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51151141 No.51151141 [Reply] [Original]

is having a family still a sane investment nowadays?

>> No.51151170

For you, probably, because gibs

For the kids, fuck no. From day 1 they'll be begging to die.

>> No.51151231

Family is the most important aspect of your life besides your soul's connection to God. You already have a family, love them first and then think about having kids.

>> No.51151258

the thing is if you dont keep your woman in check she's always wanna try and step on you

>> No.51151277
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Never was. It's been lottery all along. And very few ever won.

>> No.51151280

This sticker chart is incredibly broken. You obviously make a habit of making the kid's lunch everyday and just rack up the get out of jail free cards. Then you fuck whoever you want on the side, and every time you get caught you simply use one of your mulligans, you can essentially maintain an open relationship this way without consequence for years

>> No.51151283
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>> No.51151314
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God and love. What other childish illusions so you have to sell, you emotional drone?

>> No.51151316

Thinkers like this is why we're the richest place on the clearnet

>> No.51151440

Living alone would probably allow you to experience God more than marrying the wrong woman.

>> No.51151714

any woman who does that does not deseve to be a wife or a mother
my wife and I understand that we're equal partners and raising our child is a collective duty. She picks up the slack if I'm busy. I do the same when she is busy.
That's how mature adults deal with responsibilities

>> No.51151791

what will you do if she is a nice girl till you are married and with kids? she can do everything she want with you, unless you are ok with getting divorce raped and losing access to your child.

>> No.51151818

just use some due diligence when thinking about who to start the family with, you retard.

>> No.51151943

kids are fine the problem is if your wife is a retarded bitch. who you marry is the most important decision of your life

>> No.51153431

Kek, do western cucks really?

>> No.51153911

Yes :(

>> No.51153927

youre a subhuman piece of medieval legacy. kys

>> No.51153987

You immediately start testing them and weeding them out. Talk about the holocaust being fake, genociding niggers, talk about how much modern women suck. Unironically be yourself. Even the most die hard fake bitch will unmask herself eventually with enough prodding.

I swear its like you faggots are retarded when it comed to women sometimes, theyre basically big children. I did this and yea, i was pretty much a pariah by all girls, but when i met the one, i knew she was the one. We've been together for a decade, shes a trad wife, stay at home, home school, no vax etc etc. She disagrees with some of the stuff i believe but shes not some psychotic bitch trying to break me. And shes a jew lol.

Women will always try to take the reigns, they crave power but dont know what to do with it. They want your power with no responsibility and you to have all the responsibility and no power. God set the man as the head of house hold for a reason. Dont be an abusive tyrant though.

>> No.51154295

the only thing saving this pic is that he did the only task that had real value

>> No.51154464


>> No.51154592

Sounds like you married a nice doormat. Good job.

>> No.51154653

don't forget to put the toilet seat down so she can't even nag if she catches you cheating

>> No.51154689

lmao god didn't set shit cause he ain't exist retard

>> No.51154936

if you find a decent woman not poisoned by feminism, yes. problem is they are extremely rare. plus if you are short and/or average looking, she won't be that attracted to you, and could end up cheating on you a more attractive guy. being alone is better than being in a marriage with a woman who isn't attracted to you, and one who could divorce rape you whenever she feels like it and take away the kids. then all that investment into starting a family goes down the shitty. like i said though, if you can find a decent woman, its 100% worth it. just don't go in expecting to find one easily

>> No.51154954

>pacl the kids lunches 7 times
>beat the shit out of her
>use the get out of the dog house free card when she tries to call the cops

>> No.51155058
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>Enter into contract where one party has all the leverage, total backing of the state, total backing of the public's support, and will literally be massively financially rewarded for breaking the contract

From a business/financial standpoint alone, modern marriage is probably the worst idea ever. The sexual revolution has done an inordinate, irreversible amount of damage to the entire world and it is a very effective tool of asymmetrical, next-gen warfare.

>> No.51155312

I would rather be a lonely loser for the rest of my life if this is the alternative

>> No.51155608

What is your focus, greed and sourness?
If you think loving your family is a bad way to live life, I don't really care to hear what you think is good.
What do you mean by alone? If you didn't marry a woman but were close to your friends and family, you'd still probably have a nice life.
But yeah, marrying the wrong woman would suck, but I could see the process of getting through that experience would result in a closer relationship to God. He'd probably warn you before you marry her, and you probably won't listen to Him, because you probably don't listen to Him currently
Sorry bro I love my friends, family, and God. I have no reason to kill myself, but hopefully you don't want to kill yourself either. It's difficult being bitter

>> No.51155673

just amerisharts