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51178256 No.51178256 [Reply] [Original]

money is all that matters when you concern mating, sexual relationships

a 7/10 rich guy can steal a poor chads gf ezly
hypergamy is real and doesn't care
women prefer to travel the world and show off their jewlery on social media than working 9-5 and being priced out of everything
it might sound superficial but if you to have good chances of having a lifelong partner becoming rich may be your only way out

>> No.51178308

le incel cope

>> No.51178317

my gf liked just laying around at the house with me and going out for coffee dates, no jewelry, no social media, no nothing. cope incel.

>> No.51178332

yeah no, fuck all that gay shit. I just wanna be rich so i can travel the world and bang cheap whores.

>> No.51178335

ive been a millionaire since 2021 and i still have no idea how to attract golddiggers. still in my 20s ,tall, nice big dick, havent seen a vagina since 2014. Please send help

>> No.51178363

she aint around anymore huh

>> No.51178371

but im a 4/10 :( how do i flex my eth without actually talking crypto

>> No.51178379

stop being boring
the biggest secret to women is they hate boring men, even if they themselves are boring

>> No.51178383

yeah, nah

all my poorfag unemployed friends had cute girls jumping on their dicks for years. only at 30+ do they need to "settle" for mr nice guy provider

>> No.51178387

Lmao she's gone faggoy

>> No.51178412

hehe its been 2 weeks now..look i'm not gonna lie on 4chan that's lame. I can find a new one but i'm not ready.

>> No.51178427

It's funny because she gets banged out by chads and when she needs money, a place to stay and a house! Suddenly you're perfect for her!

>> No.51178432

poor people breed the most faggot

>> No.51178445

Christ, you Americans are such faggots.

>> No.51178457

before I get a flood of coping threads
let me remind you that women (and males too) realize the true value of money after they start working around age 22. At that point the search a way out: A prince, that can give them financial freedom from work, travels and luxury.

So, coping poorfags dont count your college years love encounters!!!

>> No.51178497
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Where do you find one?

>> No.51178510
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also. a girl a poor and jobless fitfag-chad could never attain longterm (longer than a couple of weeks of fucks)

there are rich 7/10 that have girls like pic related rimming them and swallowing their cum daily, on command. It is a different world where poorfags can only instantly dip their toes into the experience, then get dumped after a few fucks.

>> No.51178526

Honestly whats even the point?
You need to be good physical genetics, fun and entertaining, and also alpha and outgoing. Like 5% of the male population is capable of this. Why not just fuck hookers in a direct exchange for money instead of trying to be something you aren't?

>> No.51178528

We had this thread last week but I will reiterate, lest some poor zoomer give credence to your gynocentric ramblings. All those things are consolation prizes for women. If you are a strong man who loves them and guides them correctly while opening your soul to them completely without shame or fear, they will follow you to the ends of the earth. But if you are a weak minded worm who feels compelled to make demoralization threads on 4 chins, then yeah better get stacking nigger kek.the one caveat is that some women are so broken and self sabotaging they will pursue all the shallow shit you listed because they believe they can never truly be loved, or they are just pure sociopaths. Avoid these women and leave them to OP, who will ultimately be destroyed by them.

>> No.51178540

tinder, bumble works usually. I've found some great girls on there and some not so great girls. it's russian roulette for sure. Approaching girls irl just isn't a thing anymore, lets be honest. I have done that as well but opportunities are less abundant.

>> No.51178543

Lol I fucked more as a broke student with an attitude and cool hobbies that now in a ltr

Money is a proxy for success. Women wants to associate themselves with success. Define your own concept of success, live through it and you'll have the girl you need, not the one you think you want.

Kek she upgraded

Start a class. Doing anything that interests you. Language, drama, philosophy, pottery...Litterally go outside and learn in a group. You'll find someone to date.

>> No.51178619

imagine beliving this 1pbtd,
>I haven't seen vagina since 2014
You're dealing with mental illness

>> No.51178622

Never used a app hmmmmm

>> No.51178653

>Malnoutrished girl

>> No.51178656
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see this
girls may mess with people not regarding money status when they're young (under 25)

lots of copelets ITT right now will realize while they had one or more "good looking or hot" girlfriends this was while they were 20~25 years old and now they only have short encounters with average/fat girls or none at all.

Reply to this post and admit it if you are one of these guys.

>> No.51178660 [DELETED] 

>rimming them
No everyone wants to pretend to be a woman brah and get emasculated brah

>> No.51178673

if i was mentally ill how did i perform all the work and sacrifice necessary to become a millionaire?. mental illness is a social construct

>> No.51178693

>a 7/10 rich guy can steal a poor chads gf ezly
This is bullshit. Girls cuck rich dudes all the time. Chads don't pay for sex, they get paid.

There is a reason why acid attacks exist

>> No.51178705

What a fat disgusting pig. I can smell this picture. And it smells like sweat, yeast, and bubble gum

>> No.51178709

I'm mentally I'll and also a 7digs fag
>what's your illness
autism unironically

>> No.51178711

>big dick

>> No.51178734
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you either a larp or you don't know how to show/humble show your wealth.

It depends on your age. Good shoes and a good watch, a nice haircut and a nice car. Also mentions that you are financial independent and could ezly live on passive income are some tips to get a female to respect you as a male being

>> No.51178763

Incel cope is strong.
I know a lot of girls who PAYS MONEY TO HER BOYFRIENDS.

Chad get money of the married women rich.

>> No.51178877

i know NONE
and if you are not a larp these women are either less that 24 old (and they havent worked enough in their lives to realize what money means to life) or they are mature women at least 7 years older than their fuckboi

Admit it is one of the above

>> No.51178918

acid attacks are a rare occurence in the civiziled world
girls cuck beta providers (steady low income, not enough for her to be financial free from work and travel regurarly)
girls would not cuck a truly rich man, they wouldnt take the risk

>> No.51178934
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>le incel cope

lifestyle inflation and the funds eventually running dry guarantees betabuxxing is only a temporary fix. As always, if you want to be with a woman that isn't attracted to you then you are better of escortmaxxing.

>> No.51178936

i know a dude in his 40s who has a ~30yo sales gf that gives him a cut of all her sales

>> No.51178969
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this is also a good solution if you dont want longterm gf
but remember! if you are poor you can't travel and you can't afford cheap whores regularly

>> No.51178988

>acid attacks are a rare occurence in the civiziled world
Because "civilized" soicieties are cucked. The only reason why guys don't do it to women is because they don't want to spend the rest of their lives in jail.

When we don't have to worry about that, we can and will disfigure sluts at a whim

>girls would not cuck a truly rich man, they wouldnt take the risk
Will Smith, Stephen Curry, etc all got cucked

>> No.51179031

Here's the second one, bitch.
No mental illness here.
Women are unpredictable and its not worth it to figure out what they want and shoehorn yourself into that role.
Just pay money directly and get what you want.

>> No.51179076

Dawg all men get cucked in 2022. We are a society of women, feminine to the core, ruled by them. You can be a rich perfect athlete or actor and still get cucked. What hope does an average dude have?? Women simply don't fear men at all.

>> No.51179096
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as soon as they realize you are poor, poof they're gone
at best they still around for a few fucks if you are attractive
this girl you are posting isnt a regular girl, she's a professional whore
if you aren't over 6-7/10 even as a rich person, you will mostly attract gold diggers
but, 6-7/10 is attainable with money. You see when you emit money "power", and provided you are groomed and watch your body you are still midly attractive, even with an ugly face

pic related: money (and status, which can be derived from money) make him very attractive to women while his face is a 5/10 at best

>> No.51179100


And the worst part is men are the ones who created society that way.

It is men who enforce cucked laws that favor women and shield them from accountability.

>> No.51179124
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>girls would not cuck a truly rich man, they wouldnt take the risk
In the west you are fucked. That shit may be true in the eastern world.
women will cheat with whatever man givers them the tingles and there are no consequences for them. They still get the money and the good looking guy.

>> No.51179144

jews =/= men

>> No.51179164

Yep! Well don't worry. Its mathematically unsustainable. We are facing population collapse since women don't want to breed and only fuck Tyrone before they cuck him with Chaddius and then maybe Braddius. Eventually r-selected retard brute males will fix our pathetic feminine civilization. Most likely with Islam style religion.

>> No.51179208
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>girls would not cuck a truly rich man, they wouldnt take the risk
Will Smith, Stephen Curry, etc all got cucked

this is rather rare. But due to hypergamy it is not wise if you approve that your girl has close relationship with rich and successful people. The girl can stay at the hotel and take pics for instagram. If she wants to hang around "male" aquaintances you just drop her.
Being rich means that you can find a replacement "attractive or hot" girl rather quickly.

>> No.51179245

>ou see when you emit money "power", and provided you are groomed and watch your body you are still midly attractive, even with an ugly face
Let's see how much "power" you have in court dumbass.


>> No.51179317


Every Western society is like this. White men (not just kikes) are huge white knights.

Which is why you guys spent the last twenty years bitching about how Muslims "oppress" their women (ie holding them accountable)

Yes, but there will be a lot of blood and suffering till we get here.

Even normie schoolkids are redpilled/blackpilled and will bully simps.

Things are changing because it is impossible for any (non-Chad) man to accept the current order.

>> No.51179422

Tbf the masses of men never wanted this. Its just our faggot leaders cuckolds like Bill Gates that are obsessed with female equality.

>> No.51179494
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if you willingly are marrying a woman in 2022 without taking precautions, you already lost the game
im not a law expert but if I ever married a woman and had a child, i would create a contract that makes sures i dont get destroyed in case she wants to takes my money resources from me

>> No.51179538

also lmao at the Amerimutt cuckland where lawyers drain your finances like that

>> No.51179575
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You know the judge can just throw out prenups, right?
Also countries that super cucked like Canada are awarding women money who were never even married to the guy.

>> No.51179596

America is just the testing ground. They want to make the entire world like that. Subservient cuckold weakness. Africa, Middle East, and India are one of the last parts of the world where women don't rule. They will inherit the world while the rest of us comically collapse and our genetic stock is destroyed beyond repair in one gen thanks to women and their kike overlord handlers.

>> No.51179708
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well, there's no excuse living in a place like that
i would move out of that state/country ASAP
also Canada is ruled by a nazi-kike (you read that right) that banned the fredom of travel to people, unless they took an experimental clotshot

there is truth to this post but if people allow this "reset" to happen globally, we ll have much more serious issues to deal with than avoiding to be cucked by a female

>> No.51179730

lol you are in for a world of hurt if you think the law is ever on your side for anything.


>> No.51179782

>awarding women money who were never even married to the guy
How many more layers of hell do we need to go through before someone does something about it.

>> No.51179786

A lot of people simply want out of this shitty sick perverted death cult system. Its unsalvageable and lots of folks know it.

>> No.51179860

that's what I do. and I put every dime of it into crypto.

>> No.51179886

this. chad genetics are the highest wealth.

>> No.51179918

for me 2017 was the last time I saw a vagina.

>> No.51179925


>> No.51179927

All this muh Chad bullshit. Even Henry Cavil got cucked. Relax my virgin niggas. Love gives a greater high than just sex with randoms. Start by giving yourself proper care and adoration. You'll find someone who loves you eventually in the most random of places.

>> No.51179967

I'm mentally ill, unemployed, poor as fuck, and I still managed to attract a good woman. Just be impactful.

>> No.51180045

Love is bullshit. If even god tier actors, athletes, and rich men get cucked regularly, WHAT HOPE DO NORMAL GUYS HAVE?
In the past we at least tried to socially enforce decent female behavior so the cucking was contained somewhat. Today its rampant and impossible to escape.