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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51162905 No.51162905 [Reply] [Original]

>We are excited to announce that our initial launch of economics 2.0 is live on mainnet today. We are actively deploying significant resources to support the launch of economics 2.0.

>We are pleased to announce that key customers are agreeing to follow us on the journey to improved networks security via crypto economic guarantees. As their own business grow and revenues increase, so will the fees paid to support and maintain their used oracle networks. Now that DEFI has been sufficiently bootstrapped, customer fees will increase to reflect usage and TVL. Customers remain dedicated to using our solutions regardless of pricing increases, as they are seen as a necessity and a standard. Payment methods will also be streamlined.

>We are pleased to announce that key ecosystems, such as layers 1 and 2 we have already launched on or are planning to launch on, are recognizing the public good necessity of our oracle networks and the immense, critical value they provide for dapp builders, enabling new use cases and generating TVL. This includes direct grants paid in native tokens, as well as the building of dedicated transaction lanes and the removal of on-chain transaction costs.

>We are also pleased to announce that key exchanges will provide direct support for token staking. Following the launch of economics 2.0, 75m will be staked with nodes and stakers will be able to raise alerts and earn rewards.

>We are excited to showcase our new services nearing release, such as CCIP (beta testnet launch), DECO (proof of concept demo with launch customer) and FFS (demo), and more. We will also announce new developments related to data offerings for specialized DEFI use cases, currently still under embargo.

>We are excited to announce key acquisitions of third-party solutions from highly talented teams complimenting our first-party offerings, currently still under embargo.

>Furthermore, we will showcase new cutting-edge research for novel consensus methods, P/BS, and more.


>> No.51163102

Honestly, I’m so fucking demoralized to the point that I don’t even care for staking anymore since it won’t affect the price anyways.

What’s the point of holding this shitcoin again?

>> No.51163130
File: 39 KB, 656x679, CFBDC16B-32D3-4DA5-B151-E194A0DC197C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in it for the tech bro

>> No.51163390

just dca.
chainlink is the only solution so far for many off-chain computation-related problems. cl has the most unique economic moats and is already a monopoly in the oracle space.
market will see it sometime in the next 3 years.

>> No.51163411

Bros hes gotten so far, did he really eat all those big macs

>> No.51163525

Same boat. The last year has basically broken me. I've given up ever making money off of this. Unironically rooting for the SEC to step in just so Sergey and co get retribution for what they've done to their investors in the last 2 years.

>> No.51163565

>off-chain computation-related problems
>oracle space

Nobody in the real world knows what that means nor gives a fuck. My biggest realization about this in the last year is that even if they pull off what they're trying to do, it could still be 5-10 years out.

>> No.51163619

Honestly, fuck you

>> No.51164062

Bump I put some effort into this meme post guys

>> No.51164700

You forgot to mention how the dtcc will be using chainlink via its rum-te-tum platform thingy and this means we can all sit back and never have to worry about anything ever again, or something like that

>> No.51164807

Time to get a life bro. I've capitulated in the sense that I've now reskilled to be a truck driver. Might be years before Link is actually worth what it should be.

T. Never fucking selling

>> No.51164833


>> No.51166989

Chainlink Labs insider here. Can confirm 90% of these statements are/will be made true at SmartCon. staking will definitely be announced.

>> No.51167053

prove it.

>> No.51167100

I’ve held since 2017 and this last year has fucking wrecked my body, my mind, and my relationships. Fucking brutal.

>> No.51167146
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checking these digits
>tfw been here since feb 2018 but never stopped accumulating and now am substantially underwater

>> No.51168334

The whole point of buying this was to make our lives awesome by not having to wage. I am out of time.

>> No.51168520

I bet you're not even 35.

>> No.51168576


>> No.51168596

kek, none of this is true, staking is coming in mid November and DECO is mid-2023. CCIP mainnet Dec 2023

>t. real insider

>> No.51168700


None of this is true. At SmartCon they will announce chainlink mainnet with an ETH feed and the token will be listed on Binance and Coinbase. strap in.

t. real super duper insider