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51209497 No.51209497 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the cope we'll see at the merge.
Get your popcorn ready to see them nonstop seethe

>> No.51209520

what if btc maxis are btc maxis because they're smarter than you

>> No.51209557

keep it coming
I love the cope
Don't stop, I'm getting closer

>> No.51209597

Maxis claimes POS is never coming. If the merge happens maxis are unironically officially undeinably proven wrong
There is no coming back for them from that.

>> No.51209924

Why would tradfi with extra fees, less security and less privacy be worth anything mate

>> No.51209932

maxis don't claim it's never coming, they claim the idea is flawed (which it is)

>> No.51209953

>we didn't really mean it like that
>just a few weirdo maxis maybe said that
kek, the Narrative Shift cope is being deployed

>> No.51209971

I can't speak for everyone who thinks btc is #1 however I have never claimed POS would never arrive. >>51209924 explains the jist very well, however there's far more to discuss in relation to centralization, control etc that current POS methods cannot/have not addressed. I'm all for new better tech however this one just isn't the one that's going to overthrow btc. Not sure why people even compare eth to btc like it's a race or something, the service they provide is incomparable

>> No.51210015

This I agree with.
ETH and BTC are not comparable, even less so after the merge. They are just not competitors as much as people think. ETH will extremely likely pass Bitcoin in marketcap soon, but that doesn't mean Bitcoin has failed, as they are not competitors. Bitcoin does its own thing as Ethereum pumps for its own reasons.

>> No.51210045

I'm not sure where the extremely likely figure comes from though. If you compare the pow tech to the eth pos tech there are little tangible benefits to the network. It will still run the same as if nothing changed, however complete power over the network will shift into the hands of whales. I agree smart contract platforms will continue to grow dramatically over the coming years, however for eth objectively this doesn't seem like a rational decision for the long term health of the network.

>> No.51210078

>muh failing fintech company is actually worth trillions of dollars
absolutely delusional

>> No.51210100

Its simple supply and demand calculations really. Look at what 50% supply reductions have done to Bitcoin. Now think what happens with a 90% supply reduction + a bump to staking incentives causing more people to lock up ETH.
Ethereum passing Bitcoin does not mean negative to Bitcoin, as they are not competitors.

>> No.51210128

supply vs demand
Look up these terms to help you understand about financial markets and valuations.

>> No.51210176

i love that im being taught about supply demand and yield by eth heads like im not a scholar in the fields of finance kek
the supply is not being reduced by 90%, the emissions from running the network are being reduced by 90%. this is a significant figure if we assume the mining took place in the same way, however it doesnt! to receive these emissions no longer takes energy and work. imagine if everybody took a 90% wage cut however you received your wage without having to work. what do you think that would do to the value of the dollar? all of a sudden your wage is valueless as everybody receives it for free, without work. why would i accept 1 eth in payment for something when i can receive one eth next month by doing nothing? id rather have 5 eth as payment instead as 1 eth is worth less to me now, as it is easier to come by. this is not a bullish case for the price of ethereum against the US dollar, this is a bearish case

>> No.51210233

Energy missions are being cut ~99%
Daily supply increase is being cut ~90%
You really should look things up before discussing

>> No.51210321
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>> No.51210334

you may also argue that demand will increase and this will drive the price up, which may be true in the short term, however not the long term. the opportunity cost of using your eth for transactions is far higher now as you could instead stake the coins for overhead-less income. why transact on the network when you can just stake for free money? the fools in this case will be those transacting on ethereum, using the smart contracts etc, while the winners are sitting idle on the network collecting passive income. this will continue and the network overtime will become stagnant, as the incentive to spend eth falls away. hoarding becomes the normal. eventually the only reason to use the ethereum network will be to stake. can you think of where this goes?

>> No.51210340

this is exactly what i have addressed in my post. please read again carefully. i know this is likely your first cycle however attention to the details please

>> No.51210373

to summarize, the only way your eth holdings will retain their value is if you hold above the critical mass of eth to collect a large portion of the emissions. these are the whales, and biggest players only. for the average user with less than single digit % of the eth supply staked, you will be losing out every passing day, every passing transaction, to the whales, who will continue to collect until they dump onto the market. this is not a bullish case for ethereum, and i dont want you to think im just fudding for the hell of it or to pump my btc bags, since theyre completely different assets, i just want you to objectively research and consider the implications of the pos structure on the network

>> No.51210520

I can feel your nervous breakdown starting to gain ground, lmao.
Contradicting yourself, constructing run-on sentences, typing a wall of text to no one XDXD
90% is a triple halvening, supply and demand dynamic change is undeniable math here. There is no FUD or shilling about it.

>> No.51210554

It's not just the supply and demand changing though is it. It's HOW the supply is created that is changing too. This should be the focus of your research. I have not contradicted myself at any point

>> No.51210588

it is time to go back

>> No.51210642

What you just said applies to Bitcoin

>> No.51210679

incorrect... i dont know how you people keep getting this mixed up. btc and eth are incomparable assets like i keep stating. a low level knowledge of both assets is enough to understand this clear as day

>> No.51211074


>> No.51211157

Did vitalik gropped his mom or why does he has such a hate boner for ethereum

Absolute ape

>> No.51211198

>billionaires paying electricity bills and market dumping Bitcoin
>billionaires paying for eth and collecting eth and dumping their rewards only

>> No.51211230
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Low iq

BTC = Commodity
ETH = Layer 1 Descentralized Fintech

methheads are now learning that govs are not their friends after the tornado shit and other events, they went from being pro gov in 2019 to being anti gov now.

They are still more cucked than btc maxis but these are two different coins for different things.

>> No.51211254

Both have good points because the remaining eth era being given for free so the stakers can dump them at 0 cost unlike miners that never dump below mining cost.

However the reduction is not 90% it's even more ,it's 5.5 halvings

There have been pos coins before and they had stable prices in generally and they never had the usage eth had.

So merge can go bad or well i am optimistic, with the world going to shit, neutral stablecoins will become a strategic part of superpowers policies.

USDC is literally bank dollar bypassing capital controls as it is.

>> No.51211294
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I need ETH to moon so I can afford new wigs dresses and fishnet stockings uwu

>> No.51211338

This guy doesn't even understand basic Ethereum staking mechanics, his criticisms are based on some concoction he built on his head by mixing a bunch of PoS coins.

>> No.51211404

You have a point but where you’re wrong is in that it’s free to mine on PoS. It’s not, the price of buying coins and opportunity cost are the cost of mining instead of electricity and hardware.
And why would it matter what % of supply I hold and stake to stay afloat? Once I have acquired my bag it doesn’t cost me anything to keep holding so I’m not getting priced out

>> No.51211540

Can't imagine how braindead retarded you'd have to be to still be falling for the merge meme in 2022

>> No.51212688
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Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

>> No.51212770
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After the ETH merge, Bitcoin with have absolutely no competition in proof of work. Ethereum is providing the killing blow to Ethereum. We only say the merge with never happen to spur the mETHeads on in their blunder. Discourage your enemy when he is making a mistake so that he thinks it's the best move.

>> No.51212994

transaction costs potentially killing the network usage can totally be applied equally to btc
its just we havent seen this yet so your argument is flawed at its base

after all the scams, blowups and security issues, maybe finally people are realising decentralisation isnt an empty word
if not then sell all your eth and btc right now and buy sol and see where we stand in 3 years

>> No.51213176

you're, again, assuming btc and eth are anything alike. the reasons someone buys btc or eth are completely different. the services they provide and the method of delivery are completely different. and no, the transaction costs will never kill btc: this is the beauty of PoW. the fact you are shilling sol gives me a pretty good indication of your understanding of the crypto ecosystem.

>> No.51213387

if you think that post shilled sol rather than dump on it as a vc scam that doesnt work and is run by proof of discord then you need to go shopping for a new brain anon

people buy coins to make a profit or to transact, whatever tech tier rationalisation you are about to come up with only counts for the 1% early adopters as we are past that stage it doenst matter anymore

>> No.51215861
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i dont like all the bullshit surrounding eth atm im just swapping it for shinja and usdt and wait for shit to blow over so we can all go back to the status quo. the merge was a mistake

>> No.51215869
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what kind of low tier indian looking channel is that... yuck

>> No.51215874

BTC maxis are black ask Haydes

>> No.51215883

I swapped all my eth for based busd while i wait for this shit to happen too idc about the tech babble i sense danger

>> No.51215897
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Be careful and be safe anon remember eth isnt dying because of this