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File: 500 KB, 2420x3224, 4CEB4C52-4C4E-4494-852E-E8E83602EE8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51155900 No.51155900 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me this isnt real. My portfolio is already causing depression. Please..

>> No.51155915

That's what you get for being a faggot

>> No.51155979

what risky behaviour did you do? dude, if you are going to fuck without condom at least take PrEP

>> No.51155981

why would you even need to test for that

>> No.51156018


>> No.51156037

I would also test for the faggotpox.

>> No.51156053

Could this be false or do I kill myself?

>> No.51156054

there's around a 0.2% chance it's a false negative.
quickly, buy another test and try again!

>> No.51156064

HIV isn't even that bad nowadays with anti viral. Who cares. No reason to use prep with good antivirals.

>> No.51156065

>he took the vax
We warned you.

>> No.51156079

whoops! I meant false positive! whoopsie!

>> No.51156082

Are you jabbed?

>> No.51156084

faggot don't use those stupid rapid tests, go get your blood checked

>> No.51156114

>be fag
>multiple plagues sent to destroy you
>still be a fag
The universe has told you to stop being a fag and yet here you are.

>> No.51156124
File: 3.71 MB, 498x255, 1615225088497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets butt fucked and swallows the cum of multiple strangers in public toilets
>please tell me this isn't real

>> No.51156131
File: 195 KB, 1225x1006, italian man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, op?

>> No.51156232


what symptoms did you have to take a test ?

>> No.51156253

Are you a fag? If not that's even worse as no one is going to believe you are not.

>> No.51156320

Get a blood test.
If you have anal sex or share needles, go on PREP.

>> No.51156546

You cant imagine the relief that I will feel if this is false. I feel horrible. Jesus im sorry… It does not seem likely and typing this makes ne feel so sick. This can ruin my life. I cant take it

>> No.51157126

Calm down, faggioli.

Could be a false positive although there is less than .5% chance of it. Go to a clinic and explain to the doctor, show him the picture and ask for an ELISA tests, your doctor will order one anyway as soon as you show him the picture. Wait for results and if it comes back positive start your treatment as soon as possible and follow everything to the dot. HIV is no longer what it was in the 80s, you can live 30+ years if discovered early, no aggressive strain and follow your treatment.

>> No.51157148

Anal sex.

>> No.51157307

Most of HIV is caused by (IV) drug use and over consumption of alcohol etc. HIV is really a scam, by the way...

Luc Montagnier left us with this "Good nutrition is very important and most africans do not have good nutrition, hence why they dont have good immune systems and HIV".

Im paraphrasing of course, but you should look into what Luc Montagnier has said. He is the scientist who discovered HIV and got the nobel price for it after all.. He died recently but told the world about what a scam medicine is before he did. A real legend.

Also these two are correct.

also this fag is semi-correct.

Dont worry OP, everything will work out in the end. I promise you that

>> No.51157322
File: 213 KB, 400x294, you have aids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope with this (((fact check))) vaxtard

>> No.51157398

After you get medical treatment you should go to church. There is still time to save your soul anon. Jesus awaits.

>> No.51157405

you letting them mutilate your asshole when drunk is not the beers fault

>> No.51157415
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And not a single reply from OP to any question

>> No.51157438

You'll get prescribed HGH and your body won't decay. The only impact to your life is that you can't rawdog anyone ever again and you will never be able to start a family

>> No.51157708

I got raped and am too ashamed and brainfucked to acknowledge it. Happy? My mind doesnt even accept it happened

>> No.51157747


>> No.51157752
File: 46 KB, 1068x296, hiv test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck off faggot

>> No.51157759

I hope it's a false positive, good luck faggot

>> No.51157774

Maybe, but it seems it’s targeting mostly faggots doing orgies around the world

>> No.51157783

There's literally medication just go get tested by a real doc and if you're positive you'll be on meds for the rest of your long life

>> No.51157784

Kill youself and make 41 becomes 42

>> No.51158018


how expensive are those drugs ?

I fucked a bunch of sluts and now the lymph nodes in the base of my neck are enlarged, my joints are aching too, no fever, what could it be ?
also my back seems to hurt

>> No.51158035


by back I mean my kidneys

>> No.51158057

Iirc it's like $5/pill daily? Idk I don't have AIDS but they're cheap enough that gay hookers can afford them

>> No.51158092

That's what you get for being tested bro. There's 2 outcomes, positive or negative, so that's 50/50

>> No.51158096

>long life
longer then without treatment but still considerably shortened, those anti-retroviral drugs come with a shitload of side effects

>> No.51158110

Please watch House of Numbers first!

>> No.51158132

nigga you got AIDS?!?!

>> No.51158154


what side effects ?

>> No.51158163

what is a prep

>> No.51158183

You can live through anything if magic made it

>> No.51158187

Anti-retroviral drug for HIV to prevent the virus from taking over more white blood cells than if you were unmedicated

>> No.51158261

Should have thought about that before committing sodomy. This is God's punishment, your actions have consequences you sick pedophile faggot.

>> No.51159863


>> No.51160285

>Jesus im sorry…
You should try saying that in prayer. He loves you.

>> No.51160326

first minecraft whoever you had sex with
I bet whoever gave you this dont even know or care lol

>> No.51160366

AIDS is God's way to kill faggots. Based as fuck.

>> No.51160371

I hope it's a false positive anon. If it's not, there's treatment to get you healthy to an old age. Be Caucasian and don't spread it.
You disease spreading Marxists truly are a blight.

>> No.51160385


>> No.51160422

>I took the vax and didn't develop HIV/AIDS
>Therefore the vax doesn't cause HIV/AIDS
Take a look at this brainlet.

>> No.51160454

with todays modern drugs you could still have a normal lifespan. still terrifying i'm sure. but get on those drugs.

and for everyone else be advised
because of tinder stds are on the rise, significantly, by a lot. and it is because of tinder this is pretty much agreed. just google tinder stds

condoms. i know i know. i've fucked some sluts i just met bareback as well. but no more. it's russian roulette.

even committed relationships, get her tested first. she might have something and not even know.

personally i'm just going to go volcel. it's not worth it

>> No.51160762


what about blow jobs, do you have to use condoms for those if you want to avoid AIDS ?

>> No.51160840

You did the gay
Time to pay

>> No.51160947

Everything will be fine, OP. Think positive and positive things will come.

>> No.51161003

There are even super strains of gonorrhea going around now that are resistant to antibiotics. Catching that is an even worse fate than catching HIV.

Scariest part is that you can get it from blowjobs if the bitch sucked has sucked off someone else who was infected

>> No.51161042

In order to get infected with HIV from a blowjob there needs to be an open wound or cut both in her mouth and on your cock. And even then the chance of infection is in the single digit percentage. The chance is very small but it's still there. You should be much more worried about herpes and gonorrhea

>> No.51161050

God says fuck you, sodomite. Enjoy Hell.

>> No.51161128
File: 749 KB, 986x966, Screenshot 2022-05-14 at 22.17.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks god I've never had sex so do not have such problems

>> No.51161149

Good, fuck normie fornicators

>> No.51161413 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 2016x980, 20220829_210332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse anon. i tested positive for covid. i'm unvaxed too. you can at least live for 2 decades with hiv..

>> No.51161475
File: 181 KB, 852x1235, B1888E63-D21B-4F70-8807-0342C91E9C61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this book first
The dr who discovered HIV doesn’t even think it causes aids.
Whatever you do, do not take the meds, especially AZT.
Look up the history of AIDS medications

>> No.51161553

imagine thinking you have the authority to give giving someone advice which would almost certainly kill them because you read some poorly illustrated infowars tier conspiracy book. unironically kys

>> No.51161582

Wtf I love viruses now

>> No.51161647

I trust Dr luc montagnier over you
Imagine trusting the same pharmaceutical companies that have class action lawsuits for poisoning people
Enjoy your pills and disabilities you dumbfuck

>> No.51161671
File: 142 KB, 2016x980, 20220829_210332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse anon. i tested positive for covid. i'm unvaxed too. you can at least live for 2 decades with hiv..

>> No.51161679


Like clockwork the christcucks come out of the woodwork, ready to prey on the vulnerable and susceptive. Why do christies only want weak minded sinners to join their cult? I wonder...

>> No.51161688

heh thats what you get for having sex, me personally i never have and never would expose myself with such risk. E-even though I have women swarming me all day long

>> No.51161721

i'm an incel and whenever a girl shows attraction to me I always imagine her taking BBC and being infected with STDs. why am I like this?

>> No.51161741

Better give away your crypto

>> No.51161750

This exactly how I felt after getting chlamydia from some whore. I had to ask the doctor if it was curable.

>> No.51161751

hod hates fags

>> No.51161818


I heard that in the '90 in faggot culture being HIV positive was like badge of honour. I hope you feel better now

>> No.51161872

I trust the fact that HIV used to be a death sentence and now it’s no big deal. I tend to trust 99.99% of the scientific community over some faggot grifter you read about.
Touch grass or go back to your containment board you fucking retard.

>> No.51161888


>> No.51161895

All of the vaccinated have AIDS now.

>> No.51161896

good thing i have had sex before this tinder shit was popular
dont think ive ever ctached something since i monstly fucked virgins
maybe being an incel is a blessing in disguise after playing around with the thought of catching shit
thanks bros, you are always watching out for me

>> No.51161916

>no homo

>> No.51161985
File: 57 KB, 600x673, 1566586818324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent faggot op

>> No.51162020

stop watching porn you degen

>> No.51162337

You're not just sure, you're HIV positive.

>> No.51162399

Thank God theres no publishing powerhouses gatekeeping academic research and social media silencing dissent, luckily we have unfilitered access to the opinions of "99.9% of the scientific community"..

You DO have unfiltered access to the scientific research community, right anon?

Screencap h8 dtjn... degenerates trannies jews nigger. Nice very based

>> No.51162685

Wow you believe other peoples research instead of doing your own. You are pathetic lol. Die slow pussy retard.

Anyway there are cure for HIV op, but if you love gay anal sex with morally dysgenic people you will likely just get it again.

>> No.51162729
File: 150 KB, 512x512, 1630428789904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please tell me this isnt real. My portfolio is already causing depression. Please..
False positive?
What symptoms are you getting?

>> No.51162775

you dont have to accept some retard socially acceptable story or labels. it happened and thats all there is to it. what that means is up to you and only you. so you
got raped big deal. walk it off. this is still your universe. so what happens next? you decide

>> No.51162804

Can you really test for hiv at home?

>> No.51162870

Medfag here. If you have one quick HIV test positive you must do another one and even if this new one is positive you must go a do a western blot test.

>> No.51162987


what were your symptoms ?

I am fucking a slut that loves black cock, might make watch

>> No.51163591

Good related documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq8gT0xUcKY

>> No.51163610

Extremely based.

>> No.51164493

fpbp all fags deserve the worst shit possible

>> No.51164583

i feel you bro. getting chlamydia from a roastie sucks
mine cheated on me after we had a fight and didn't talk for weeks. once i learned about it, i ordered her to fly to me to get fucked (muhh "alpha") only for her to give me chlamydia from the girl she hooked up with
i'm a fucking meme. took 3 months to clear in full

>> No.51164619
File: 12 KB, 221x228, 1650030694711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51164620

Hope you get HIV or cancer, see how well that goes for you

>> No.51164631
File: 2.84 MB, 204x360, 1659304593943641.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51164634

Are you super fat tho?
Starve yourself quick!

>> No.51164663

God hates fags

>> No.51164703
File: 2.84 MB, 204x360, 1659305101284041.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't talk shit about Piss Sweeper Man. Diversity is a strength don't you remember?

>> No.51164735

don't worry, you can only get it once

my thoughts exactly. I thought one would need to get blood lab tested, didn't realise these came in quick tests like for pregnancy

>> No.51165261

Sting to pee and weird white discharge in your piss
Damn 3 months? Took me a couple weeks with a shot in the ass + antibiotics. It's gone now but it still feels shitty. My advice to anyone is use protection, the bitch straight up lied to me and questioned me like 4 times if I was clean myself. Do not raw dog these women and if you're getting serious you should both get screened.

>> No.51165312

I've seen some shit and this just about tops it all

>> No.51165687

you get what you fucking deserve. Thanks for playing Biden's faggot game.

>> No.51165711

OP is an aids ridden faggot

>> No.51166050

omicron doesn't attack the lungs and the delta is by now extinct along with all previous variants


>> No.51166356

I feel so absolutely sick right now. If this is true then my life is over. Just like that…

>> No.51166500
File: 2.03 MB, 2300x1533, Internet Situation Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51166520

kike on a stick

>> No.51166545

me too

>> No.51167235

AIDS is as real as covid i should know barebacked many a thai hooker nothng but a peanut

>> No.51167396

>hiv is caused by over consuming alcohol
HIV is a virus you mong. Consuming too much alcohol doesn’t put a fucking virus in your blood. Your internal organs might fail from drinking too much but it sure as fuck isn’t going to cause you to magically catch HIV as an abstinent virgin that isnt shooting up.

>> No.51168364

Well at least hiv medicine is free now, if you don’t have insurance find a health clinic or something
Also though yeah either you did drugs or took dick, guaranteed

>> No.51168386

vaccine cuck problems

>> No.51168597

i test positive on hiv tests, all the basic tests come back positive. if you think you have false positive get a viral load test done, this doesn't amount to a "negative hiv test" if you need that for something but an undetectable viral load + no risky behavior basically means you are fine and it is a false positive.

>> No.51168647

Probably because Jesus said something like “I come not for the righteous but to call sinners to repentance”

>> No.51168891

somehow the terminally ill seem overrepresented

>> No.51168948

Viruses aren't real you uneducated retard. Bet you think the earth is flat too. Fucks sake

>> No.51169431

>But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

>> No.51169468


>> No.51170329

too early

>> No.51170360


I can't wait until western civilization crumbles.

>> No.51171563


>> No.51171575

Are you into crypto?

>> No.51171585

Live as a faggot, die as a faggot. Simple as.

>> No.51171602

this is why the white race must be destroyed

>> No.51171623
File: 57 KB, 240x208, 7e1b32e27d0ecc1d210937b6daaba336cb73e1120fff4a17fbbb1bfc3da7bf63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never even had degenerate sex, did you? You probably just got the vax aids like a fucking moron. I can't even imagine

>> No.51171746

Imagine having faggot live rent free in your head so much you forget roasties have aids

>> No.51172589

Everyone have aids, that's why I'm a 30yrs old wizard.

>> No.51172644

>Damn 3 months? Took me a couple weeks with a shot in the ass + antibiotics.
worst of it was admittedly gone in the same timeframe as you. but i've got bitch genetics and i always get longer lasting effects from shit most people shake off quick (except muh covid somehow)

>> No.51172681

chance to get aids from roastie is negligible compared to faggot sex
unless you're fucking her in the ass, in which case it's just very low

>> No.51172763

Have you tried not being a massive faggot?

>> No.51174184
File: 160 KB, 1024x736, 87CCEA47-F1A8-4A8E-AC1C-EA6DA83B77F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51174278

lmao i hope you're american and you have to pay thousands a month for a lifelong HIV treatment hahahaha serves you right for being a faggot. Pray for forgiveness.

>> No.51174784

Dude. Are you serious right now? Someone is in a life-threatening situation and that's all you could think of.

>> No.51174797
File: 14 KB, 474x355, 3940EEA3-D614-427F-9BD1-3CD342230AF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51174845

>hasn’t seen prolapsed anus licker
>hasn’t seen shitswiper

Hello, newfaggot!

>> No.51174857

>OP didn't say how he catched HIV
>thread is full of schizo posts
makes me wonder how many bots are there in this thread, and the purpose of it.

all drugs have side-effects

>> No.51174935

>Fake gay picture and thread not related to crypto
>Iphone poster
>Mods do absolutely nothing
This board is literally for niggers now.

>> No.51174993

>faggot defense force in full action
chance to catch aids from homosex is 3-4 orders of magnitude higher than chance to catch aids from normal heterosexual lifestyle
non-sexual transmission is also anecdotal
you're free to reject science but you don't have to project your antiquated views onto the rest of us

>> No.51175061

Because us non-degenerates already walk with Jesus. That being said, fuck the Church.

>> No.51176099
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 7CD94043-29FC-48C3-85E6-F5C850671BC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a second test just now. Is there a chance?!?

>> No.51176700
File: 3.37 MB, 4032x3024, D848130F-49B8-4ADC-861C-D8EBAEB4B7E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please, I am so sorry…

>> No.51176860

You still haven't told us. Was it the vaxx or did you let biker bob poz your neghole?

>> No.51176931


>> No.51177085

it stings when you pee, and i even pissed blood for a couple of days, then finally saw a doctor, got some antibiotics and that was it.
just go to a doctor asap and get the pills, its really not a big deal unless you wait for it to get worse like a retard like i did

>> No.51177640

You deserve everything coming your way, sodomite :)

>> No.51177877

>still tries to sneak in 'I blame the Spanish'
Good job Italia!

>> No.51177921

Fuxsakes, did you get enough blood in there?
Looks like Friday 13th.

>> No.51178333

Kek, should have had a double thought before taking it in the ass, faggot

>> No.51178496

My sincere condolences

>> No.51178680
File: 63 KB, 760x594, retardedop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the controll strip, what are you on about

>> No.51179718
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1622845395746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't that mean negative?

>> No.51181618
File: 521 KB, 1106x1012, 1643732664696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both those tests are negative you european RETARD

>> No.51183530

welp, you know what to do OP
spread it to as many people as you possibly can before the show is over
THE SHOW MUST GO ON (what that song is actually about)

>> No.51183626

Because it's a fucking bear market faggot. It's time to DCA and I do it with METIS, ETH, AVAX and QANX

>> No.51183703

For the same reason why America is the capital of sodomy and sin. Christianity is the religion of Sodom and Gomorrah, and they will all confuse the anti-Christ for Jesus.

>> No.51183756

It's real. And that test isn't just sure it's HIV positive.

>> No.51183867

You're right pleb. This is the time to DCA and my picks are MATIC, ORE, SOV and DOT

>> No.51183880

1) go to a doctor to be 100% sure
2) confirm if you are gay or if you just had sex with some random roastie

>> No.51183893

The absolute state of this board

>> No.51183898


>> No.51183907

Are you gonna convert now OP? Honest question.

>> No.51183929
File: 3 KB, 124x124, 1656181839193s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bag all these except for ore and earlier as this anon >>51183626 mentioned I bag QANX big time as I believe in the quantum threats which are inevitable.

>> No.51183952

op here. i ate a dudes asshole and had his cum dripping out of my butthole but im not gay

>> No.51183973

You’re not OP. OP’s ID is gay coloured.

>> No.51184004

my ip changed because im on wifi at the steam bath. i come here to chill every night (this is where the accidents happen sometimes even though im straight as an arrow)