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>> No.51195826
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>tfw middle class

>> No.51195833
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>It's still on Reg SHO. Shorts never closed. The SQUEEZE is still the play.

>> No.51195840
File: 3.48 MB, 1842x2606, 1655821105747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Ampere Computing is rumored to have an IPO this year

>> No.51195842
File: 32 KB, 373x146, Retard investors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Investopedia's got an article for all of /smg/. Add it to the links.

>> No.51195856

it's like purgatory where you can have nice things if you want them but if you do you'll never ever make it

>> No.51195857
File: 1.74 MB, 400x314, premiums.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna stay poor

>> No.51195860

Who all in on Natural gas?

>> No.51195863
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>> No.51195871
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Could be worse. You could be in one of the ugly wife tiers.

>> No.51195875

I know! im looking forward to it. Not sure how good they are yet but a new fabless on the block might be tempting. Got $3k waiting for it. Will see how it looks when they release info.

>> No.51195877
File: 300 KB, 720x700, crabbypsych.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bull/bear market in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.51195878

I was retarded and bought a company because of the ticker yesterday
sold it today for 6% gain

>> No.51195893
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>tfw no wife

>> No.51195894
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>> No.51195895
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>> No.51195896

Nooo, you're supposed to short that! Even though OPEC explicitly called out a surplus in those markets less than a week before their meeting.

>> No.51195897
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Was it FAG?

>> No.51195911
File: 60 KB, 720x720, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get two girlfriends like this, /smg/?
Is it even possible?

>> No.51195913

I actually almost married an ugly girl...
Luckily, she broke up with me because I became too depressing to be around
She was nice though

>> No.51195921

I already bought my positions on oil last year and am enjoying them dearly. Well, it. Its only XOM.
Right now I'm only buying bonds and considering CDs, this market sucks yo.

>> No.51195922
File: 43 KB, 500x566, jumbled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain why i shouldn't short CPB before earnings tomorrow

>> No.51195924

I still can't believe that everyone here jumped into oil as it was hitting decade highs instead of buying it when it was at decade lows like two years ago

>> No.51195933

Pass. I'll fuck girls ~10 years younger than me until I am older and then I'll pay girls ~20 years younger than me for sex

>> No.51195937

You mean the Fidelity Capital & Income Fund?

Personally it seems like >>51195878
might've been referring to a specific company. Say, Galway Metals.

>> No.51195950

>buy high sell low
classic /smg/
But to be honest, we told the fags that it was too late to get into oil

>> No.51195951

>CHWY tranny talking about oil
Oil princesses about to get heemed

>> No.51195952

Will I make any money if I buy Northrop and/or Boeing right now and Nasa launches a rocket Friday that doesn’t explode?

>> No.51195957
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me. Well it’s not really gas so much as it is just regular air. I started fucking around with inflation. I’ve been pumping air into my girlfriends ass with one of those Ryobi power inflaters. I swear to god when we’re done she can steadily release the air in a 30-40 second fart. She can blast it out really loud and it lasts like 5 seconds but when she does a controlled release it can be really long. Her natural gas isn’t anything special

>> No.51195971
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I may have fallen back into the middle class. I don't even want to look.

>> No.51195972

Anyone else going in on SNAP puts?

>> No.51195973

why would them launching a rocket have any bearing on the stock price?

>> No.51196001
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1644580371968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw "meme stock" is a standard term in investing now and used multiple times in daily bloomberg broadcasts and wall street

>> No.51196012

If the rocket doesnt blow, things will continue as usual. If it does blow, the stock will crash. Maybe buy it then?

>> No.51196014
File: 130 KB, 1196x2048, osp5bdurlh491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 142 of 98%+ Utilization
of stocks on loan
GME finna squeeze soon

>> No.51196017


>> No.51196022
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at least my small dumb portfolio is entertaining today

>> No.51196028
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>> No.51196039

Note the launch is actually 2pm on Saturday: https://blogs.nasa.gov/artemis/2022/08/30/nasa-targets-sept-3-for-next-artemis-i-moon-mission-launch-attempt/

Assuming they don't scrub on account of NASA/Boeing fuckups/Florida weather.

>> No.51196054

It was WTI, because i wanted to own oil

>> No.51196058

just another sign that the bottom isn't in yet

>> No.51196063

that's it, im heemed

>> No.51196069
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The SEC literally makes commercials mocking retail investor's favored stocks

>> No.51196073

>new investing terms literally come from retards just like us
lmao, haha even

>> No.51196075
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>> No.51196092

They fly now?!

>> No.51196096

she's bogged now. Hit the wall at like 26 unironically lol

>> No.51196102
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>> No.51196122
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 20220831_023622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S&P down 0.1%
>UVXY down 3.4%

>> No.51196128
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Fluid dynamics I guess.

>> No.51196138
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post lunch

>> No.51196146
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Is that Dijon?

>> No.51196148

>If it's Boeing, it ain't going!

>> No.51196149
File: 40 KB, 650x487, romkot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on a hard cut bro, so salad and water

>> No.51196151

VIX has trouble keeping it up

>> No.51196157
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>MFW I have a flight on a 777 next week
Pray for me, my dudes.

>> No.51196158

For some reason the gentlemen crab meme gets me every fucking time. Fucking love this little dude

>> No.51196160
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Did you eat your eggs today, /smg/?

>> No.51196167

no, I forgot, thanks for reminding me!

>> No.51196169
File: 1.25 MB, 400x400, 1661834938346798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spy down 3.3% in the last month
>UVXY down 2% in the last month

Honk honk

>> No.51196174

Yes, hard boiled.

>> No.51196179

Was Boeing even a big part of it? I thought boeing had their own starliner thingy going on and ULA. This is SLS which is Nasas own rocket system for Orion. Is the capsule boeing?
>Mfw i just flew an airbus and it was loud and jerky on take off.
Id rather fly a huebraer or CRJ then that thing again.

>> No.51196180
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>> No.51196181
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>> No.51196182
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It was nowhere near this bad this morning when SP was up, anything in specific in the weighting causing this?

>> No.51196186
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>> No.51196187
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>> No.51196192


>> No.51196194

this is literally the soft landing jerome keeps talking about. the fed literally tells you exactly what's happening

>> No.51196197
File: 109 KB, 1244x863, 1661724931116648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we fall below 300 it's unironically over in the immediate short term

>> No.51196198

who are you quoting?

>> No.51196202

I sold puts incoming black swan

>> No.51196205

>Don't objectify me, scum!

>> No.51196206

What's a trade right now that's akin to buying oil stocks late 2020?

>> No.51196216
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>My eyes are up here!

>> No.51196218

this is what happens to Jewish women, many such cases. SAD

>> No.51196219
File: 53 KB, 500x500, clownmarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's a good thing, here's why!

>> No.51196229

Nothing we're headed to a crash

>> No.51196233

Jobbed hard on my LSAT laddies...

>> No.51196242

so you will always be a public defendant.

>> No.51196243

what did you get?

>> No.51196245
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>> No.51196246
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Any good dairy stocks or ETFs?

>> No.51196247

There was never a more transparent trade in the history of mankind than oil and oil adjacent stocks in 2020

>> No.51196248


>> No.51196252

>SPY down 17% ytd and still trending down
>inflation still over (((8.5%))), probably closer to 20% in reality

Yeah man. Trust the science

>> No.51196255
File: 2.39 MB, 464x848, 1661818097181061.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta say this stock thing aint that shabby, made a 5k profit on UUUU as a eastern yuropoor, guess its time to get too cocky and yolo it all in something because I'm so fucking smart

>> No.51196260
File: 16 KB, 299x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else having issues logging into merrill lynch?

>> No.51196262

I can't tell for sure, but I'm getting some strong man vibes from this pic..................

>> No.51196263
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>> No.51196267

Boeing makes the core stage

>> No.51196275

shorting or placing puts on CAT

>> No.51196284

What a drop on soxl it was $20 last week. Thinking about entering later today

>> No.51196287

AI will generate 3d meshes soon then use another layer to make the 2d image look real and have temporal stability for video

VR glasses will be HD, small, and high hertz. Then a simple suit and robotic arm can stimulate all touch sensors

The fake vagina will have better and AI optimized vibrations and muscles with texture that reacts to the user with incredible genius

Your AI VR sex will become the newest easy access distraction

Just like before we honored the best hunters and now we have to resist eating too much. Soon better than real sex will cost 1 dollar an hour and sexual currency will devalue to 0

The entire sexual market will be destroyed soon.

>> No.51196291
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kek the chinese really are bugmen

>> No.51196296
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, SLS contractor list.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was Boeing even a big part of it? I thought boeing had their own starliner thingy going on and ULA. This is SLS which is Nasas own rocket system for Orion. Is the capsule boeing?
Boeing's handling the core stage (big orange thing) and the EUS (little orange thing below the Orion capsule for later versions of SLS). Other than that...

>> No.51196298


First one's free

>> No.51196302
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>> No.51196312

Cultural revolution
16 year old son reported his mom for saying anti mao things who was bagged beaten and murdered

>> No.51196313
File: 570 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot 2022-08-24 201326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idgaf about coomer shit I just want better MSFS VR

>> No.51196321

Oh they do? Didnt know. Im not really convinced boeing is bad. They out soured to pajeets but at the same time the only time the 777 max had an issue was with non American nations. Id say western airline training is good enough that any manufacturer is safe. They did cut standards by not retraining people on it.
Sheesh thats a lot of contractors. Are they all like 1 or 2 unique niche parts that no one else can make to space standards?

>> No.51196330

do they make a msfs plane simulator but for boats?

>> No.51196332
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>> No.51196335

First you make your 20% gain in order to tank your 60% loss

>> No.51196345

No it's not coomer shit. It's the devaluation of coomer shit. Free endless better than real sex will destroy all coomer shit. We will be freed of the sexual economics system

>> No.51196348

I'm cashgang till the bottom's in
not holding my breath

>> No.51196350
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>> No.51196349

What's the thesis?

>> No.51196351

The past 4 quarters PSTG has jumped +10% after their earnings call. Down today, earnings after close. Worth it?

>> No.51196352

>richfags go for looks
>super richfags go for connections

>> No.51196356

>Are they all like 1 or 2 unique niche parts that no one else can make to space standards?
That would make sense. However the reality is that a Congressman or Senator will vote to cut such a program if it doesn't supply jobs (pork) to their district.

SLS has a very shitty design because NASA was required *by law* to reuse as many parts (and therefore contractors) from the Space Shuttle as possible.

>> No.51196359
File: 351 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot 2022-01-16 011925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's probably shipping simulator autism, but there's planeboats if that counts.

VR won't replace the stank anon.

>> No.51196366
File: 10 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this.... is this the true power of r9k cope???

>> No.51196372

Not VR goggles alone, but the proper system will. Hard to see now but it's happening

>> No.51196388

Except most of the billionaires are divorced. And got divorced recently for most of them. Brin, Bezos, Musk, Gates. All within past few years. Plus none of them had wives of any significance. If anything the man made up little foundations and garbage for her to pretend to be important.
>NASA was required *by law* to reuse as many parts (
Ahhh yes, that makes sense. Air and Space contract pork. As long as it works I guess I dont mind. I have some aviation training so anything that brings fancy gizmos to air and space industry will eventually make its way to general aviation toys.

>> No.51196397

>you can cum on a single mom from the bar for $15 worth of drinks or pay $5000 for a bunch of tech shit that is gonna get moldy after you cum inside it a few times

Doesn't seem like a good investment and after the debt market collapses you will be able to get prime puss for a can of beans

>> No.51196406


I wanna get in too but I'm not sure you can trust that this will improve anytime soon...

>> No.51196409

the SLS is a fucking meme because of niggers and women. that being said it'll be great to see what kind of damage these cosmic rays do to the dummies on board, and the whole thing gets scrapped because we can't let our finest niggers and women be exposed to the radiation.

>> No.51196414

What do you think the thesis is? You asked for a self evident trade.

>> No.51196415

There's Fishing: North Atlantic if you want to try commercial fishing boats. Not sure about cargo, sail, or speedboat games.

>> No.51196423

Do you guys respect women with onlyfans? I know I do.

>> No.51196429
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, 1661616098540936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So nobody knows why russia is up more than 6%?
i'd google it but i dont wanna get on the list

>> No.51196433

>the amount of contractors
There's no fucking way that something will not fail. Did the Saturn have this many? Did even the fucking shuttle?

>> No.51196441

What dates are you looking at options wise?

>> No.51196455

>the SLS is a fucking meme because of niggers and women.

>> No.51196456

Any input on why it's crashing like it has been?

>> No.51196459
File: 47 KB, 861x574, bamsthebull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're extorting europe?

>> No.51196460

I respect women so much it's unreal.

>> No.51196462
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>> No.51196481

yes but not as much as i respect my tenga egg

>> No.51196483
File: 60 KB, 300x400, GOODASSES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I get a cut of their revenue.

t. /p/

>> No.51196482
File: 540 KB, 1481x1243, Apu the comfy poolside reader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Friends! Here is your late morning/Midday Market news for today, August 31:
>Starbucks designing new stores and procedures “from scratch”
>Bed Bath & Beyond to close 150 stores, sell shares to raise cash, and layoff workers
>JP Morgan raided by German prosecutors in tax fraud probe
>Covid-19 Booster shots targeting Omicron authorized
>DOJ adds obstruction charges to Trump
>Coal Power is here to stay for the foreseeable future as Solar Project delays, high gas prices, and hot weather take their toll
>Inflation tops 9% in EuroZone; European Bond market had worst month ever
>Russia halts Nord Stream Gas Pipeline for 3 days
>EU to restrict Visas for Russian Citizens
>German Manufacturers halt production to cope with rising energy prices
>Alibaba and Yum China are the first in line for audit checks by US regulators
>Japan to boost defense spending
>Italy in talks to sell ITA Airways to Delta, Air France, and a US Fund
Lots of stuff happening today! I had to leave some other things out. Have a good day, everyone

>> No.51196499

Crabchads, WW@?
The HOGS kneel before the sun juice.

>> No.51196500

Oh multiple things have. Valves, ground service equipment, there are cracked flanges on the interstage... They scrubbed Monday morning mainly because of a problem that should've been caught during a wet dress rehearsal (where they fuel but don't launch the rocket).

It wasn't caught during WDR because they ran into so many other problems they got 90% through and called it good enough.

>> No.51196504

Oil prices fall more than 2% on recession fears

>> No.51196519

october and decemberish. thats not as self evident timing wise, but im going for gigga gains with spare change. you may have missed the boat tho since put holdrs racked up the price big time and no one is willing to pay it. like for 130 strike bid is .13 ask is like .7. if it can drop even like 10 bucks though you can easily double up.

>> No.51196523

only IPO i'm looking forward to is Steinway & Sons (STWY)

their pianos are heavenly

>> No.51196534

>Starbucks designing new stores and procedures “from scratch”
First SBUX goes cashless and now this? Part of the wagie revolt or are they traumatized by the fuckup where they let hobos shoot up in their bathrooms?

>> No.51196535

When is CME buying ICE so that the people can cheaply trade scurvy juice

>> No.51196541


>> No.51196544

Youre a fool then, Boeing has been gutted by its executive team for their own profit and has very serious management problems. They won't be producing any innovation for a long time to come.

>> No.51196548

>Chinks getting audited
Feeling better about my YANG calls that got heemed today

>> No.51196571
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based Uncle Terry

>> No.51196573
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>> No.51196584
File: 69 KB, 500x500, artworks-ckcwBt55nFk7ytj5-AzJg5A-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that thing blows up progressives will have a field day and cancel the whole thing. Already seen a bunch of articles bitchin about the price when theres babys starvin and brendas throwin babys in the garbage.

>> No.51196585
File: 1.75 MB, 1425x1425, 1660530805232653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting ready for sour hour

>> No.51196589

Kek based

>> No.51196597

Will be good for China long term

>> No.51196600

I hope the explosions will be at least as big as the early test rockets of the space race.

>> No.51196605

Kek. saved

>> No.51196606
File: 47 KB, 500x358, https___hypebeast.com_image_2008_09_terry-richardson-obama-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone this man didn't fuck?

>> No.51196610

FLWS for earnings y/n? Seems to go hand in hand with the death play.

>> No.51196617
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Achtung! In einer Reihe aufstellen. Jetzt geht's los.

>> No.51196628

>drops 60%, eventually it bounces
It's not rocket science

>> No.51196629

kek baggie

>> No.51196635
File: 346 KB, 1414x880, Screenshot 2022-08-31 121756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit should be illegal

>> No.51196639

I didn't put all my eggs into law school so I'll make it.

>> No.51196641

>What do you think the thesis is
Cyclical downturn

>> No.51196646
File: 869 KB, 599x768, cbg27uavpuk91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else in PRTY or did I get tricked by pajeet bots?

>> No.51196655
File: 1.08 MB, 1030x687, 1652667337300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i didnt expect it to bounce for no reason,besides the sanctions dont seem to be doing Much at all

>> No.51196663

buy ape for a risk-free +75%

>> No.51196664

thread full of nazis today

>> No.51196668

>that number of lines
Those are rookie numbers.
>that feel when no Breakfast Club commodities ETF
OMAD retards get the ROPE

>> No.51196672

Who would win in a fight: a bloated, dying chain or one aisle at Target?

>> No.51196677

Guten tag!

>> No.51196678

Probably. But that's why they've had to megapander and talk about Artemis III landing the first woman and colored negro on the Moon.

Oh there'll be loud explosions alright. If not Saturday then during the next launch window.

>> No.51196681

What is the deal with "APE".
i was selling ccs on amc and now half the share value has been transferred to this absolutely worthless ape garbage that has no option chain.

>> No.51196684


it hasn't even filled the gap to $3 and normies aren't posting about it yet

>> No.51196696
File: 118 KB, 841x692, BRKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>that feel when no Breakfast Club commodities ETF
What do you mean? BRKY is still trading.

>> No.51196716


>> No.51196737

They needed to issue shares but AMC holders are non-voting retards (i.e. retail), so that would never be authorized.

Solution? Pay a 1:1 "dividend" of special shares that have the exact same properties as regular AMC and give them a meme name.

>> No.51196743
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1635166782016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired bros....

>> No.51196747

forced downturn. high interest rates discouraging long term investments PPE, expensive dollar making superior competitors cheap.

>> No.51196749

Used to prank call these people constantly about 10 years ago. No idea they were still around, just bought puts

>> No.51196754
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>> No.51196755

Within two miles of each other grocery stores from the same franchise

- black area, caged, turnstyles, blocked off exits with carts, cracked raw cement floors, horrible meat section for same prices

- kosher specialty inclusion in slightly more upscale area - nice flooring, 2x the room and space in aisles, high quality produce and meats for same price, meats on sales are better cuts and marbling, no caged items, open floor plan even at night, kosher area has reduced price items all the time, gourmet cheeses in bins for 50% off, sale beef cuts have large fillet portions


Just like environmentalists all have yachts and private planes

>> No.51196776

That's not too bad bro

>> No.51196780

Not my problem

>> No.51196787
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I think you got tricked

>> No.51196790
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>> No.51196798

You know I'm as opposed to forcing bugs on people as the next guy. But if the first store does that... lol.

>> No.51196805 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 453x130, 1631932610705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I respond to this? i just want to trade options on ibkr. I sent my statement and theres 6 figs in there why are they still asking me for this shit?

>> No.51196810
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Cool song

>> No.51196823

makes sense now.
i wish everyone holding amc a prolonged and painful ending.

>> No.51196828
File: 11 KB, 453x130, 1637070942992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do these stocknigger brokers so strict? I made all my money off poopcumfart cryptocoins how am I supposed to prove that shit?

>> No.51196829

>how do I respond to this?
By moving to fidelity where you can do whatever you want.

>> No.51196839

Do you have a job, 1099 or are you a student?

>> No.51196838

Both. SBUX believes it's not difficult to sell $5 coffee milkshakes (it isn't) and that unionizing zoomers and druggies can be removed with process improvements. Likewise, stupid boomers that have to root around in their wallet for stupid metal coins, also gone. Good management tee bee aytch.

>> No.51196841

>bring your own bags, cis scum
>put own bag in bagging area
>self check system freaks out, plays back a clip of me putting my bag in the bagging area
>wagie alerted
fuck all this shit. they don't even stop the homeless from walking out the door with arms full of stuff

>> No.51196840

You're still poor. No poors allowed.

>> No.51196853

>why do these
why are these*

>> No.51196856

Dude's probably dealing drugs or something. That's why he's got 6 figures but no papers to prove it

>> No.51196858

just lie to them.

enjoy blowing up your account in the future desu

>> No.51196861

Ok so you’re supposedly a 1099, let me guess you don’t file taxes either do you?

>> No.51196863
File: 258 KB, 413x643, ARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not going to shit here and lie boys, this is a pretty FUCKING SHIT marketo

>> No.51196864

>Charge 10 cents for bag
>Use 3 bags
>Say I used 0 bags

>> No.51196867

Email them back telling them to go fuck themselves, explain that they're not important, and then find a different broker who isn't so nosy.

>> No.51196891

Thank you for protecting this anon from himself M(r)s. Elizabeth Warren!

>> No.51196911
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>> No.51196913

you fucked up, the feds are no doubt observing you now

>> No.51196914

There was a black apartment building in NYC near a school district full of NYC media elites, think Samantha bee, jon Stewart types and including them at the time

While doing weekly left wing commedy shows about racism they would attend town halls to stop the redistricting to keep blacks out of their school

>> No.51196915

just put on your hobo clothes and walk out with whatever you need anon. If they try to stop you, screech about your gender

>> No.51196919

It's unbelievable, the people who decide shit is their business; I literally can't comprehend how everyone is such a fucking shithead asshole. I really can't. Email them back asking for proof that their faggot company won't go bankrupt and lose all your money.

>> No.51196927
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>> No.51196929

By the way, apparently if you use a Chinese broker, FAGGOT FUCKING SHITHEADS can't all hang out together and gossip about your account there. HTH.

>> No.51196938

The stock is down 72% on the year and has painfully low earnings expectations. I would imagine buying calls here isn't a terrible idea.

>> No.51196947

All but one of my stocks are green today. Wtf are you all buying to be moaning about losses?

>> No.51196948

Redeem, do not.

>> No.51196968

I shouldn't call them faggot fucking shitheads. Shithead faggot assholes actually flows a lot better.

>> No.51196972


>> No.51196971
File: 545 KB, 868x672, sark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well aren't you mister fancy pants

>> No.51196982
File: 532 KB, 900x2025, 1650627796329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only invest in ARKK and ARKK holdings
i was told that is the best strategy for investments

>> No.51196983

i rather work a job than watch this shit, not trades, just buy and hold puts

>> No.51196987

Yeah people don’t realize who say “fuck credit”, “I love getting paid under the table”, “fuck filing for taxes”... I lived that way and when I inherited my dad’s business I was fucked, even though I had hundreds of thousands in cash, no financial companies would deal with me and it was a rough 3 years getting 2 years tax returns and working off absolutely zero credit and having to pay cash on everything... the only “credit card” I could get was a 10k secured credit card from Wells Fargo and they told me they would give me my 10k deposit back in 2 years and those fuckers wait damn near 5 years to give me my fucking money back and issue a unsecured card, up until then the only other “reputable” company that gave me a card was fucking capital one and it was for only $1k

>> No.51196993


>> No.51196995
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>> No.51196996
File: 1.87 MB, 700x700, blackbetty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call them, tax form?

>> No.51197010

Bot 160 shares. I'll sell tomorrow wherever it goes

>> No.51197021

Literally the safest aircraft of all time.

>> No.51197027

fugg... imagine 'innovating' with her

>> No.51197036
File: 429 KB, 816x612, 1630676385908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did I actually fuck up or are you guys just scaring me? I dont have to pay taxes on crypto where I live but I'm second guessing the bank statement I sent in. Should have sent from a different bank, not that it would make a difference now.

>> No.51197039

depending on the casino game 7s could be incredibly unlucky

>> No.51197051
File: 29 KB, 597x593, 1646284078981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the market is slowing going to melt away until the cpi report comes out ?

>> No.51197052


1980's Cathie was a legit 9/10

>> No.51197053

also the broker in question is IBKR. Did anyone else go through the same experience?

>> No.51197056

basically ibkr thinks you are a criminal now

>> No.51197058

What game would 7s be unlucky? 3 7s is 21. 3 7s is a set

>> No.51197062

Just think, if the /smg/ tech startup takes off with some innovative idea and goes public, we can end up in her fund and get to meet her over fancy dinners where she can tell us about Jesus or whatever

>> No.51197070

is there a video or something?

>> No.51197075

Who's coming in to buy though? It's not down 72% on the year because people like the stock

>> No.51197080
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OFFICIAL thread song.


>> No.51197083

what exactly is it that gives ppl on this board any faith at all in cathie. ive never see anyone posting about ackman, ike, marks, buffet, munger. just cathie and sometimes dalio. y?

>> No.51197086

When you see how it works, Repo operations are basically synthetic government securities.

>> No.51197095
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>> No.51197096

depends, what country you in?

>> No.51197109

Do you live in America? If so prepare your anus for not filing on your crypto next year... the proof they’re asking you for is your pay stubs if you’re employed (you’re not) the. They want to see your tax returns if you’re self employed 1099 (you are) they don’t give a damn about your bank statement they want to see regular deposits and where your income comes from and see how liquid (savings) you have

>> No.51197111
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>> No.51197116

Don't worry anon you just provided some of our proud new 870000000000 new IRS agents with job security!

>> No.51197124
File: 47 KB, 209x190, doot_doot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to think or swim

>> No.51197141
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>> No.51197146

still don't understand that name
are they implying thinking is bad?

>> No.51197150

If you noticed by our love of leveraged ETFs smgs favorites plays are the ones that rocket up and then explode into flaming piles of garbage.

>> No.51197152

So when is the crash happening? Friday? So far this has been a nice easy slope

>> No.51197153

they think you are a meth dealer

>> No.51197155
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>> No.51197157

automatic fail in craps
it's one of the most common numbers for two dice to hit so whatever game that wants to push your shit in will make it a bad roll

>> No.51197161

I'm from somewhere in South East Asia. I don't have proof of income, all my gains came from trading shitcoins and monthly. Do I just not reply to the email and try my luck with other brokers like TD Ameritrade? Will I end up suffering the same fate there as well? Might sign up with my dads info in that case

>> No.51197166

It's implies that if you don't start using your brain, you'll be in deep shit

>> No.51197181
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3 weeks

>> No.51197185

well then it should be think or sink

>> No.51197193

you didn't hear that ARKK and ARKK holdings are the best?

>> No.51197197

There will always be buyers. Flowers are recession proof.

>> No.51197199

Gotta swim before you sink, broski

>> No.51197205


>> No.51197213
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>> No.51197215

>nice easy slope
>spy down over 7% in less than 2 weeks
>qqq down 10% in same time
Lol yeah, easy. Ha...

>> No.51197223

rolling for my second wife.

>> No.51197232

you are self employed with income. I can't see how your government is happy with you not paying any tax.

>> No.51197233

Well if you have a long, established history (rather than just getting lucky the past couple months) then you should be able to send them a trade history (income), bank statements (liquid net worth), and say that you're a skilled trader.

If your country doesn't tax crypto (really?), then you can mention that if they ask why you don't have any tax forms.

>> No.51197239

but I want to make money

>> No.51197242

Just give me 20 minutes with young cathy woods and steve merchants wife.

>> No.51197247


>> No.51197248
File: 26 KB, 344x535, AMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you today? make any duckets today??

>> No.51197250

Bbby still on regsho.
No bankruptcy just like gme.
#1 on squeeze lists.
And you are parroting Cramer/msm talking points.

Do you just not like money?

>> No.51197253

Are you a US citizen? I don’t know about foreigner who aren’t citizens sign up for US brokerages without a social security number. Definitely don’t use your dad’s name idiot, US brokerages automatically send your info to the IRS every year.

>> No.51197255

>Flowers are recession proof.
Nonsense, you can grow them in your backyard.

>> No.51197257

Burry, Hwang, Sang-Woo
see you on the moon

>> No.51197259

Im all cash, to begin buying back in now or later, that is the question…

>> No.51197264

Cathie Wood and Bill Ackman, since anything they agree on is probably a good bet, and then Nancy Pelosi to tell me if it's really a good bet or not.

>> No.51197268

I'll go with Cathie woods for stock picking
Michael Burry for Execution and general direction (long or short) and Bill Hwang as an Expert for getting an illegal amount of leverage.

>> No.51197272
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I eat three to four eggs every day.

>> No.51197274

By choosing Hwang you can actually lever up to have $18.

>> No.51197273

that's a double bottom at 396, r-right ?

>> No.51197276

0$. I'd gib it all to howard marks if i had enough for him to give a shit i existed. every time I watch him or read one of his letters i come away smarter. or feeling smarter at least.

i've never seen or read anything from cathie thats made me sit and think or change my mind on something. im sure shes fine at her job, shes just an utterly unremarkable suit to me.

>> No.51197278

>ZIM p/e is at .7
They spent a billion buying 10 freighters that use lng fuel. Do the isrealis still trade with russia?

>> No.51197279

I'm waiting, Personally.

>> No.51197287
File: 562 KB, 2048x1536, f6a8ced2442d43d69799e60c7a9dff06_xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone knows how to garden anymore

>> No.51197291
File: 102 KB, 1920x1080, ae0e8bec13c8cf96ba0688af3bda11f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three to four

>> No.51197295

i thought i watched a lot of anime, but i have literally no idea who any of these are

>> No.51197300
File: 162 KB, 1200x799, marginman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lil nigga gets it

>> No.51197310

I do. My wife and I have a community garden plot (away from niggers), and it's wonderful.
This is our 5th straight year with garden fresh veggies.

>> No.51197312

next couple weeks im going to be buying the dead cat bounce

>> No.51197321

continuing with my theme, arkk looks utterly unremarkable as well. rose and fell with trends, as anyone can. just an overpriced innertube.

>> No.51197323

>TWO SCOOPS?!?@! you pussy

>> No.51197326

why is p/e so low?

>> No.51197347

freight companies probably average really low
always compare within sectors

>> No.51197348

Well urban scum don't know how and can't anyway and they are the ones that use that service.

>> No.51197351

There is always one meme fund that accentuates the bubble and the times

>> No.51197353
File: 177 KB, 1024x1012, 1648986674041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Hwang, Cathie Wood, Sam Bankman-Fried

The amount of scamming we can accomplish with this team will make us insanely rich.

wood & hwang already have a proven track record. You add in wunderkid bankman-fried and you can come out with scam after scam of tech garbage and be living off in thailand before the SEC has any clue

>> No.51197377

Its tough because SPY below 400 already seems like a nice opportunity to begin, but I think I’ll wait too
Good luck, may your cat be alive after all

>> No.51197405
File: 27 KB, 338x442, l2-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider getting cholesterol bloodwork check, mostly ldl

spy may have little to go. nasdaq and dow prolly looking pretty good already

>> No.51197413

aeva 3 dollars lmao

>> No.51197418
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, 1633400261378.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
simpler times

it's gone down more than others and therefore will gain even more in the future according to their "models"

>> No.51197434

>letting anyone steal your blood

>> No.51197445
File: 78 KB, 648x224, Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 12.01.28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the most bullish move a tech company can make is fire everyone and cease operations?

>> No.51197446

>dietary cholesterol being an issue
Mom called, she wants her science back.

>> No.51197458

At a certain point yeah, firing people is bullish.

>> No.51197461

gone down more than the market or more than the sector, tech got hammered and looks like they got the same amount of hammering just levered.

my concern isnt that levered funds gain more, that isnt surprising, its just that none of the picks are at all remarkable. anyone can lever a basket of tech.

>> No.51197471



>> No.51197477
File: 17 KB, 541x374, 1652038649350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dietary cholesterol affecting blood cholesterol has been debunked, sweaty

>> No.51197502

she's not levered though, at least not in the standard sense

>> No.51197511

Disregard this one.

>> No.51197527

Oh I get it we slid so slightly fewer people would notice that massive dicks of faggot volume are moving in to punish anyone who thought they could ride the obvious trend to yesterday's low that would have happened if we didn't live in a rigged faggot society that's copying china now.

>> No.51197528
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>> No.51197543
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Oh shit nigger prepare your anus.

>> No.51197553

you dumb fucking retard you're going to get the thread pruned

>> No.51197614

This seems like a lot of investment into mediocre workarounds. Featureless sexbots coupled with VR/AR would be way more convincing.

>> No.51198091

wait for the thread to hit 310, you fucking faggot newfags

>> No.51198614

are those all beef dogs? if so not a bad lunch

>> No.51198841 [DELETED] 

Syscon just hit Lunar Crush's number one of recent with more people curious about what is being built than ever before. The company has proven resilience in ALL market conditions over the years. It’s here to stay.

>> No.51199496

>They out soured to pajeets but at the same time the only time the 777 max had an issue was with non American nations. Id say western airline training is good enough that any manufacturer is safe. They did cut standards by not retraining people on it.

Did you read any articles on the reasons for the crash? The pilots didn't have any knowledge of the MCAS system. You need to know specific steps in order to disable that system. Boeing sold knowledge of the MCAS system as an extra safety feature. Unless the airline companies buys the extra features, they won't know anything about the MCAS system.

>> No.51200311

>Chad shoplifter versus the virgin customer

They only go after those that make slight mistakes, rarely those that completely violate rules.

>> No.51202690

You couldn't be more wrong, negative net worth individuals have the most value to state sanctioned capitalism.