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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5112672 No.5112672 [Reply] [Original]

>bought ethereum at 3$, multimillionaire.
>realized having money doesn't make you happy.
>decided to go get /fit/ like some anons suggested a few weeks ago.
>met a woman, I've known her for two weeks. Turns out she was my first... I'm no longer a Virgin.

So this woman has changed my life. I seriously have never experienced love before and it is fucking amazing. I was the anon who woke up every morning and stared at the wall while watching summit streams. I Took your guys advice. Started working out and found the love of my life.

She doesn't know about my crypto gains yet. I have only known her for 2 weeks now but I think she is the one. I'm going to cash out 1,000,000 of my 4.5mill Stash and start a family with this woman.

Just wanted to thank all you guys for giving me the advice. Get out there, start to lift and find a wife. Thanks biz I truly am happy now. Good luck

>> No.5112704

>falling for the 3D trap

>> No.5112709

Get a prenup.

>> No.5112733

LOL cuck.

>> No.5112736

Don't tell her about your crypto gains. Trust me, after your first you'll get a reality slap. Don't spend obscene amounts of money on her. Believe me, you're in the honeymoon period.

>> No.5112739
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>first girlfriend
>2 weeks
>the one

>> No.5112744

Nice anon

Tips :

>Get a prenup if you marry her
>Never tell her about your money, NEVER
>Make sure you're ready for disappointment.

>> No.5112753

>Turns out she was my first
Well, seems like plenty of room in this timeline for the gullible

>> No.5112759

Dude....if you can't see how bad you are gonna fuck up it is sad.

She is your 1st..you are lost in that right now and making some very bad choices.

>> No.5112768
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I'm happy for you anon. Good luck.

>> No.5112773

don't listen to them OP.

this is the only path to happiness. they will only fud your gf because they can't fomo into her.

>> No.5112775

Just have fun, learn, experience. But realize this is mostly chemicals in you're brain.

See where it takes you and how you feel. Gz on the progress.

>> No.5112779

hide your money, thank us later

>> No.5112781

I am very sorry that this board has tainted your world view of women. I will not be requiring a pre nup. This woman is unbelievablely life changing. We spent all day Wednesday cuddling by the fireplace while it snowed outside listening to Christmas music. We just laid there for 10 hours talking about what we want to do in life. Our deepest desires.

She works as a nurse but I made her call in sick that day. I told her I can take care of her. I've never felt this way before, she was my first time ever.

Remembering that day makes me cry while I type it out. My heart has never felt this way. Let me tell you. True love is the best feeling in the world.

>> No.5112786

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.5112792
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>only known her for 2 weeks now
>but I think she is the one

>> No.5112795

>2 weeks
>true love

Also I bet your GF was not a virgin before you and has had other men's cum on her face.

>> No.5112815

The best advice anyone can give you at this stage is to pretend you're not even wealthy. Put your stash into cold storage and bury it in your yard. Then at least if it goes tits up you won't lose all your assets as well.

>> No.5112843

>two weeks

nigger you lost your virginity and now your a puppy for her, chill dude let it ride, dont tell her you have money, go easy with it. real your autistic ass in.

>> No.5112866

That's awesome, anon. I knew right away too that my girlfriend was the one. Those days where you sit and cuddle and chat and bang are AMAZING. There's nothing in the world like love.

However, don't rush into marriage or commonlaw. You know what she's like when she's madly in love with you. Find out what she's like when things get a little rough, and then decide.

Also, tell her you've made some alright money if you want, but don't sperg out about money early. You'll face some difficulties in the coming months together. You can either a) work through them, and get past both your insecurities together in a healthy way and build a deep bond--a foundation on which you can build the rest of your lives together. Or b) get insecure and pump yourself up in your own and her eyes by telling her about all the money you have.

B will get you immediate satisfaction in the short term. She will respect you more, and you won't fight about petty shit, etc. However, B will not get you to work through the natural human shit two people who want to start a life together need to work through. B will make her see you surrounded by an aura of bullshit--it will cloud her vision. She will treat you like a god instead of like a partner. Then you won't get an opportunity to grow together organically, and once the god-aura of learning that you're rich wears off, you'll be really far into the relationship without having built up that basic interpersonal shit.

Pick A, anon. And good luck man. Love is amazing. I hope things work out for you.


>> No.5112880

Man just wait a few years and decide then. You dont want to fuck up with jumping in too early

>> No.5112887
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Inb4 divorce

>> No.5112888
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I am going to buy something like pic related for her Christmas present. It is only ~8500$. My mining operations can easily make this up in a month. I seriously want her to know I mean business. What are your guys opinions?

>> No.5112896



>> No.5112902

Give her your money. All of it. Separate yourself from the material and truly fall in love and youll see how quickly that money doesnt mean shit. And no matter what happens between you two remember what it feels like to be so free and mutherfuckin invincible. Or if youre not ready to do that then stfu and quit larping you goober

>> No.5112908

I wish these shitty r9k larp threads would fuck off already. Mentioning crypto inside your blog post doesnt warrant a thread on this board.

>> No.5112910

You're welcome anon. I'm one of the 2 dudes who gave you that advice. Just remember never tell her how much money you have, just say 'I do alright', or 'I'm fortunate to be pretty comfortable' at maximum. No matter how in love or however much you trust her, don't do it. It's your burden to bear and it's better for both of you that way. Good luck and congrats.


>> No.5112912

Okay now we know you're larping

>> No.5112917

>Give her your money. All of it. Separate yourself from the material and truly fall in love and youll see how quickly that money doesnt mean shit. And no matter what happens between you two remember what it feels like to be so free and mutherfuckin invincible. Or if youre not ready to do that then stfu and quit larping you goober


>> No.5112918


>> No.5112919


>> No.5112923


>> No.5112926

anon is a faggot fking retard to the max.
first love
first gf
the one

hahaha hope u get fked and slammed to the floor

>> No.5112928

I want to say that it's too early for that, and that you want to make her fall in love with you, not your money, because women are corruptible and easily led into being false when shiny things are involved, and early love is fragile and you monetarily incentivize her love for you.

But the digits seem to say that you're making the right decision.

Good luck loverboy.

>> No.5112930

I think this is a larp because no one could be this retarded. However, don't mention your money for at least 1-2 years. By then both of you will be over the "new love" excitement. However, you'll fuck it up and tell her you're rich in an effort to stop her from leaving your autistic ass when things get tough.

>> No.5112932

Good luck losing your money in divorce women smell money even if you dont show it

>> No.5112942


>got /fit/ after a few weeks

Feel free to kys anytime

>> No.5112945

To really test if she’s the one travel with her and give it time, if you still feel the same way after a year then maybe

>> No.5112951

Just get her a card. An extravagant gift can backfire this eary in a relationship. Save it for next Christmas. Just a card is perfect.

>> No.5112959

It’s funny because this is how every first love is, and then it crashes and you stop living in dream land and start to nit pick at eachother.

I’m glad you’re happy op.
Don’t try to control her, and appreciate every good moment and realize that just like in crypto, you have to be ready to lose it all.

>> No.5112967

h-how did you meet her OP?

>> No.5112986
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>> No.5113000

>he thinks the fact that he's wealthy isn't reflected in his body language and mannerisms.

The fact that your oblivious to this means that any half-retarded woman will peel you dry without effort.

>> No.5113013

Ok thanks for the replies. I won't tell her my net worth. I won't buy her expensive shit. When she asked me what I do for work I find told her I used to work for my buddies renovation business. Which I did but I exaggerated the time line. I told her works been slow lately but I've made enough to sustain until he's busy again. Did I fuck up by lying about the time line? I haven't worked in the renovation business for over a year now...

>> No.5113041

OP listen to me right now. DO not lie to her. tell her the truth about where you got your money, just don't tell her how much. she won't mind not revealing your net worth, but she will mind lying about your history.

besides, it's nothing to hide.

>> No.5113074

Don't build your relationship on lies, my dude. I know you're a recent unvirgin and you probably think that if you're honest about who you really are, this QT will leave you and shit. Maybe you're also a compulsive white liar, who knows. But just tell her, if she asks again, "I mostly manage my online stock portfolio of cryptocurrencies, and I make an okay living doing that." If she presses, say you make more than you made in the reno business. If she presses more, say you're not really comfortable talking about it and change the subject. But don't lie. Lol. She'll find out eventually, or you'll slip up, and lying puts cracks in your bond that are hard as fuck to mend. (Coming from a dude who was often not truthful to his girl.)

>> No.5113076
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>a year later she walks away with over half your gains


>> No.5113084

You havent killed yourself yet

>> No.5113089

wow fucking idiot ya give your millions to some whore who will divorce you for it in 2 years

>> No.5113120
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you're drunk on love


>> No.5113140

why can't you people just be happy for OP. this is the only reason any of us are on this board in the first place.

>> No.5113141

Dude, I'm drunk as fuck and I'm ugly as fuck. But seriously money is better than women. I've fucked I think around 15+ nasty cunts and now I'm finally wanting a family and to stay with my current gf. M9ney is better than hoes because when you finally find the right girl you can raise a family with no worries. Also been browsing for like 3 years, this place has changed me drastically

>> No.5113169

Look all of you /Pol/ tards need to stop shitting up this board with your garbage views on women. Trust me I used to browse /Pol/ myself. I would have vivid dreams of fighting in Hitler's army killing all the Jewish bankers out in the streets.

I used to read all of those vicious hateful nigger threads and fucking fantasized about beating the fuck out of any black I found in rl.

I used to watch Hitler speech movies like "the lion" and want my white race to succeed over anything else. I was in a miserable depressed gloomy state for 2 years during this time. All the Isis torture videos really fucked me up real bad.

But then I decided to stop. I just stopped going to /Pol/ all together and go out in real life and talk to people. I was relatively happy and realized the Internet is not what it portrays women, blacks and other things to be. I seriously suggest you guys do the same.

Stopping going to /Pol/ and focusing on crypto was the best thing to ever Happen to me.

>> No.5113175

This x1000.

Can't be said enough

>> No.5113185

just LOL at the idiots falling for this obvious bait. no one can be this fucking stupid...

>> No.5113202

you really ruined a good larp, nice try though 6/10

>> No.5113235
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>> No.5113241

> falls in love with the first woman he fucks
that's why you should lose virginity in school anon. First relationships are never sustainable

>> No.5113253

this x900000000000000000000000000000000

>> No.5113259

Enjoy being fucked anally by a woman you flagrant homosexual.

>> No.5113302

>is a pol refugee himself

You are everything thats wrong with this board why havent you killed yourself yet like fuck dude

>> No.5113354


>> No.5113378

You had 4.5M and didnt cashed out? Wtf.

>> No.5113400
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>I have only known her for 2 weeks now but I think she is the one.

>> No.5113423

this. play it cool and you might actually have something nice going anon

>> No.5113508
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this. what a fucking retard

>> No.5113526

> Turns out she was my first.

What? How can it ‘turn out she was for first’ you fucked her and then suddenly realised after that was the first time you had sex

>> No.5113543

Oh its bait.

>> No.5113568

if she is the one, why not share everything with her, including your crypto gains? A relationship should build upon trust, love and affection. By withholding information from her it will create a ripple which only will widen with time. Don't let that happen to you!

>> No.5113571
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Don't let her divorce rape you and take 50% of everything you own anon, you deserve better. With money like that you need to protect yourself from man users, I'd suggest taking some time to listen to Leykis 101, it's pretty basic stuff but you may still need it.

>> No.5113645

this, in a few weeks (or a month) you're going to discover the EXACT opposite of that feeling when you break-up, you'll want to kill yourself

>> No.5113646
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>Cashing out only after 3000% gains
>Not knowing crypto is going to 25000% soon

>> No.5113674

Good for you man.

I met an amazing woman and was too shy to turn it into an offical relationship (went on a few dates and made out but I didn't seal it up out of anxiety) but she was the one.

That was 4 years ago, she's on the other side of the planet in a country I can't easily move to in a relationship and I haven't been able to meet anyone worthwhile since and don't know what the fuck to do with myself.

I guess what I'm saying is make the most of your wealth and your love because I have neither, could have had both (found out about BTC in 2009 and did nothing) and it fucking sucks.

As for your millions. Withdraw 2 mil and take half of that and invest it in real estate or anything other than crypto. Don't risk crypto crashing and you losing everything, diversify. If you put it in something that pays a 5-10% dividend you can live off of that entirely

>> No.5113737

If not bait then you are a fucking idiot lol. NEVER tell her about your money. Jesus... MAYBE after a few years of marriage but ffs. Must be bait.

>> No.5113797

hey man summits streams are pretty cool

>> No.5113824

Losing your virginity is not wirth 1 mil lad.
Keep all of your money for yourself. And wear glasses you seem to be be blind

>> No.5113823
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>first girlfriend
>she's the one love of my life!

godspeed OP

>> No.5114006

>making (financial, high impact) decisions while in love
Uh oh

>> No.5114166

This x999999999990000000090000000000000000000101020101001010100

>> No.5114179

>Love of my life
>Took virginity
>Known her for 2 weeks
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.5115013

Happy for you you bro.

>> No.5115063

Nice man! Saw your post few weeks ago!

>> No.5115138

where can I short this relationship

>> No.5115574

Listen to this OP

>> No.5115693

This has to be a joke thread

>> No.5115714

> 2 weeks
> In love

fucks sake.

>> No.5115721

>protecting your own interests is cucking

literally kys

>> No.5115729

Enjoy looking through the pink glass while it lasts

>> No.5115730

Don't cash out retard

>> No.5115734



>> No.5115748

good for you man
but it is best that you dont talk to her about your crypto

>> No.5115823

Good work anon.

Ignore the low iq poltards

>> No.5115873

>it's just chemicals in your brain bro
so is literally everything you experience

>> No.5115940
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>/biz/ buying high selling low irl
this is her walking away with your crypto wallet mandated to her by a court in 1 year

>> No.5115962

OP is actually a femposter trying to trick you gullible bagholders into dumping your gains into 3dpd parasites.

>> No.5115994

Adding another this for this guy OP

It sounds like miserable advice but he's probably right. Don't get too carried away. You don't want to be more in to her than she's in to you. It might not last, it's early days.

>> No.5116017

You've fell for the pussy you dumb only-just-not-virgin. You were a loser before if it took fucking 4chan advice to make you stop being a fatty and meet some average chick. You're still an autistic loser now and I hope she takes all your ETH.

>2 weeks
>first pussy ever
>the one

jej, kek and lel.

>> No.5116073

top qual b8
he got everyone on this board with 1 girlfriend to come in and give fatherly advice
you fucking neets