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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51197811 No.51197811 [Reply] [Original]

This kind of ‘vaccination’ of the Internet is basically just you needing constant real time state permission to perform whatever you are doing online these days. Even something as mundane as uploading your last night’s party selfies to Instagram will set a complex chain of events in motion in which your digital ID will be checked to verify that it is actually you who is uploading it, that you have permission to upload it and that you are not uploading something that could potentially harm public order, and after you have uploaded it, it will be written to your very own personal blockchain where it will remain even when you delete it on Instagram’s servers. You will basically need state permission to move, enter businesses, use the internet, communicate, or simply use your devices and everything you do will be stored just in case they need it at some point.

And this is what they want the next long cycle to be about; which is to say “Ok, person XYZ, you have a digital ID and a globally distributed blockchain by a coalition of Great Reset Countries that run a single database of global citizen IDs and you need to use this to authorize against the basic things you are going to do in your life. And here is your score and based on your behavior and on how well you are pleasing the state, we determine if you are still allowed to do these things.”

All of this gets even freakier with CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) when your digital ID is tied to your wallet.

At this point, I would like to pause for a moment and ask you: Is it still really ‘just a vaccine?’ Or ‘just a mask?’ Or ‘just two weeks to flatten the curve?’ And it would be wonderful if you could think about that for a moment.

>> No.51197865
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or, that could not happen, and youre gay

>> No.51197879

it will never work. show me one successful blockchain project. you can't.

>> No.51197892


>> No.51197909

im taking bets. by the end of this thread op's id will say:
1. 79 posts by this id
2. 1 post by this id

>> No.51198257

Two more weeks faggot

>> No.51198396


>> No.51198903

if this happens me and at the very least few other tens of thousands of alpha male chads will have nothing left but minecraft
lol do it fgt jew

>> No.51199653

That's all well and good OP, but tell me something...

Who the fuck is paying for all of that fucking shit?

>> No.51199708

any hot girls in this thread?
I'm single and I have a house

>> No.51199800

How do I profit?

>> No.51199822

>will have nothing left but minecraft
>doesn't realize microsoft already forced minecraft players to register with a microsoft ID

>> No.51199934

>not using the cracked version

>> No.51200336

At that point, I'd be sincerely thinking of just going full Ted K off grid type of shit. This is horrible. If this happens, what is actually the point of living in modern society? Technology is supposed to free us and make our lives easier, more free, exciting.. Now it's all just being used as a subjugation tool. We're getting all of the cons with none of the upsides of technology.

>> No.51200707

We have other, better chans.
Thank you and Goodbye.