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51126847 No.51126847 [Reply] [Original]

>Sergey started to dump link tokens before staking
>price stops dumping
Holy fucking shit I just released staking will absolutely make the price go ballistic. If increasing supply doesn’t do anything to the price imagine what will happen with the incoming supply lock up.

We are going to make it

>> No.51126857
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>> No.51126889

How is it copium when it’s happening right now?

>> No.51126925

>Link pumps to rank 5 while Sergey is dumping
>Link dumps to $5 while Sergey isn't dumping

Almost like Sergey dumping has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.51126967

Are you retarded? You just explained the effects of link supply dump. It didn’t make the price dump. It made it go up

>> No.51127001

>It didn’t make the price dump. It made it go up
If anything, yes.

>> No.51127029

Dumping has no effect, staking will have no effect. Its all dependent on retail buying your bags. But thankfully all the OG marines scared them off and now NOBODY WANTS TO BUY LINK YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGERS. ENJOY YOUR GLOBALHOMO BANK COIN THAT CRABS AT $5 UNTIL 2050 CUZ THEY CAN JUST FORK THE CODE AND AVOID THE TOKEN YOU STUPID STUPID DUMBY RETARD

>> No.51127034
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>staking will have no effect
lel staking had a massive effect on Bitcoin at least, twice.

>> No.51127121

Kek exactly. How many BTC dumps until you realize they will never allow it to pump on its own

>> No.51127174
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>> No.51127183

You people talking about dumps are retarded. LINK was never a hype project. The fact that it went to $50 so quickly was a complete anomaly. It has solid fundamentals, which means speculation on price is limited to the real world, unlike something like doge which can pump 100x in a day because nobody can get a grasp on what it should be worth.
This means that investing in LINK(if you arent retarded) is a very long time horizon play. Nobody who knows what they are doing is expecting a LINK stack to earn them meme money by next week. The market treats LINK much more like a traditional stock. The roadmap for the tokenomics implies that all of the dev wallet will be released over time. So, anyone with any real money in LINK, having an IQ over room temperature, based their long time horizon investment on the total supply, not circulating supply, since circulating supply is a very temporary variable.
>tl;dr: Everyone who has the ability to move the price invested on the assumption of 1 billion circulating supply, because thats probably what the circulating supply will be when they cash out.

>> No.51127247

What the fuck are you babbling about you goddamn retard lmao

>> No.51127387

God your such a flaming faggot
Only the VCS that bought as low as for 1-3 Cents in early Seed OTC could argue like you did and even them would sound like mouth breathers with a 5yr failed time line for such a fast pacing industry

And you twat has a 6k stack

>> No.51127389

I have a top 500 LINK wallet, I bought at ICO. Stay poor loser.

>> No.51127432

Sergey is my uncle, he gives me as many Link as I want for my birthdays

>> No.51127447

Look up Marc Andreessen’s crypto investment strategy.
>10 year holds at a minimum
Big money does not chase shitcoin moons. They are looking for fundamentals that have a guaranteed payout. Crypto is volatile as shit, and nothing in the short term is predictable enough to throw millions at. Im not arguing with you, I am stating facts. Ignore them at your own detriment.

>> No.51127450

I’m Sergey
Fuck off poorfag
Hey nephew
How are you doing champ?

>> No.51127463

>Vag ID
Retarded logic. Whales make money whatever means necessary, whether it be short term or long term

>> No.51127518

Even on this image board i get more pussy than you.

>> No.51127602

stinky bulgarians will never recover from this

>> No.51127629

Thanks for the bump faggot

>> No.51127664

Marc is a planted kike that gets his edge in the markets through his position and influence

It’s not for some retail schmuck to replicate

>> No.51127730

You are exactly right. LINK was never intended for retail schmucks. They will wait you out if they have to, they are in no rush because they already made it.

>> No.51127989
File: 92 KB, 800x800, 8117FBC0-8637-45C1-8200-5BD56E79FDAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BNB raised money in 2017 with 10,000% return in 12 months.
Given that it was pretty closed off with stealth investors mainly raising from sino investors

FTX replicated all of it in 2019 as a western counterpart, you missed it huh?
Wait your not a sophisticated investor, right?
All the institutional investors and VCs that got into LINK are objectively loser idiots, given none of them derisked since then in substantial sizes

Imagine calling yourself a sophisticated investor that makes in digital assets and blockchain and you hire analysts that retarded to end up investing in LINK.

Pic related idiot you will curse the day you got into this shit

>> No.51128016

LNK will never trade above $10, you're not going to make it

>> No.51128053

Yes, the people with billions of dollars are the idiots. YOU the big brained anon, driving his Corolla to his McJob and shitposting on his lunch break daily, are the investment genius everyone aspires to be.

>> No.51128072
File: 352 KB, 1125x1603, 325DD179-7166-40BC-9136-F860A63E0C24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao even

>> No.51128282

You are the guy Larping as a 8fig ICO buyer on this anonymous image board

None of the VCs invested in LINK are known for. No name garage, daddies inheritance wannabe hedge fund “managers”

All gamblers that try to make it big
Imagine being worth 10figs and investing in some 2 man team scheme