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51146198 No.51146198 [Reply] [Original]

Would making millions from modeling gigs due to your transitioning child be morally okay? Anyways, I Love the Future, It's So Fucking Hot! I'm Throbbing In Anticipation!

We really are all going to make it!..aren't we?

>> No.51146217

>trannies don't reproduce by grooming kids bro trust me

>> No.51146225

Kek your trying to anger the chuds aren’t you

>> No.51146266

How can I profit from 4 year olds transitioning, puberty aged zippertits, and dudes with beards cutting their dicks off?

What are the pharmaceutical companies profiting from this? Anyone got a list to help a fellow goy out?

>> No.51146270
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>tfw my parents didn't stick me in a dress and put makeup on my face as a child and now I have to wage for a living
why live

>> No.51146271

Sounds based and kino to me. The younger you transition the more you pass. Trannies that transition when theyre adults after puberty when all their male bits have developed literally look like men with wigs.

>> No.51146284

Uhhhh isn't this technically grooming?

>> No.51146292


when will this grotesque nightmarish timeline end?

>> No.51146303

You have to be special to have the privilege to sell your soul or do provocative stuff to make money

>> No.51146305
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>> No.51146308 [DELETED] 

im convinced these people will be blacklisted from media coverage once they start an heroing in their early 20s

>> No.51146323
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>> No.51146329
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i have never had so much mental strain analysing a headline before.. a mother who is now male? became a girl aged four? who are those dykes on the right? who is responsible for letting this happen? who posted this article?

>> No.51146335
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>who is responsible for letting this happen?
the jew
>who posted this article?
the jew

>> No.51146347
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>> No.51146353

>1 post by this ID

>> No.51146360
File: 272 KB, 618x1005, 1632979928962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
