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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51136836 No.51136836 [Reply] [Original]

I think I messed up bad.

I joined a Crypto Discord server and this guy offered to help me get started with "Stacking". He helped me set up Trust wallet and Coinbase.

I put £60 into Ethereum on Coinbase, then sent it to my Trust wallet. He then said that I need to Validate my wallet, so he sent me to a website in order to get it done. I then entered my Trust Wallet Pass Phrase and validated. I now have zero money in my Wallet or my Coinbase.

I told the guy this and he said that I should "Fund and Refresh", by purchasing some more ETH and then refreshing.

Please tell me this is just a misunderstanding and he didn't just steal the last of my money.

>> No.51136850

your retarded
go flip burgers for a day and you have it back you underage cretin

>> No.51136855

>so i gave him the pass phrase to my wallet that it says everywhere when you create one to never ever share with anyone
>so did he steal my money
A fool and their money is easily parted.

>> No.51136857

At least tell me there is at least some way to try and get it back. I know this was probably a scam so I may have learned an expensive lesson but i'm desperate please it's alot of money don't tell me it's just gone like that

>> No.51136860

filtered... you dont belong in the markets

>> No.51136864

>i gave full access to all my funds to a stranger and he sent the money away
>tell me i can get it back
No, don't worry. It's not gone. You can get your money back. Just send crypto to me I am hacker and can return your funds.

>> No.51136869

your larp is boring mate
nobody who can type coherently enough as you do is also dumb enough to fall for the most obvious scam
next time, try to mispell shit and generally to sound more low class

>> No.51136871

Alright, can you send me your discord id? I will add you and we can talk. Thanks alot man I really appreciate it

>> No.51136875

Nah, I agree with >>51136869.
You can't be this dumb.

>> No.51136874

>60 England Dollars
Oh no, how will you ever recover?

>> No.51136879

no scam ser please place your trust in my hand ser

>> No.51136884

All this for $60. Just let it go.

>> No.51136894

op is obviously a transexual and should commit sudoku asap
i did not read your post

>> No.51136919

Hi I can help you, I'm a Blockedchain hacker who controls over 51% of the mining power. I don't usually do this, but I can reverse the transaction for a small fee.

>> No.51136920

Yo!!! bruv you've been scammed, don't find further. Sorry for your loss.

>> No.51136941

there’s a way. shoot a message to hello@vitalik.ca and attach screenshots and explain the situation. vitalik will right all wrongs as part of the purge state after the merge.

don’t believe me? look it up

>> No.51137041

>I think I messed up bad.
>I joined a Crypto Discord
say less

>> No.51137071
File: 765 KB, 1503x1506, 1661535584477809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a badly made larp, op is a faggot as always but this thread will still get over 100 replies from low iq newfags just wait. I fucking hate modern /biz/ so fucking much.

>> No.51137085

probably just a misunderstanding. These kind of issues are often solved by transferring more. Something clogged so you need to apply more pressure (transactions) to get everything through

>> No.51137373

Wtf bro it's just like what, $30 USD you lost? Who gives a fuck. Send me your wallet address and I'll repay you what you fucking lost, retard. I make that shit passively in like half an hour.

>> No.51137383

>hmm, must be like $30
lmao burgers

>> No.51137401


kek. some people are really born to ngmi

>> No.51137403

No one gives a shit about bongistan shekels. £60 is literally nothing, maybe enough for a gumball.

>> No.51137442

no one cares, smelly paki. go back to your shithole

>> No.51137779

>I think I messed up bad.
>I joined a Crypto Discord server
stopped reading here
yeah you fucked up bad, your money is gone forever

dont trust anyone pming you anywhere on any platform asking you to do anything in crypto, just do stuff yourself without having a scammer hold your hand, because they are all scammers.

the reason why they scam crypto is because there is no way to get it back

>> No.51137789

this thread is peak reddit

>> No.51138006

welp... i guess i'll take my losses

thanks for the help anyway guys

>> No.51138121

Based larp detector.

>> No.51138697

Not my fault your currency is literally worthless.

>> No.51138727

Thanks for playing kid. No refunds

>> No.51138768 [DELETED] 

are you a frenchfag?

>> No.51138782

>I put £60 into Ethereum
you need to be 18 to post here btw

>> No.51138800

It's worth more than a dollar retard

>> No.51138890

It’s worth more than your currency…

>> No.51139081

Wait is this a metatroll or something, le epic moustache man woulda killed them all and yet they worship him. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why they worship him kek

>> No.51139384
File: 129 KB, 606x820, civilizations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joined crypto discord
not reading the rest. ngmi.

>> No.51139693

Holy sh*t this thread is still up

admins can close it or delete it even idgaf

>> No.51139803

You better hurry up and fund and refresh

>> No.51139817


>> No.51139858

Thank you sir for redeeming village is not starving anymore, Vishnu be praised

>> No.51140006

8 hours of burger flipping will get it back. or like 12 after taxes

>> No.51140539


>> No.51140956

My currency is ETH.

>> No.51141000

Dumb bich! Thanks for the cash. Village be eating tonight!

>> No.51141007

please OP tell me this is a LARP