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File: 53 KB, 700x394, 978420EE-BA41-4E72-96A8-6B967E87AB96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51199264 No.51199264 [Reply] [Original]

Women 5 years younger than me look old

>> No.51199277

How old are you?

>> No.51199292

All of those miles of dick will take a toll on a person.

>> No.51199298

Happy 30th birthday

>> No.51199307


28 and a half

>> No.51199428

Ah OP, I too remember when I turned 22

>> No.51199443

Leonardo DiCaprio is that you?

>> No.51199467

its the makeup

>> No.51199469

shut the fuck up incel, thats what a REAL woman looks like

>> No.51199474

That's the great thing about high school girls, I keep getting older but they stay the same age

>> No.51199512

Years ago I was dating at the ages of 25-27 a shocking number of the women my own age were outrageously fucking desperate to make the relationship immediately turn into settling down and buying a house. I shudder at the idea of dating a woman my own age now. Then I think back to all of the bitches who took literally nothing seriously before the age of 25 when it came to dating.

Did a generation of women come up with a fairly unique way to fuck themselves over romantically? Absolutely. I just remember that it's not my responsibility to fix it and I don't date women over 25.

>> No.51199829

its not a generational thing, thats just how their biolotical clock works, but by the time they wake up and realize they are too old to breed healthy children, its too late.

t. im friednds with an urologist and tells me horror stories of womens in theirs 30s getting desperate to have children before time runs out

>> No.51199903

I mean the millennials who wanted to live it up and party through their 20's instead of finding a good man. Basically the ones who thought that they had an infinite timeline on which to play the hypergamy game.

>> No.51199935 [DELETED] 

Men age like wine, women age like milk.

Sad, but true.

>> No.51199958

Men age like wine, women like milk.

Much love from Kazakhstan.

>> No.51200001
File: 97 KB, 864x787, women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those women would have dumped you the second they could ensure they would have child support. The women you wouldnt have to fix would dump you once they came across an upgrade. Asking for more would require being able to not get butthurt about it.

>> No.51200006


What did he mean by this?

>> No.51200030
File: 56 KB, 776x645, canklewalrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are born with $10 Million and lose $1 Million every year starting at 18.
28 year old women are equivalent to 60 year old boomer men in Thailand looking for cheap pussy.

>> No.51200033

I'm not butthurt just because I'm making observations.

>> No.51200051

i thought i had an infinite timeline to sort my life out and here i am at 30 at total car crash of a person, feels good to know that at 40 it'll be far far worse, and by 50 I'll be a total weirdo

>> No.51200053

Ugh the fat stance is so disgusting. People who stand like this need to be eradicated from the gene pool.

>> No.51200072

To be frank, what is the difference between those women and you?

>> No.51200074

If you're a woman you're fucked.
If you're a man go buy some cheap land and chop wood.

>> No.51200158

Well, I'm not better than them in any kind of moral way. I just have a strategy where I'm trying to increase my value over time before seeking a mate, and I'm not being unrealistic by thinking that I have a couple more years before I peak and become that rich, creepy old guy at best.

>> No.51200170

They already are being eradicated as we speak

>> No.51200201

I know, isn't it awesome.

>> No.51200214

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.51200215

t. 31

>> No.51200227

Are you comically disfigured?

>> No.51200245

I'm 30 and refuse to date a girl over the age of 21

>> No.51200269
File: 595 KB, 832x900, men hitting the wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they do OP.
>pic related is OP

>> No.51200350

based 28 here people think im 19

>> No.51200359

Not really.