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File: 745 KB, 1536x2048, FbWiW7SaQAA9Xwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51162325 No.51162325 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51162633

Sergey clearly sociall awkward kek, Charles a chad as always

>> No.51162687

do they fuck?

>> No.51162746

Real power move putting his arm around Sirgay I wondered if he said “hey junior let’s get a picture real quick” before snapping this.

>> No.51162917
File: 57 KB, 750x801, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51162934

Do you think Sergey has visited the farm yet?

>> No.51162950

uhm... hoskinson is 6'7" too?
what a coincidence

>> No.51162954

it's a cute picture honestly :3
I like that sergey always does the thumbs-up uwu

>> No.51162981

he is also the only one without a nametag, because everyone knows who he is

>> No.51163005

Me too. There’s something very endearing and trustworthy in his demeanor and in his eyes. He can take dumps on me whenever he wants to desu.

>> No.51163202

why does sergey look like such a pathetic beta next to fucing charles

>> No.51163210

they're 5'3

>> No.51163237

the two biggest midwits in crypto

>> No.51163244
File: 33 KB, 680x763, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51163248

Damn Charles looks chad af next to serg

>> No.51163253

You’d think with the amount of money they have that they could afford a gym membership.

>> No.51163259

more time at the gym = less time for scamming people

>> No.51163260

best con artists in crypto

>> No.51163261


>> No.51163297

Sergey's on a massive dirty bulk, gonna be ripped as after he cuts

>> No.51163300

Sergey's anus still sore it seems.

>> No.51163314
File: 3.28 MB, 600x782, sergyFat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why tf is Sergay so fat?

>> No.51163318

where's this picture taken?

>> No.51163473

>button shirt tucked into fucking blue jeans
>pens in shirt pocket
There is NOTHING chad or alpha about that faggot, I don't care who he's standing next to

>> No.51163676

It's like a weight loss ad... before and way before

>> No.51163827

a carefully crafted image to make him appear intelligent by an unintelligent man that can't see beyond hollywood tropes

>> No.51163861

Is that Craig Wright?

>> No.51164049
File: 459 KB, 1066x1431, 1661803403774561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51164077

sergay doesn't have anyone to iron his only shirt for him?
it looks messed up.
and he looks sad and deflated.

>> No.51164166

he looks pretty confident and energized to me

>> No.51164328

the power of self convincing

>> No.51164459

the pic that restarted the bullrun

>> No.51164559
File: 78 KB, 685x855, myopiai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

myopic glasses are literal status symbol signaling +20 IQ over non-glassed version of the same person. what u think of as uncool are glasses for farsightedness, who actually have lower intellects. you should stop coping and just kys because ull never reach the level of a miopic no matter wyd.