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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 800x500, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51136767 No.51136767 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this motherfucker
>diet consists of coffee and 0.40$ instant noodles
>deselects ''express'' and clicks "standard delivery'' on his aliexpress orders to save 5$
>wears shirts from kids r us
>probably drives a leased prius
>his mom calls him when he's not home after 11pm
>is in it for the "tech"

I am beyond angry.

>> No.51136785

What would it look like if we gave a turboautist one billion dollars?

>> No.51136796
File: 212 KB, 1230x973, ethereumpedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guy is insider and has connections to epstein island and visited it himself

all elites are gonna want eth for the profits

eth is pedo coin

unlimited supply premine vc scam

>> No.51136805
File: 78 KB, 1006x773, ethereumpedoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51136817

This dude is on so many different levels of trolling.

>> No.51136833

imagine being a boomer larping as a teen tech guy LMAO so fucking cringe you just know a legion of obese mETH furries worship him like cultists

>> No.51136842

he's just much, much smarter than you opee
i'm probably 2-3 standard deviations above you, 1 sd below vitalik. i don't live like him but i can relate to him better than to your kind
the smarter you get, the less importance material bullshit holds on you
not because we're more "virtuous" people or anything
it's just the dopamine we get from abstract problem-solving is literally above what we'd feel from driving a sports car, wearing a nice watch or diddling with a pretty girl
understand the difference between 150+ iq and average iq is larger than the difference between average iq and a retard. as in, someone with actual down syndrome, forever stuck into early childhood development wise
you wouldn't be amused by the same things a downie is
likewise, vitalik doesn't care for what makes you tick. to him you're more like a pet than a human, cognitively speaking

captcha: WWWW2

>> No.51136847

He looks like a literal mentally ill pedophile, yikers

>> No.51136856

>Is free
Literally all it takes

>> No.51136867

>Looks like

>> No.51136868

who is that guy? eth is great btw don't know why there are so many FUDDers in this post. the merge is real and going to be revolutionary

>> No.51136911

are your brain melting from heat? He's 28 years old.

>> No.51136937

if you aren't LARPing, what abstract problem solving interests you? What vidya do you play?

>> No.51136967

Been doing this for about 2 years now and can honestly say I have never bought eth save for maybe minimum $$ just to cover gas fees. It doesn't hold value as good as btc and dumps as hard as any other alt nor does it pump harder than any other alt in that short window of alt seasons. If anything it pumps less. OGs seem married to it out of nostalgia but as an investment going forward, far better investments are out there.

>> No.51136969

That’s obviously a woman pretending to be a man.

>> No.51137038

ahhh to be stuck in early childhood forever. Downies are the real winners

>> No.51137051

god bless their souls

>> No.51137056

He's not wrong though.

>> No.51137129

Vitalik writes code, he isn't a politician. Who gives a fuck what his political takes are.

>> No.51137164

thats because of autism not because of intelligence

>> No.51137215

he's so rich he's shitting on the rich by larping as a hobo

>> No.51137334

Every time I see that tweet I still check it if that shit is for real just for the laugh

>> No.51137344

Kek cringe, what have you accomplished of note? Oh, nothing? I'm shocked

>> No.51137350

you don't know how any of this works, do you?

BTC was a POLITICAL project. Read the fucking genesis block.

>> No.51137357

imagine being a feminine hairless twink and STILL going bald
vitalik got turbo fucked

>> No.51137374

Kys pedo

>> No.51138415


>> No.51138487

He’s the only reason they won’t release the flight logs

>> No.51138599

all these posts are written by 30+ boomers

>> No.51138672

>deselects ''express'' and clicks "standard delivery'' on his aliexpress orders to save 5$
he isn't a retard zoomer or boomer with zero patience unlike you nigger

>> No.51138732

>probably drives a leased prius
he has no driver's license and doesn't need one he has wagies like you driving him around, lambos he doesn't need because too intelligent to brag around like a retarded faggot
based mom btw even if it isn't true

>> No.51138794

you'll be shocked to find out who owns 60% of all eth that will ever exist

>> No.51138799

Anyone have a clip where the guy (charles?) was like "and you'll never see him out on a date with a girl OR guy, I'll leave you to think about what that means."

>> No.51138954

The norwood reaper claims another victim.

>> No.51139044

Who owns it?

>> No.51139094

bitcoin boomers

>> No.51139119

How do we profit from that?

>> No.51139203

>probably drives a leased prius
Leasing is unironically the best way to own a new car and the Toyota Prius is about the wisest choice any consumer can make. Hybrids are the way forward and the Prius is a solid reliable investment. It's the /biz car and if you don't agree you should buy some Shiba Uno car or something. BTFO

>> No.51139218

he is not a billionaire, more like 300-500 million

>> No.51139244
File: 83 KB, 533x700, 1632580514206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm probably 2-3 standard deviations above you
You made my fucking night.
I really missed people like you
>Im so smart that you couldn't even comprehend how smart i actually am.
Man you are a funny little man.

>> No.51139249

by understanding the price of ethereum is controlled by early bitcoin adopters in a way even litecoin isn't.

>> No.51140035

28 years old
damn russians age like crap, the hairline really does fuck yo up

>> No.51140109

imagine being over 30

>> No.51140289

imagine being under 8 figures, under 6 foot, and under 6 inches.

>> No.51140418

what makes you think you have to live like him?

>> No.51140429

Living proof that money can't cure autism.

>> No.51140903

150+ iq professionally tested here
can confirm that nice watches are cringe and never gave a fuck about getting laid
this take enrages some but it's true

>> No.51141085

This is why you will never make it, he made it because he has the ability to produce valuable products, you posses no such ability

>> No.51141117

>the difference between 150+ iq and average iq is larger than the difference between average iq and a retard.

IQ has greatly diminishing returns past 130

>> No.51142318

Musk > crack addict tech faggot