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51158401 No.51158401 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they have all these shitty megaprojects that never go anywhere?
How much fucking oil money do they have that they seemingly never run out of it?
Should I invest in Saudi Arabia?

>> No.51158439

so dumb

>> No.51158467

Neom will be a tax haven. See you there bros

>> No.51158487

It's really sad to watch. They could build world class universities.and diversify their income away from fossil fuels. But they are just wasting this opportunity for frivolous garbage like this. It's going to end in violece once the world doesn't need their oil so much anymore.

>> No.51158518

keep coping little white boy

>> No.51158538

>they are just wasting this opportunity
That’s what happens when you have filthy rich leaders and kings who don’t give a fuck about country development
This “city” won’t take much to build especially if they’re using slaves from Malaysia to build it kek

>> No.51158541

How is creating the next Singapore "frivolous garbage"? They're literally creating a citadel for all of us who've /made it/. Poorfags are not welcome.

>> No.51158560

All those goat fucker building are built by whites. You take one step outside a city and they're back to donkey carts.

>> No.51158579

>making it
>living around smelly arabs
Pick one and only one

>> No.51158601

Aramco is as good as any oil company sure why not.

>> No.51158604

I won't be living there, it will just be my main residency as I pay 0 tax. This will be one of the easiest places to get rich.

>> No.51158616

>This retard thinks living under Saudi rule is making it.

>> No.51158642
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seethe jew slave

>> No.51158655
File: 37 KB, 440x210, 191203_Furnaces_of_the_world_-_Popular_Mechanics_-_Global_warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a good idea to invest in Saudi Arabia. At a whim, the king can take away all your possessions and throw you for life in a dungeon.

>> No.51158678

The fact that a 120km continuous structure is ridiculous and unfeasible, if you were going to do this sort of thing wouldn't a ring structure make much more sense than building a straight narrow line through the desert?

>> No.51158688

you are getting mixed up with the united states

>> No.51158698

>He's not already rich.
Anon I...

>> No.51158721

They're building a giant university inside of Sideways Skyscraper, called Neom University, focusing on STEM.

>> No.51158764

I have 7 figs, but don't consider it rich for 27.

>> No.51158767

Which is exactly why the smart whites will be fleeing there as the US collapses.

>> No.51158772

>They're literally creating a citadel for all of us who've /made it/.
There's a better, whiter version called Monaco. 1/3 of the population is an actual millionaire. See you there buddy. Or not. Imagine wanting to be with brown people in the desert rather than the French Rivera with white people

>> No.51158800

>Why do they have all these shitty megaprojects that never go anywhere?

It's how politicians work generally but in dictatorships it goes into overdrive. In their vanity and insecurity they'll splash money on grandiose projects instead of going the cheap and effective options because they're compelled by 'muh legacy' and the need to present themselves as strong so people don't realise how weak they are. In KSA you also have the additional stupidity that they actually think their top-down megaprojects for the ultra-wealthy boost the economy.

Usually they include retarded decisions that even the engineers have to covertly work around or they otherwise just straight up fail as soon as they open:

>How much fucking oil money do they have that they seemingly never run out of it?

A lot and they've used it buy everything. They're certainly not spending it on their people.

>Should I invest in Saudi Arabia?

No. You invest in the western consultancies and arms companies who sell to the Saudis and you remember to get out before the rotten whole structure reverts back to illiterate camel herders.

>> No.51158833

Like crypto, I believe you want to get into a place like Neom early and watch your property rise, as every rich fag suddenly realizes they want to live there. The Saudi's claim it will be a sovereign city with its own laws and unique benefits - we shall see.

>> No.51158837

Let's hope it's not just some rubber stamp factory for rich kids. But it's a start, good on them.

>> No.51158870

>Why do they have all these shitty megaprojects that never go anywhere?
This is what all arabs do, they do the same shit with their homes and end up running out of money kek

>> No.51158897
File: 570 KB, 1242x1394, 941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are not relevant in any field
>live out your shitty fetishes on yachts with disposable ig chicks when bored
>hiring slaves from nearby shitholes is perfectly acceptable
>make meme projects for fun to flex on western infidels

>> No.51158909
File: 81 KB, 800x550, Mecca-project-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you a little secret. It's purpose is not to build the project, at least not the main purpose.
These megaprojects are made to attract foreign investment and to give Saudi Arabia a modern image.
Quite contrary to what you're saying, Saudi Arabia realize their oil money is running out. Bin Salman is attempting to transform Saudi Arabia into a global services/ financial hub, like Dubai but on a much larger scale.
Jeddah Economic City, Neom, Red Sea Project, Diriyah Gate, all these projects are made to steer the country away from oil money.
This Ramadan Bin Salman announced they would ban showing any kind of Islamic celebration on TV. The ruler of Saudi Arabia, banning Islamic celebration, on their most important religious day. Of course it received massive backlash and he backtracked on it, but it should be an obvious sign telling you what they're attempting to do.

>> No.51159058

Shouldn't they invest into their own population? Build out infrastructure, build universities, create an environment where scholars and startups can thrive. It seems to me like they want to skip the part where they do the hard work of advancing their civilization and just buy their way into the future they want. I don't think it works like that, it takes time and long term stability. Like, who is building these things? Foreign contractors? Build out your own industry, jesus.

>> No.51159252

Living and owning real estate are two different things anon.

>> No.51159303

>Like, who is building these things? Foreign contractors?
Western engineers design it. Slave labor from SEA build it

>> No.51159471

Oh man, this will not end well. It's all going to be deserted, like those ghost cities in China. Who is going to do the maintenance? More expensive foreign contractors? These people are sitting on a mountain of cash. Surely they can afford advisors that tell them the best long term course of action for their country. I'm no nation builder, but this ain't if, chief.

>> No.51159538

Monaco doesn't allow dual citizenship..
That's why in my case, I abandoned my plans to send my money there..

Maybe portugal or bahamas is where i'll store my free of tax money

>> No.51159827

It would be more accurate to say they hire whites to do the design & supervising work, and bring in "guest workers" from poor muslim parts of Asia to do the grunt work.

>> No.51160025

Can we send all our niggers over there to live in it? Turn it into a slave pen for all I care

>> No.51160423

They suffer from "The Emperor has no clothes", almost to a societal level. Why tell them the truth when lies are more profitable?

>> No.51160498

good bait

>> No.51160500

>Sideways skyscraper
Wow they invented a strip mall

>> No.51160556

>how do you maintain population at 5million, cities expand or contract over time
>where is the exit?
>what about disease?

i don't think this is a real project. it's overly ambitious so they can just say they tried but couldn't do it when all along they never had any intention to do it. they'll use this larp project as an excuse to do or build what they're actually planning whatever that is. already they're displacing people for the larp project

>> No.51160567

Saudis are the richest people to ever live. These oil families are trillionaires. They just don't disclose it.
Why diversify it when you have a cartel and are already hilariously rich?

>> No.51160579

Checked and kek'd.
>verification not required

>> No.51160615

power addicts, aka all people with too much power, go mad. they need to get their fix by dominating people, exercising increasingly more and more draconian measures to get their fix. everything is about feeding that addiction. they are junkies, all people in power are, if you were put in power you would become like them. too much power breaks human sanity, we never evolved the psychology to handle it. power lights up the same parts of the brains that cocaine addiction does, its a real addiction, they're actually junkies.

>> No.51160644
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Heard from this guy who worked in Dubai for years that Saudi is the new gold mine for expats thanks to this retarded shit.

>> No.51160704

One of the signs of the day of judgement

>> No.51160718

Arab women are the secrets in the world

>> No.51160747

>sideways skyscraper
a sandscraper, if you will
or perchance? sidescraper

>> No.51160874

What do they eat?

>> No.51160901


>> No.51160912

imagine the smell

>> No.51160982

this insectoid did a pretty good job picking apart the most retarded parts of the project

>> No.51161311

Insectoid is your tiny dick, lmao

>> No.51161580

Thanks, that was a really insightful video

>> No.51161703

Reminds me of the Shah of Iran.

>> No.51162100
File: 7 KB, 241x209, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even elon musk shitty 3D presentations aren't THAT retarded.

>> No.51162228

You also need to keep in mind that these massive development projects are very likely just smokescreen for the building of something actually useful that will never be known to the public. Everything on the surface is just plausible deniability for having so many workers and materials coming and going.

>> No.51162291

why do the jews like them

>> No.51162327

You don't "hire" a slave anon are you fucking retarded?

>> No.51162498

based, inshallah

>> No.51162604

>Shouldn't they invest into their own population?
Who cares about niggercattle?

>> No.51162613
File: 88 KB, 903x1024, 74F13E19-1B57-4CEB-AE1C-C60E3F1C4FBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Arabs
>Literal inbred IQ
>What's this black shit coming out of the ground?
>Anglo helps drill and teach about wells patterning
>Big dollaaaaaaaas!!
>Piss money away like a nigger, because you are literally retarded
>Some faggot on Anglo message board asks why you're retarded
>Asks because he is also retarded
Many such cases.

>> No.51162628

>who was Marcus Aurelius

>> No.51162757

Well, they often recruit / hire indians or africans.
Aft they don't get paid and are stuck there without money, housing or anything, that's when they find out they have become slaves.

>> No.51164935

>Jeddah Economic City, Neom, Red Sea Project, Diriyah Gate, all these projects
All those projects failed/are failing.

The only project that went well, was the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. It's now a good University focusing on STEM

>> No.51165676

I imagine sand will pile up on this shit real fast, its literally a sand-dam

>> No.51165728

The Line is a proposal for a panopticon police state. Its basic function is to use highspeed rail to connect all parts of it with public transit. There will probably be service roads between sections, but its unlikely that citizens will be able to drive from one end to the other. And there are no roads out because its surrounded by desert on all sides. Such a scheme would allow for the easy use of checkpoints and lockdowns to catch dissidents and prevent the mixing of different segments of the population in an unmonitored fashion. So its basically a prototype WEF prison city of the future. The real question is where are they going to get the population for this? "climate" refugees?

>> No.51165878
File: 117 KB, 1383x912, Maxi-Dare_UW-768x708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just international dick-waving. These huge projects never get built

>> No.51167867

>to give Saudi Arabia a modern image.
Thats all it is though, an image. It is not modern.

>> No.51167920

>sideways skyscraper
nigger it's called a wall

>> No.51168014

When was the last time European civ in EU or NA funded some amazing architecture? All you faggots want to do nowadays is fund Jews, suck nigger dick, and slowly die off.
Then you get mad at people actually doing cool things and producing glory/beauty in their limited time span on this planet.

>> No.51168131

>open video
>close video
>keep scrolling

>> No.51168148
File: 321 KB, 898x1200, 702390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares about their people?
I do.

>> No.51169796

What is the greater Israel project?

>> No.51169966

This has to be the dumbest project mankind could ever conceive

>> No.51170008

Idk you exist anon...