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51143949 No.51143949 [Reply] [Original]

Your money is going to the

>> No.51143974

they couldn't make the LGBTQ2S+ acronym salad any longer so now they're just rearranging the letters to virtue signal and keep the plebs on their toes lmao

>> No.51144003
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>> No.51144006

Nothing is ever going to be built in this country again.

>> No.51144007

Chuds are literally fuming rn kek

>> No.51144022

what a time to be 2SLGBTQ+

>> No.51144038

Wen will the next letter be added to the betabhet

>> No.51144047

what's the 2S means?

>> No.51144089

2 spirit. Gay injuns i think

>> No.51144133
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>country has inflation
>going into recession
>lets give 1 billion to ukraine
>lets give 100m to gays

>> No.51144142
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>> No.51144339

How do I get this money as a non-canadian? Make some gay app to app store with canadian flag and ask for government gibs?

>> No.51144361
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>> No.51144385

don't forget a 30% restriction on fertilizer use

what are they even spending money on? what support do they need? nobody cares that they're gay what does it have to do with anything? esg mandates already give them preferential treatments, the media lauds them as heroes, they get a literal fucking parade downtown. other then some mpox vaccines and extra std testing what do they need?

makes no sense. but its not supposed to make sense. it's just stupid games to fuck with us

>> No.51144412

State enforced homosexuality

>> No.51144413

if it were my guess they're trying to get us to vote. they don't care who we vote for since they control both sides, as long as we vote to give the fake puppet show democracy a veneer of legitimacy thats all they need. and they know the best way to get out the vote is to piss people off so they vote for the other guy.

>> No.51144439

so they'll call the guy on the right a racist misogynst transphobe hitler in the media to get the left to vote against him. and they'll have trudeau do a bunch of stupid shit to piss off the right and vote against him. and they can get enough people to vote to keep their bullshit running.

recent ontario elections had the lowest turnout in history as public apathy hits all time highs. they're getting desperate

>> No.51144462

Doesn't matter. The Liberals are locked into a Commons plurality for the foreseeable future.

>> No.51144553

I'm looking into moving to Mexico, need a comfy safe area

>> No.51144605

The money goes to LBGTBBQ non profit groups. Said groups will conveniently have quite a few family members of politicians sitting on their boards, where surely they will be working hard.

>> No.51145042

This is what neoliberal fascism looks like.

>> No.51145077

there is probably some corporate tax subsidies attached to this and this is their way to make it palatable to the public.

>> No.51145105

I'm seriously considering costa rica

>> No.51146477

Hahaha there's numbers and adsing in it now fucking dumb faggots haha

>> No.51146518

Aren't gay people really rich because they have no children and two incomes?

>> No.51146548

This, can't wait to see Turdo be elected again

>> No.51147940

It's like a tulpa.

>> No.51147956
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>> No.51147971
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>google what 2S means
>get this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4lBibGzUnE
why are they ALWAYS so fucking weird and off-putting

>> No.51148016
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>> No.51148138
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>> No.51148162
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What the fuck do they need this money for exactly? Free anal lube and dilators?

>> No.51148174

>For a time the Pride Toronto organization used the much lengthier acronym LGBTTIQQ2SA, but appears to have dropped this in favour of simpler wording.[59] Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was also criticized for using the 2SLGBTQQIA+ acronym.

i just looked it up, apparently we're on more letters then i thought now

>> No.51148181


>> No.51148192

>It's like a tulpa.
kek so literally schizophrenia

>> No.51148224
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May Allah destroy this place. Just give me enough time to sell my gorillion dollar house before it all implodes.
I'm laughin.

>> No.51148244

within a few short years they'll add another few letters and numbers to expand beyond 2SLGBTQQIA+ to include genders that haven't even been imagined yet

>> No.51148249

the money will go to grifters and activists to do 'community work'

government is the biggest scam ever invented

>> No.51148288
File: 359 KB, 1920x1086, SF_Pride_2014_-_Stierch_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lumpenproles on the march for 2s

>> No.51148333

>No you see natives believe in the duality of spirit and this is totally just like how I enjoy gay piss orgies they're just like me!

>> No.51148404


>> No.51148662

Furry porn commissions

>> No.51148703

This is make work jobs for gender studies hags

>> No.51148880
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You will pay 10 times more for everything if you are white.

>> No.51149046

i look med
brown eyes black hair, when i tan i look like a spic

>> No.51149075

Oh yeah bro, you're gonna vote so fucking hard aren't you? Surely if you vote enough it'll work one day!