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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51183042 No.51183042 [Reply] [Original]

Textbooks costed me $500 this semester which is about 2 weeks of working for me. I have to purchase a membership so that I can access my online homework so my old trick of pirating the textbooks no longer work. I call the financial aid office.
>We cannot offer any financial aid if you haven’t taken out a student loan
Fuck this shit.

>> No.51183076

I hope you're at least in a STEM thing
Otherwise college is a meme year after year

>> No.51183103

I’m majoring in computer science and minor in business administration. Only reason I’m minoring is because of the soon to be competition out of college. Feels like everyone wants to do computer science now.

>> No.51183121

Usually you can buy only the homework access.
Anyways it's a massively semitic scam, welcome to it. It doesn't get better.
Change that minor to statistics, accounting, hell even economics right fucking now

>> No.51183152

My uni has a policy of selling books at the same price as the printing cost, so books end up costing around 5$ each
>What country
>What field
Software engineering
>Hur dur, then there's no incentive for Professors to write books
correct, which is why almost all of the professors end up pirating books and giving us the copies for free, the exceptions are math subjects (all others subjects are programming).

>> No.51183173

>what is a PDF

>> No.51183351

I will switch to accounting next semester they are very similar paths anyways
Please read the post again. Pirating isn’t a option.

>> No.51183378

>financial aid
>is not actually aid, but slavery to jews

>> No.51183402

financial aids

>> No.51183414

Exactly, why the absolute fuck do I need to put myself in a worse financial position before I can receive any aid? Fucking scum of the earth these colleges and publishers suck so much money out of people.

>> No.51183496

Would a finance minor be alright as well? That perfectly lies within the classes I’ve already taken so no money would be wasted.

>> No.51183499

It's funny because sometimes the 'aid' is making you a campus wagie.
>get me my bacon, cheddar, chicken and mayonnaise grilled sandwich you mess hall slave and my pepsi on the side
I guess the idea is that in graduate school you can get tuition waived for entire courses if you work for the school and can roll over credits from your master's to your phd, but amusingly they just milk undergrad for all they're worth with no help.

>> No.51183557

Everyone does but most people won’t make it to graduation, literally not even a 10th of your freshmen cohort will. Also most of them that do finish in CS will burn out in the first couple years or fail to launch and not even land a good job or any job at all. CS is still a gold mine if you’re competent and know your shit. Don’t worry about the CS doomers or college doomers. A degree is still mostly necessary, everyone who claims to have got into CS without a degree did it in the 90s/00s or they’re genuinely a 10x engineer, most are larping. The degree thing is kind of a scam but your resume will be instantly in the garbage at most places without one, especially for your first job.

>> No.51183625

I did a STEM degree in Bio (physiology & neurosci). Still wound up broke and jobless.

>> No.51183720

I got a construction management degree and made 65k starting out in 2008. When I quit to start my business I was 120k a year in 2014. The reason I'm telling you this is because I minored in business administration and it was the best thing I ever did in college. Take it seriously and you will be rewarded.

>> No.51183776

where'd this image come from?

t. jester in the court of the crimson king

>> No.51183784

Well now I’m torn between choosing between BA and Finance. I originally chose BA because I like talking about the market but it seems like finance is the way to go. I feel like either one will give me very similar prospects as the major in computer science is what employers are only gonna care about anyways.

>> No.51183801

Finance is applied economics.
At the very minimum you will wipe that bus admin stain off your life as fast as possible. I say this as a guy with a badm degree, and economics degree. Badm was entirely useless and economics was barely mid. The only thing that saved me was I knew my shit, had basic programming skills and I minored in stats. CS is essentially required in finance at this point. If I could go back I would trade badm for accounting, easy no look move.
Why I wouldn't pick finance is because it's better to be a specialist than a generalist. But you don't want to be so specialized that you have narrow applications. It's a balance.

>> No.51183804

try libgen, retard!

>> No.51183811

The hebrew is at fault for this

>> No.51183866

Is a minor in any business degree a make it or break it at companies, I feel like most employers will skim over the minor anyways. I enjoy general finance a lot more than accounting but my end goal has always been computer science
I can’t help the fact you didn’t read/understand the post.

>> No.51183899

this anon is right
i dont think it makes a difference, unless you plan to get a govt job and get paid to do literally no work. in all other cases it literally pays to have real skills. your starting salary might be lower (some companies will give a higher starting salary based on your education) but at the end of the day, you will be compensated for the actual work and value you can bring to the company

>> No.51183937
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Thanks for the info anon. I’ll probably keep my major because I am autistic enough to enjoy finance, but I won’t really put too much thought or stress into it.

>> No.51183951

Meant to say I’m keeping my minor** but I will change it to finance > BA