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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51211630 No.51211630 [Reply] [Original]

dude just study computer science and learn all known algorithms in existence and all data structures regardless of how obscure they are just learn calculus i ii iii iiii and linear algebra i ii iii and all of statistics and topology and abstract algebra and number theory and cryptography and dynamic systems and all optimization techniques programming paradigms concurrent programming distributed computing theory of computation compilers operating systems then graphs graphics and graphixxx artificial intelligence .net core postgres sqlserver mysql sqlthis sqlthat mongodb nosql(haha) spring boot angular react vue nest.js node.js niggers.js jsp javascript es5 es6 es7 c c++ c# f# d haskell scala ada elixir ruby and ruby on rails clojure java 7 java 11 go rust bash python then intern at fagman it's easy just do all that while working two shifts at mcdonalds beucase your parents kicked you out of the house at 18 after that you can just wageslave for 55 years in the code mines dealing with office politics and being fed progressive propaganda and then invest all the pennies you earn just so you have a slight chance at finally being at peace with yourself if you invest perfectly that is and don't get caught in rugpull after rugpull haha bro if your parents could buy a house at 25 so can you at 75! just wageslave for 50 years and max out your 401k and work 12 hour days 6 days a week and 3 jobs and engage in lifelong learning and get professional certifications at your own expense and leave everyone you know behind every 2 years to take a job across the country and don't visit a doctor and don't take a day off sick and never make any statement that a coworker might find offensive and be tall and handsome and confident and exercise and eat health to be able to provide better labor for longer and take resume writing classes and keep your linkedin profile updated and network just persevere bro let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.51211982

Half of the bullshit you wrote can only be written by someone who doesn’t understand first principles in the slightest.
The other half is just bullshit.

>> No.51212159

the whole point of slaving away in the “middle class” is that you have just enough money to invest and start a business, so that your future spawn have a chance of not being slaves

>> No.51212328

deep sea welding

>> No.51212353

I’m an accountant making $95k and I’m dumb as FUCK. I also own 500 Link and 1.5 Eth.

>> No.51212399

Not if you’re my dad. He started a business and literally made it has over 200 employees and won’t even give me a fucking job. Then he divorced my mom and marries some cunt 15 years younger than him who has 5 kids with another man and tells me she is getting 1/3 of his estate when he dies. I hate him.

>> No.51214298

I run multiple hidden services, have contributed to numerous open source projects and have a side business. My day job is at a sex shop.

>> No.51214347

>Nooo my dads moneys belong to me
Faggot, go make your own

>> No.51214377

This is why foreigners will rule over whites. I bet you're a filthy fucking jew who inherited everything he owns.

>> No.51216153

Pretty /lit/ ramble. The setting would be some 19th cent bar, and this would be part of a diatribe in a discussion between two side characters seated by the window at dusk.

>> No.51216410

Your dad is a cunt. Ignore these bootstrapping bootlickers who will criticise you for shit talking your boomer cunt simp old man who will give what hou deserve to some random roastoid whose using your old man for resources that should ALL be going straight to you instead some random cunts completely unrelated to you will benefit from what is your blood right all because your dad is a beta simp cuck

>> No.51216551

Kek these are my favorite threads

>> No.51216643

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.51216676

I'm not having kids, not in this shithole.
Trust fund kids are the worst.
You're probably lazy and spend money like a nigger rapper so he knows hiring you is a waste of a spot for a good employee.

>> No.51216691

White people don't have kids nor do they have claim to the land they're squatting on. Die off already and stop blaming Jews because your dad doesn't like you.

>> No.51216706

learn to green text faggot

>> No.51216744

Sounds like I'm on the right track. Adapting to a sick society though.

T. 35 KHHV with only 100K saved, got caught in rugpull after rugpull.

>> No.51216767

>Your dad is a cunt. Ignore these bootstrapping bootlickers
Maybe get a fucking job and work harder?
Lmao, you faggot 4chan users are the worst.

>> No.51216788

Hot. You should become a femboy and be my pet, we will visit your dad one day to show him how much he failed you. That'll teach him.

>> No.51216851

this wasn't my experience

>> No.51216910

The real red pill, is realizing that 80% of the land that "whites sit on" was uninhabited, worthless, or basically so small and insignificant.

Remember, Hong Kong was a shitty fishing village.
Somehow, white people come into shit land, and leave it as a fucking paradise compared to the rest of the world.

>> No.51218405

You probably need some serious self reflection if he considers you not even worthy of a job

>> No.51218503

well considering Hong Kong is basically the British empires last stand in China and the majority of modern china’s GDP was forced to flow through it for decades that isn’t really surprising
not sure how being packed like sardines as a Hong Kong wage slave is paradise either
and to be honest China has a richer history and more wealth that flowed through it than pretty much every other white country, barring maybe 3 or 4 like Britain, the USA, Greece, Roman Italy

>> No.51218577

you’re doing better than pretty much everyone even with khv status
get on one of those sugar baby sites and pay a slut to be your gf for a few months

>> No.51218594
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