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51205054 No.51205054 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I've been busy at the office lately building Chainlink. How are my favorite marines doing? Who's excited for staking?

>> No.51205084

What happens when 75 million link tokens get locked up for staking?

>> No.51205092
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Btw Smart Con is coming very soon...you guys should sign up ASAP to come here all of us at the team speak!

>> No.51205099 [DELETED] 

give my money back you fat fuck !!!

>> No.51205142

Are the rumors true? Is Ari really going to say nigger?

>> No.51205152

was it you that put the tellor ceo in prison? scared of something, or just flexing?

>> No.51205185

Chainlink becomes more secure for the future! :)

>> No.51205189

Yes but he will be wearing a voicebox and mini mic under his mask so no one will know it’s him. I’m an insider and shouldn’t be telling you this but what the heck

>> No.51205212

Is it true that you intentionally withheld staking to drive link holders into bancor so they would lose more money while they were already losing money by holding link?
Is it true that you flooded the market will link knowing that it would make the token extremely easy to short?

>> No.51205526

How much do you weigh? How tall are you?

>> No.51205543

If I invested my life savings in this at $30 and don’t get at LEAST a 1000x by 2030 I will erase every member of ChainLink from the face of this earth

>> No.51205803

what are you most excited about

>> No.51205812

Will I ever get my savings back?

>> No.51205824

why'd you betray us dude

>> No.51205969

only serious question itt
i blame clg and 42

>> No.51206590

75 million is only 7.5% of the total supply, not enough to have a significant impact on price.

>> No.51206638

Still it’s not bad for a single feed and v0.1 of staking.

>> No.51206665

if they hate clg why do they give him a grant and publish his articles

>> No.51206711

obviously they wanted anons to lose their stack on bancor and celsius? if they fund clg they are complicit in his actions. sacrificial lambs to the slaughter. ty for you're sacrifice twitter bros dyor

>> No.51206734

It was sub $10 for YEARS bruh.
FOMO is a hellava drug.

>> No.51206745

ah I see, your theory is that clg and 42 were their agents getting people to deposit in defi for yield. I misinterpreted and thought you were suggesting they were dumping to clean them out

>> No.51206878

You fat fuck u said second half of 2022, we are now in September

>> No.51206978

Technically he could release staking on Dec 31 and still make good on his promise

>> No.51207058

Lost it at the realization investing into Chainlink is not a 5-7 years plan but a 20 years one.
Where were you thinking?
Let me out of the Asylum!

>> No.51207074

Might as well say end of year, instead of second half. He baited people to baghold

>> No.51207159

I imagine being you to be a rather empty, shallow experience. It's as though your souk has been crushed. No joy in you at all. I mean it. You make me feel at once lucky to not be like you and sad that people can become like you. God surely does work in mysterious ways.

>> No.51207197

Yea no one want to be a bagholder and worshipping a scam artist

>> No.51207211

where do you think you are anon?
you dont come to 4chan if everything is okay

>> No.51207304

I'm excited about staking being live soon then CCIP will be next!

>> No.51207317

cheer up, fags

>> No.51207336
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>> No.51207370


>> No.51207390


>> No.51207418 [DELETED] 

The bad guy in this movie is based on Sergei and the plot is an allegory for Segei's business plan.
>fr fr
>not bussing

>> No.51207425
File: 40 KB, 279x402, TIMESAND___Id882921hDe3Gja513B7h9f3afhllp2k07zMtis250fefDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bad guy in this movie is based on Sergei and the plot is an allegory for Segei's business plan.

>fr fr
>not bussing

>> No.51207450


>> No.51207451
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tits or gtfo faggot

>> No.51207986

Lmao bump for based Serg, reaching out to the community

>> No.51208039

TY ser; based and redpilled!

>> No.51208087

He failed to announce a delay would be the correct way to address it.
He chose to preserve his perfect track record of not having delays over telling the truth to his community.
I can see through this.
Everything got delayed by the ETH merge delay and Sergey was hoping he would be able to release the new features before the year ends.

>> No.51208427
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>> No.51208801

blaming a bunch of disorganized grassroots punk trannies is a bit below the belt, sunshine

>> No.51209656
File: 228 KB, 1443x816, Smart Contract Growth Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to reach that CCIP growth for 2022 with less than 3 months remaining followed by a 50% only growth next year.
You can see the fuck up in the slides showing the planned smart contract growth.

>> No.51210225

When moon?

>> No.51210450

Proof or fuck off