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File: 145 KB, 505x510, 09697ffaeba5bef47d9af1eda900c5e4c1c31ee4276e272682e5bcaaa6d3ca59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51140203 No.51140203 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, is Kleros fine or not? I use reddit often which has left me with the inability to think for myself. I have nearly 100k of this (shit?)coin and I just see it dropping more and more everyday. And what is this 51% bullshit I keep hearing about? Someone please explain this shit to me.

>> No.51140282

kleros is massive rumours for years, having kucoin „list“ it in its asset list, even bluesky from twitter, and none of those coming true while the devs play games on a regularity like a clockwork. One single proof of some kleros integration in a bigger project could net you $95k overnight though
noone knows if kleros is what it seems or has some hidden connection to some big projects

>> No.51140749

PNK is NOT fine.

>> No.51141099

PNK is fine. It’s going to become more obscure as the bear market continues, but it has a lot of money in its treasury to endure the downturn. It’s building constantly and getting new partnerships. Come the next cycle, it will moon and people will be shocked.

>> No.51141110

Would you rather lose your money on Kleros or cocaine and hookers? Shitcoins are guaranteed losses for the foreseeable future so you might as go with blow and blowjobs.

>> No.51141184

Fucking based

>> No.51142155

Kleros is unironically fine they are funded by BNP Paribas and various universities. The 51% is tranny fud because Clement used to have a significant amount of PNK staked.

>> No.51142603

checked, but nothing is happening.

>> No.51143319

>used to
he still is you retard. cope

>> No.51144055
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, frenchmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So V2 will be launching at some point.
Devs are actually working on it.
No FUD but if this project was actually really important it would already be more used, gas fees are low but still not that many cases. The team is doing a decent job but after all Kleros might not be needed.

>> No.51144254

See this is how you FUD. Not aggressive, but seems credible enough to get into your head and cause your thoughts to itch.

>> No.51144557

because its true

>> No.51145957
File: 429 KB, 1879x1237, 1587AA68-5DAF-46DE-8279-799B9DA63261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v2 was said - way back in the late summer of last year - to launch in September of this year. Don't ask for proof because I'm not going to dig for that screenshot if I even have one. That's what I remember, clear as crystal. But this shit is fucked. Everything is fucked.

>> No.51147475
File: 359 KB, 2278x1448, 4975014795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNK is NOT fine

>> No.51147551

this is so bad for how long they’ve been on the market… it really is over.

>> No.51148187


>> No.51148296

I just want to say that I only fud to release the frustration in my heart.
I've been bagholding since 12 cents. I'm confused and afraid and doubting. I guess only time will tell if I will get my money back.

>> No.51148853

Kleros would need a +300% move just to get back to 10 cents. It’s unironically over and I sold.

>> No.51149916
File: 318 KB, 1224x875, 1640721390027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If v2 doesn't launch this year then I think that's a sign that we're fucked. Also why the fuck did it take so long for kleros moderate to exist, moderation is the most obvious use for kleros.
And it feels like we're in the dark about a lot of this stuff too. What is the plan for exchanges? What about integration with projects that people actually give a fuck about like lens? Are they waiting until v2 to bother doing any of this? Have they tried but failed? I just wanna know what the fuck is going on. They give updates on what tech they're working on but that's really it.

>> No.51150951

Looks fine to me

>> No.51151179

Keep it poopie purple faggot

>> No.51151245

Stop trying to force this shit you autist

>> No.51152061

>devs sabotaging their own project, while drunk and playing computer games
>somehow weird rumours get started on biz, none ever came true
just these two points should tell you everything you need to know

>> No.51153494


>> No.51153515

Kleros is not fine
Where to buy it

>> No.51153566

unibroke sir

>> No.51153756

this shitcoin will soon have retraced to the same price back when it had like 50k usd volume per day. total retracement for a total trash coin