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51148246 No.51148246 [Reply] [Original]

Repost, had to do a thing

So as you all know without a shadow of a doubt, the Covid-19 epidemic was a hoax. You were all supposed to get vaccinated. They ran a massive fear campaign making it "real" with government policy. But you chuds didn't take your vax so now the Rockefeller foundation has to pour millions of dollars into figuring out why and how to get you jabbed.


>Following the characterization of inaccurate health information by the U.S. Surgeon General as an “urgent threat,” and by the World Health Organization as an “infodemic,” the SSRC issued a call for proposals to counter the growing global threats posed by public health mis- and disinformation and low Covid-19 vaccination rates, and received nearly 200 submissions from around the world.

>...With Covid-19 prevalent and rapidly evolving everywhere, there is a pressing need to identify interventions with the potential to increase vaccination take-up.

So obviously they're trying to drum up more effective propaganda that's designed to work on you chuds and your infodemic. And if they're making it, they're going to use it.

SO, how do we profit off of this? For Covid, MRNA was the god play. I recall an article stating the Gates Foundation was funding MRNA and INO. Clearly MRNA was the winner.

For Moonk3yplox, the play is SIGA, until big pharma comes up with some cocktail mix to inject inside of you.

There's also been Marburg and Ebola breakouts recently, some Langya virus in China, and probably more to come. Maybe the Black Plague makes a comeback, who knows.

The point of this thread is to guess which disease will be spread through the population next, and how to position ourselves to make money off of it.

Cause you know it's gonna happen, and you can't stop it, so you might as well make some money off it.

>> No.51149352

monkebox is still the play, I say. Check page 12.
Another one of their "simulations" nailed the date of the attack spot on, and calls for millions of dead at the end of 2023.

Bavarian nordic, and SIGA. But I wouldnt buy just yet. I think before the midterms they'll ramp this up again.

>> No.51149362
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Ironically it's OP that needs to take meds

>> No.51149392
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lel. OP is just a realist. Anyway, it seems we found yet another faggot that was gullible enough to take the experimental gene injections.

Does it feel bad being a gullible retard that buys into every scam, and now you'll get heart disease at the age of 25 ?

>> No.51150260

yeah i saw that paper. interesting how they nailed the date to the very day it spread throughout multiple western countries. it's so on the nose I almost think it's a coincidence. Like, you can't be that accurate when you're laying out a planned infection vector. I still have no doubt about SIGA, I just wonder if it spreads fast enough for their plan.

Also I don't think that anon is actually a real person. If it is, it's either retarded, or it has an agenda.
>apu posting as camouflage
>attacking "credibility" (take meds)
no anon, that's an "influencer," with the strat of appeal to majority. it sticks out like a sore thumb. I hesitate to even mention how I can tell it's an uncanny valley homunculus, but it's very sloppy work.

The Gates Foundation invested in both Moderna and Inovio pharmaceuticals, this isn't the article that tipped me off to it, but it's got the gist.

Only an absolute retard or a malicious disinformation combatant can deny anything I've stated.

>> No.51150509

I agree. That's why I aped into mpox on the bsc.

>> No.51150540

buy the crash a few years ago realizing it was BS. Now everything is priced in.

>> No.51150641

theres a new round of vaccines coming out halloween. its not gonna go well. if i really wanted to go balls to the wall, id buy slightly out of money puts and sell in january