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File: 297 KB, 1280x720, 20170701_SRP082_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51135844 No.51135844 [Reply] [Original]

I hate poor people so much. All they ever do is act retarded and shit the place up. Why is this allowed? Why aren't poor people confined to internment camps?

>> No.51135849

you'd be first line probably

>> No.51135865

The fact you posted poor whites that live in the hills and leave you alone instead of posting inner city niggers is all the proof I need to call you a dirty fucking kike.

You dirty fucking kike.

>> No.51135871

Nope. I'm not poor. I worked hard for what I have. I have pride in what I have built in this life. I hate being people who are stupid and make the world shitty.

>> No.51135879

I'm not a racist. I hate all poor people equally.

>> No.51135880

so your condo and hatchback?
more npc coming here now then actual people it seems

>> No.51135883

*being around

>> No.51135895

I can tell you are poor stupid. You have no ground to stand in this conversation so you lash out with baseless assumptions. Pathetic.

>> No.51135903

You are the poorest shitskin on the board :D

>> No.51135906

>I worked hard for what I have.
That makes you poor, anon. I didn't work a day in my life and have millions to my name. You belong in a camp.

>> No.51135911

ya people love and respect your hard work here, and your intellect too, they are in awe, clearly

>> No.51135918

You are lying. Everyone rich works for what they have. Doesn't matter how much money you have. That you take no pride in earning outs you as poor. Your money will be gone and you'll have nothing to show for it soon enough.

>> No.51135928

Nope. Stay mad poorfag.

>> No.51135931
File: 52 KB, 396x386, 1276686557314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those "poor people" live on their own land in their own house with their own guns and cars. Plus the entire forest to roam.
Meanwhile you're living in a pod and own nothing.

>> No.51135940

>kill off all people poorer than you
>you are now the poorest left
To the camps, you go sir.

>> No.51135951

Trust me, being poor sucks regardless even if niggers are worse.

>> No.51135963

Yeah. If they own that place they're actually doing well. It's better to have a paid-off home on land than to have "nice things" in a pod.

>> No.51135968

That's a nice house that just needs a bit of renovation. I see a fit woman playing with her dog, while her cat is chilling on the deck. Looks pretty cozy overall.
So, what's the problem with the pic?

>> No.51136001

Its a shack with a yard full of trash. The woman is retarded. Her child will grow up to be a failure just like her. Notice there is no husband in the picture. He's off getting drunk somewhere and trading their food stamps for meth. These kind of people make society shitty. They contribute nothing of value to the world.

>> No.51136008
File: 257 KB, 1173x874, 4438FEBA-68AC-476D-B256-09BFFDF2FDE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said

>> No.51136017

I see, you are just mentally ill and project your problems on random people.

>> No.51136018

it's a child playing with her dog you filthy heeb

>> No.51136036

There's no trash, it's just old stuff.

>> No.51136063

>yah but poor people cope n shit
You see nothing wrong in the picture and refuse to acknowledge the blight that poor people are because you are poor scum. Seethe you worthless fucks. You will never contribute anything to society. You will be a bane whever you are.

>> No.51136066


>> No.51136079

Why are you reaponding to a copypasta bot thread that has been posted 50 times?

>> No.51136197


>> No.51136286

will there be bugs to eat, in these glorious camps?

>> No.51136294

>confined to internment camps?
lol they kinda are..

>> No.51136304

Get well soon OP

>> No.51136337

>Nope. I'm not poor.
>the levels of cope
If you're not a multi-billionaire or in the 2% then your a fucking poorfag, get over yourself anon
the first step to self-improvement is acceptance not denying
if you've got a happy life with children and a wife and have a roof over your heads and financial security and stability with little to no debt then your better off than most anyways

>> No.51136474

>doesn't matter if you are wealthier than me you are just like me
Nah. I will always be better than poor people like .

>> No.51136534

This looks extremely soulful

>> No.51136544

>I have pride in what I have built in this life. I hate being people who are stupid and make the world shitty.
> I have pride
> I hate
you are pleb tier. just not a poor pleb. oh and if you have any kind of job. you are just the same as the doctor, architect. a slave. don't think you are more. you aren't more than anyone else, not even the bum in the street.

>> No.51136639

Because rich subhumans can't do anything and need someone to leech on for work and resources.
If you're rich you are literally lowest of the low and you are 100% dependent on poor for everything you have.

>> No.51136804


>> No.51136832

This. OP is a faggot kike

>> No.51137034

>If you're not a multi-billionaire or in the 2% then your a fucking poorfag

Classic crabs in a bucket mentality.

>> No.51137035

Usefull for cheap labor and stuff.

>> No.51137236

>muh rich vs poor
the only distinction that matters is white vs non-white
anything else is feminine-brained cope

>> No.51137256
File: 147 KB, 1000x500, 65425143-7E87-43F9-920E-97FD73780AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people on this bord seriously not understand you need a functional working class to maintain the institutions and facilities necessary to facilitate more complex service sector economic activity in a first world society? There is a reason the talented tenth of niggers do fuck all despite being intelligent, and it’s because the other niggers are too stupid to even be plumbers or brick layers.

>> No.51137436

that's actually very clean for poor people. most of the time there's 100x more garbage strewn all over their disgusting yard.

t. grew up in pennsyltucky

>> No.51137528

>humans living like animals is soulful

>> No.51137628

europeans are soulful, everyone else, not so much.

>> No.51137631
File: 2.02 MB, 1799x1739, 1661673275402564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Op is mad cause poor people have sex all the time and he gets none

>> No.51137651

>Notice there is no husband in the picture.
that girl is probably like 12. her mom and dad live there. People have jobs, just because he is in the picture does not mean he is smoking meth. The grass is cut, it's poor but it's maintained. I agree with the other posters, you are posting your critique of the photo from a web cafe in tel aviv and it shows because you chose this picture and not skid row or something.

>> No.51138137

None of what you say is true. That whore in the pic is too stupid to work. She likely collects welfare for herself and her retarded children. Her husband at best is out hunting squirrels for dinner or some other weird animal that hillbillies eat. When he gets back he'll likely rape his child bride so they can have a sixth kid.

>> No.51139445


>> No.51139964

i would gladly trade all my crypto gains i have made to have been born in a place like that and live there for the rest of my life
there is no poverty like urban ghetto poverty where all you have is a cuckshed, no space to do anything and all entertainment is for a price while people infinitely wealthier than you flaunt it right in your face
inb4 just move there now, doesnt work that way you have to have been born there

>> No.51139983

looks comfy
and you just know that are no niggers within 25 miles

>> No.51139996
File: 30 KB, 267x400, post-193100-1454111466_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can relate

>> No.51140028

Get off my board, scheming retard kike. No one wants you here. Pic is wholesome.

>> No.51140040

>Jewish parasite tells normal people: ackshually they are the problem.

>> No.51140102

Go back to your ramshackle abode, you dumb sack of shit.

>> No.51140157

kys lazy genetic trash

>> No.51140813

sounds fucking based lmfao
>ywn spend the day hunting in a neck of the woods you've roamed since childhood, catching wild animals to bring home for your 16 year old wife to cook and then have passionate feral sex after

>> No.51140977
File: 91 KB, 828x790, 5DF77A0B-0A26-49DF-83B3-EB13CD309B7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are easily controllable and have no political or economic voice and no lobby power in DC. It the rich that the 1% fear and hate; that’s why we get to have a super deluxe Great Reset for everybody!

>> No.51141715

i like retards but they can be very annoying sometimes