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51140330 No.51140330 [Reply] [Original]

bitcoin has never seen a recession

>> No.51140367

it was built for it

>> No.51140373
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What are your targets for Bitcoin during this 10-year brutal recession? I'm thinking something between $ 200 and $ 300

>> No.51140399

March 2020 basically the closest thing to a recession it's seen. In a sense, it was worse than a recession in-fact

>> No.51140409
File: 316 KB, 1000x1500, 1650856528037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longterm target of $0.00

>> No.51140417

It has now

>> No.51140433
File: 108 KB, 1714x1312, 2008 global recession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about to. The market will humble them. The market will teach them.

>> No.51140488

Wait a minute we are not in a recession though

>> No.51140527

Yes it has, 2020 was the worst worldwide recession after the world war

>> No.51140571

2020 was halted and economies were kept propped up in nominal terms via money printing
now poorfags are paying a massive inflated premium on everything so when it goes to shit this time they can't afford to print their way out of it or risk destroying the dollar
that's why the fed is pre-empting this by hiking over a year before the economy is likely to actually collapse. The coming depression will leave countries like europe and china totally destitute because they have no real value to back up their increasingly worthless paper money
a third of china's gdp is tied up in a housing bubble that makes 2008 look middling. Imagine the second largest economy printing a -10% yoy gdp

>> No.51140634

>countries like europe

>> No.51140641

Bitcoin was born in a recession. It will one day end all recessions.

>> No.51140653

unironically yes, each euro country is basically like a state in the US

>> No.51140672

it was built for a currency crisis
which is likely what this recession will be
though it is not the final solution in crypto, just the first sucessful one

>> No.51140690

Not even every country in Europe is in the EU

>> No.51140710

The vast majority is and for those my statement is accurate

>> No.51140724


>> No.51140742

it's been highly correlated to growth stocks with a multiple attached for several years.

>> No.51140746

their economies are so interconneced it might as well be considered 1 country in this case

>> No.51140759

>it was built for it

A recession and an energy crisis so that electricity becomes insanely expensive?

Can't be good for bitcoin.

>> No.51140774

I dont know how to break this to you bud but all European countries are just US vassal states, your leaders, especially in the military and monetary policy, do as we command, if we cut you lose you'd be living in a caliphate within a decade

>> No.51140824

It does not make them one country. Linguistically and especially culturally. You are not helping the ignorant american stereotype by throwing shit like that.
>US vassal states, your leaders, especially in the military and monetary policy, do as we command
Its not you at the top. We are beholden to the kikes as much as you

>> No.51140899

It makes them a country full of special snowflake regions, like the US

>> No.51140926

i dont have any hate for europeans, but it is kind of annoying how much they shit on the US. yes ha ha US no healthcare blah blah, it's because we spend 700 billion annually maintaining military bases over the european continent, as well as ensuring shipping goes largely un-harassed for the most part, all so they don't have to. the US pours a stupid amount of money out across the world all so euros have the capital to invest in things like year long leave for new parents and socialized medicine. it comes at expense of similar programs here in the US. when euros say "well leave we don't want you anyway!", yes you do. the alternative is actually MORE bullshit wars and at this point, deindustrialization if the americans ever pack up and go home. apparently china won't survive their demographic collapse through the 30s, so youre looking at a global power vacuum. all these bullshit conflicts that have been suppressed by pax americana and simmering for the past 80 years will finally kick off, and that's can't end well in a world with nuclear weapons

>> No.51140965

lmao no it wasn't retard

Bitcoin became mainstream in 2013 (5 years after the recession) back in 2008-2009 it probably had a volume of $2000 per day

>> No.51141035

That’s incredibly good for Bitcoin
Expensive electricity means expensive Bitcoin means number for up

>> No.51141066

>That’s incredibly good for Bitcoin
>Expensive electricity means expensive Bitcoin means number for up

Line goes down because people abandon bitcoin due to unreliable electricity supply

>> No.51141087

BTC is too entrenched in the hearts and souls of the average pleb. More and more young plebs are getting money and the only way they can imagine making money is to buy BTC and pray it goes back to 68k. So with that being said, BTC will see another bull run, but it probably won't be anything close to what it was before. BTC has become a Jewish trick and it will remain so for many. The wild ride will shake faggots off and send them screaming as they're launched 5000ft into the grass knoll.