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51137092 No.51137092 [Reply] [Original]

The spike in global energy prices works entirely in Moscow’s favour, analysts say
Russia can afford complete halt in gas supplies to Europe – Bloomberg

Russia can shut down its natural gas exports to Europe entirely for more than a year, without inflicting significant damage on the national economy, Bloomberg has reported, citing strategists at Capital Economics.

In light of the current price situation, Russia’s “balance of payments is in such a strong position that, if oil prices and oil exports remain at current levels, Russia could keep gas exports to Europe at 20% of normal levels for at least three years,” analysts at the consultancy said in a note seen by the agency.

A year-long supply cut-off by Russia could happen “without adverse consequences for its economy,” Liam Peach, one of the economists at Capital Economic said.

>> No.51137234
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So people who bought an Electric car will have to pay like 200€ to charge it to 90% when Russia switches off the gas in winter?

>> No.51137243
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At least we are shutting off our remaining nuclear power plants because “they only generate enough energy as all wind and solar combined” in Germany.”

>> No.51137264

don't care brown eye. white on white violence is always unacceptable. the end game is brown genocide.

>> No.51137298

Russians don't view themselves as 'White', Europoors dont experience a shared cultural-movement around being 'white' and 'White' is an abstraction invented by Burgers and Britbongs

>> No.51137321

Based Russiabros, teach the stupid Eurocucks not to act smug and do Amerifat bidding.

>> No.51137328

wtf is it with these 'financial gurus' on twitter posting charts

>> No.51137329

>burning gas instead of selling it for foreign currency
>less money to import goods for
>not an adverse effect
ok schizo

>> No.51137375

Russia's budget has a simple formula attached. Cost of gas extraction: $15, price of gas on the market: $45. With this year's booming sales, they can turn it off for the rest of the year and still not even run a deficit. The jew from the US that told Germany and EU to do this didn't have bringing Russia to heel in mind, it was to make EU but mostly Germany subservient to US by selling its gas at a higher price than in the US and putting them behind the US competitively while at the same time putting them behind a jew iron curtain and making good relations with Russia impossible. And now the dying hegemon, assured of allegiance, will go out and confront #2, China.
>China will wake up finally and side with Russia and US will turn into Brazil.

>> No.51137396

>the US destabilized EU by taunting russia with US bases on EU soil

>> No.51137399

Russians all die of AIDS and krokodil pretending they are better off than Europe is ridiculous lmao

>> No.51137527

>implying a high rate of aids deaths isn't bullish
the west wastes millions a year trying to save faggots and junkies
are you one of those groups?

>> No.51137560

>Woke agenda is to get normies to reduce emissions by limiting use
>Normies forced to limit use and thereby reducing emissions
Good reasoning there "Doctor"

>> No.51137584

>cut of 80% of supply
>demand remaina the same or goes up during the winter
>your 20% output now costs the same as your 100% output earlier
>you receive almost the same money while Europa get significantly poorer so you also get richer comparatively

>> No.51137593

no they cant. They are burning 10M worth of gas near Finland for the third month in a row where North Stream 1 starts.
They dont have anywhere to store the gas so they rather burn it. Soon they have to start closing wells and they cant reopen them anymore, its not viable. Building new pipelines to India and China takes like 5-10 years..EU bought like 60% of their gas n oil earlier. They cant switch it to china and india right away. They will be fucked soon enough.

>> No.51137604

white is everything that isn't non-white. russians are not non-white.
no european cares about "white vs non-white", hey care about european vs non-european, but the reality is the same. mutts are further away than russians are.

>> No.51137613

I hate USA so fucking much. They antagonized the Russians knowing this would happen, and of course our politicians just sat and watched.

>> No.51137639

didnt trump tell you guys to stop sucking putins cock

>> No.51137653


why does everyone always pic on poor russia, russia dindu nuffin

>> No.51137727

>Ivanposting hours
Why the fuck do I bother with this site during yuripoor hours? Imma sleep

>> No.51137768

This wouldn't have happened if USA hadn't infiltrated Ukraine.

>> No.51137791

The fastest way to end the war is to send support to Ukraine so they can win the war and then Russia can sell gas back to Europe at prewar levels.

>> No.51137861

>Russia can afford
Russia can afford to starve to death millions of its own citizens for fun and send them into suicidal charges against superior enemy hoping it will eventually run out of bullets.
Russians are raised like a cattle and slaughter for entertainment and/or convenience of russian government.

It was always the case, trying to apply economic calculation to nation that falsifies every piece of data it realses and sustains itself on devotion to evil and suffering of others is retarded.

>> No.51137943
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>> No.51137969

>They antagonized the Russians knowing this would happen, and of course our politicians just sat and watched.
Trump told the Germans that they had a massive over reliance on Russian energy 4 years ago but the Krauts just laughed at him. Well, enjoy laughing when you're having ice cold showers in December you stupid bastards.


>> No.51138156

Germany and the rest of europe will be fine. They will moan and bitch about it, but in the end they will just pay up while pissing and moaning

>> No.51138219

They literally can't afford a 10x energy bill, with no end in sight.

>> No.51138229

if they sold more gas to germany then germany would be able to build up some reserves to get through winter even if cut off. russia isn't letting them build up gas reserves. come winter germanys cold testicles are in russias hand. then demands will be made or the balls will be squeezed. not geopolitical advice, not a geopolitical advisor.

>> No.51138287

They will be fine in the end. It's just painful moment of ripping off the bandaid. Change is never easy

>> No.51138303
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>another "Plz stop sanctioning r.ssia and let them sell gas or else! r.ssia stronk!" thread
Why whiteniggers spend their last money in history by shilling on a dead board?
Shouldn't they be on twatter and jewtube?

>> No.51138332

thats the funny thing, the green party fucked over the ones that support them more than the people that oppose them

if you just kept your combustion shitbox you had a bit more gas prices to take in account

but the people who bought an EV paid a fucking fortune for a new EV and now the energy prices will go up so high that in the end the dude that kept his 1,4 liter combustion shitbox saved money

>> No.51138351

>They will be fucked soon enough.
It's already a game of who bleeds more
And Russia is definitely not the one bleeding more

>> No.51138368
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2 more weeks and Russia will collapse under the weight of the sanctions


>> No.51138384
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germs can eat shit

>> No.51138387

Except what they still sell, they sell at strong disccount, cause nearly all of these self-perceived russian "allies" (vide Chinese) will laugh them off if they start to price gauge them as well?

>> No.51138494

>Except what they still sell, they sell at strong disccount
They will still profit from them, and they are going to have long term contracts which means steady income for Russia

>> No.51138495

its not only gas
russia has provided us with several cheap resources while rich oligarchs was buying overpriced luxury stuff.

the amount politicans fucked up europe for bidens money laundring nazi ukrain is unbeliveable high


>> No.51138615

Isn't "biomass" just wood pellets imported from the US? That produces even more pollution than burning coal?

>> No.51138673

its probably just trash

>> No.51138689

>chemical industry
>pharma industry
>DAS AUTO industry
everything and their sub-sub-suppliers are dependent on cheap oil/energy. there is so much more shit to come as downfall from this clusterfuck. fucking autistic green faggot nigger german voters fucked us with their hippy shit. then the green party fucked them back by accepting to be a warnigger party and soon 'atomkraft ja bitte' party. 16 years for fucking merkel, now that. what the fuck. germans must like suffering and complaining. as much as it annoys me, i hope everybody suffers even more than me, fucking retards deserve everything. there must be certain genetic predisposition in autistic german fuckers that causes this unbelievable trust in das entsieg. i will do everything to pay as less taxes as possible for this fucking selfdestroying country. i hate this shit, its fucking unreal

>> No.51138707

since wood isnt extra listen its plausible that a big part of biomass is wood.

>> No.51138729

burning gas is cost free. they can burn gas for years

>> No.51138762

>without significant damage to its economy
by allah, WHAT economy.

>> No.51138766

the goal from the greens is to make energy high price
the goal of the greens is to deindustrialize

they working for their goals not for the people

>> No.51138797

>politicians absolutely fucking over their own people left and right, and absolutely fucking up their own country beyond recognition

sad, many such cases

>> No.51138808

What is this thread supposed to accomplish? More whining? We'll get through this, it's not even a serious crisis, it's just ourage marketing for views at this point. Work on yourself, try to do a good job at everything you do, don't listen to pol. That's all you need to make it in life

>> No.51138815

No such thing as white, I am more pink colored while my gf is closest to a baby blue

>> No.51138820


>> No.51138824

pretty much this desu as far as their actions indicate. they are intentionally deconstructing their very culture, society, economy and industry all at the same time

i only wonder if it was their own idea or if the commands came from their alien overlords

>> No.51138841
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it's a serious crisis 111m of the 447m people in the eu would be out of electricity in february if monke cut the gas and oil

I get why people may be tired of monke shills with crap like ukraine will fail in two days but i don't get why europeans are trying to ignore a 25% energy hole as if it's a meme.

It's worse than coronavirus since monetary help won't do shit but make things worse.

>> No.51138847

>politician continue to intentionally set the world on fire
>nothing to see here, move along. don't talk about it. just take the slow painful death as it comes to you in big and small doses everyday with a pain booster every 7 days

>> No.51138874

They were dumb enough to antagonize almost the entire world, wasting money by paying poor people to spread propaganda on a dead image board is just another bad decision on their part

>> No.51138876
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Absolute nothing burger.

>> No.51138892
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>politicians absolutely fucking over their own people left and right, and absolutely fucking up their own country beyond recognition
The most hilarious thing is people are just letting them. And when it comes time to blame someone they're too busy blaming each other whilst those responsible laugh all the way to the bank.

>> No.51138913
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And nothing burger part 2.

>> No.51138946

The flow can be sustained but can the purse sustain the heavy costs?

>> No.51138950
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it's not a nothingburger because 35% of eu energy is not gas but oil and ruskies provide 30% of that so you are talking also about oil being removed.

Sure there are alternative sources but there is a reason why gas prices in places like germoney are doing 10x because those alternative sources tend to be gas from the us on ships that are bottlenecked and have to be outbided to the country next door.

The fact that they are using the alternative sources is what's causing the price rise hence the problem.

When you add oil and gas you reach to the data that ruskies provide 25% of the eu energy it's possible to get it from alternative sources but there are not enough ships for that so the price is going up the same way that btc price goes up after halvings when the same ammount of money bids for less btc entering the market.

So it's not exactly a good signal what that twitter guy is pointing.

Well at least not good in the short term, long term it's good.

>> No.51138962
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China survived by desinfecting plane runaways for coronameme, and puting all their population on big cities on jail time, now the pops can't pay their debts and they have an even bigger problem.

>> No.51138973

Yeah, it's nothing burger until you realize Germany was dependent on cheap gas imports for their industry.

>> No.51138994

And the fact that those goods were already pricy and sold as premium goods, this will fuck the eu trade balance insanely and maybe even destroy the euro if it starts a death loop when they need more usd to get more gas from the usa.

>> No.51139024

And your response is what, whining on the internet about it? People won't starve, everybody is in this together. I don't envy the politicians that have to make these hard decisions, do you seriously believe this is all some elaborate plan to ... do what exactly? If all the whiny keyboard warriors got off their chairs, started acquiring skills and contribute to humanity, they might see that the world isn't such a bad place after all and people are generally nice. Complaining solves nothing, hard work does.

>> No.51139043
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> I don't envy the politicians that have to make these hard decisions
Their homes and offices will be heated at all times

>> No.51139063

Did you know that no other country has more natural resources than russia? Almost double than number 2, the US.
Russia can afford almost anything and that they are bankrupt is merely a meme
Seriously considering giving up my shitty beamtenstatus in this 3rd world country

>> No.51139091

And they'll get shit on for their work no matter what they do. I'm assuming your home will be heated as well and you are just trolling, because you don't really have an argument.

>> No.51139095


>> No.51139104

My home will be heated because I'm not a euro who laughed at Trump explaining to them the importance of not being supplied by your sworn enemy. I would encourage any citizen of those european countries to protest, riot, tear the politicians from their warm home and leave them hanging from a lamppost overnight in the cold

>> No.51139106

Dude everybody knew that Scholz was fucking citizens over via cum ex. They made him chancellor still. NOW they start complaining about it. I say the citizens of Germany get exactly what they deserve

>> No.51139107
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>> No.51139128

So you aren't even affected by this, you just want to stir shit up? What a sad life

>> No.51139132

some of the largest neo nazis orgs stem from EE sperg.

>> No.51139142

You aren't effected by people posting on 4channel.org/biz/, but you're here running cover for the politicians that are actively trying to fuck you over. It's amazing how cucked the average euro is, how are the cold showers going? Are you sure to say 'take that putin' when you turn on the water?

>> No.51139168

Technically, perhaps. But Canada is merely a resource vassal of the United States. In terms of resources they are one country: USA.

>> No.51139173

This is wrong. They have sent 10% more than contractually agreed upon. Fuck off

>> No.51139201

Still less than russia tho. The nat resources are like 75tril $, while the us has around 45 and Canada is not even in the top 10. Also Canada is maybe the gayest most cucked country, maybe worse than scheissland

>> No.51139219

Sorry to disturb your filter bubble where people unaffected by problems complain about them on the behalf of others without being asked to. Such a valuable thread, not at all sad and a waste of time

>> No.51139241

>this is all a waste of time
>you're wasting your time
>me? No this is a valuable use of my time
Are you working for a government by chance? Are you being paid to come to a place like this and run damage control for politicians who are actively trying to fuck you over?

>> No.51139263
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Yes. This winter is going to be amazing.

>> No.51139265

>Get woke go broke
What the fuck is wrong with worm brained rightoids
How the fuck does "russia shouldnt invade other countries" constitute """woke"""?
It's a literal buzzword at this point
>He said that thing is woke so that means we don't like it!

>> No.51139269


>> No.51139270
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>Canada is not even in the top 10.

>> No.51139285

>Russia shouldn't invade other countries
Why not? Who on this planet should be allowed to invade other countries?

>> No.51139305
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>Tell Vlad the 1800's want their foreign policy back.

t. Obama.

>> No.51139325

Ah, you ran out of arguments, why don't you just say so

>> No.51139335

>drumpf man.... bad
12 months later
>please take cold showers and no heater in the winter :D

>> No.51139346
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Was that reply a valuable use of your time? Will your supervisor like you wasting posts not defending the politicians that are actively fucking you over?

>> No.51139375

>it's not even a serious crisis
Lmao do you think this is just about heating people's homes and hot showers? The crisis is already fucking up fertilizer plants and massive lay offs are inevitable in any energy intensive industry. This will soon evolve from an inflationary crisis to an unemployment crisis and then a food crisis.

>> No.51139431

Nah, burning wood (directly or as pellets) is considered green because you're not returning in circulation carbon from the bowels of the earth, you are extracting carbon from the atmosphere by growing trees, then burning them releasing that carbon, net 0.

>> No.51139442
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>Food shortages

>> No.51139463

But I also receive Putin getting blown the fuck out. So overall a pretty decent trade :)

>> No.51139486

Where? He's had Crimea for 8 years, and the sanctions that were supposed to kill them have made them stronger

>> No.51139516
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Ukraine has been occupied since 2014. Some poor Russian conscripts and vatniks are btfo. In the main, this doesn't affect Putin. Ukraine has lost ~25% of the country and won't be getting it back. Pick related.

>> No.51139647

>who cares if the prices is 100 times more, the supply is the same!
>b-but what about Chyna!

>> No.51139654

The sanctions will remain, because the West traditionally does not concede on sanctions no matter how ineffective (see NK, Cuba, Iran). High energy prices are the new normal for the foreseeable future unless individual governments offer subsidies or other programs for people struggling to pay.

>> No.51139735

And even if Germany favors rapprochement, Nordstream pipelines are easily destroyed by Navy SEA -- pardon, Ukraine special forces.

>> No.51139758

china really isn't going to survive, but their energy crisis is honestly the least of their worries right now

>> No.51139811

Nigga u dating a smurf

>> No.51139855

Lmao, completely forgot about that. Charging your EV will be more expensive than gasoline, kek

>> No.51139883

What's that? I don't think germany or really anybody uses OIL for electricity generation. The US only does for about 1-2%. If the US doesn't do it, why the hell would EU do it who are far mor "greener"? Oil is mainly for transportation (cars, trucks)

>> No.51139911

That logic is retarded

>> No.51139925
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>Their homes and offices will be heated at all times
they might get heated by some alternate methods here soon

>> No.51139976

your ignoring the fact that "woke" includes shutting down all existing useful energy sources in the almighty name of "green energy" (a fantasy)
and forcing penalties and taxes and excess unnecessary burden on already struggling people if they don't cut themselves off form effective affordable existing energy sources and by new EV and suck the greenies cock

>> No.51139977

>everybody is in this together

No they're fucking not
This is Germany dude, one of the Euro countries openly enshrining hatred of whites in their institutions. If they have to, they will kick German families out of their homes to make room for freezing immigrants

>> No.51140021
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>> No.51140047

Everyone in the west if affected by this, we have to send our oil all the way over the atlantic now because some autistic kraut crunched the numbers wrong and accidentally the whole energy economy. fucking aspies.

>> No.51140056

>Russia forces more neighbours into nato for their protection.
>in the diseased mines of vatnicks this means nato is expansionist.
So should I even bother asking how many of you consider yourself uber redpilled /pol/tards that now support mongol communists killing white Europeans?
Don't bother spewing mental gymnastics or RT talking points.

>> No.51140116

>10. Venezuela
Shouldn’t they have a massive GDP per capita thanks to this. I can’t imagine it’s a very pupulous nation

>> No.51140122
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>Don't bother spewing mental gymnastics or RT talking points.
Is this how weak the Mockingbird Media programming is that it can't stand up to the slightest bit of criticism?

>> No.51140140

RSI overbought

>> No.51140150
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Let me guess alex jones was unavailable?

>> No.51140176

>a CIA drone talking to /k/, the board of loyal zog drones
Nobody is swayed by this, Agent Smith

>> No.51140224

>teaching anons how to be a non-deployer and squeeze every bit of benefits from the military means thier a loyal zog drone.
Do you just repeat what your handler tells you to say or do you do it for free Ivan?

>> No.51140281

>non deployer
>I.. I'm just squeezing benefits
oh no you're one of those zog bot retards he was preaching to, aren't you?

>> No.51140329

i am dating smurfette, gargamel

>> No.51140707


>> No.51140721

Germany died after WW2 this is just pulling the plug on the life support

>> No.51140740

Jews continue to make Germany suffer for trying to escape their slavery in the 30s-40s

>> No.51140744

Are you retarded? We need that gas more than them and their earnings skyrocketed because the rest of the world buys their oil and metals. The sanctions pushed the prices so damn high they're still making more than ever while selling cheap compared to others.

>> No.51140747

/pol/ had discussions on this months ago. Energy crisis about to occur no doubt.

>> No.51140776

The ivan posting sucks. The brandon posting sucks. This place sucks.

>> No.51140800

Cany anyone legit respond with no bad fait, how is The US/Washington blackmailing or threatening germany ?
Is in the best German and European interest to lift sanctions and reanude trading with Russia....

When zelensky says "we should do this, we should do that" is in fact, America giving orders speaking throught his mouth..

>> No.51140825

And we pay so much more for that gas. The reason we bought most gas from russia was because they sold it cheap.

These posters get it.

Tjere is a fuckton of shills and bots here. worse than during cerveza.

>> No.51140855

Go suck politicians' cock, cocksucker. People like you are the worst scum on earth. Always ready to tell others to accept the propaganda.
> Just trust them dude.

>> No.51140985

When Europe wasn’t flooded by brownskins we could afford bickering over slight differences in the nuances of our white skins.

>> No.51140999

I stand corrected, but I think it is still less than russia combined.
I admit I was drunk when I watched that video reg resources last night

>> No.51141030

When I smell smoke and ferl the temperature rising, I assume my house is burning and get out. I dont need flames as evidence or some kind of study from my neighbors. Think for yourself
If it walks like a duck it is probably a duck

>> No.51141042

But was that the plan or us all this really about the Biden family’s gangster activities in Ukraine? That’s the only explanation where those in charge aren’t idiots for pulling stunts detrimental to the west but that might save Hunter Biden’s butt.

>> No.51141054

Thinking anyone crunched numbers over energy supply is very optimistic. Merkel said to shut everything down so people scrambled to do that and now we're stranded. I'm actually amazed. Could've seen this coming a decade ago.

>> No.51141093

> This wouldn't have happened if USA hadn't infiltrated Ukraine
Right? And what was that infiltration? It was the injection of the Bidens in their energy company. WWIII is personally Joe Biden’s fault, and people say Trump was the bad guy.

>> No.51141140

Well, it’s Russia’s one move they always pull: start shit in the spring, drag it out to winter and watch the enemy freeze. The only twist is this time they didn’t have to lure the enemy into Russia to freeze them.

>> No.51141164

>Russians all die of AIDS and krokodil pretending they are better off than Europe is ridiculous lmao

Russia is far wealthier than Europe.

Europe is completely worthless without Russian energy.

>> No.51141181

So it was always the plan for Russia to look so incompetent that they can't even steamroll a tiny neighbouring country in a week? Impressive tactics.

>> No.51141188

Ukraine can't win the war.

>> No.51141194

Trump was right.

>> No.51141213

They can always use it to mine Bitcoin. Check mate, west.

>> No.51141247

The cold hard truth.
Essentially no resources except brain (this is s thing of the past). Soon to be 100 percent sand nogs.
This is going to be a continent of cultureless, braindead consumers on welfare

>> No.51141283

They did, for a while. Then (((2014))) happened

>> No.51141364

Judging by the time it takes Russia to gain any ground (not even speaking of losing ground again like the Krim, lol), it can't win either. Pretty sad display for a former world power.

>> No.51141373

> So you aren't even affected by this
Stfu Hans your pathetic Greta stunt of freezing your population to death and call it macaroni has a negative impact on my stock portfolio, which is absolutely unforgivable you little German swine, so you’d better apologize.

>> No.51141421

No the “woke” part is
> we have to stop orange peacemonger man so we’ll vote in the head of the US wing of the Ukrainian mob!!

>> No.51141423

They can afford to do it. I's just a nice big FUCK YOU to the EU.

>> No.51141428

/biz/ needs flags

>> No.51141430

Easy for people with money to say…with the # of refugees in Germany not so much…prepare to enjoy your social discontent

>> No.51141442

Haha, no need to feel offended. Why is the war taking so long by the way? It's a super small country and yet you are losing ground and the support of your own population. It looks pathetic to the world, mighty Russia struggles to invade a tiny neighbour, it's been half a year, lol

>> No.51141545

I’m not Russian you idiot. I’m from the country who sent a guy telling you this exact thing would happen to you, and you laughed at him. The whole fucking world have had enough of your woke shenanigans, Hans, start up your god damned reactors and wipe your dumb grin of your face before it permanently freezes on your cold corpse.

>> No.51141562

People only read the last few posts in a thread by the way, so if you don't find a good reason why Russia is struggling so much and fast, all your propaganda posting was in vain

>> No.51141573

What a sad display, that's not good enough

>> No.51141587

No country deserves this more than Germany. Get woke, go broke, literally.

>> No.51141603

Only for brainlets who listen to the media and think that success has to come instantly.

>> No.51141614

Based I live in Portugal and have around 40k in gold and silver. The winters are mild here. Can’t wait to go on a shopping spree once Euro economy implodes.

>> No.51141618
File: 619 KB, 915x1020, 1648080632088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall the US struggling this hard against Iraq which is kinda half way across the world and not an immediate neighbor xD

>> No.51141620
File: 197 KB, 640x518, pepe HUUUUUUUUUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia doesn't sell only gas ya know

>> No.51141625

Russia sucks and will never win a war, all Russians are evil idiots. Still think I’m Russian? What I’m trying to tell you, Hans, is that while the rest of the west hates Russia, we’re starting to hate you more, because you’re fucking us all over with your woke bullshit, closing reactors and laughing when representatives of the uncontested leader of the west tells you to curb your bullshit for the sake of all of us.
You fucked us, Hans. The west will not forget.

>> No.51141675
File: 31 KB, 689x540, 1639562677403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Re-drawing the Tekuho Ukrainian girl to Russian

>> No.51141688

Who says russia is struggling?
How do you know it's not their plan?
Do you think Putin has a deadline?
Do you seriously believe a gay clown can lead an army of corrupt idiots to win against the literal boogie man of the western world?

>> No.51141689

I’m not the one who desperately has to rescue my nation and my reputation with my allies. Germany is over, Hans, and you know what? Us whites will be 1,000,000x better off without you fucking spergs, this is the third and fucking last time you fuck us all with your German arrogance, autism and lack of general compatibility with humankind.

>> No.51141815

Putin fired multiple generals because progress is so slow. Try wiggling your way out of the evidence that the whole thing is a disaster.

>> No.51141895
File: 1.17 MB, 1179x1402, zelensky general.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're getting confused
Stop reading so much Daily Mail

>> No.51141896
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>2 more weeks
>Russia occupied Donbass in 2014.
>Russia occupied Crimea in 2015.
>Russia occupied 25% of Ukraine in 2022.

>> No.51141958

I think you got no arguments
Stop believing the lies that state media feeds you

>> No.51141986
File: 7 KB, 211x239, dead pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post a lie with no source
>Get fed proof with source
Polish posters need to fuck off of biz

>> No.51142000
File: 99 KB, 602x1002, 8D9346FE-7AA3-4433-81DF-B43ECFB6BADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Ukraine

>> No.51142083
File: 60 KB, 1024x816, _125355876_russia_oil_v2-2x-nc-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot.

>> No.51142157

It's funny how Russia's BEST strategic ally, Kazakhstan, is slowly starting to drift away from Russia because even they got pissed by the invasion.

>> No.51142280

lol fake news FUCK OFF RETARDS

>> No.51142297

I am not trying anything, I just observe reality without being ignorant.
There is no way that Ukraine is going to win this alone. No German actually believes this.

>> No.51142376

see the vatnigger cope

>> No.51142412


>> No.51142425

The absolute state of /biz/ those days.

>> No.51142617

>in 3 years
>if price is the same
EU is already looking for alternative sources of gas and oil and three years they will cut most of the Russian supplies. Then Russia becomes some irrelevant third world shit hole like Iran and even worse. Russia is a big frozen nigger.

>> No.51142681

Implying China, brazil, india doesn't exist

>> No.51142783

Russia can sell them some gas and oil at 50% discount just like Iran does. Russia is fucked just admit it.

>> No.51142836

It's so funny how delusional you people are, actual NPCs
Atleast I'll get to fuck your wife for a 2 bags of flour and a bottle of water while you're wondering how you could've prevented this once it's winter

>> No.51142845

lol where? These magical alternatives don’t exist.

>> No.51142868

>tiny neighbor
Ukraine is most likely bigger than your country and has been armed and trained since 2014 by the west.

>> No.51142918

I don't know about anyone relevant enough who was arming Iraq in a meaningful manner.

>> No.51143007
File: 1.60 MB, 4501x4500, EU_intra_extra_EU_trade of goods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Iran anything like Russia?

Russia also supplies Steel, Cheap food, and a billions of other resources and materials, USSR was a closed economy for a century

The only thing that will change is that unilateral cooperation between Europe and Russia will simply end and Europe which is far more bare in terms of resources will have to scavenge around like dogs

It's not like Europeans export anything, they just trade within themselves

>> No.51143020

USA will sell them gas. Some Arab countries like Turkmenistan and Qatar have gas and oil. They can turn back on some nuke plants. They only have to replace 40% of total supply not a big deal for them. But Russia will be a third world shit hole with a bunch of sanctions like Iran and they will love it lol.

>> No.51143134
File: 179 KB, 1024x786, ukrain_copium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51143167

The US will sell us LNG at the three times the price Russia did. Gas is not used only in electricity production, but in fertilizers, heavy industry ovens and people's heaters. Germany is continuing with the shutting of nuclear plants and even if they didn't guess who enriches most of the world's uranium?
>only 40%
Most of the world doesn't care what Russia is doing, but keep deluding yourself that Russia can be isolated like Iran was.

>> No.51143303

Europe was still going downhill when it was in intense cooperation with Russia, how is "going back to normal" going to help, faggot? The Ukrainian crisis is the real chance for pan-European forces to form without much resistance, don't miss it.

>> No.51143371
File: 252 KB, 693x605, dmitry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mis-understand me, I don't give a fuck about Europe. Only Putler the faggot is the only Russian in government that wants to have good relations with Europe.

I've always said that Russia should have nothing to do with Europe and always should have looked towards the east right from the start.

Getting in bed with Euro Cuckolds is asking for trouble, but soviet boomers don't understand this because
>My Fellow White Ppl

Whether Europe becomes a Muslim caliphate, crumble under lack of industry, breaks apart due to differences or becomes a puppet country under America, is fine with me. Just stay the fuck away from Russia.

Like completely
I want a giant wall that can't ever be crumbled.

>> No.51143377

Ok Kremlin proxy nigger.

>> No.51143389

>pan-European forces
Germany and France tried that with Macron calling for an EU army. Eastern Europe rejected that signing a document which states they don't see the need for further integration. Poland and Hungary are perfect examples of this with Polish officials even accusing Germany of colluding with Russia. There won't any united Europe as long as the US thinks they can keep dominance and even then there'll by a lot of pushback.

>> No.51143572
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>> No.51143714

My calculation say, in 2021 EU generated 550TWh of electricity from gas. NS1 and Yamal had a 88bcm yearly, about 700TWh worth. Now only about 110TWh is flowing, unless there is another pipeline?

EU generated about 2600TWh electricity per year usually.
Looks like Russia cut off 600TWh of those, thats like 25%

Bizraelis calculate now, what happens to a shitcoin mcap when 25% of supply is burned, say if it happened to eth?

>> No.51143728

The drift has started happening years ago, Kazakhstan is switching from using Russian script for their written language to Latin.

However it is not such a major loss as with Ukraine because rather than becoming a western puppet, Kazakhstan has fallen into the Chinese sphere of influence and is still generally aligned with Russia.

>> No.51143799

>white on white
germans are not anglo saxxies
slavs are also not anglo saxxies
only anglo saxxies are "white", they invented the term

>> No.51143814

holy shit you are braindead

>> No.51143872

go back to discord

>> No.51143959

80 military bases
Top elites all phone and data tapped
Entire population communications is in US and A

US does not even need to threaten

>> No.51143992

this is deep state shit

>> No.51144060

Norway has gas and pipes to EU, but its not enough to just replace 700TWh worth of energy
All other sources are either not enough or due to reasons not here rn, like Iran.
First a huge shift has to happen to make a Iran build pipeline from biggest gas field in world to Turkey and to Europe

Any replacement will take at least 3 years to build

>> No.51145675

its a scam google merit order

>> No.51145719

maybe childporn

>> No.51146499

was a joke they just bribe them with money

>> No.51147936
File: 8 KB, 307x164, 36346464372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah of course
ukranians as a whole definitely loved living under russian hegemony the past few centuries
you can tell, it's written on their faces

>> No.51148963

>germans are not anglo saxxies

Uhhh, where do you think the "saxon" part comes from "anglo saxons"?

>> No.51149123

Paying $300 to $1300 is a massive difference. I couldn't afford that.

>> No.51149222

Zoom in

>> No.51149549

This retrd thinks Russia wants to conquer ukraine lmao

>> No.51149743

>2022 AD
>All of europe and UK is still totaly dependent on Russian oil and gas

It's not like anyone has been saying this is a strategic weakness for decades

>> No.51151350

Its midterm elections this year in the u.s. the u.s. exports have been bridging the gap but sec of energy grandholm has put exporters on notice and is requiring them to export less oil and gas which will lower alternative sources for the eu. Democrats have already fucked themselves ahead of the midterms but they are hoping to lessen the damage by lowering gas and oil costs domestically ahead of the elections

>> No.51151372

Also anyone who thinks Ukraine will or can win is either an absolute retard or a shill. Ukraine along with Taiwan and inflationary pressure on the dollar as the reserve currency will be the undoing of a west centric world order

>> No.51151393

the absolute state of /k/oping shills

>> No.51151500

"russia is losing"

>> No.51151850

it was biden who was bought by russia all along

>> No.51151890
File: 77 KB, 403x506, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just two more weeks, fellow /int/cels
le monke putin will be epic BTFO

>> No.51151973

This is why I'm investing in nuclear energy, they're planning to build a fuckton of power plants in the EU/UK.

>> No.51152079

Someone needs to look at a map and question whether or not it's plausible that a country as massive as Russia has "no room" to store gas. You're being lied to.

>> No.51152116

>Hah, based math! Math rules all!!! I will if ore real world evidence such as Germans having their energy prices raise to ungodly levels. Surely nothing is wrong with my data model.

>> No.51152190


this. "whites" dont exist as a thing, there is no binding factor. it exists in america for obvious reasons.

>> No.51152204

You just know Russia is flailing around when they pay bots to post disinformation on a sugandese penis inspection forum.

>> No.51152211

>Burgers and Britbongs
Britain had nothing to do with it
Look at the Founding Father's views on race and you'll see that British people had no concept of 'white'
It came a lot lot later, in America only

>> No.51152298

Holy shit he really was playing 5th dimensional chess the whole time...

>> No.51152830

Yes, they'll just put that gas on the floor somewhere in Siberia. Nbd

>> No.51152841


>> No.51152865

>m-muh russian bots
kek, stay frosty europoor

>> No.51152868

Most of the stuff has nothing to do with Ukraine but you retarded thirdworlder dont care. Drink some tapwater

>> No.51152964

Eh, /int/ is just making fun of that one russian janny. Now /k/ is pure glowing reddit cancer

>> No.51153010

Its to tell you yuropoors to stop paying taxes so some inbred nonce in Brussel gets to rob you retards blind and import more dunecoons

>> No.51153033

Pfizer gave you blood clots in your brain.

>> No.51153075

Doing that is the fastest way to prolong the war.
Call up Putin before the cold comes and tell him he can have donbaboonia or whatever the fuck if he starts pumping the gas back into Europe again.
Who actually cares about those scrub lands?

>> No.51153076

Stay oppressed by your government, making your life worse every day because Putin can't admit defeat

>> No.51153178

>if I close my eyes the problems doesn't exist

>> No.51153179

They keep a watchful eye on anyone in power and if they try starting a ruckus they'll find a way to get rid of them.
Could be that they just pay them a shit ton of money to go against their own nations self interest.

>> No.51153275

It's all really simple. Putin pays Ivanposters to spread misinformation online and try to break up the strong bond on solidarity that he himself created. He fears a united enemy. Then these paid Ivanposters come to 4chan, because that's easier for them. There is no reach on 4chan, but Russia is so incompetent, they don't check. Then you get threads like these. The best thing to do is demonstrate unity against Putin. That makes Ivan mad, because it's his job to break it. But it's all so transparent and inorganic, it's hilarious.

>> No.51153315
File: 1.19 MB, 1197x1878, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stay oppressed by your government, making your life worse every day because Putin can't admit defeat
nah i don't live in germany bro, better stop eating those burgers because in the eyes of their rulers farm animals are more important than them

>> No.51153344

>The best thing to do is demonstrate unity against Putin.
Why though? Whether or not I support Putin has no impact on the popularity of the regime in Russia.
On the other hand, US allies having a population that supports US foreign policy is vital as it ensures that the governments of those allied countries continue assisting the US.

>> No.51153370

> He fears a united enemy
But entirety of EU, US, Canada and Nato are already united on Russia/Ukraine thing. Russia citizen ban is already discussed and they’re sending weapon shipments constantly. Only further step up from there is to move in with conventional militaries.

>> No.51153405

>It's all really simple. Putin pays Ivanposters to spread misinformation online and try to break up the strong bond on solidarity
...on fucking 4chan kek, lmao even

>> No.51154175

Bruh this aint hearts of iron 4, you cant win a war just by spamming manpower anymore, these days are over

>> No.51154333

>Cheap energy for China so they can be even more competitive
>expensive energy for westoids
wtf ultra based?

>> No.51154416


>its all so obvious

I know lol. I swear to god they just showed up on biz in the past month. They were not here before that.
I noticed non stop seething against Europeans in a totally irrational way that even pol virgin americans dont usually do. This thread is absolutely full of it. Its so tone death.

Nobody would be making fun of europeans for “freezing” right now. Even the sweatier pol poaters realise Europe is suffering to fuck over Russia, and they just unfortunately happen to be next door. It would be the US if it were not so far away. Europe is putting up with shit for the US benefit and as said people realise that.

So when these ivan posters come in with their usual pol rhetoric which works on most retards in pol i guess? It sticks out. Saying shit like germans deserve it for being woke, as if the average german gives a shit anyway? Completely obvious ivanposting.

They have just started posting on biz. What a shame.

>> No.51154439

holy based, burning gas from giant elevated burners literally at the stepping stone of europe to flex on europoid cucks that can only hope this winter will not cost them their arm and leg to go through

>> No.51154443

>How the fuck does "russia shouldnt invade other countries" constitute """woke"""?
No, Germany being ruled by anti-whites makes it woke

>> No.51154479

>>Russia forces more neighbours into nato
Who? I was promised that they would join NATO in June, but they still haven't.... Big strong scary NATO who cannot beat the Taliban needs to fellate the Turks to get what they want lmao

>> No.51154530

Unironically this.

If the EU formally entered the conflict over gas and energy, the Russian frontline would collapse in Ukraine. Russia failed to beat a shit tier army with 10% of its military spending GDP and is very thinned out, with an almost stagnant front. The EU just has to keep Ukrainian manpower, supply a few more “special advisors” and give the Ukrainians an injection of modern armour (tanks, jets rather than just artillery and stand off weapons) and the Russian army would begin to collapse.

Failing that, I think we’ll see globohomo bankroll the EU and Britain for a winter while NATO continues to bleed out the Russian army in Ukraine.

>t. /k/poster

Russians spam 4chan for psyops unironically. They want people to put pressure on their politicians to pull out of Ukraine. Europes edge in this conflict isn’t energy, but military hardware, intelligence and logistics and Ukraine have fucked Russia with minimal help compared to what just France, Italy, Poland and Spain could do with their combined arms warfare. The Russian front is also stretched extremely thinly (it has a pop of 170m people stretched out across two continents and borders Europe in a massive steppe) and would be very easy to invade if it didn’t play nuclear brinkmanship. Even then, Russian tech seems to be so degraded that it would likely be wiped out in a nuclear exchange against NATO.

>> No.51154551

>Russia's BEST strategic ally, Kazakhstan,
That would be China

>> No.51154671

Yeah and they didn't want to. Its not the USA fault its germans being stupid as usual.

>> No.51154706


>> No.51154725

Are those ivanposters in the room with you right now? Do they tell you to do things, like hurting other people?
> He fears a united enemy.
Oh no, not the brown faggot west with women generals, so scawy. The Taliban are shivering from the fear right now lmao

>> No.51154770

The West has spent the last 4-5 decades focusing on attacking all manifestations of white racial identity, and they were pretty successful at it. Why are you so surprised now, after all that happened, that white people first instincts isn't unity?

>> No.51154805

first of all. this meat meme is old news and will never be real. second of all. every single german has a better live than you in your stinky tundra village where everybody is a ugly untermensch. go kys russian shill. putin will never love you. SAG.E

>> No.51154813

Putin loses conscripts and zoomer csgo addicts.

He never got btfo and the world is coping

>> No.51154828

Russia would just use nukes if they lost a conventional war.
>Russia failed to beat a shit tier army with 10% of its military spending GDP
Ukrainian army was one of the best on paper in Europe, and it was one of the only with actual war experience. Also Ukraine is receiving help from the most powerful military alliance in the world, they aren't fighting alone like you are trying to claim. One of the main reasons why the initial blitzkrieg did not work was because the West was supplying intel to Ukrainian live. Without Western support, Ukraine probably wouldn't know Russia troop movements and assaults live.
>Russians spam 4chan for psyops unironically.
I'm supposed to believe Russia is spamming 4chan with their psyops, but the West isn't?

>> No.51154935
File: 493 KB, 500x375, giph3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electricitry prices were going up before russia war in europe because Green idealists already. I think E-cars etc. also started impacting the consumption.

It's not even winter yet, so why would prices go up so much because of gas? doenst make any sense you dont need heating yet so there is Something else going on than the GAS ISSUE most likely other ways (green ways) to produce electricityy have failed mostly in germany

Only way to produce enough electricity is to use nuclear plants before fusion power becomes commercially available so germany is incompenent with their green idealists not having nuclear plants. Even japan builds more nuclear plants now and USA produces all their energy with nuclear.

You should have tons of nuclear plants to make electricity extra cheap because consumption will increase when everything moves to electric like cars and cargo

>> No.51154962

>It's not even winter yet, so why would prices go up so much because of gas?
EU countries are stockpiling gas for winter, like they do every year.

>> No.51155001

by that reasoning fossil fuels are also green lmao

>> No.51155007
File: 88 KB, 750x755, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it still doesnt make sense. So why would electricity prices go up yet? Germany produces only 12% of electricity with gas

I think green ways to produce electricity have failed, they are portraying this failure as gas issue

>> No.51155039


this must be a bait

>> No.51155086

1. SWIFT sanctions makes it extremely difficult for a small country to conduct trade
2. They also gave some random glowie Juan guaido all of their liquidity and gold reserves to fuck with their currency
3. They tanked oil a few years ago specifically to fuck with Venezuela

All the Venezuela is poor propaganda you hear is just globohomo reinforcing that you can never go off the plantation

>> No.51155173

You're right anon. The mouthbreathers and bots responding to you are underage morons

>> No.51155265

I must have imagined all that $10 Venezuelan pussy lmao

>> No.51155684
File: 61 KB, 982x751, spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the nukes
Russia would use nukes only if they lost a conventional war, but their response would limited - it would likely be a strike on Ukrainian territory to limit NATO's involvement. Because it sets an awful precident for countries to engage in nuclear blackmail as a get out of jail free card, the response from NATO would likely be tit-for-tat strike to punish Russia - I'd say we'd likely see a large number of cruise missiles or a tactical nuclear weapon level a military target in Russia, likely a military base that's remote from Moscow / St. Peterburgh and we'd see Kaliningrad being effectively deleted with cruise missiles. If Russia escalated into a nuclear strike on NATO territory or fired an out and out salvo, it would have to do so not if it lost a war outside its borders, but as a response to an existential threat. If it did decide to go on with this, not only would Mosco and St. Petersburg be totally destroyed (which contain 15% of the Russian population alone and most of its logistical base) it's not entirely guaranteed that Russia's nuclear arsenal is still functional, given the widespread corruption and expensive mantainence that's degraded a huge amount of Russia's military equipment which would need to saturate multiple bases and urban centres around Europe and America. Furthermore, Russian AA still can't shoot down a basic HIMAR missile - so Russia would have no capacity to stop Western nuclear missiles, whereas NATO's ability remains untested. It's apocalyptic, but in every scenario, Russia stands to lose more from a nuclear strike than it gain.

>Ukraine has a shit tier army
See pic related, it's military spending was a fraction of Russia's and other European powers - so no, it wasn't the best on paper army in Europe. Also, European armies had extensive experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. Desert Storm was against a peer to peer force, Iraq had the 3rd biggest army at the time.

>> No.51155783

>but their response would limited
Says who? Maybe Russia will just get tired and nuke the whole west. Russia understands that Ukraine is a puppet of America, it makes no sense to nuke the puppet and leave the master untouched.
> the response from NATO would likely be tit-for-tat strike to punish Russia
Mutual nuclear destruction. Which is why the West will never intervene directly in the war.
>See pic related, it's military spending was a fraction of Russia's
>le GDP le money le dollah bills
You redit neoliberals will never lose your worship of money. A army strength isn't measured by dollars. If it was, USA would never have lost against the Taliban. Also Ukraine received more money since the war then the entire yearly Russian army budget.
>it wasn't the best on paper army in Europe.
I would say second best behind Turkey. Third if you include the Russian.
> Also, European armies had extensive experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Bombing sandniggers and parading in convoys in the desert isn't actual military experience. It is the equivalent of a safari. Ukraine and Turkish army have actual combat experience.

>> No.51155798

yeah, it's ridiculous. I guess it's just another instance of "they pretend to pay us, so we pretend to work". I imagine they get told to "spread this propaganda item today on social media". to not have to work around active administrators and automatic content filters they pick 4 chan to make their life easier. completely defeats the purpose of course, but that's just the sheer incompetence you got to expect from them. I mean it's been 6 months, get you shit together Russia, lol.

>> No.51155821


>> No.51155877

...on schizo /biz/
What next? XRP thread?

>> No.51158155

Bump I dont want this thread archived yet

>> No.51158578

I think that Europe keeping its COOL is very based, Russia is giving them the COLD SHOULDER and is bad :(. EU and its people should FREEZE diplomacy with bad bad Russia and put Putin's plan ON ICE. So go ahead and tell to Putin to CHILL out.

>> No.51158610

Goyim deserve to be ruled over, admit it. They want it.

>> No.51158624

Is that Vladimir Putin?

That vatnik has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Luton Premier Inn. That shit had to be the tightest, whitest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Vladimir Putin screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That vatnik frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That vatnik Putin and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Vladimir Putin, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass vatniks either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. White skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That vatnik Vladimir stole my heart and drank my seed.

>> No.51158664
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>ishares russia etf ERUS is down 99.84%
do we buy?

>> No.51161208
File: 712 KB, 1080x1782, 1657793655488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putin told them 10 years ago.

>> No.51161917

is Putin a master genius or are yuropoors just retarded american colonies? russia was affected badly in the beginning, but now they're back to pre-sanction times, meanwhile yurope will get raped this winter.

>> No.51161949

Why I never buy anything "more efficient" or replace what already works.

>> No.51162192

1. Raise electricity prices by filling gas into storage instead of using it to generate electricity
2. Raise electricity prices by "uh maintenance of nuclear power plants" and "uuh noo that one can not be started rn no"
3. Less water in reservoirs, great thx god

4. Consoomers pay into state owned pockets
5. Hand money over to Uncle Sam and his new best friend Ukraine

This is how you finance and wage a war

>> No.51162281

You really don’t understand futures contracts, and the impact of expected future events on current spot prices? What are you doing on this board?

>> No.51162338

>they are back to pre-sanction times
oh ivan, tell babushka no vodka this christmas

>> No.51162598

It is only retarded because burning wood (especially in home use stoves, unless it is a rocket stove) produces toxic gasses. He is still right about being carbon net zero (almost, since wood pellets are transported and manufactured with machinery that uses gasoline/diesel).
In the scale of eons, yes. In the scale of humans, no. Humans never existed when the atmosphere had large amounts of carbon. We also have a sunk cost in the form of having most big cities, ports, and manufacturing near coasts.

>> No.51162700

Russians attacked Ukraine because they wanted to, not because of USA.
The world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.51162936

>Who says russia is struggling?
>How do you know it's not their plan?
>Do you think Putin has a deadline?
Is this bait. Russia's embarrassing military fuckup is a separate matter from West's embarrassing economic 'sanctions' fuckup.

>> No.51163399

This. Putin really is our genuis.

>> No.51164621
File: 43 KB, 960x162, Europoor Air Conditioning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors have been smug for so long that you can be told TWELVE years in advance a financial and energy problem you are going to face. The Europoor will act smug and think he is better and you are just wrong. They earned all of this.

>> No.51165650

>Fat fingers wrote this
you will never be european again tyrone.

>> No.51165816


>> No.51165952

This is less about Europe and more about germans. A lot of europeans and even some germans agree that germans are retarded.

>> No.51166011

>buy crudecoin
>do not redeem
>many riches

>> No.51166462

post ww2 germany is a travesty, which is hilarious because the ((allies)) are the ones running it. its most certainly intentional

>> No.51166586

((allies)) also ran Japan and ran it harder than germany, yet japan has nowhere near the problems or even kind of problems germany has. This is entirely the result of the germans themselves.

>> No.51166677

German here
Our government is the worst

>> No.51166850

It's the most resentful thing I've ever read

>> No.51167327

I hope you get dragged out into the streets and clubbed, you stupid puppet

>> No.51167370

>So you aren't even affected by this, you just want to stir shit up?
You could say that about every country that sanctioned Russia :^)

>> No.51167514

>without inflicting significant damage on the national economy
Only according to their own fake numbers.
Those analysts are extremely retarded redditors.

>> No.51167526

China is doing it's own thing and often have interests that align with Russia

>> No.51167709

japans economy is completely fucked

>> No.51167739

japan doesn't have any members of the tribe

>> No.51167763

Maybe people will finally nut up and realize we don't /need/ electricity for personal use
>But it's cold!
You'll figure it out
>b-b-but how will I play Fortnite!
I bet it'll be something like how covid showed everyone you don't need to work 48 hours a week and spend your whole paycheck on your luxury 600 sqft apartment w/ built in estrogen supply, your 15 streaming service subscriptions, and drinks at the trendy new gastropub every friday to live a good life

>> No.51167981


europe could start a war against russia and nuke this pos off the earth

>> No.51168064

>Burning gas
It's a controlled burn out you dumb ass. You have to do that periodically to clean the fucking pipes out.

>> No.51168130

It's fucked but it's still the third biggest economy and they're not going to freeze this winter.
The germans got rid of theirs, remember?

>> No.51168883

Yeah. The cost of new EVs vs just buying a used petrol vehicle is a better short term preposition.

>> No.51169111

>virgin euro shivering in the snow because no gas
>chad Ivan literally pointlessly burning all of europes gas, just because it's funny

>> No.51169928

I'll take germans over nigger-faggot-troon worshiping mutts

>> No.51170079

Paid shills.

>> No.51170131

Why not just let Russia join NATO?

>> No.51170890

Enjoy your merkelmen

>> No.51172061

If crypto could somehow fix this. It will be the crypto flippening !!!!! BTC 540 000$

>> No.51172147

>Russia can shut down its natural gas exports to Europe entirely for more than a year, without inflicting significant damage on the national economy,


>> No.51172311

bit too late for that

>> No.51172848

Russia is clearly the aggressor in ukr, but come on
>do business with germoney
>they sanction the shit out of your whole economy
>except gas tho, we still need that ;)
>EU hand rubbing intensifies
>waiting for those sweet Russian asset cheapies like the 90s
>*gas spigot turns off*
I doubt putin sees far enough ahead to turn a hot conventional war into an indirect economic war, but he's got the upper hand there and the EU plainly handed it to him

>> No.51172906

>shlomo jewstien doesnt see himself as white and takes a shit on germany
>even though that woke shit is all jewish propaganda anyway
They really do excel at playing all sides

>> No.51172945

Haram question we burn you at the stake now heretic

>> No.51172975

The eternal anglo is about as white as the average iranian
Which is to say in looks alone

>> No.51173094

>germans must like suffering and complaining
this is accurate. germans are addicted to whining over the privations they inflict on eachother. they see it as stoicism or something.
most germans did not to be force-fed the freeze to punish putin meme. they were coming up with such rationalisations without any media influence

>> No.51173263

take your meds schizo incel

>> No.51174088

>Russia also supplies Steel, Cheap food, and a billions of other resources and materials, USSR was a closed economy for a century
Soviet sphere of control ended in the middle of Germany, now it ends at the frontline in Ukraine.
Russian population is too small to have an independent industry. Their industry is irrelevant. They can't get modern chips because all modern fabs are western aligned. They can acquire commodity chips (like normal cpus) via third parties, but that doesn't work for bulk orders of application specific parts.

>> No.51174150

That’s correct. “Intelligent” people (midwits, leftists, etc) are the biggest suckers in the world

>> No.51174159

the chart is not electricity generation, its energy consumption