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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51199348 No.51199348 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for a lost decade?

>> No.51199375

kill the fucking jew already

>> No.51199398

If it runs to 2028, it will be a lost 2 decades actually. The Global Financial Crisis did a number on civilization.

>> No.51199429
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I'm 33 and just want century-defining events to stop happening for a few years so I can get a fucking house and stop being forced to choose between flushing money down the drain on rent or flushing life down the drain living in my grandpa's spare room.

>> No.51200022


Until the housing market actually crashes 85%-95%. The economy is fine.

>> No.51200036

when does he pivot back to QE?

>> No.51200091

Probably by the end of the year. But that's just on paper, the US is still printing all kinds of money to finance stupid bills and foreign entanglements.

>> No.51200123

i was hoping a "m.onkeypox pandemic" would be the reason for a pivot in September or November, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. m.onkeypox is starting to disappear from the news. SOMETHING will be used as a cover story to make them pivot. now i'm just not sure what that would be

>> No.51200638

Nigger pox is probably gonna make a strong comeback in sept/oct in order to rig the elections with mail in ballots. Either way, the pivot will come fast than most people think. We’re not far off from the bottom here. As far as new ATH, we got a long way to go. I predict 3 years of hawkish and dovish chatter from the Fed

>> No.51200795

Maybe they can use something related to ukraine?

>> No.51200849

They won't pivot you idiotic mumus, they're already floating the idea of keeping rates over 4% for 2023. They're literally telling it to your face.

>> No.51201157

>when does he pivot back to QE?
Very soon. We're not far off from poor countries facing mass starvation events because the strengthening dollar destroyed their economies. It's likely that the Fed will have a "deer in headlights" moment as they realize just how much they've overtightened and the calamity they've created.

>> No.51201190
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak stupid
recession is and always the goal here, boom n bust cycle is intentional and deliberate

>> No.51201230
File: 254 KB, 961x1259, fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Fed said it so it must be true
Just because the Fed said they want something doesn't mean they're going to do it. Bizarre how quickly you fools have started to worship the Fed.

>> No.51201232
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t. graduated in 2010

>> No.51201976

We've been in one since 2007 you insufferable zoomzoom

>> No.51202047

>Don't fight the fed
>except when it's against my book
Seethe endlessly latefag now post your cope lie comeback

>> No.51202094

>laughs in reverse iron condor.

>> No.51202124

No because we saved boomer pensions and Democracy from the fascists.

>> No.51202142

It's just FUD.

>> No.51203639

but it's not going to be merely a recession. it's going to be a depression

>> No.51203682

>How is Jpow, a lawyer by trade, head of the SEC?

>> No.51203704

you don't need to be competent to be installed at the highest levels of power. you need to be controllable

>> No.51203759
File: 1.46 MB, 400x513, 1585077498975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2022 goal
>i wont be the worst fed chairman