

>> No.5122507

Yeah, obviously, but that isn't really interesting on it's own. "Hey here is mom sucking off Mickey Mouse" lololol.

There is symbolism like both pieces of art had on their own.

Anyways, looking at the statues in person, you can tell the little girl wants it from the big raging bull.

>> No.5122623

2-3 years. Is my point.

How confident are you that Bitcoin will be worth anything in the future?

>> No.5122761

You're right. Who the fuck knows? All the more reason for me to go all in now so I can take huge profits ASAP in case the whole thing crumbles. I trust the insight of people smarter than you though.They say that this is barely the beginning.

>> No.5122791

>Blckchain technology is just a processor-intensive menthod of keeping a regular ass leger?

I'd tell you you're a fucking moron.

>> No.5123571

Please explain how I'm wrong.

Blockchain is just a method of keeping a ledger. Fact. My position.

Explain how that is revolutionary. Or why it's worth additional investment. Tell me how better bookkeeping will change the world.

>> No.5123628

wow, really?

>> No.5123645


>> No.5123691

Removes the middle man and the all the extremely slow and intensive bureaucracy that comes with that. Seller to buyer is a huge change. I know the fees are bad now but in the future if this thing plays out, they reduce dramatically.
You're just a salty nocoiner that is trying to justify on not investing. I don't even like BTC, I like BCH and am heavily invested in ETH and ADA.

>> No.5123971

I am a salty no-coiner, but I'e known about Bitcoin and other Cryptos since 2007. Problem is, it's impossible to value an asset like Bitcoin, or anything else.
value, it's speculative, it's impossible to assign value to Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etheuem, ect.

Shits basically worth the same as Beanie Babies, a worthless item brought up to wild valuations due to speculation and lack of supply.

>> No.5124027

no shit bro, its an elaborate ponzi and we are at the top. So just keep your little mouth closed

Also you forgot that anonymous blockchain like XMR can be used for the 2 trillion dollar money laundering industry

>> No.5124116

I told it's value when you asked and you simply hand waved it away.

It allows trustless transfer and communication. There. Huge value.

Dude just stay poor or wageslaving or whatever the hell you do.

>> No.5124417

if bitcoin actually became worth like 100k that would mean everyone else (no-coiners) has lost the same amount of value that coiners got. Meaning fiat currencies would be worthless.

>> No.5124492

which is why you should buy OMG, next year it will be pretty much the first coin you can actually value with a normal discounted cash flow model

>> No.5124496

If you don't get it shitcoins now you will regret it forevermore.

Get a 10k loan if you're poor, ask your friends and family, put it in XLM REQ ADA LINK XRP
Those coins are bound x10 however there are 0.03c shitcoins that are bound x100 and they're fudded & shilled on this very board
You do the math my man

>> No.5124514

Are you stupid or just a troll, legitimately asking.

>> No.5124566

You can edit a normal ledger - it is centralized and can be manipulated by bad actors.

Blockchain not so much.

If you cannot see the value in that, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.5124585


No other store of data on EARTH can claim to be as immutable as Bitcoin. It's the entire cornerstone of blockchains.

>> No.5125164

It's called 'reality', snowflake.

Carry on.

>> No.5125206

You have no fucking balls. Man the fuck up you sore loser.

U a lil goofy nigga u bicth made

>> No.5125219

Dude, any ledger written since the advent of the alphabet can be considered 'IMMUTABLE' it's a mater of auditing it.

Since Blockchain shit can be hacked, it needs auditors, too.

Buy gold. Gold hass the same value since it was issued as wages to Roman soldiers as it does today.

Okay, 0% gains from gold since Nero paid his soldiers in gold, to today.

Bitcoin is somehow like gold? A terrorist turns the lights off, bitcoin is useless. Bitcoin is extended to where miners turn to other cryptos, bitcoin is worthless.

Bitcoin isn't worth anything, it's a vehicle to speculate to gain in USD, a fait. same as gold.

blockchain is a mediocre technology. Name one application where a processor-intensive process is needed to ensure the accuracy of a ledger since the beginning of time? That normal ass book-keeping cannot do?

Change the world, lol.

>> No.5125309

>bitcoin isnt worth anything
ok let's see you convince someone to give it to you for free then. Go ahead, we'll wait

>> No.5125433

>Dude, any ledger written since the advent of the alphabet can be considered 'IMMUTABLE' it's a mater of auditing it.
You're a fucking moron.

>> No.5125474


>> No.5125575

BTC is worth something because of hype. It was initially supposed to be a decentralized currency (kek) but has failed miserably in that regard, which is why people here call themselves BTC "millionaires" (they realize USD is the only real currency)

>> No.5125591

>blockchain is a mediocre technology. Name one application where a processor-intensive process is needed to ensure the accuracy of a ledger since the beginning of time? That normal ass book-keeping cannot do?
processor-intensive process is only needed to limit monetary emission not for blockchain ledger purpose itself

>> No.5125632

Blockchain is a technology about keeping an accurate ledger, over time. (This is something humanity has already invented)

Only it's decentralized and takes a fuck-ton of electricity to update.

Prove me wrong, shill.

This isn't revolutionary tech, it's re-inventing the fucking wheel. A solution in search of a problem. The world isn't held back because folks can't verify old-ass records on a fucking ledger. Bit-coin is the side-show demonstration gawked at by idiots, of a technology nobody asked for, nobody needed,

Did I sound like I was begging for bitcoin or something?

>> No.5125665

Not OP, but...

>> No.5125835
File: 42 KB, 450x548, 1512856184501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockchain is a technology about keeping an accurate ledger, over time. (This is something humanity has already invented)
Pull out those paper ledger anons. They will surely stand the test of time! Ask any ancient civilization

>> No.5126003
File: 7 KB, 250x237, 1510764973891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another salty nocoiner

>> No.5126124

Absolute brainlet.

>> No.5126361

Yeah, so many ancient civilizations laid low by inadequate, insecure book-keeping. Can you name one example? This should be like toddler-level knowledge, since blockchain is such a world-altering tech. It must solve some serious problem, right?

You gotta tell me how I'm the brainlet, otherwise, you, sir, are the brainlet. Have fun bag-holding your $70 Bitcoins. You know the market price of Bitcoin is just bots buying and selling to each other at incrementally higher prices? Since it's an unregulated market?

Do you understand what causes the price of a financial instrument to rise and fall? The last price that instrument was sold at. When it's a bot selling to another bot owned by the same asshole, does that make you really think you virtual fake internet ponzei scheme tokens are worth what you paid?

>> No.5126514

If one anon can explain how blockchain solves a real-world problem, that existed before, and that this problem is solved by blockchain and is economical against previous solutions, I will shut the fuck up right away.

If you really convince me, I'll send you Litecoin or ETH to your wallet.

>> No.5126635

Doesn't need a third party to send money to someone over a distance

>> No.5126702
File: 79 KB, 604x604, 1510065811215-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how blockchain solves a real-world problem
Blockchain technology help us to agree about something, and make it an undeniable truth. Think about democratic laws, Blockchain tech can help us to vote (generating an inviolable vote count in every single PC) about anything. And of course, it will be a lot cheaper than using traditional and inefficient methods. Constitutions are not 100% exact about what is legal and what is not. Thanks to Blockchain you can go deeper and reach a consensus with every single citisen.

>> No.5127119

Yeah, voting, ballots, is always my first idea for the real-use application for block-chain.

But everyone voting would need an actual hash or wallet-like identifier, and how would those be assigned? Some would be paranoid they'd be identified because their hash would be unique to them.

The blockchain size would'nt matter, it'd only matter for one election, one ballot cast.

How about everyone cast a physical paper ballot and everyone get's their thumb dyed purple after? If your thumb is purple,you can't vote again. Simple, compared to a crypto blockchain, right?

>> No.5127312

If you consider the meaning of both statues, it implies that strong women are an impediment to progress

>> No.5127792
File: 77 KB, 640x701, 23967019_1559449314144955_5992275059266289664_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you use your identity document/number and link it to a certain blockchain? Public use chains wouldn't be related to private stuff.

About other uses... There's a project that I find really interesting (I wish I could invest 2k there, it could worth millions in a few years, but I'm a poorfag). The idea is to create a decentralised database, based on logics. Imagine that you have knowledge about two different subjects, the system will distribute it, find relationships, generate links about the related items, and create new meanings. Now imagine this with all digitized human knowledge. It is hard to explain, but the uses are almost unlimited (from real-time translations, creating software without programming, to asking questions that will be answered in the moment).

>> No.5128071

>image being a buttcoiner 2 years before bitcoin even existed

not even nocoin redditors are as salty as you