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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51209696 No.51209696 [Reply] [Original]

How do you know Terra Classic is not a pump and dump?

>> No.51209707

I know for sure it is

>> No.51209717

Hello friend

>> No.51209719

Phase 3: Bargaining.

>> No.51209727

Of course it is Retard

>> No.51209729

Please explain why you think it is a P & D

>> No.51209732

It might be.

But Reddit aren’t buying it yet, half of /biz/ are ignoring it and if you ever go on Binance or Coin Marketcap it’s extreme pumps are heavily suppressed and the coin hasn’t really started trending yet.

Staking, which is not that useful, already triggered FOMO.

There’s a lot more under the hood with a USTC swap tax and it’s obvious CZ has a big stake in this revival at this point.

I’d buy small at 0.0002 and then another bag if it swings up or pulls back further.

>> No.51209736
File: 259 KB, 400x560, 1659236373466289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is literally what it is anon. Crazy that some people are actually falling for this shit. Networks like ETH and Polygon are bluechip that will last you a lifetime. worst financial decision ever.

>> No.51209752
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>> No.51209819
File: 656 KB, 1868x1176, Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 5.16.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Staking, which is not that useful
It literally is multiplying the poomp. Market cap divided by circulating supply equals price. Decreasing the circulating supply (i.e. staking) make number go up. Simple as. Not to mention the staking rewards.

>> No.51209850
File: 23 KB, 360x360, FC1C47C1-6E70-477E-8BCE-B3A1B2CA113D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decreasing the circulating supply (i.e. staking) make number go up.
Oh God I can’t believe that there are people this retarded who are able to read and write

>> No.51209856

Nice FUD. CZ obviously planted the FUD so he could load up his hot wallet bag with cheapie LUNCs. He is probably behind the Terra Rebels team. This pump will recoup his losses from the Terra Crash and then some and make him a saviour. Savvy Chinaman.

>> No.51209872

Of course it is. I just don't get why these people choose a failed rugged coin to do it. Is it because people see the past price and are more easily duped? Is it easier to form bull cases? Idk. It's probably easy money though I've seen this shit play out more than a few times on the board, the high iq anons really know what they're doing shilling so consistently for so long.

>> No.51209875
File: 563 KB, 862x496, Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 5.23.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It really is hard to comprehend. You will get it one day. Seethe more faggot.

>> No.51209921

Did a rich person ever drop a bag of money on your doorstep? This is a sign to do the exact opposite, lmao.

>> No.51209947

You literally don't know the definition of a rug do you. It literally did not rug. Did UST depeg and LUNA get printed into oblivion, yes. But just as easily as LUNA can be printed, it can be burned. It is more than just a token. It is the entire functioning blockchain and associated ecosystem. There is too much money to be made reviving this thing. Literally traded half its market cap. Over $500 million. Who has that much risk capital to pump into what they believe is a shitcoin?

>> No.51209958
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>> No.51209976
File: 520 KB, 2314x526, Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 5.33.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go fren. You need a helping hand. Now go out and get a bag. You missed the beer money phase but $100 should about do it.

>> No.51210007

It's a failed Blockchain formerly ran by a Korean scam artist and now it's ran by a bunch of lesser Korean gambling addicts and pajeets. Of course it's a pump and dump lmao but crypto is a joke and you should be laughing instead of coping. Just buy the damn dog coins and damn memecoins and stop fighting the fact crypto is useless besides number go up

>> No.51210028
File: 347 KB, 708x802, kekken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based CZ fudding the shit out of LUNC before he burns trillions and artificially inflates the price.

>> No.51210044

Here you go. Another good resource. Price X Circulating Supply = Market Cap. If you remember high school algebra Transposition is the method used to switch the values from one side of an equation to the other side. This is to arrive at the solution for the given equation for the variable as the part thereof. Therefore in this example we can use Market Cap divided by Circulating supply to get price. The internet is a valuable resource. You should learn to use it.

>> No.51210070
File: 600 KB, 1542x1246, Screen Shot 2022-09-01 at 5.37.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon. Forgot the pic

>> No.51211027

Staking *temporarily* decreases supply. Also, "rewards" get smaller as the stakes grow, and finally, evaporate id the price goes down, because now you don't have only the speculators selling, but also the people who wanted passive income. Relying on staking for anything is like pointing a slingshot at your face, and being proud of how far you can pull the marble.

>> No.51211677

Because my company just got paid $15 mill to make a market for UST (C) to repeg it to $1 and the person bank rolling it says they have "as much liquidity as we need"

>> No.51211733
File: 165 KB, 2509x580, WHY YOU MUST BUY LUNC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51211782

How valid is your claim, retard?

>> No.51211928

Rich people are afraid of prison rn

>> No.51211948

We don't know if we can, do it either
I'm sure we aren't the only ones contracted by this individual to repeg ust, BTW our focus is solely on UST
We have been told not to touch Lunc, this doesn't mean others aren't working on that

>> No.51212407

It's good that they are doing all they can to fix things up, but I doubt if it will be productive. The trust and confidence are all gone. Personally, I can't trust algorithmic stable again. Even my staked stable on Freeway is USDC. I like the fact that they don't support algorithmic stable.

>> No.51212435
File: 10 KB, 181x278, 1661177812409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Do Kwon. He should spend his entire life in prison.

>> No.51212455
File: 279 KB, 460x632, wanpiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I cashed out this time

>> No.51212483

>My company just got paid $15m to try to repeg a stablecoin with a former marketcap of 8 billion that would need a minimum of that amount to repeg
Kek nice larp/delusion

>> No.51212485

because they're actively developing the blockchain

>> No.51212600

This was posted in response to Do Kwon creating Luna 2.0. LUNC was abandoned and terrarebels didnt exist yet. Since then he has supported their community and their burn proposal.

>> No.51213648

mad cunt
the irony
you will never be a woman

>> No.51213721

>coin backed by nothing but pure faith of the christcuck community
Lmao redditards buying reddit bags

>> No.51213765

If you know you know. Not worth explaining it to skeptical retards who will panic sell during the first pump