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51132660 No.51132660 [Reply] [Original]

I'm unable to land a date because of my profession (sw eng).

>take good care of myself
>get tons of likes and matches
>have basically all the girls respond to me that I text
>set up date with girl
>she immediately ghost me once the what's your job question pops up and I tell them I work in IT

What the actual fuck is going on with women /biz/? I'm making good money, I've been working on myself, I look way better than most people in my age (31) yet women ghost me the moment I tell them my profession.

>> No.51132896

Just don't be ugly

>> No.51132907

Just don’t be a nigger

>> No.51132929

just tell them you're unemployed

>> No.51132965

no roastie wants to date some WFH tech bro, sorry doesn't matter if you make 250k. you're basically guaranteed to be a boring faggot beta nerd who's too "misogynistic" to settle down and dump stacks on her. women feel that there's something off about tech workers, no matter how much they make they're tight fisted and have superiority complexes, not chill alphas like doctors or pilots. seriously I've had a few friends who went into tech and ended up making more than anyone else I know but they all settled for 5/10's, usually chink girls.
none of this applies if you're a natural born chad of course.

>> No.51132999

>Set up date with girl
How old are you anon? Have you ever been diagnosed with autism?

>> No.51133012

Just start lying about your job. Simple as.

>> No.51133117 [DELETED] 

Go meet women outside of work

>> No.51133286

ok, here's me, also software engineer

> swipe right on 1 mil girls
> match with no more than one hundred
> mostly ugly, fat or single mothers
> barely any cuties
> get TWO dates (both cute) in 5 years on Tinder
> both ghost me after the date

any advice /bizbros ?

>> No.51133549

Start providing value and stop taking. This goes beyond material and into the emotional realm.

>> No.51133553
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>> No.51133561

see my previous post, you need to looksmax and get some fucking hobbies (outside) and downplay the FUCK out of your job on dating apps and initial dates because despite what you get paid its pussy repellent

>> No.51133603

Maybe since you are a sewer engineer you smell bad and that's why you can't find a date? Try getting better soap

>> No.51133668

Just don't let the conversation get that far lmao. Literally just ask her out after like four texts. It's so easy. You don't benefit whatsoever by having a conversation over text, you've already got the match, at that point you can only make her less attracted to you with your responses. Be about that action, stop chatting with these whores.

>> No.51133687


>> No.51133693


There’s your problem. Use your software engineering experience to build a time machine faggot

>> No.51133706


I'm 31 and live at home with my parents, I have $6000

>> No.51133794


>> No.51133833

Tell them youre not allowed to tell them your job, thank me later

>> No.51133908

Never tell a woman anything about yourself. Just be aloof and shut the fuck up so she can make up a personality for you. Nothing about who you actually are will ever beat her made up expectations.

>> No.51133928

>take good care of myself
Maybe if you weren't a West Country coal miner who took good care of his teef/hygiene, you would find yourself a decent lass? You smelly, broke coalminer.

>> No.51134133

it is really as simple as this. not many people can handle this truth.

>> No.51134138

this is a good idea

>> No.51134153

this works if you look attractive enough to catch her eye

>> No.51134280

I’m 58 years old and have never kissed a girl. Still a virgin too

>> No.51134290

Just a dumb larp demoralization thread. Everyone knows the hard part is getting matches and responses.

>> No.51134331
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> I tell them I work in IT
Have you ever thought about just lying? I tell women im a ((fintech consultant)) and bitches ate it up. It’s not like they are going to Hireright you after a match

>> No.51134360

wrong, I made a bumble account and had over 100 matches in 4 days, I only got one girl out of it and I didn't even go on a date with her though but that was me calling it off. On hinge I have had about 18 matches in the past 4 days and no dates yet

>> No.51134426

Just lie dude.
Bitches do it all the time.
This guy has the right idea.
I tell women I'm a private consultant and they eat that shit up.

>> No.51134434

>I tell women I'm a private consultant and they eat that shit up.
what about virtual currency speculator?

>> No.51134453

This ain't Facebook, faggot

>> No.51134462

Don’t be retarded, there’s more to this story that we can’t glean from the OP. Women settle down with some truly pathetic manlets for money.

>> No.51134516

are you a 'jeet?

>> No.51134564

Try Bumble. I wasted years using Tinder on and off with 0 success. Then I discovered Bumble and in the span of just 2 weeks I had 50+ matches, had decent chats with a third of them, went on 3 actual dates/meetups and landed myself a gf. For honest reference, I'm a 7/10 black manlet with a good career and ~$1.2 million net worth.

>> No.51134587

God I hope you're larping

>> No.51134620

Which part sounds like larp?

>> No.51134651

all of it but mostly the last part. I would be astonished to know there is a nigger on biz and a rich one at that

>> No.51134672

very based, same here. i went on foodstamps though because i dont want to work

>> No.51134694

lie to make your job sound better. I could call myself an accountant but I tell tinder whores I'm a risk advisory consultant

>> No.51134700

pretty sure biz is 80% jeets and asians

>> No.51134721

weird, i havent had this problem

>> No.51134730

it's because you're boring

>> No.51134736

soon, the army of Terry Davis acolytes will be at full strength

>> No.51134753
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I make decent money and I've been pouring most of it it into crypto, stocks, and my retirement accounts for the past 5-7 years. I don't consider myself rich yet though.
I think it's closer to 25%. Still pretty high though.

>> No.51134777

I think my buddy did this and he’s married now so I think it works. Problem is he’s kind of whipped but eh