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51158319 No.51158319 [Reply] [Original]

The market is efficient and the only way to surely make money is buying index funds... anything else is gambling. This is what all super rich people know. THe only reason they concentrate in any other investments is to make their lives a bit more daring and risky because they're bored.

>> No.51158355

you are retarded

>> No.51158455

This is common sense in the finance industry, imagine thinking i care if some dumb white trash calls me retarded.

>> No.51158490

This is accurate. If you really think you can outperform Goldman Sachs and Blackrock on individual stocks you're delusional.

>> No.51158495

you don't have time to be shitposting as a junior associate, back to your 12 hr shift making 200k a year in manhattan

>> No.51158515
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>the only way to surely make money is buying index funds
retard alert

>> No.51158593

So why don't people who know this just buy ETFs?

>> No.51158600

listen junior you don't write the algos you just answer the phones
it's all casino

>> No.51158608

>Japan is USA

You're dumber than dogshit.

>> No.51158795

meanwhile QQQ is my worst position and I'm pulling a paycheck out of the market for 5 years
you people say gambling like it's a bad word

>> No.51158843

the market is corrupt, influenced by central bank/political influence, cartels, and macro factors that are not efficient in any way shape or form. The only reason index funds outperform is because generally over time they riggers/central bankers, politicians, and cartels make it go up because it's in their best interest too do so. Far from efficient

>> No.51158860

QQQ is a TRIPPLE LEVERAGED FUND so no shit it loses.

All leveraged funds suffer from decay in the long run.

>> No.51158884

Then if it's not inefficient, profit off the inefficiencies, but you can't.

>> No.51158926

All you have to do is know what rate the fed policy will be 8 times in a row to become a billionaire. Thats efficient? Look up peter lynches interview he mentions that in his talk. Do you not think insiders don't know what the rate is going to be? Do you not think nancy pelosi's husband was insider trading off his wifes policy? Give me a break. You don't think OPEC knows what the price of oil is going to be?

>> No.51158951

What about building a portfolio of blue chip dividend paying stocks, and reinvesting dividends over several years. Is this an efficient way to make money in the long term?

>> No.51158965

Can you explain the mechanics of those 8 trades? Specifically what would be the starting amount and specific means by which you would bet.

>> No.51158974

would fall off hard in clown market

>> No.51158988

Do you know what a DCF model is? Do you know how the risk free rate effects the value of a security? Do you know what leveraged trading is? How about you address the easier cartels like OPEC. You dont think thousand of people that are involved in that like family members of the cartel, politcians etc cant do leveraged oil futures? Your brain dead.

>> No.51159003

What about from the perspective of a 20 or even 30 year timeline?

>> No.51159005

Jeez he says it's only 3 times not 8.

>> No.51159038

That's TQQQ you stupid fucking retard, you don't work in high finance. We don't make mistakes like that

>> No.51159057

So what if i have been sitting in cash for a position for a coin that i have been waiting on for a while because i did full due diligence and can foment it to make it go up?

>> No.51159185

The portfolio of billionaires are public by law, and the vast majority of them are invested in single stocks rather than something like VOO/SPY, can anyone tell me why that is?

>> No.51159286
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In b4 Japanese neo-renaissance. Don’t be late to the game little boy. Buy Jasmy or this

>> No.51159310

Yes go- I mean guy, you have to buy all these other obviously bad companies if you want to invest in good companies. Don't just buy obvious winners and diversify that way, you have to pay me 1% a year to manage your funds heheh.

>> No.51159338

insert foot in mouth. faggot

>> No.51159969

Everyone in finance makes those mistakes, you're white trash, stop pretending with "we", you're just white trash.

>> No.51159984

Index funds? Very old school indeed.

>> No.51159988

>obvious winners

You're mentally ill. There is no "obvious winner", otherwise the price would already be so high that it's no longer a "winner" at current cash flow valuations.

You're seriously mentally ill

>> No.51160009

They do.
But they also buy/sell individual shares or options contracts for other reasons
1. They're market makers
2. They're hedging
3. They're looking to gamble (majority of people are here, especially retail)

>> No.51160017

Japan is not in the united states you retarded monkey.

>> No.51160024

They're calling you a retard because you are doubling down on a losing investment at a time when the governments of the west, led by the only one that matters, the USA, are printing money and increasing debt loads (that's how that works as you know) while we produce less and less.
Gold is beating the market soundly since the abandonment of the gold standard. Doubling down on anything else at this point, is retarded.
Farming, agriculture science, manufacturing, production of important resources and materials... these are things people should be personally investing in, but not via the market.

>> No.51160038

Is that dog poop on the (unpainted) wall?

>> No.51160043

why are you so racist? Racism is only common among the poor and drug addicted underclass. Why should we believe a racist has a good job?

>> No.51160046

Index funds are new, it used to be mutual funds.

You do realize the government is printing money to finance their deficits right? This is a long term trend that is not slowing down.

If you're not buying ETFs in the market you're dumber than dogshit.

Gold is a failed investment, the only thing that goes up long term, and goes up with money printing, is market based ETFs

>> No.51160061

>instantly switches to ad hom attacks
I'm writing you off and not bothering to read the rest of this thread.

>> No.51160067

Literally everyone with a high net worth and good job is racist.

Only people who are against racist are unemployed ugly feminists and gender studies majors.

>> No.51160088

I'm going to have you banned, you do not get away with threatening people for not following your agenda.

>> No.51160092

the weakness of index funds that nobody mentions is that:

1. stocks themselves are essentially immaterial derivatives

2. Stocks only go up because of monetary expansion. Money is printed and ends up in the stock market and in that way the stock market is just a long running ponze scheme. The "stock" has no inherent value but since money is constantly flowing in you make money.

3. Stocks become useless during a currency crisis since the stocks are denominated in your local currency. Gold can be traded for any currency but if you have to cash out of stocks during a currency crisis you are going to have a bad time.

>> No.51160112

the upper class in america are obsessed with anti-racism and the narrative in america is that only the poor and drug addicted are racist. So you're the one percent of racists that are successful?

>> No.51160126

>stocks have no inherent value

Stocks are the only things that hold real value.

>Stocks become useless during a currency crisis

No they don't, if the currency falls 90%... the stocks will rise by 10x. Stocks are not tied to a currency, they are tied to real value.

If i own Apple... Apple will still be valuable regardless of what happens to the USD

>> No.51160136

They are not going up enough.

>> No.51160142

They are anti-racism on paper and public but deep down they're Nazis. My really rich grandfather would go on about how amazing Hitler was in his final days.

>> No.51160173

What's wild is I had a super high paying finance job and couldn't convince my boss to allocate anything into btc at $500. Think I still need that job? It was honestly such a fat pill about the industry, soured my entire perspective. Looks like you're figuring it out.
Don't tell me about muh risk premia if you haven't done the numbers yourself. I invite you to try that out, tell me anything with a better return per dollar at risk in the past 5 years than crypto (t debt doesn't count)
But you can because they're actually bad at their jobs. Robots are demolishing active managers for at least 10 years now

>> No.51160177

only muttmericans can be convinced to trade around these useless derivatives.

>> No.51160178

Then where's the extra money going?

If the govenrment doubles the money supply... where will that money go if not the stock valuations? Regardless of who gets that money, it will be spent on BUISNESS

>> No.51160196

how dare you assume he's white you racist chud

>> No.51160197

Gold is doing a good job.
S&P500 is down 15% YTD, Gold down 3% YTD.
Gold is up 5000% since 1973, S&P500 is up 3700%.

>> No.51160200

Crypto was a SHITTY return/risk.... sure you had good returns, but the risk was not worth it. At any price of BTC... it looked far more like it would crash to nothing.

Only mentally ill people, and i mean seriously ill people think you can outperform the market without massive gambling risk. As Jamie Diamond said, "yes people got rich off bitcoin, are they stupid? Absolutely"

>> No.51160222

Well yeah no shit, you said "YTD"

In the short term, the market is controlled by interest rate fluctuations, in the long run, it correlates with (money supply + profit margin)

>> No.51160247

a stock is just basically a receipt saying that you gave money to a company. Then you trade that receipt around on an exchange to other dummies that pretend that that receipt is actually a part of the company. It's not - you dont get any of the profit of the company and you own nothing material.

The US government pretends that the health of the economy is accurately measured by tracking the performance of these stock receipts that get traded around - and nobody talks about how the only reason they get more expensive is because of inflation.

What I said earlier is correct: they are just junk derivatives that are denominated in your currency and become worthless during currency crisis

I'll stick with my gold, silver, and REAL BUSINESSES that i own and not immaterial "stock" that pays in 99 percent of cases no dividends.

>> No.51160250

if the market were efficient then nobody would trade, everyone would have ewual access to all resources, and we'd all be shitskins. you complete imbecile

>> No.51160251

I gave you a 50 year time horizon there too.

>> No.51160287

crypto is predominately a currency. If crypto becomes worth less it should make crypto denominated exports cheaper. The big lie is that nothing is actually denominated in crypto and crypto is a currency that nobody actually needs to use. Weak exchange rates favor exports but there are NO crypto exports. lol

Do your finance nerd friends understand that your American elites created crypto to funnel money away from gold and silver so that the price of metals would stay low, hiding inflation?

>> No.51160312

>it looked like
Not what it looked like. What it actually was. I'm really giving you a freebie here. The common wisdom was wrong and it's still wrong though the premium is diminishing lately. Iirc it was better than US equities by a factor of 16. But I haven't touched that model in a year or more.

>> No.51160334

>threatening people for not following your agenda
that is quite literally what you are doing. you called him white trash with zero context or evidence. now i will call you a jew, given your behavior.

>> No.51160378

Literally Fama and French prove markets are not efficient. Investing in low volatility value stocks has proven to beat the market on a risk adjusted basis.the

>> No.51160436

We are not competing against them. Except for day traders, which is granted, a fools errand

>> No.51160499

Dividends are good in a crab market

>> No.51160601

Based. Brown women are the calue stocks of the woman world. White women are reddit memw stocks

>> No.51160603

If inflation is high, I'll buy index funds that go up with inflation

He called me a "retard", i don't converse with people who don't argue and just call me "retard"

>> No.51160696

you're a racist. racists get the rope.

>> No.51160724
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>calls someone dumber than dogshit
>"b-b-b-but someone called me a retard"

>> No.51160759

>you need to respond seriously to people calling you "retard" and threatening you.

You're a troll and are inspiring me to become a mod.

>> No.51160827

nobody cares about some faggot functionary wagecuck. even if you make 250k nobody cares, you're still just some r*ddit-tier servant of the market makers and they're not feeding you any "insider info"

>> No.51160881

Ok Aarno Brequelious

>> No.51160888

bitcoin has the best sharpe ratio of any asset class my fren

>> No.51160889

I'm extremely rich myself, and i don't make anything close to 250k..

No one is making anything near that that outside a FEW hedge fund managers and bankers from Hollywood movies.

>> No.51160992

kek, gotta be more subtle with the larp

>> No.51161010

>larping for saying something everyone knows

You're trolling is poor and you should feel bad

>> No.51161053

You don't work in high finance, post ID card with name blocked out. You aren't one of us poorfag

>> No.51161168

>one of us

You're white trash, prove it if you aren't.

>> No.51161197

Crypto is crazy I’m glad I didn’t loose money.
I have some stocks only in industry I have expertise on.
I don’t care if it goes up or down to the ground.
I don’t think index funds are really worth it with the money I can afford to chip in.
I don’t want to have exposure on some of the top industry companies.
If something really interesting will happen on the market it certainly won’t be in the index.
Stock market is a waste of time if your work is not related to it.
Focus on building something for yourself rather than hope that you are gonna make it because you bought some lottery tickets.

>> No.51162142

imagine believing this trash

read the misbehavior of markets by mandelbrot
or/and the alchemy of markets by soros

OP is full of shit

>> No.51162151

I didn't say it wasn't possible your surly bitch. I'm asking you for the mechanics of it and not broad generalizations. Or in other words I don't give a shit if people who are oligarchs are using insider trading. I'm asking how a unconnected pleb like myself can get any value out of your assessment.

>> No.51162320

you can get value out of it by realzing the only people that make money our insiders in investing. Robert kiosaki talks about it all the time. There is e,s,b and I. You want to be on the right side (b and I) of the quadrant. B is big business owner or I (inside investor) christ your dumb. Why do you think people are able to get rich of shitcoin crypto? there are unregulated securities where the average joe has the same chance to pre-ico/ico like the big boys do with regular stocks. (dump on retail) of course most fail at that

>> No.51162586

So if most fail at that then what's the point? What are other examples of unregulated securities in which average people do this? Are there any other assets this applies to?

>> No.51162625

>This is common sense in the finance industry

You're in a cult designed to keep goyim pig faggot cattle like you doing bitch work and making money for your masters. The finance industry is full of "experts" who are great at explaining that since people they work for can't figure out better solutions than what is currently available that therefore neither will those outside of the industry.

>> No.51162734

lol you're just a little dick pajeet faggot with no money. I could probably bribe your sister or mother into sucking my cock.

>> No.51162761

OP is obviously right
this is the simplest thing to understand too, watch jack bogle interviews
buy the haystack, don't look for the needle
this stuff is even written in the bible more or less (invest in 7 things etc), the idea of diversifying

OP the reason why most are insulting you here is simple, most of us are poorfags, you can't make it being a poorfag in the stock market with index funds
ok maybe you can in 40 years ... this is not exciting for young men in their twenties

the only reason poorfags here will stay poorfags is their impatience

markets are beautiful like that because they force you to grow

another interesting thing for me personally:

the difference between 0K and 10K seems much bigger than the difference between 10K and 20K
Yet it is the same difference

this is also why it is hard to save/invest money, think about it

>> No.51163088

actually the markets are totally stupid.

were the market's "efficient" during the dotcom bubble?

>> No.51163363

A stock gives you the right to profits the company makes and distributes as dividends
A stock gives you the right to the companies assets once debtors are paid

>> No.51163365

i think i missed the chapter of the Bible where they tell us to buy stocks in companies that are literally on life support from the federal reserve

>> No.51163454

re-read it then lad, pay more attention

>> No.51163600

an efficient market would not let, say, the dot com bubble happen
efficient market hypothesis is based on everyone having all the information and making perfectly logical decision

but not everyone looks up all the information and makes perfect decisions

>> No.51163674

i dont care if it bait, this is still the most 60IQ post i have read today

>> No.51163776

OP may be a faggot but you're dumb as fuck bro

>> No.51163797

dcf only works if you discount dividends
imagie two companies with the same eps, growth and price, yet one pays out 50% of earnings as dividens, the other doesn't
clearly the one paying out divdends is worth more
personally, i think looking for good stocks (financial strength, profitability, growth, predictable earnings) and then discounting future dividens is the way to value a stock
discount rate = 12th root(((10y bond yield+1)^12)*1.5)-1)
which works out to be about 3 percent more than the typical 10y gov bond rate, deviating only at very high rates

then predict growth for the next 10 years and discount dividends based on current payout ratio, then assume no growth after the initial 10years and a 100% payout ratio (again with dicount)

>> No.51163820

>you can't make it being a poorfag in the stock market with index funds
How much initial capital would it take for index funds to be worthwhile?

>> No.51163835

if you dump a million USD in the market it pays like 30-50 thousand a year in dividends, which of course are taxed, the underlying index itself will underperform hard assets but it's all part of the ponzi scheme.
With just 1 million you too could be a part of the magic.

>> No.51163847

Aren't dividends a meme?

>> No.51163973

They are but it's the only reason anybody invests in S&P500 because without re-investing dividends it underpeforms like crazy.
nobody is talking about fact that the stock market is getting fucking shit on by hard assets, lol

>> No.51164024

>They are but it's the only reason anybody invests in S&P500 because without re-investing dividends it underpeforms like crazy
Wouldn't dividend oriented ETFs be better?

>> No.51164125

lets say I have 50k to invest. What index funds do I buy first?

>> No.51164197

Put it all in SPY, VOO, or SFY. Thank me in 5 years.

>> No.51164199

The problem is you gotta have millions for it to work.
You'd be more profitable renting lawnmowers with that kind of money.

>> No.51164252

You're misunderstanding.
Stocks DO NOT perform well long term unless they have dividends re-invested.
Gold will outperform on any meaningful time horizon, or even housing.

>> No.51164304

that is untrue
the spx does not reinvesst dividends

>> No.51164455

Okay sounds good but if people are investing in stocks broadly (risk averse like 90% of money in market) then without dividend re-investment it will underperform.

>> No.51164675

why would housing keep growing like gold? if we assume mocalmy that population stagnates. Only inflation?

>> No.51164689

why? can't just companies grow in capital/asset/industry value?

>> No.51164907

Where are you anti-racism shills coming from all of a sudden? Can I get paid to LARP as a braindead redditor too?

>> No.51165028

underperform compared to what?

>> No.51165053

gold, industrial and agricultural sectors.

>> No.51165076

Don't overcomplicate housing though, if you are in China there can be too many because too much credit/productivity in construction for population, if in Canada not enough.. it varies but housing is depreciating asset outside of printing money bubble like we've been in since 1973.
If you can expand with credit because of asset like housing it is more valuable than gold or stocks.

>> No.51165096
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If you are trading $100,000,000 you are generally correct.
If you are trading $100,000 you are absolutely incorrect.

>> No.51165212

that is not true
go to tradingview
load up gold per ounce
click the plus in the top left
type "spx"
same percent scale
and compare

and the spx pays divides in addition to that
not saying gold is bad

>> No.51165262

That's the elephant in the room. You need a 7 figure principle to make index investing viable these days. The returns are just not high enough to retire on without already having a substantial amount of capital.

>> No.51165343

>If you can expand with credit because of asset like housing it is more valuable than gold or stocks.
why, please explain. Seems important but I syill can't understand why paying 450k€ for a normal house, with mortgage all taxes incl, would be a sane decision

>> No.51165372

on what time horizon
1973 is only thing that matters.

>> No.51165388

Your nigger trash
You are jewish trash
You are chink trash

>> No.51165395

you got a job and you are telling us what you learned about ETFs?
why not just fuck off and help your mom take the trash out, do your homework and then get to bed, like she asked?

>> No.51165455

that's not true, anon
initial investment of 10,000 pus 500 each month leaves you with over 1 million after 30 years assuming 9% growth yoy

you mean 71, right?
since 73 gold returned about 2500% and the sp500 returned about 3350% without reinvesting dividends

since 71, they are about equal with bith returning about 4000%, sp500 beig slightly ahead, but the sp500 pays dividens, gold does not

again gold is not a bad investment when the currency is being inflated but dismissing shares of ownership in buinesses outright deos not seems senisble

>> No.51165531

in 1973 gold is $35 an ounce.
Im not sure where you are getting data but you have a bias.
I had a bias in investing for a really long time, but it does nothing for you. Back the best horse. If you see absolutely no reason to pick gold over the S&P500 than the free market will put you where you need to be long term.

>> No.51165572

I'm not looking to get rich in 30 years

>> No.51165608

in 73 it was abou 65 per ounce

>> No.51165627

no it wasn't it was pegged to the US dollar in 1973.

>> No.51165634
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-15.53% YTD
-25.87% YTD
+67.13% YTD
cope, seethe, dilate etcetera

>> No.51165641

nvm i was thinking about US volunteer force
1971 nixon

>> No.51165747

Gold from the peg to USD to now is 5000%.
The S&P500 is only logical with dividends, otherwise as you put it it's negative and you're better off holding the real republic's money through 71' to now.
The deal right now is to make a no bullshit call on which you see performing going forward, and i'm pretty sure we're about to break the post-war economy pretty hard and if they don't they are going to tax the middle class to the point that you will want something discrete.

>> No.51165860

Passive investing is ruining the market, it works until it doesn't

>> No.51165937

>No one is making anything near that that outside a FEW hedge fund managers and bankers from Hollywood movies.
You're a dumb fucking LARPer. Newgrads that aren't larping and work at top funds and HFT are making 250+ upon graduation at places like Citadel, HRT, etc.

t. make >300

>> No.51166206

Index funds ARE a portfolio of blue chip stocks, and a better selection than the one you’ll pic. Or at least that’s what OP is asserting

>> No.51166270

What's the alternative ?

>> No.51166336
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I don't like index funds for the same reason I don't like CEX

You don't own the stock, you own an IOU to the stock through the Jewish ETF fund.

I much prefer individual dividend stocks

Do not reply to me

No feedback

>> No.51166370

Lmao goyim.. teehee.. just like.... give us all your money to play with. (LOL) We promise to give it back and you can have like um a few pennies a year. Just enough for you to survive.

>> No.51166388

Nice (you) farm anon

>> No.51166449

like clockwork, the nikkei FUD. If you are all in on one countries index, then you are retarded.
OP is actually right, and yes I work in Finance. However I think crypto presents the best risk/reward play available right now, but stock picking and trading is a fool's errand.

>> No.51166601

OP is a young idiot. Learned a thing or two and just spouts out garbage

>> No.51166978

kek typical deflection from a poorfag pajeet

This. I only buy ETF's for niche things like emerging small cap or oil ETF's for trading, OP btfo high finance is a Renaissance style fund which invests in individual equities

>> No.51167023


Its not accurate at all. Index funds are so retail can pump individual stocks and then not sell when its overvalued as they are told to just hold indexes forever. People have been convinced 10% is a solid annual return when its laughable.

It is ONLY if you are working with 8-9+ figure amounts that 5-10% is acceptable and Billionaire's shoot for 4%.

Concentration in assets build wealth, diversification then retains it.

You know literally nothing and literally all of this can be learned online for free but none of this is surprising as you work in Finance and thus are 110 IQ max

>> No.51167031

You can beat professional funds pretty easily because they're accountable to investors and can't suffer large drawdowns, an individual can play much more high risk

>> No.51168263

learn basic economics

If you work in finance your IQ has to be at least 130, we're the only profession with smart people.

>> No.51168275

Also, you're white trash. Anything 5% return is vastly worth it, it's god-tier to earn 8%

>> No.51169214


(((Basic Economics)))

Yes follow the established rules taught to you. Its all theory besides supply and demand. That has nothing to do with returns anyway.

You also failed to even realize I said those returns are good if your capital is large. I'm not wrong when I say concentration to build wealth and diversification to retain it.

I've followed this steps and stopped working at 29.

>> No.51169294

>I've followed this steps and stopped working at 29.

You're a degenerate and irresponsible gambler who got lucky, in any sane society your wealth would be confiscated.

>> No.51169353

>Pic rel
Me irl

>> No.51169514


No again you are wrong. If you start in early 20s then you can make multiple asymmetrical bets and fail a few times.

You can absolutely fail or make mistakes AND still succeed. Its not luck. Its just a matter of time if you do the due diligence.

Andrew Carnegie mentions exactly what I said. Its also true if you look at the data. Most millionaires produced from stocks did so with one asset.

"If you find a goose that produces Golden Eggs why would you buy them anywhere else?"--Andrew Carnegie

He talks about doing extreme due diligence basically, DCA, and then watch your basket incredibly carefully waiting to unload. Most people don't do this because they are too low IQ to actually pick the proper asymmetrical bets.

>> No.51170682

what exactly happened in 1989?

>> No.51171355

Where does this leave crypto bros

>> No.51171486

I can't believe people still exist that think market are efficient. This is decades outdated. You likely got your position because you agree with the older people hiring you, regardless of whether it's actually true or not (it's not)

>> No.51171711

How about buying a shit-ton of a crypto coin at a low price, staking it until it's substantial, and then selling off when it breaches a new ATH? I have this strategy with ETH and FWT.

>> No.51171728

It leaves them right exactly where they are. Everyone is making exhaustive analysis because the market is down. Wasting time talking instead of doubling down on the staking and DCA. When the market begins the inevitable uptrend, they'd begin to fomo right back in. After the analyses

>> No.51171750

I think I've found a wise anon here. But, you've got two kidney. All you have to do is sell one and buy more of this If they've potentials.

>> No.51171766

I agree anon, the entire market is down even fundamental projects are bleeding excessively, only projects that have working product will survive. That's why I like supercharging staking.

>> No.51171889

>How about buying a shit-ton of a crypto coin at a low price, staking it until it's substantial, and then selling off when it breaches a new ATH? I have this strategy with ETH and FWT.

Idk what FWT is so I have no opinion there. Your strategy isn't bad though in regards to ETH although based on what Andrew Carnegie and I did and what I'm suggesting is you are DCA'ing and holding over what might be a 3-5 year period in order to see a 50x-100x. The amount of these plays that exist in crypto is unreal.

These are the asymmetrical bets I'm talking about. People would rather index for 40 years instead of taking bets that you drop $5000 in something every few months and have a 20% chance of it hitting $250K. A young bachelor professional could fail those plays for so long and still come out ahead eventually. Then it gets even easier once you have a small nest egg to take even more of those asymmetrical plays.

Sure find those is most of the battle but most people aren't looking or willing to do autistic next level research to find those possible edges.

>> No.51172031
File: 51 KB, 447x504, 1612972052711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but a lot depends on what your goals are.
If your goal is to retire a bit earlier with a lot of money that you grow over 40 years of small but consistent investing (that basically have zero negative affect on your quality of life) you are right.

But im pretty sure most people on this board are the fanatics who pile in a shit ton of their money on the market and want to hit it big in 3-5 years. You can absolutely do 'short' term speculative investing without it being gambling. You might fuck it up sometimes but if you make good decisions 60% of the time with high risk investments, you can absolutely turn 100+% profit per year (with traditional investing, no options or crypto). Its definitely not 'easy' and it requires hours of research every day, so ofc its no feasible for most people. (Its basically a part time job, so if you dont have at least 50k to start its pointless due to the time investment imo, but its possible).

>> No.51172069

>I work in finance
>arno breker statue
Alrighty then. Also this >>51165096

>> No.51172366

Well said anon. I'd take a screenshot of this and follow it judiciously for the next 2-3 years and see if I come out ahead.

>> No.51172381

I'm a young bachelor with no responsibilities, and I have a relatively well paying job, I guess this would be the best time to take whatever risks I can.

>> No.51172591

They had a biden printer that fucked their market for decades

>> No.51172683

Godspeed to both of you. I know you will make it happen.

The number one factor for success friends is tenacity and vigilance. Absolutely never give up. Restructure, adapt, but never surrender. Data shows that factor even supercedes raw IQ in terms of common qualities of becoming wealthy or the wealthy.

The other two are:

Openness to risk taking and new experiences

Neuroticism or your ability to manage stress

Focus on those things. Try not to manage stress with too many drugs/alcohol either. Focus on meditation, breathing or more natural things you can consume

>> No.51173493

>a stock is just basically a receipt saying that you gave money to a company. Then you trade that receipt around on an exchange to other dummies that pretend that that receipt is actually a part of the company. It's not - you dont get any of the profit of the company and you own nothing material.
This is actually the opposite
Unless you are a first purchaser of stock directly from a company issue, the stock you buy on the market comes from another person who owns it, not the company. Thus your money goes to that person.
Second, ownership of a stock indicates either/both of the liquidation value of the company and/or the profitibility.
Ownership of stock gives you the right to share - that's why why're called "shares" anon - in the profits.
Stock valuation is based on both of these, plus potential profitibility depending on the business/industry
lurk more.

>> No.51173575

> Work in finance
> QQQ is 3x leverage

You should sincerely think about roping. Even your larping lvl is absolute dogshit.
Oh and those greeks pictures are for insecure gays sry fag