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51136896 No.51136896 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not being a young hot woman in 2022 (or a hot gay guy).

>> No.51136905

is she pretty?

>> No.51136906

do these retards actually believe gifting 70k would land them a meaningul relationship, with a woman that is attentionwhoring for a living at that

>> No.51136950

>a meaningul relationship
Any attention is meaningful for them.

>> No.51137006

How are so many men this pathetic
If you did this in any environment ive been in you'd be laughed out of the room
Equally surprising is the fact thst people this retarded have so much money

>> No.51137057


>> No.51137064

They're basically not even human so imagine a jellyfish trying to do calculus. That's this "man".

>> No.51137075
File: 1002 KB, 3024x4032, 3456435364346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice not having to pay for pussy

>> No.51137083

Yes, because they're simps.

>> No.51137148

>be basedbo1
>work for FAGMAAN
>not married, no gf
>zero testosterone
>has a jellyfish understanding of what Sugar daddies do

>> No.51137172

How the fuck do simps have so much disposable income?

>> No.51137193

this is just taking money from the mentally ill
like scamming some old grandma for money pretending you know her son

>> No.51137293
File: 240 KB, 1000x1500, 9E78B703-963D-4CF1-864F-AAEAB7175CC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I out myself:

>be me, meet cute girl, go out with her since last November
>things get more serious, give her a Christmas present
>in February go on vacation with her
>slowly she wants more, buy some shoes there as a present or a pullover there
>relationship actually turns sour as have different hobbies etc.
>still go to Paris together in May
>buy her stuff for her birthday
>since June have seen her maybe once a week, sometimes less
>tell her in July, it’s over
>big fight, stay together
>she asks for me helping her out with 250 euros
>I say “no way, fuck you, gold digger”
>she getting agitated
>no contact with her for a while
>meet up again, she begs for thr 250 euros because problem paying bills and getting warning emails for non-payment
>give in and pay
>meet again 2 more times as friends, go to lake, have some fun
>she asks for money again
>I say fuck you and stop contact

With presents, going out and vacations together, it sure was several thousands of euros. Damn gold digger. I feel dirty and like a beta cuck. Lesson learned.

>> No.51137330
File: 176 KB, 1080x796, 2002AA85-BEAD-4FAC-85C7-5858381208C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you for setting yourself straight in the end. We never have to mention this again. Simp lol.

>> No.51137353


At least you fucked her, right? Not like this tesla simp.

>> No.51137363

Did you at least fuck?

>> No.51137366

>have stable relationship with loving eastern euro gf
>am mutt
>have negative account balance due to compsci bachelors
feels fucking incredible to be completely tbqh desu honest with you famalam

>> No.51137367

prostitution has evolved my friend

they've gotten really good at it

>> No.51137377

why do incels like you complain about the woman?

It's we men and some incel simps who enables it

>> No.51137388


I would say the majority don't.

A lot of them steal and take out loans etc.. You read about it all the time. Simping is no different to any other addiction like gambling.

These dudes will pay anything to get the attention and validation that they crave..

It's unironically the smartest play women can do..

>> No.51137392
File: 120 KB, 499x520, Screenshot_20220828-115029_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucked her right?
You fucked her right?

>> No.51137406

you fucked her, right?

>> No.51137408

We had a normal relationship for 6 months, actually before Paris we talked about moving in together. She got cold feet. Then with Paris she got more distant etc.

>> No.51137437


>> No.51137447
File: 2.35 MB, 640x612, 1658889154412341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao didn't even fuck

>> No.51137459

Within the context of his 'relationship' with her, it probably felt like a natural next step to take
it's a form of insanity

>> No.51137478
File: 276 KB, 870x790, 1656880767193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>gf is much less attractive than me but nice girl and mad pussy game
>has stressful corporate job while I fuck around in my it job
>earns more than me and isn't rich enough to buy me shit but pays most of the bills
>I can get away with whatever I want because she'll never get someone else like me

Must be like being a big titted woman