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File: 43 KB, 700x394, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51196740 No.51196740 [Reply] [Original]

>watching television or film
>scene where male flirts with female and female isn't immediately disgusted or shows attraction
>close VLC player immediately
>delete torrent and surrounding files and delete it from list of torrents
>close curtains, lie under bed covers and make indistinct moaning and whining sounds for 30-45 minutes while random memories flash through mind
>remember being totally lookspilled in the summer of 2014 after reading about Elliot Rodger
>get out of bed, Google "early 30s never had girlfriend or date Reddit"
>open multiple tabs, skim read the first few, see all the pathetic encouragement posts as stupid, get distracted and watch YouTube for 5-45 minutes (normally sports highlights), search 4chan archives for similar content
>go to supermarket and buy 3000 calories worth of junk food to binge on, before my real life starts tomorrow
>the sugar rush and optimism is Pavloved in to me before I've even taken the food back home
>binge, browse internet, tell myself tomorrow will be better somehow, I'll have an all new outlook on life

Haha, don't w-we all do this! I don't even know why those silly TV shows or movies show such unrealistic things!

>> No.51196796

the funnies thing about modern fats is that they binge on food thats easy to chew. massive disgusting walrus bodys with the jawline of a bird lmao, pathetic

>> No.51196801
File: 164 KB, 728x450, jusslikedatboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious how desperate you pathetic lefty faggots are to get under our skin.
>Roe v Wade
kek get fucked, nigger

>> No.51196818

tweak your bot, it picked the wrong board

>> No.51196831
File: 59 KB, 477x710, 1631653386019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le jew face

>> No.51196835

>watching television


>> No.51196904