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File: 126 KB, 1480x741, EMINCONFIRMSITSACONSPIRACY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51148410 No.51148410 [Reply] [Original]








AVAX Fudders BTFO.

>> No.51148430

Sue them then.. oh wait

>> No.51148439

Sue them then

>> No.51148447
File: 42 KB, 623x760, 480BA77B-547D-48AE-B2BC-35D3FA1669E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t matter retard all yall bags is going down as we speak

>> No.51148453

>deploy the damage control bounties

>> No.51148477

the amount of despair in your post though, avax is finished my dude, pack your bags

>> No.51148502

its literally FUD no different than the Zeus Capital smear campaign against Chainlink.

>> No.51148506

>attorney is caught on video literally saying the point is AVAX won’t be on any of the lawsuits
Ahahahahahahahaha the paid shills finally got their marching orders

>> No.51148516
File: 84 KB, 675x658, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is buddy

>> No.51148566
File: 2.01 MB, 498x258, avax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the irony

>> No.51148567

So ICP paid the lawyers working for AVA Labs to confess on camera to starting frivolous lawsuits against AVA Lab's competitors? That sounds perfectly logical.

>> No.51148577


Everything about avax is intentionally misleading or dishonest. (((Schneider))) denies everything naturally. There's zero reason to trust this roach chain shitcoin.

>> No.51148603

>imagine typing up this much cope.

>> No.51148608

Forget the article. It's the videos that are damning.

>> No.51148661

taken out of context

>> No.51148689

the amount of cope is unbelievable, holy shit

>> No.51148704

its obvious its taken out of context. thats why its so many short videoclips.
the ICP shills tried hard but their FUD efforts failed again.

>> No.51148707

Holy shit fuck these guys

>> No.51148741

Zeus fud was actually class, This shit is only getting recognition because CZ tweeted (He knew exactly what he was doing, Just like Uniswap bug tweet a month ago)

>> No.51148743

Roche Freedman are good lawyers.

>> No.51148744

no it's not obvious dude, the only obvious thing is that you are trying to cope with a sinking boat lmao, just get the fuck out of the boat and let it sink, don't die along with it

>> No.51148767

CZ is obviously in on it.
>no it's not obvious dude
it is. its obvious FUD and things taken out of context.
maybe you are not smart enough to understand it but for anyone above 60 IQ its obvious whats going on. ICP wont get away with this either.

>> No.51148777

The real question is:
Did Roche actually sued any competitors under AVAX demand? The answer is NO. The article itself tried to make the connections between what Kyle said to Avalanche, But there isn't not a claim nor evidence (Concrete lawsuit) of it.

Typical twitter drama from haters (Other bagholders) and short traders

>> No.51148786


>> No.51148830

Why would you hold this shit to begin with... anyone holding avax except as a cynical flip trade is a retard. Thus anyone defending them is a retard.

>> No.51148865

no evidence other than Roche's own statements, lmao, cope harder, boss

>> No.51148938

>believing a lawyer
straight dumb

>> No.51149027

lmfao fuckn conspiritists if only you could catch those incel phaggs in public.

I'm not a smart man but AVAX only had one meme on /biz/ n that was a frog with a hat.

>> No.51149077

>ICP wont get away with this either.
Get away with what? ICP didn't force that lawyer to confess all that shit on camera. Freedman did it all by himself. You should be mad at him. Dfinity was just quietly working on their alien tech.

>> No.51149086

ICP is running smear campaigns.
this wont go unpunished

>> No.51149114

>taken out of context
ok what is the correct context?

>> No.51149122

Anonymous author, Twitter created in June, requests statements from those he writes about after the article is released. This screams that the author/group is profiting off market manipulation.

>> No.51149124

read the OP

>> No.51149128

Kek, AVAX faggots are seething, oh no, no no- confidence is gone

>> No.51149137

What are they gonna do? Sue? LOL. Imagine all the criminal emails between Roche and AVA that would come out in discovery. They ain't gonna do shit.

>> No.51149147
File: 24 KB, 800x511, angry-indian-man-screaming-over-grey-background-emotion-anger-people-concept-132925664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ICP is running smear campaigns.
>this wont go unpunished

>> No.51149154

Kek, you are such a fucking baggie holding faggot. Get fucked roach licker

>> No.51149169

a Lawsuit against ICP is already in the works.
they will be sued for everything they have.
yep they will go to court over this.
bought the ICO so not bagholding.

>> No.51149177

Nope, more confident than ever now. Your fud is weak and pathetic just like ICP.

>> No.51149180

holy cope. whatever you say, mehmet

>> No.51149181
File: 837 KB, 1036x965, hahjahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you will never be a woman

>> No.51149183

dfinity is already getting sued by roche big time. they are mad as hell topkek

>> No.51149197

>yep they will go to court over this.
because some 3rd party biz user made a website and recorded some retarded lawyer?

>> No.51149265

>yep they will go to court over this.
It would be the biggest mistake they ever made. First they would have to prove that Dfinity actually paid for it and then they would have to prove the fud isn't true. They couldn't do either. Seethe harder roach.

>> No.51149267

I've watched the vids again, Kyle never claimed Avalanche hired him to sue anybody, Nor have he claimed that he ever used initial litigation offering against competitors, He claimed that it can be a powerful tool, Which's right and completely agnostic to Avalanche (It's just a new use case for blockchains, If any Avalanche should be congratulated for innovating here), Kyle have his own interest in ILOs because it's a money maker in the same way DeFi is, Never mentioning AVAX which's just the protocol to use.

Overall it seems like Kyle is trying to sell himself, The Dfinity guy did a good job here and the framing of his questions really tried to squeeze out of him ambivalent words

>> No.51149274

I don't care about avax

>> No.51149285


-Even if ICP paid to advertise the story, which may or may not be the case. That doesn't mean the story is false.

-Made that Twitter post then probswent and got beers with the guy suing Solana. "This is so fked up you dirty dog let me get u a drink"

-That's kind of the point, he works for AVA Labs as expert council....

-This guy literally just said "if he takes tokens in exchange for info it's not a bad thing". If you agree with his opinion, that's awesome! Using someones 2 cents to try to back your argument makes me think your looking for answers. Most stuff in crypto is "wrong" it's the lack of oversight and self governance that's supposed to have the communities making decisions instead of the law anyway. Let the free market decide as they say.

-The CEO denying it okay guys nvm let's move on sorry I came in this thread and responded case closed the CEO made a twitter post.

>> No.51149290

kek first guy screenshots my Icp shill account with like 20 tweets. Dfinity not paying anyone
I’ll reply tomorrow to shill dogbat and tell him Avax can’t even run a website
Dogbat 50b eoy, Icp 2k

>> No.51149321

it can be traced back to ICP. they forgot something really important. the information was already forwarded to them.
its over for ICP.
>First they would have to prove that Dfinity actually paid for it
that proof exists.

>> No.51149333

ICP will be sued for Libel, Slander, and Defamation. its over for them.
if only they worked a bit cleaner but now it traces all back to them.
gonna be funny watch this unfold.

>> No.51149353

He literally said his job is to use litigation against competitors to keep the SEC and CFTC away from AVA. He also said they gave him AVAX and equity in AVA Labs for his services. Either you roaches don't speak English or you're coping hard to understand that as anything other than Emin paid scumbag lawyers to do unethical shit.

>> No.51149381

Biggest cope

>> No.51149388

ICP will be dealt with, no worries there.
you better sell before that Lawsuit.

>> No.51149389

Holy checked even bigger cope

>> No.51149390
File: 132 KB, 1080x823, 1660962628993727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it can be traced back to ICP
Uhm, how? crypto leaks is obvious a ICP shill website, but that doesn't mean they funded it lmao

stop saying ICP, Dfinity is the company. There is essentially no evidence they were involved at all unless I'm missing something.

Also a lot of the "crypto experts" weighing in

one quick search on twitter shows their obvious bias for AVAX so idk what to even believe

>> No.51149395

The story itself is almost entirely false and halfway through goes into personal rant against Emin Gun Sirer, The vids has merit but have zero evidence on Avalanche hiring Kyle to sue their competitors, In fact there aren't any class suits with Avalanche as plaintiff, At worst the accusation could be pushed against Kyle which literally did nothing illegal, He abuse the law in a perfectly valid way.

Actually the most pathetic things about it is how crypto twitter, which among them people and projects that "ethically" deserve to be put in jail for being valued as high despite having zero substance, suddenly turned into ethical saints over (false) allegation of lawyers using the fucking court system doing fucking business.

>> No.51149401

>that proof exists.
No it doesn't. But there is proof that the fud is true since AVA Lab's lawyer admitted to everything on video. So it wouldn't really matter if they paid for it. ICP is the future. Better join the winning team before your scam chain investment goes to zero.

>> No.51149405

>Uhm, how?
you will see soon.
>unless I'm missing something.
you do.

>> No.51149420

>since AVA Lab's lawyer
he isnt the Ava Labs Lawyer.
>ICP is the future
its not, its a scam and will be sued into nonexistence soon.

>> No.51149421

I don’t hold either but the septuple spend with hardcoded blocks chain is going down. That’s for sure. Always got an untrustworthy vibe from “goon” and I was right.

>> No.51149424
File: 72 KB, 618x845, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you're literally just repeating schizo cope. Sell the bags or not. It's obvious there's a lot of shit going on but now it's just avax baggies and ICP baggies pointing fingers while the whole market tanks lmao

>> No.51149440

still shilling some old bug that was resolved ages ago?
the only schizos are the ICP losers.
but they will be dealt with soon.

>> No.51149465

Dom fucking retweeted the article less than 2 hours after the article came out kek. Literally no one pays any attention to this cryptoleaks account except ICP retards.

>> No.51149479

The avax shill cope in this thread is unreal. Today was a good day.

>> No.51149502

ICP and dom are finished, they made a terrible mistake that they dont seem to have noticed yet. soon the ICP baggies wont be as smug anymore when Ava Labs destroys them.

>> No.51149512
File: 151 KB, 1053x620, IMG_20220806_202648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cz AND emin talking about it
> No one pays attention to it

>> No.51149535

Then tell us. Kek
>inb4 no

>> No.51149543

>Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

>> No.51149545

The mistake has been made

>> No.51149565

yep and it will all go to court. it traces back to them because they fucked up.

>> No.51149570

Keep gaslighting nigger you suck ass at shilling and you’re going to loose your job soon

>> No.51149572

He is a lawyer and cofounder of Roche and Freedman. He was given a 1% equity in AVA Labs. He admitted on video that he uses litigation to promote AVA Labs interests. Saying he isn't their lawyer doesn't mean he doesn't do work for them. He works for them or they wouldn't have given him millions of dollars worth of crypto. Do you think he is doing lawyer work or coding? Cope harder or cut your losses and buy some ICP.

>> No.51149592

Who would have thought that a company called Internet Computer would be even worse than Zeus Capital at fabricating hit pieces lol

>> No.51149599

its taken out of context and he isnt the Lawyer of Ava Labs. hes just a Lawyer. Ava Labs has its own legal team.
ICP and especially dom will be dealt with.
no you cant bargain here, everything is already in the works.

>> No.51149605

This guy probably isn’t even an avax baggie. He sounds more like a desperate damage control shill. (Who sucks at his job)

>> No.51149613

Oh, it’s definitely a Dfinity friendly, even funded site- too bad what they brought forth is true and it doesn’t matter who brought the info forward.

>> No.51149621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51149623

its taken out of context and nothing about the FUD is true.
watching you ICP shills squirm is funny but it wont help you, Dom fucked up.

>> No.51149627
File: 1.72 MB, 666x716, 1633467982846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taken out of context
Did you even watch the videos?
Here they are:
Here's CZ's tweet:

>> No.51149642
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you trust this face?
watch his videos lol
he is openly bragging like an absolute kike.

>> No.51149645

It doesn’t matter who brought the information forward, what matters is: AVAX was funding a predatory law firm to go after their enemies and provide sec cover because AVAX is a Security.
Focus on that. It doesn’t matter if Dfinity, or Sam bankman or a grove of talking trees brought this up, the info stands and AVAX shills are getting Btfo’d and for good reason

>> No.51149646

>no full lenght video just short clips
Its taken out of context and the ICP losers will be dealt with. they shouldnt have done it but now they will pay the price.

>> No.51149653

watch them nigger, this (((Freedman))) is a predator

>> No.51149659

the only reason ANYONE other than ICPfags are talking about this is because CZ retweeted it kek.

>> No.51149660

>no full lenght video just short clips
thats how you know its taken out of context.
nothing about it is true, instead the ICP losers will be sued for defamation.
and that wont help their unregulated securities lawsuit they are battling right now.

>> No.51149663

why did you ignore

>> No.51149665

How do you know it’s taken out of context where you there? No, so shut the fuck yo you lying, obfuscating nigger.

>> No.51149678

what about it?
nothing wrong with Emin praising them.
its a good Law firm.

>> No.51149686

no full lenght video was posted, that can only mean one thing and that is: its taken out of context.
but no worries friend, ICP will pay for this defamation.

>> No.51149691
File: 140 KB, 1080x494, IMG_20220814_220527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either you believe cz is an ICP baggie or you don't believe in the first proposition.

>> No.51149759


>AVAX was funding a predatory law firm to go after their enemies and provide sec cover
Please provide the relevant case numbers/records for this claim.
>AVAX is a Security
AVAX was not ICO'd in the US first off and this statement is highly debateable. AVAX functions identically to something like ETH, it's a utility token.

>> No.51149821

Hm why would a major market maker want to manipulate detrimental news, no matter how dogshit tabloid it is, towards harming the image of his competitor's superior chain and making money off the ensuing bad publicity. ICP shills are some of the absolute dumbest, pet-rock-IQ rube motherfuckers on this board.

>> No.51149822
File: 668 KB, 1257x1175, 3391EA4E-EF8A-4B31-BD24-2D79D4012F6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot. Kek.

>> No.51149864

If you avax damage control shills are getting paid in avax I would advise you to sell asap because that eth fork shitchain is going to zero United States dollars.

Also to the kike rat lawyer, have fun flexing your superiority complex from the gutter you will be living in when you loose everything and nobody will hire you. Your little den of kikes (((law firm))) is fucking done.

>> No.51149884

thats not whats going to happen.
what is going to happen is that ICP will drown in Lawsuits and Dom will lose everything.

>> No.51149894

It’s scared

>> No.51149898

yes ICP is scared. rightfully so.

>> No.51150025

Palmer's dad knows his shit.

>> No.51150173
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>> No.51150362
File: 1.44 MB, 292x292, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fud? False lawsuits against cz, sbf, icp and more? You stupid fucking shill it's all on camera how these avax lowlifes have been harassing other people and projects as it were a fucking mafia operation.

This is legitimately some bullshit you'd see out of an agatha christie story, fuck you and your faggot scammer chain harassing other projects. You think people wouldn't know or care? hahaha

Your faggot scammer token needs to go to 0, see you fucking losers in court. Hope everyone sues the SHIT out of you fucking scum. Brown stink back alley shit isn't what crypto is about. GET FUCKED.

>> No.51150447

looks like ICP made a huge mistake calling out AVAX over FAKE information. KEK avax going to moon!

>> No.51150542

Oh look, another “eth killer” took a huge fucking dump because it in fact cannot kill eth? Must be a day that ends in y. All your shitty utility tokens are going to follow the same path.

>> No.51150838

>Emin paid scumbag lawyers to do unethical shit.
How is that a bad thing in business?

>> No.51150862

Oh yes let's forget videos about kyle faggot talking all this shit and believe your twitter posts are avax really so dumb?

>> No.51150883


>> No.51150919

Repeating same stuff 15 times this is how real cope looks like

>> No.51151320

imagine thinking sueing dfinity will get you somewhere lmao. ICP is backed and funded by WEF. avax is done for though.

>> No.51151863
File: 101 KB, 157x218, 1615151418047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ICP is backed and funded by WEF
You have no fucking clue who you are messing with, do you? Emin and Klaus Schwab are secret gay lovers and Big GOON has coomed in his dusty old bussy at least 37 times. Dom's got nothing on that. Emin will fuck and suck off old Austrian dudes until the WEF drops Dom's ESG score to absolute fucking zero and then he's going to be hunted down and raped by climate refugees. That's right, it's basically over for ICP. See you in a FEMA camp soon, nigger faggot.

>> No.51152235

Why are you posting pictures of cockroaches?

>> No.51152316
File: 271 KB, 400x533, 1651778208100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post face faggot, I want to see a head to head physiognomy comparison between this giga-chad and the deformed ballsack that you call a face.

>> No.51152390

Wtf anon why did you just post a dog standing on a giant cockroach?

>> No.51152408

Not just ICPtards. The critics in twitter mostly come from mETHeads and of course there is a post created in r/cryptocurrency mentioning it which was made by a mod from the HBAR community

lmfao, even CZ deleted his tweet

>> No.51152745
File: 356 KB, 562x550, emin_gun_sirer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're asking for a lawsuit amigo, don't push it. I swear to Allah, I'll find out where you live and sue the shit out of you.

>> No.51152829

ICPtards can be forgiven for they know not what they do. They are based retards and schizos and thus have a rightful place at God's side.
However those arrogant, self-righteous, two-faced dot eth cunts deserve to fucking burn. it's honestly hard to express how much I hate those disgusting faggots. I want to smash their faces in until there is nothing left but red pulp, with a bottle like that one scene from Pan's Labyrinth.

>> No.51152837


>> No.51152860

did he actually lose his professorship at cornell? that's much bigger news to me than his roach tactics, he was hated in the crypto space long before that.

>> No.51152901

What a Chad

>> No.51153829

grown man with a faggot zoomer haircut kek

>> No.51154072
File: 87 KB, 460x509, VAXMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually want this shit to be true

I want based Emin to smash every other shitty crypto company into the fucking ground

Destroy them all

>> No.51154117
File: 112 KB, 1024x1024, 1632670603999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the goondawg bussin fr fr no cap

>> No.51154366

Why bother responding? It's all paid posts. Let the market speak, lurk and enjoy the moment.

>> No.51154463

>when you loose everything and nobody will hire you
he doesn't care, he likely already made tens of millions with avax

>> No.51155334

it's all over. not only for avax. crypto in general. everything will go down at least as a bare minimum by 95%. it will survive but it will take 5years+ to see some action again. sorry cryptoniggers the good times of abundance and easy money are OVER. simpleminded fanboy faggots who got into crypto when buttcorn was 20k+ i am positive 80%+ of you are still holding. you are all beyond retarded and it won't be much longer when the stock market crashes 80%. imagine what that will do to crypto LMFAO. I can't wait for it too happen and rub salt in the wounds of all you subhuman 45 iq sandnigger bizlets

>> No.51155679

full damage control, delusional. If you aren't part of the AVAX team, I bet you've got a large stake in it. The first stage of acceptance is denial

>> No.51156650

avax btfo. I hold 100+ avax in an LP. RIP ME, but I should have known better. Fucking Roach Chain. FTM HERE I COME

>> No.51157047

Why would roche care if Icp is a security, why would he spend the money for a large suit? Where is his expense money coming from? I may not like ford trucks, but I don’t just go out and sue them, incurring millions in legal debt just because. Anon, you’re very close to being a faggot here- you need to take a step back and think

>> No.51157202


>> No.51157266
File: 155 KB, 600x750, 1661762972864545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP gonna get sued for real this time

>> No.51157996

>admits to unethical shady dealings with ava labs in multiple videos
>but its okay because he didn't know he was being recorded
imagine ever trusting a lawyer with the last name "roach"

>> No.51158038
File: 565 KB, 320x238, 1660993194643757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avax has a bunch of paid shills here. ICP is mostly bagholders. The lulziest battle of the bear market is about to commence.

>> No.51158612

Is that even Kyle? He needs to post this from his verified twitter. EIther way he's a scumbag, but that post looks fake

>> No.51158750
File: 2.76 MB, 1170x2532, 5770A084-90C7-4804-8563-F9E876C73CB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that is Kyle

>> No.51158826

wow he outed the methodology of the undercover

>> No.51160810

this is actually a retarded move, as he admits the videos are real.

>> No.51160848

a lawyer should know that shutting up until the tryal is the best thing you could do. This is obvious damage control by Kyle roche and Goon roach, they care more about the token price than their safety.

>> No.51161270

In my past jobs, we
>stole brands of competitors based on rumors before they went public, screwing over their marketing
>sued several competitors based on data privacy issues
>made claims against miniscule stolen assets
among a lot of other shit. Do people believe this isn't fucking normal in businesses, let alone VC financed ones?

Like, I have no idea why people give a shit about this. Unironically one of the biggest nothingburgers ever

When there's 100% legal loopholes or your competitors fuck up, then that shit WILL get abused by competitors. This being the case in crypto as well is bullish for Ava Labs knowing what they're doing, if anything, while ICP being as retarded as they are literally screaming they were responsible is clearly not.

>> No.51161878
File: 24 KB, 705x240, My-Response-A-posting-on-the-recently-launched…-by-Kyle-Roche-Aug-2022-Medium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, look at retarded ICP baggie who thinks he knows law better than someone who runs their own 500 million dollar law firm. Dom is going to be utterly fucking destroyed in the judicial court and more importantly in the court of public opinion. Hiring some German to run entrapments schemes on legal adversaries is not a good luck. I wonder how many times he has done this before.

>> No.51162400

How many times do you guys need to be scammed by nonwhites before you learn your lesson?

>> No.51162509

Dominic is unironically mentally insane psychopath, almost physically dangerous to his enemies

It is normal, crypto boys don't understand how real world companies run, so the accusations, even if correct, seem like a big nothing to me.

>> No.51162646
File: 525 KB, 598x506, mde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX functions identically to something like ETH, it's a utility token.
So you're saying it's a security

>> No.51163027
File: 53 KB, 1347x687, ICP-ROACHVAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god im gonna.. im gonna.. im gonna goooon

>> No.51164027
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>> No.51164195
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>> No.51164965
File: 86 KB, 571x787, ager-hanssen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correction, he is a Norwegian named Ager-Hanssen.

Pic related. This is the company that Dominigger Williams keeps, who he hires to do his dirty work. An old fudster who's been running tech investment scams since the Dotcom bubble. Very classy Dom.

>> No.51164992

what's the source?

>> No.51165253

You need to look up the definition of entrapment you retarded avax damage control shill.

>> No.51165558
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here you go, stupid nigger

>> No.51165631
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>t. 3rd worlder
You ever realize why Project Veritas doesn't have every journalist thrown into prison yet? You can do these performances and no one forced him to say those things, he is a fucking retard that has a big mouth. And he's a founding partner, not an associate for all the bagholding faggots out there.

>> No.51165720
File: 344 KB, 1125x1150, EEF6BFDB-6BE7-4CD1-8EDA-77ACCBDA8B95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you literally just typed that out. Here is the actual definition. That Turk faggot really needs to invest in better damage control.

>> No.51165967
File: 37 KB, 771x367, Entrap-Definition-Meaning-Merriam-Webster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol you literally just typed that out
you ICPtards are so fucking clueless

first off I said
>Hiring some German to run entrapments schemes on legal adversaries is not a good look.
right before mentioning the 'court of public opinion', but you are a illiterate nigger so I guess you didn't notice.
The illegal part is the intimidation and blackmail of a suing plaintiff's lawyers which judges(who are lawyers themselves) really don't look kindly on. I don't know why Dom thought it was a good idea to stick his dick in a hive of bees, but that's just how he rolls.

>> No.51166028


Entrapment nigger learn how to read

>> No.51166030

Dominic is one of the worst things to happen to crypto. His sexist, racist, and transphobic views are a plague on this space.

>> No.51166071
File: 32 KB, 703x259, read_nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are so fucking stupid, it's unbelievable. did you even read the link you posted? can you even read?

>process of entrapping

see pic here

>> No.51166131
File: 73 KB, 771x654, words_are_hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, I even made a flowchart for the low IQ crowd. You're welcome.

>> No.51166153

you're arguing against bots and ICP retards, just let it go kek

>> No.51166198

tfw telling the truth means you were entrapped.

>> No.51166290
File: 27 KB, 594x135, 1661733316164992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling the truth
it's well known that the most truthful statements have been made by drunk lawyers who are trying to seal deals with rich clients(who are actually undercover Norwegian fraudsters, but that's besides the point). In fact, I don't think Kyle just lived in Kevin's house, I think they fucked. Probably in front of Kevin's parents no less.

>> No.51166405

oh yes i would trust for sure trust the avax labs founder over a lawyer with actual documents lol. y'all dumb as fuck if you haven't sold your bags yet and bought Matic instead. enjoy being broke degens