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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51186951 No.51186951 [Reply] [Original]

>guy works hard all day
>Back breaking labor
>Has to deal backstabbing coworkers
>Slave to 9-5
>woman takes off her shoes and takes a picture which takes her maximum ten minutes
>woman makes more than the man in a month

You can see why men want to abolish work & neet.

>> No.51187015

any work that lets you sell to people worldwide is always better than work that you must be physically present for
if your job relies on you being attractive and you are (white) you also aren't competing against the hoards of browns the same way low skilled programmers or data analysts

>> No.51187020

I like pretty feet but those are disgusting

>> No.51187028

TWIST: the guy works hard all day so he can buy all the feetpics he can

>> No.51187059

men are voluntarily choosing to hand over the money they worked hard for to the woman that takes off her shoes and takes a picture which takes her maximum ten minutes. cope and seethe incel

>> No.51187188

Those are the most disgusting feet I've ever seen

>> No.51187190

That’s a man

>> No.51187203

Low test

>> No.51187225

you could just sell meth an pimp your meth hoes then you'd profit off their feet pics

>> No.51187252

Men are worthless

Women have inherent value

>> No.51187361

you still need a white man and a white women to create a white child, but yes.

>> No.51187404

>woman works hard all day
>Back breaking labor
>Has to deal backstabbing coworkers
>Slave to 9-5
>Incel takes off his pants and buys a coin with a dog on it taking maximum ten minutes
>Incel makes more than the woman in a month
>You can see why men want to abolish work & neet.

>> No.51187426

what's her name? i wanna see more of her feet (for free).

>> No.51187431

would be a nice foot were it not for the moldy fucking callous on her heel

>> No.51187543

Least gynocentric wignat.

>> No.51187597

asymmetrical equality nigger

>> No.51187615

Ten minutes? She must be retarded if she took that long.

>> No.51187628

Name me 3 important inventions women have created

>> No.51187637

It takes her over an hour, anon.

>> No.51187643

The toe spacing is gross af and nasty ass soles. Yuck. Arch is too high too

>> No.51187648

feet pics, gumbo, blowjobs

>> No.51187702

zoom in on the bottom you fucking coomer