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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51128038 No.51128038 [Reply] [Original]

My bear market plan is to drop 7.5k into this at a limit order of around 2-3M mcap. I will have around 1.25=1.85 Trillion. According to the Bonkulator, at 50B mcap, I'll cash out between 100M to 185M BUSDs.
See you guys in Monaco.

>> No.51128057


>> No.51128061
File: 36 KB, 698x393, 491D6065-FF22-4963-8E7A-2C9387625349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your IQ is too high. Can't be measured. Welcome to the club, fellow genius.

>> No.51128082
File: 605 KB, 1242x691, C417F601-7636-4D77-9927-F16EBD25CC14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it only shows up as zero because the IQ measuring device can't process how high op's brain power is.

>> No.51128104

Okay, I'll write it out.

>OP's IQ measures zero

>> No.51128166
File: 742 KB, 1224x977, 05706A6D-871E-4AB5-BA5C-1118FDA7005E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his IQ is so low he doesn't know how to use the IQ measuring device

>> No.51128184

I had to slap the machine a couple times because it would just read "OP=FAGGOT"

>> No.51128427

what are you afraid of? Money? Success?
At some point in the future there will be a whole ocean of BUSD at my finger tips and nobody will be able to get at it except for me. that thought does not scare me. why does it scare you?

>> No.51128590

lol I made 100k off dog with bat. Now I'm happily diversified in stocks which are performing well in this market along with a comfy home. My success here has ran. Take it from a success story, the chances of lightning striking twice here are slim to none. SHIB isn't a precedent, in fact it's one out of every failed coin out there. This idea that it WILL happen, that it's just a matter of time, is a fallacy. You don't have a crystal ball so why bet on this graph? What exactly are you investing in? Be real with me here

>> No.51128629

decent iq. my favorite memecoin by far

>> No.51128636

Post your metamask public address with a screenshot/photo.
If you don't, then I'm the one that sold 700k in November because I said so.

>> No.51128640

WTF this is based

>> No.51128656

Good job on your 700k sale, anon! Take it or leave it you idiot schizos, honestly

>> No.51128666


>lets buy a dead project from 2021 made by known indian scammers who have since then made other bnb scams

great idea

in case anyone new is lurking: dont fall for this scam

>> No.51128710

In the negatives d*b*nigger

>> No.51128743

Incase anyone is lurking, this retard doesn't understand market cycles and is a bluechip maxi

Crypto, metals, and stocks are all ponzis, you stupid faggot. The sooner you learn this, the sooner you can learn to make real money. I bet you've never even tasted 6 figs before yet want to be giving advice, KEK

>> No.51128769

Why are you too much of a pussy to prove you made 100k from dogbat? Is it maybe because you're a larping loser?

>> No.51128774

>why bet on this graph?
low cap
10-1000x potential (risk to reward ratio heavily favors reward)
biz knows
can't really go any lower than 2m mcap
its only 7.5 (risk to reward ratio)
still haven't made it bro
don't be afraid of the light. you are always welcome back: the Kingdom of Bonk is accessible to all, even those who have strayed from Bonk's path

>> No.51128790

>p-please pump my bags so I can get out of a slight loss


dead bnb scam

nobody is gonna pump that shit

literally dogbat LOL a dog with a bat seriously

shiba inu at least had meme power to appeal to normies

your bnb dog coin clone is just straight retarded

and dead

did I mention its dead?


cope seethe dilate tranny

>> No.51128821

Let me guess. You've made shit all. Stay poor, loser

>> No.51128917

>still haven't made it bro
I dunno, I live mortgage free in what I consider to be the most beautiful area in the world and get paid by my government just to exist. I have literally everything I want in life. People have weird criteria when it comes to "making it". I honestly wish everyone success in their ventures but sheesh the d0baggies are an annoying lot. Seriously, you all haven't had a significant announcement in months. What are your devs doing? What's the deal?

>> No.51129103

>announcement in months
wow, you really are ghostbro because you don't understand a bear market
accumulate: risky-low risk coins
my pick for risky is dogbat. and since its only 7.5k, i wont lose the farm
at half ATH my stack will be worth 300+k
hence why you had difficulty measuring my iq

>> No.51129184

>still doesn't post metamask public address

>> No.51129198

>tfw the fud isn't even fud. It's just people whining

>> No.51129226
File: 83 KB, 530x398, 90116FE8-66F2-483C-B3D8-562269785B37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dunno, I live mortgage free in what I consider to be the most beautiful area in the world and get paid by my government just to exist.

>> No.51129330
File: 99 KB, 734x605, 1650737928401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold 1T back in November bc I had to pay medical bills. I sold my car not long ago so I have 15k on the sidelines and I plan on dropping at least 10K if I can get my previous buying price. Feels good. Bear market = opportunity

>> No.51129680

>medical bills
land of the free, home of the brave
>previous price
sub 2M mcap?

>> No.51129683

this coin is tied to bnb's price. if/when btc and bnb hit their ATH again (ie, 3x), this coin will move along with it. this is not counting additional buys as /biz/ fomos in like the chimps they are. with this coin, you are looking at, absolute worst case, a guaranteed 3x. you literally cannot make an easier decision than this.

>> No.51129697

nice reddit spacing faggot

>> No.51129752

Around OP's range 2-3M

>> No.51130457


>> No.51130653

I think this coin is silly.

>> No.51130950
File: 267 KB, 2160x1312, doux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51130983

get outta here with that trash

>> No.51131075
File: 238 KB, 600x600, bepatient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> doughbough or hobo
> yorkville

>> No.51131181

50b iq

>> No.51132624

Go back. Then kys


>> No.51132710

justin is suing everyone
now it's 100b eoy

>> No.51132888


niggergate/getalifeniggersgate dropping soon

1T eoy

>> No.51132920
File: 83 KB, 1280x913, 3D5EC7D4-7F3D-4624-830F-335C5A7CA1DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao game set and match faggot

>> No.51133101

Zero IQ, >>51128038
Do you think this is Hollywood?
The only way outta here is by grabbing the right assets b.efore bulls come,for me this comprises of ALBT

>> No.51133474

I have 2 major issues with this "project".
1. It isn't funny. Doge sincerely began as a somewhat funny joke. Shib was a soulless clone that everyone that missed Doge fomo'd into. And last we have your coin which is an even more desperate attempt to bank on Shib, which itself was a desperate attempt to bank on Doge. All the "memes" you make just reek of desperation and have no soul, like some AI generated shit.
2. You coordinate shilling in Discord/TG groups like losers, which again screams desperation. When has that ever worked? All the successful coins were fudded mercilessly because their communities actually had faith in the project and thought it was funny to fud. This shows you have no confidence.
Tldr; never ever buying your cringe ass coin, have fun holding those bags to zero.

>> No.51133542

Damn, my only plan is the yields I get from Spool, with multiple yields and just one deposit.

>> No.51133546

this. the shill campaign and project would unironically have been successful if you chose a better name and logo, and meme. this shitcoin was worse than all the superdoginushitcoins combined. at least cumrocket made you laugh when boomers said it out loud

>> No.51133617


>le cumrocket so funne lol

Reddit tranny pls go. 50b eoy

>> No.51134726
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