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51129415 No.51129415 [Reply] [Original]

>Russia made record profits this year with oil and gas sales
>sanctions complete failure
>Russian military slowly grinding down Ukrainian army with more reinforcements on the way
>Europe is going to run out of energy and will freeze this winter, will most likely capitulate
>renegotiated Iran nuclear deal very lopsided and in Iran’s favor, will become a nuclear state in the next year
>probable Israel Hizbollah war in September over Israeli natural gas in the Mediterranean
>Threat of Taiwan invasion looming
>America led by an incompetent dotard who humiliated country with Afghanistan debacle

not looking good, chaps

>> No.51129424
File: 175 KB, 770x1024, 1647436432107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51129438

Excuse me sir, this is the chainlink board.
I believe you got lost on your way to /pol/.

>> No.51129450

that gas belongs to Lebanon

>> No.51129454

What effect will this have on crypto? Please tell me its a good thing

>> No.51129461

america isn't led by biden, presidents aren't real

>> No.51129524

Kike genocide would unironically be the most bullish catalyst of the millennium though. I want to inhale the smoke of smoldering Tel Aviv's Jewish corpses.

>> No.51129564


I’m Jewish, I never did anything to you fuck face. Sorry you’re life is so sad you have to obsess over bullshit.

>> No.51129711

This is going to sound a whole lot like cope, but this is what I see when I look at the US:

>presenting a chaotic and incompetent front to the rest of the world, meanwhile waging financial and economic warfare on the rest of the world. 3rd world countries fucked by inflation and a strong dollar simultaneously, will require IMF lending, debt enslavement of fief states. China getting fucked with collapse of international supply chain, experiencing housing collapse, stockpiling food, severe natural gas inflation. EU has entered a death spiral, massive energy inflation, currency collapsing, fucking up their own food supplies. And on the topic of food, India and China are hoarding, some 3rd world countries are already starving, and the ramifications of poor seasons, expensive fertilizer, and food supply chain breakdown are going to have a delayed impact on the world.

The only countries that seem to be improving are the US and Russia. Almost as if it's by design.

I don't like your governments as much as the next US citizen, but if I step back from my biases, it looks like masterful drunken boxing.

>> No.51129811


retard India is forging itself on cheap russian gas, 3rd world problems are blamed on the west, not Russia, alienating us more, Saudi hates us for our work shit and won’t increase production and Iran is about to get a nuke, it’s an absolute shit show and the hens are coming home to roost

>> No.51129857

This, it's about time we recognize a head of state separate from the head of government would be beneficial for our society

>> No.51129899

>Another paid shill
It's all so tiresome. Why are you even shilling on this bot-ridden shithole, what is the fucking point?

>> No.51129909

>t. jew

>> No.51129929

India stopped exporting wheat and sugar, China has the largest wheat stockpile in the world. Nobody cares about the opinions of 3rd world shitholes, the US is teaching them their place. Saudi's hit peak oil and their power has begun to wane. Iran's position is improving as an oil rich and soon to be nuclear country.

The world needs dollars, Jew. I thought you small hats were supposed to be smart. The dollar milkshake theory was correct, and the US is bringing the pain. At this point I don't consider the EU allies with the US, they are being converted into a vassal state. The Euro is collapsing and the dollar has been in bullrun since rate hikes first started. Where are the hens, Jew? Because I don't see them.

>> No.51130090


you type like a Euro, enjoy freezing in the winter douche

>> No.51130202

I'm in Florida, my large nosed friend. I'll be just fine.

>> No.51130221


>India stopped exporting wheat and sugar,

Because it costs too much because of the fuckery in Ukraine

>China has the largest wheat stockpile in the world.

Followed by India and Russia, historically good friends of the US!!!

>Nobody cares about the opinions of 3rd world shitholes

Yes, Europe will soon be third world, it's currency is collapsing because these countries produce nothing of value and the jig is up

>the US is teaching them their place.

teaching everyone what a blundering clusterfuck it is

>Saudi's hit peak oil and their power has begun to wane.

Saudi humiliated Biden as he begged for them to increase oil production. MBS is tired of Biden's woke shit over Kashoggi and didn't even bother to join the new air defense pact the USA tried tosetup in the region to counter Iran. Speaking of which:

>Iran's position is improving as an oil rich and soon to be nuclear country.

Yes, due to gross US incompetence and inability to prevent them from doing so. How is this good for the US you FUCKING FAGGOT

Kill yourself

>> No.51130222

all of that sounds great to me, fuck the mutts, fuck the eu and fuck kikes

>> No.51130264



Oh no no no

>> No.51130286

>Russia made record profits this year with oil and gas sales
>sanctions complete failure
Russia economy shrank by -5% in June

>Russian military slowly grinding down Ukrainian army with more reinforcements on the way
Russian military has been bogged down in the exact same position since 6 months and is bleeding men and equipment it doesn't have the money or economy to replace

>>Europe is going to run out of energy and will freeze this winter, will most likely capitulate
Europe isn't going to run out of energy at all, the entire problem is that electricity costs are regulated in a completely retarded manner and most countries will cheat. France has already more or less anounced they're not going to buy their own electricity at gas price levels lol.

>renegotiated Iran nuclear deal very lopsided and in Iran’s favor, will become a nuclear state in the next year
Iran becoming a nuclear state is bullish for stability in the ME. Drastically reduces the risk of Israeli invasion (or using amerigoys for it)

>>probable Israel Hizbollah war in September over Israeli natural gas in the Mediterranean
Hezbollah can't do shit in air or navel warfare against Israel, they're just going to screech impotently like they've done since 50 years.

>Threat of Taiwan invasion looming
China doesn't have the navy to pull it out, maybe in 10 years

>America led by an incompetent dotard who humiliated country with Afghanistan debacle
America is led by oligarchs now, not some senile boomer and the humiliation was going there in the first place and letting israelis blow up your country

>> No.51130326

>says the guy hired through Jewish nepotism straight into a 6 figure job after college because of his last name and gets to issue predatory loans to goyim

>> No.51130375

Well if Putin ends up using crypto to get around sanctions than crypto might end up being banned or regulated.

>> No.51130382

>Russia down 5% in June
Uhm.. US markets were down over 10% in June.. and 17% ytd/still trending down

>> No.51130398


jokes on you I'm a poor neet and live with my parents

>> No.51130402


>> No.51130429

>"I’m Jewish, I never did anything to you"
>Killed our Lord and Savior
>Blood Passover (St. Simon of Trent)
>coin clipping
>invasion of the Arabs in Spain
>bubonic plague
>Kabbalah/Frankism/Sabatean Judaism
>invented secret societies (illuminati was literally created by a Jew. Weissaupt came from a jewish family)
>banking (hello, Rothschilds?)
>invented communism
>lobbied to go to war against Germany, twice
>destroyed South Africa (by giving the country to to the blacks)
>lobbied to get abortion legal
>created the 1965 hart and celler act
>created ISIS to open migrant gateways into europe. Artificially creating the biggest migrant crisis the world has ever seen.
>degeneracy in music
>degeneracy in movies
>covid vaccines
Eh these are only a few off the top of my head.
You might not be responsible for any of these things but your kind has been the biggest bane of our entire existence. No wonder 109.

>> No.51130449

Delusional mutt can't cope with reality.
You will see your west euro allies in a few months how fast they flake without comfort they are used too.
And nothing will ever be cheap or affordable to you as your currency loses relevance.

>> No.51130459

So we agree on most things.

>Saudi humiliated Biden as he begged for them to increase oil production. MBS is tired of Biden's woke shit over Kashoggi and didn't even bother to join the new air defense pact the USA tried tosetup in the region to counter Iran.
This is what I meant when I mentioned peak oil. I don't think the Saudis can increase oil production if they wanted. They already hit peak oil production.

And if the US Gov wanted cheap oil, the US is rich in untapped reserves. But that hasn't happened, therefore their intent is to keep energy prices high.

>Yes, due to gross US incompetence and inability to prevent them from doing so. How is this good for the US you FUCKING FAGGOT
If it was important to the US, they would've done something about it. So far economic warfare on the globe and propping up the Ukraine has priority. Maybe the US pivots on Iran, I dunno. Iran doesn't pose a threat to anything important, and no, Israel is definitely not important.

>Kill yourself
you first heeb

>> No.51130470

Stock Market =/= GDP
Btw MOEX is down -50% from ATH.

>> No.51130484
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Sorry but I can't take the "most powerful military" seriously after they had to retreat from Kiev.
Everything's just fucked anon. The globalist kikes won and will keep winning. Hopefully we'll get some more pumps in before we're forced into the wagie cages.

>> No.51130496


Russia economy shrank by -5% in June

meme numbers, Russians are used to poverty, all that matters is they are making money from Ukraine while we are losing money

>Russian military has been bogged down in the exact same position since 6 months and is bleeding men and equipment it doesn't have the money or economy to replace

Yeah that is good and many expected the Ukies to fold within the first week so even the Russians are probably frustrated but I'm sure Ukie casualties are massive too and Russia can maintain the offensive while Ukraine just bleeds men and expensive western gucci gear.

>Europe isn't going to run out of energy at all, the entire problem is that electricity costs are regulated in a completely retarded manner and most countries will cheat. France has already more or less anounced they're not going to buy their own electricity at gas price levels lol.


>Iran becoming a nuclear state is bullish for stability in the ME. Drastically reduces the risk of Israeli invasion (or using amerigoys for it)

Yeah because the Iranian government is known for its sane and prudent policies...

Hezbollah can't do shit in air or navel warfare against Israel, they're just going to screech impotently like they've done since 50 years.

Yeah except that natural gas infrastructure is extremely vulnerable and even the Israelis admit they can't protect it to the same degree as their cities. If Hizbollah attacks it absolutely will trigger another war and basically open a second front in the US/Russia proxy war.

>Threat of Taiwan invasion looming
China doesn't have the navy to pull it out, maybe in 10 years

The chinese are shitting out submarines like they are hotdogs, they may already outclass the USN.

America is led by oligarchs now, not some senile boomer and the humiliation was going there in the first place and letting israelis blow up your country

yes, and US leadership is grossly incompetent don't blame the jews for your wasp faggotry.

>> No.51130506

Well if you wanna talk GDP the US has 6 months of decreasing GDP (we are in a recession) and we are about to make it 9 months when the next print comes out..

>> No.51130520
File: 89 KB, 1758x627, PAX AMERICANA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say yuropoor. don't forget to stock up on sticks and scrap wood

>> No.51130521


Iran poses threat to Saudi and Israel, only reason US gives a shit is because of le oil and Israel is solid ally in an otherwise backwards shithole part of the world.

>> No.51130537


also the whole DEATH TO AMERICA thing

>> No.51130673

Iran is on the up in the ME and is positioned to become the regional power. I wouldn't be surprised if the US suddenly becomes friendly with them over the Saudis. And I guess they would continue to prop up Israel as they are building an alternate to the Suez Canal and will probably annex the oil rich Golan heights.

If you want some blood money off that btw, you should check out GNE, Genie Energy. It was a Jew/neocon play on the Golan Heights.

>Genie Oil and Gas (GOGAS) explored for conventional oil in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights through its Afek Oil and Gas subsidiary, and pursued oil shale projects through American Shale Oil (AMSO), Israel Energy Initiatives (IEI) and Genie Energy Mongolia. AMSO, IEI, and Genie Energy Mongolia are no longer active. 89% of GOGAS was owned by Genie Energy while Jacob Rothschild, Michael Steinhardt and Rupert Murdoch among others held minority interests.

Not sure if the play is still good, haven't followed them, but it had some big dicks involved, including Dick Cheney. Just something fun to read up on if you like cloak and dagger politics

>> No.51130901


interesting haven’t heard of genie

world would be pretty different if Iran and the US would be friends, I don’t see it happening desu