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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51168871 No.51168871 [Reply] [Original]

They are compliant to the World Economic Forum 2030 agenda.

This is just the beginning.

Want it or not, you vil own nothing, you vil eat ze bugs and you vil be happy.

>> No.51168932

i didnt know starbucks was this racist

how else will beaners survive

>> No.51168965

They put cum in their lattés. I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.51169017

starbucks just like mcdonald is only useful as a public toilette
never drink or eat that shit

>> No.51169045

starbucks isn't going cashless boomers

>> No.51169047

How is cashless supposed to be some ethical duty?
I could understand if you didn’t trust wagies to handle your money.
But that has nothing to do with ethics

>> No.51169060


>> No.51169116

Can you force them to accept cash? Even if they don't have to give change, you could chuck exact coins at them and leave?

>> No.51169168


I don't think that it is even legal.

Refusing to accept payment in legal tender means you can get something for free.
Been tested in court many times.

>> No.51169289

Isn't paying by card still cash? Is there a legal loophole here?

>> No.51169323
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This. You literally can't be charged if you steal their shitty coffee and leave bills on the counter.

>> No.51169367

It's literally illegal.

>> No.51169482

Good. Everybody should be using credit cards to earn cash back or points.

>> No.51169498

This is going to change eventually whether you like it or not. The same way our ancestors moved on from lugging coins around everywhere. Paper notes are going away in your lifetime.

>> No.51169512

they have to make you the coffee first

>> No.51170100

>be WEF
>slowly kill all the productive first world people worldwide which actively contribute to invention, productivity, and business
>left with feral r selected africans and south asians
Whats the next in their master plan?

>> No.51170152

>from 1st October
What kind of faggatry is this? Teafaggotry or kangaroofaggotry?

>> No.51170176

Lord over a wasteland populated by people unable to ever ever threaten your rule

>> No.51170179


The sooner the world goes cashless the better.

Wtf do you think then happens to the illlict drug trade?

This way governments can decriminalise many narcotics and sell us the good stuff when private companies take over instead of gonzales and the boys mixing chemicals in a bathtub somewhere in the Amazon.

>> No.51170216
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>buy vanilla latte
>hand wagie cash
>b-but sir, we d-don't accept cash anymore
>as he fumbles his words rip the cup out of his hand
>use the Rodger maneuver and splash the hot coffee in the wagie's face
>take my cash back
>wait for wagie to clock out
>follow him home
>break into his apartment after he cries himself to sleep
>walk up to his bed with a sock in my hand (it has a 10z bar of silver in it)
>whisper that cash is king into his ear
>bludgeon him to death with silver bar
>shove it in his as for the police to find
>shit on his corpse
Let this be a lesson to anyone who wants to "go digital"

>> No.51170219

New fiscal year

>> No.51170259

i think i read somewhere that it should be against the law to refuse cash and you can sue them if they refuse to trade your money (USA)

>> No.51170283

Only compliant vaxxers buy starbucks slop anyway.

>> No.51170294

Starbucks has a really nice app payment system. The best I've ever used. It's very vast and easy to use.

>> No.51170405

Its literally US law that dollar bills are legal tender and must be accepted

>> No.51170428

>double prices
>pay half price if by card

Also it says .co.uk at the bottom you dumb amerifats

>> No.51170443
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>> No.51170459


based. If you don't have a pouch on your belt specifically for gold and silver coins as your means of monetary transaction you are a filthy communist. I mean this unironically.

>> No.51170482

If they make you pay before giving you the product then there's no debt

>> No.51170660

Fine. Pay the next hipster faggot $11 in cash to buy your shitty $10 coffee for you.

>> No.51171329

decentralized crypto solves this

>> No.51171715

Anything over $2 I put on a credit card anyway, and I have absolutely no reason to ever go to a Starbucks. But if I did, I no longer would.

>> No.51171798

england, yes
also to the fags in this thread who think its illegal: its not. you are not in debt to them, thus you cant pay with whatever you want. you literally dont know what legal tender means

>> No.51171819

Based magabros, this is horrible... we must rise tf up!!

>> No.51171828


Will the overlords allow us to have coffee when they have installed their cbdc dystopia?

Personally I still use cash most of the time. Especially if i'm buying from a small business who are going to be more impacted by kike visa and mastercard fees.

>> No.51171853

i haven't used cash for anything other than paying prostitues since like 2010

>> No.51173185

>negative interest rates?
>I'll withdraw my savings and keep it myself
>sir, cash has been banned for 3 years now

>> No.51173257

Unironically this. The soulless Satan worshiping kikes only care about the material world. They will get their utopia of material wealth and power completely devoid of any soul, exploration, or freedom.

>> No.51173310

I don't even remember the last time I used cash

>> No.51173340

>he still doesn't understand that politicians serve the interests of businesses

>> No.51173354
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>> No.51174100

Correct. They’re just saving money on having wagons count and handle cash, ignore the poltards

>> No.51174117

Interestingly, Red Belly Blockchain launches as Australia’s frontrunner in CBDC tech eoy/ start of next.

>> No.51174135


>> No.51174542

They'll have you pay for it before you get whatever item. No point in forcing them to accept your money since they won't provide service to you.

>> No.51175075

i cant afford their shit anyway

>> No.51175246

if you order a coffee you are now in debt until you pay you absolute fucking retard

>> No.51175579

Bullshit. Not in the USA. If you order food and the food is shit and the business is not being agreeable you can walk out and literally not pay. Not illegal.

>> No.51175641

That's why Visa and Mastercard are financially incentivizing and eventually will be forcing businesses to switch, they just want to HELP you

>> No.51175658

Dine and dash can get you thrown in prison, retard

>> No.51175696

It's not dining if you don't eat the food and you complain and it's not what you ordered.

>> No.51175757

fake and gay

>> No.51176767


>> No.51176965

I never use cash at Starbucks anyways. However I will boycott them if they actually do this.

>> No.51177106

itt: boomers and luddites malding

>> No.51177128
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>business doesn't want money

>> No.51177151

I literally never use cash in my life. Can't imagine what being a boomer in daily life is like

>> No.51177154

I never go there anyways.

>> No.51177183

who even buys overpriced coffee. who even drinks cofee at all? only wagecageslaves

>> No.51177255

By saying "I would like a small coffee", you are creating a contract and a debt is incurred.

>> No.51177262

>all the glowies in this thread shilling for credit cards
I have never used a credit card and I never will. Fuck you glowies I will not falter.

>> No.51177299

If you shit on his corpse you’re leaving behind dna evidence to convict you for murder.

>> No.51177354

so retarded. cashless systems can suffer downtime. cash suffers 0 downtime.

>> No.51177433

totally legal, Burger king in the uk is cashless (some places)

>> No.51177440

best course of action

>> No.51177467

all you niggers saying its illegal to not accept cash visit the uk, there are numerous burger kangs where they do not even have a till, completely cashless. Verification not required.

>> No.51177520

It’s not stealing if you pay for it retard

>> No.51177544

Tbh it would be pretty cool to lug around coins. You could keep your life savings in a big treasure chest.

>> No.51177553

Use a debit card then retard

>> No.51177591

It's Starbucks in the UK.

>> No.51177630


>> No.51177643

That's just not true in practice. They can just cancel your order at any time. If they try to force you to pay, they must accept cash, but denying service for not using their preferred payment method is perfectly legal.

>> No.51177691

Legal tender means you can use it to settle debt. Thus to avoid having to accept cash, they just have to demand payment (by card) before handing you your coffee, thus you never enter any temporary debt that you are allowed to settle with cash.

>> No.51177742

> It's literally illegal.
Of course not, you are just dumb and ill informed, as per usual whenever you think you’re right about something (anything).

>> No.51177774

Automation will take care of most things. All they need is an 80IQ slave race to push the buttons and be happy about it.

>> No.51177798

>denying service for not using their preferred payment method is perfectly legal.
Cite the cases.

>> No.51177820
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The Federal Reserve seems to think it's legal to refuse cash.

>> No.51177890

I would love to see you try to pay for beer with dollar bills on a festival that only accepts festival tokens. Hopefully, if you were obnoxious enough, you’d get the beating you deserve.

>> No.51177926

there is no feces database anon stop watching tv

>> No.51177941 [DELETED] 

Ape brain

>> No.51178058

lmao you fucking retard. The order is irrelevant. The contract is:
>$5 (or w/e the price is)
>for a coffee
At the instant the contract is made (when you order your drink and they accept the order), Starbucks owes you a coffee and you owe them $5. That $5 is a debt.

>> No.51178090

Festival beer tokens. Admission to a theatre (you use your ticket, you don’t slip the gay dollars matching the price of a ticket). Accepting only a specific payment to begin work is your perogative. It’s the same as your right to deny someone’s business. Not only are you not able to demand Starbucks make you a coffee in exchange for your cache, you also won’t be able to demand that in a place that accepts cache, they can deny you for a multitude of legal reasons (perhaps you fail to meet the dress code). It’s only if they claim you are in debt to them that you will be allowed to settle your debt using legal tender, which makes complete sense as soon as you take two seconds from your busy day to actually THINK for a god damned second. Anyone in this thread who ignorantly, arrogantly and, of course, confidently claimed you’ll be able to pay in cash should know that you are way below average intelligence. Simply put, you are unusually dumb fucks.

>> No.51178101

Court cases you FUCKING MORON

>> No.51178123
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>> No.51178154

Is this bullish for HBAR?

>> No.51178239

No you fucking retard, the order goes:
> “make me a coffee please”
> barrista starts making your coffee
>”that will be $5”
> “I’d like to pay with cash”
> barrista throws half made coffee in sink
> “next”
> “Hey! That’s my coffee! I demand you give me my coffee and that you accept my payment in cash!!”
“You don’t owe us anything sir, but you are blocking the path for paying customers. Please leave or we’ll be forced to call the police”
“But we entered a contract!”
“I have not entered any legally binding obligation to deliver to you a coffee, sir. Neither have you. I can’t demand payment, since I haven’t given you a coffee, and you can’t demand your coffee since you haven’t paid me. If you’d like to pretend we entered a contract, it would have been for a product in exchange for my preferred form of payment. If I had given you a coffee you’d have the right to pay in cash, but as is you have not fullfilled your end of the contract so I don’t have to fullfill mine”
Any more angles, you fucking idiot?

>> No.51178261

I wrote that naked while my shower was heating up, you’ll be fucking glad it was a correctly spelled real word.

>> No.51178297

>failure to understand business transactions and contracts at a fundamental level
>word salad of terms he learned from YouTube
18+ kid

>> No.51178301

Court cases showing the right of a theatre to deny access without a ticket? Are you serious?

>> No.51178315

The usa most physical cash is outside of burgerland, removing paper notes will be insanely inflationary for burgerland

>> No.51178320

based bateman

>> No.51178327

Lol you are so fucking dumb, this is how it actually works and trying to explain it to nincompoops is more effort than it’s worth, you don’t deserve it, have fun pretending that you are a hero vigilante law professor who will convince starbucks their payment policy is illegal. Serious question, when you’re as dumb as you, are you also too dumb to notice?

>> No.51178361

I accept your unconditional surrender.

>> No.51178404

> I think I know the law better than Starbuck’s army of lawyers
I concede that you will never learn

>> No.51178416
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>using a (((((((((((((bank)))))))))))))

>> No.51178421
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>> No.51178441 [DELETED] 

>Corporations with an army of lawyers have never lost a case (that's a court case again for you, retard)
Now reply to me if you're a child molesting moron.

>> No.51178566
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Why are you retards so obsessed with paying in cash anyway?

>> No.51178618
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starbucks is going earningsless

>> No.51178736

>Starbucks has 'no plans to go cashless' in the UK amid Twitter confusion
>Starbucks has said it has "no plans to go cashless" across all its UK stores following speculation on social media that the coffee chain would only accept card, contactless and Starbucks rewards payments from October.

>The topic #BoycottStarbucks trended on Twitter today (30 August) after a photo was shared of a poster on an unidentified Starbucks counter with the words "We're going cashless from 1st October 2022".

>The topic had amassed over 4,260 tweets, as of 30 August. A tweet by British political commentator Sophie Corcoran which shared the image received over 5,000 retweets and 18,000 likes since it was posted on 29 August.

>A spokesperson from Starbucks said: "Starbucks has no plans to go cashless across our UK stores and we want to shut down any inaccuracies or further speculation on this matter.

>"In the UK, we operate alongside various licensee business partners, which means this may vary from store to store and the majority of stores continue to offer cash payments to customers."

Calm down grandpa

>> No.51178760

time to short this clown company

>> No.51179194

Uhhh bros.... I'm starting to get worried

>> No.51179215
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You have to accept cash for purchases so I'm going to go in and ruin their day on october 2nd by demanding to pay in bank notes.

>> No.51179242

/pmg/ likes this post.

>> No.51180720

lol that is not how a contract works. They have to agree as well, and the agreement is upon making a promise to deliver a good or service. They note your order down and may even say they're preparing it, but there's no promise of delivery until payment is taken. You'd have to have a tab or other record of future expected payment to claim it's a debt. Another way of looking at it, is when are you on the hook? Walk into Starbucks and say you want some coffee, then when they ask for payment just walk out. There's no legal recourse for them because you have no reason to believe they would be materially harmed by walking away from the transaction at that point.

>> No.51181131

I'm pretty sure this is illegal. US notes are good for all debts, you have to accept them.

>> No.51181747

Anybody who still buys Starbucks is faggotpox infected and deserves whatever they get.

>> No.51182030

>south asians
Selfhating yellow hands typed this post

>> No.51182056

That's exactly how a contract works and if you paid for your order and they refused to deliver you could take them to small claims court for breach.

>> No.51182073

thank i invest in silver....oh wait

>> No.51182149

You are a fool. When you order the food, you enter into a contract with the restaurant. If they prepare the food, you are obligated to pay. You can argue about them breaching the contract if you want, but if they complied with their obligations under the contract, you OWE them what you agreed to pay. If they don't call the cops or sue you it is only because it is too much trouble, not because you are without legal obligation.

>> No.51182272
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I don't envy the poor high schoolers who got a part time job.

>t. American junior high

>> No.51182317

Why do you need cash goy? Are you planning anything that the WEF wouldn't approve of?
Why do you need guns, or ammo. Don't you think the government has the right to track all your bank and credit card purchases? Why are you so antisemitic?

If you don't need the eventual endgame of no cash, you are one dumb fuck nigger

>> No.51183660

cashless = only digital payments = everything is recorded
This is about control.

>> No.51183680

it's not about control anymore.
control is just a stepping stone to total extinction.
AI has no use for human beings.

>> No.51183694

who drinks their nasty coffee anyway
who cares

>> No.51183800
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You could have just said "I'm a faggot" and saved your fingers the trouble of typing all of that out.

>> No.51184040

Gonna be tough for petty and even many organised criminals to work around a cashless society. How's Tyrone going to react when he realises he has to actually get a job?

>> No.51184194

This is in the UK

>> No.51185223

theres always a way around zoomerfag. love how you focused on "criminals" and black people instead of politicians.

>> No.51185275

Government weed in Canada sucks and is expensive

>> No.51185290
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>caring about the latest thing
You idiots are as bad as reddit

>> No.51185370

The latest thing is AI is going to wipe out humanity.

>> No.51185924

I will refuse to be happy.

>> No.51185966

It won't be a choice.
They'll control your brain via technological means and induce the release of dopamine chemicals at all times.
You WILL be happy.

>> No.51187260

>legal tender for all debts
so if they give you a bill, they HAVE to take your cash for it

>> No.51187281

>off of ssris
>wont go back on them
that's how the'yll do it, they'll make people take pills with technology in them that can control when they release or some shit

>> No.51188201

'no plans to xyz'
whenever i see 'no plans' now it makes me think it's defo around the corner. This language was employes through the scamdemic by governments.
>we have no plans to make vaccines mandatory
It's doublespeak for 'yes we are planning it but don't have a date set yet, hence no concrete plan'

>> No.51188321

>Oh no, not my heckin consumerinos! How will I ever sabotage my gut mircobiome and spike my cortisol levels and ruin my ability to enter deep REM sleep unless I'm paying shekels for acidic insecticide drink fortified with sugar, high fructose corn syrup and sucrochems?
It's almost as if there's a conspiracy of corporations that are forcing you to become based. Grow your dang food, chuds!

>> No.51188345

This. Starcucks is a case study in the benefits of ESG-compliance. The cashless store was an A/B test and the meme was probably propagated by their own social media team. They'll continue to push at the margins of the overton window until before you know it, zoomers are calling physical cash 'gross' 'boomer money' and 'racist'

>> No.51188411
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restaurants hate cash because the subhuman employees always find ways to steal some of it. white addicts, felons, mexicans and niggers btfo.

>> No.51189210

The thing is, you can slap cash on the counter but they can just not take it. You cannot just throw a $20 at someone then sue them for damages.

>> No.51189275

did this really need to be explained? we are doomed. zooners don't even know how cash works lol

>> No.51189277 [DELETED] 

Merge-mining with bitcoin allows the energy being spent to secure the most successful blockchain in the world to be recycled and to secure syscon as well. This approach incentivizes miners by enabling them to also receive syscon in addition to their hard-earned bitcoin without losing the hash power of either. And this gives syscon the green proof of work security

>> No.51189283

I can and will kill and rape any officer who attempts to launch an investigation on me.
You better believe I carry a pouch of small gold coins on me at all times

>> No.51189311

I've called the police on two different businesses in my city who refused to take cash. Here is how it went.

>hello, I tried to pay for a product with cash at (location), but they are detaining me and said I need to use a card. Yes they won't let me leave unless I use a card. Okay see you soon.

Then the police arrived, told the manager and then the business owner they must accept cash payment since it is legal tender, and asked if I wanted to press charges for them detaining me against my will. I did press charges.

It happened again less than a year later at another place. I told them I would call the police if they didn't take my cash, they became belligerent and so I did. Business owners think they can make rules about how a debt can be paid, but in reality they cannot.
>you have to use a check or money order
No I don't. Here is cash write me a receipt.
>you have to use a card
No I don't, here is cash. I don't 'have' to do anything you tell me to, this is legal tender. Take it to a bank.

A landlord once demanded a money order. I gave him cash and demanded a receipt. He became upset and I threatened to call the cops. He shut the fuck up and wrote me a receipt.

>> No.51189333

Yeah you absolutely can. It's what happens after you try to pay them that determines what you sue them for.

>> No.51189395

Yeah then everybody clapped and you went out to the range with the cops and had a great time, right?

If you didn't get a product then there is no debt. They can just tell you to get out of their store and to take your cash with you.
The law around legal tender is only triggered when someone is demanding a debt be settled and they won't take cash. If they are not claiming you owe them, then there is no debt. If they have not explicitly promised future delivery, there is no contract. This is basic legal logic.

>> No.51189459
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I pay with gift cards I bought with Monero.
Not my problem.

>> No.51190367


>Starbucks has 'no plans to go cashless' in the UK amid Twitter confusion

>> No.51190405
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>I’ll have a vente americano, one of those egg sandwiches, and a bagel, toasted with parm

>That’ll be .001 XRP, sir. Your food will be served on the left.

>*swipes right hand microchip over the counter* You have yourself a wonderful day ma’am.

>> No.51190810


>> No.51190978

The only post ITT thay actually gets it.

>> No.51191019

In the UK yes, if it's a debit card.
That's how you get round it, accept debit cards.

I saw one small company's books the other week and they had started charging a handling charge for cash payments (they sell antiques), in the 1990's some businesses charged you for using cards and extra on top for Amex.

Strange world

>> No.51191032

One of our local dealers already accepts most shit coins and also Amazon gift vouchers.

>> No.51191051

>all these carbs

t. no ketofag, but no fattso either