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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51125329 No.51125329 [Reply] [Original]

You wake up and find out that you have an infinite amount of money. You never have to work or invest ever again. What are you going to do with your life?

>> No.51125351

Cum in as much 18 year old pussy as I can

>> No.51125358

Since it's an infinite amount I could just buy anything I want, at any amount. I would be solely in charge of the value of any asset type, so I would take the markets on the wildest of rides.

>> No.51125361

Set up a foundation which gives out $1 million to every woman on the planet so I can make incels seethe. Simple as

>> No.51125403

Hire all mercenaries on the globe and start genociding.

>> No.51125417

Build a house and have a chicken farm

>> No.51125433

draw comics

>> No.51125438


>> No.51125439
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i'd open an agricultural supply store

>> No.51125450

build a city on the water in a cool place B-)
but if we're talking infinite then i would delete the jews. and fund the renewal of the arts such as video games

>> No.51125454

go back to bed

>> No.51125482

Pay a dollar each to one million dudes to suck my dick

>> No.51125560

Genocides and monumental buildings all over the world

>> No.51125617


>> No.51125636

Go to college and finally get a shitty degree, so I can study my hobby for life.
>Inb4 buy you're own lab
Sure whatever.
I hate large teams though.
I just want the capacity to work a job, far out in the woods. Investigating wildlife, and microbiology. While bringing a telescope so I can watch the stars before bed.

>> No.51125776
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Found the /pol/cel losers who would act just like the ebil "joos" the moment they get the chance do it.

>> No.51125798

Play vidya

>> No.51126021

Start a bar/restaurant, make the menu and drinks super cheap to price out all the competitors. When they all start going out of business, buy them out and expand the chain. Hire good managers, waiters and cooks. Give them amazing salaries so all the staff loves you, spend all your free time shooting the shit with random strangers, making new drinks, cooking your favourite dishes, making connections, being a chad. Then expand it worldwide, rinse n repeat.

Happiest man alive with all the friends, good food and drink anyone could ask for with none of the financial stress. And you're a great good to everywhere you establish.

>> No.51126274

It's not about jews. You would binge on blow and hookers and whatever and be completely forgotten 10 years after your death. Genocides and monuments will make one known around the globe for centuries.

>> No.51126277

Figure out how to convert that into infinite life. After that, find out to convert that into an infinite universe.

>> No.51127037


>> No.51127076


Have a nice healthy family
Help other people I deem worthy

>> No.51127131

I would short LINK to zero
then pump the fuck out of bitcoin and set a buy floor at like $1m so all my boys make it
then buy a comfy house with many acres of land and have ketamine parties for unvaxxed chads and stacies
get a private attic/homeric greek tutor
get a 12x12 winter hot tent and some goats
you know, the usual stuff

>> No.51127147

but infinite amount of money can't transform a 1 inch micropenis into a 9 inches monstercock. why live?

>> No.51127148

Expedite space travel and dump enormous sums into fusion research.

>> No.51127177
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Anon, I....

>> No.51127180

kill myself

>> No.51127196

way to get yourself killed

>> No.51127212
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Do my best to leave humanity behind.

>> No.51127451

Start minecraft in every country

>> No.51128180

sounds hella gay

>> No.51128199

movie actor but just for cool roles in some movies + videogame company

>> No.51128224

marry all my bros and then have them divorce me so they get half of infinity as well, multiplying infinity into multiple infinities with my tight little harem of gym bro exes

>> No.51128227

money makes women more wet than big penig

>> No.51128245

Travel, see every country worth seeing, eat the best foods all over the world, drink the best beers, fuck women of every ethnicity, have hundreds of kids, that sort of thing.

>> No.51128247

Whaling in online games.

>> No.51128254

Travel and live like a king for a few years. Once I was back home, I'd establish a harem of qts.

>> No.51128264


I would stop looking at computer and phone screens tor one finally.

>> No.51128296

>round up all kikes, trannies, and queers
>put them into gas chambers with non-wooden doors
>nuke Africa into glass
You're welcome

>> No.51128299

Buy bitcoin and try to make infinite * 2 monies

>> No.51128301

Half the world has a legal age of 16...

>> No.51128320

Fund all of Elon musks projects and help the greatest man who will ever live in the entire universe. I’d watch how he improves and enhances our human existence

>> No.51128402


>> No.51128417

Start various endeavors in fields that interest me.
Scientific research organizations, innovative tech companies, philanthropic organizations.
I assume you don't literally mean infinite money, as that would break the world economy. But I'd spend 99.9% of my wealth on these ventures with the goal of having almost nothing left by the time I die, because on my personal life I wouldn't live so lavishly, I'd just want a good house in a good location and that's it.

>> No.51128826

I would buy governments across the world and create full world communism

>> No.51128850

Lmfao they would be getting kicked the fuck out back home. It's going to happen, keep seething.

>> No.51128856

build a pyramid, bigger than the egyptians. buy all the ferraris on the world and put ricer body kits on them, fly over oil rich arabs to shit in their mouth.

>> No.51128907

honestly i would put that money into researching shit like metaphysics, astrophysics, etc.

idk if its my schizo delusions, but i think if we get to the bottom of what makes things "real" we might be able to tap into the infinite energy that is Reality and escape these carnal vessels to explore the cosmos, even if only temporarily before having to return to our bodies. i basically would invest in researching the synthesis of mysticism and science, except i have literally no idea how i would go about this

>> No.51128915

I'd pay for every black person to have a house in Africa and cover their moving expenses etc if they renounce their u.s. citizenship and agree to be banished from here forever. That's the first thing. Then I'd do the same with kikes, essentially bribe them to get the fuck out with the benefit of free matzah ball soup for life*.

>> No.51128948

get gassed

>> No.51128966

I'd rather have the powers of the first beast so that I could order all corrupt politicians/government workers to simultaneously kill themselves.

>> No.51128988
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-Quitely buy up enough land for creation of an entire separate nation
-Push truly based narratives that make society a good place to live for everyone
-Abolish social media and any other kind of addictive agent that likes to prey of the worst in our nature
-Finally makes myself an environment where other people are actually tolerable to interact with and for once I am happy with my life

>> No.51129017

I'd volunteer to be the police, but instead of beating the shit out of people we would duck tape them to trees and feed them copious amounts of LSD and methamphetamine.

>> No.51129041

they’ve all got double digit body counts by that point

>> No.51130395

If you buy BTC now, you might as well loose that infinite money status. Buy a coin that wouldn't loose value on you instead.

>> No.51130435

organize and fund a movement in my country that will rise to power in exactly ten years from now.

>> No.51130477

Buy India and make Telegram illegal in India

>> No.51130518

Prolly just chill

>> No.51130554

sharks tank all day everyday

get some top advisors with experience to sit with me as my judges though i always have final say. people come up and pitch their businesses. but since i'm already infinite rich i don't even ask for a percentage. i'll fund poorfags too especially. anyone with a good plan or a product or service that i think could help humanity. livestreams to youtube, and its a mobile studio because i'll be travelling a lot. probably wear a mask to maintain my anonymity so i don't get mugged being worlds richest guy and can still have a normal life.

>> No.51130586

and i also got to hire someone witty to insult the shit out of the bad ideas, some professional comedian or two on the panel of judges. keep the show amusing. maybe throw waterballoons full of piss when someone pitches an idea i don't like.

>> No.51130610

become blackrock autist edition

>> No.51130648
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I will engage myself will learn to be a Dev, and probably start the first quantum-resistant NFT project on QAN when its main net launches

>> No.51130655

>I assume you don't literally mean infinite money
he does mean infinite money
which is why i'm choosing to spend it on business ideas that actually produce something of value. cause if i just dump it in some unsustainable fashion on everyone it will just cause infinite inflation until a loaf of bread costs infinity dollars.

>> No.51130735

and do it for 4chan too

>> No.51130752

but its infinite money. so maybe i'll set up as many shark tanks as it takes to have every sustainable business idea humanity can possible come up with funded and underway. which could possibly create an employment crisis or whatever so maybe dial it back. find the best balance. make sure any important but not immediately profitable research is also funded.

>> No.51130788

What coins don't loose value? Don't even mention stables.

>> No.51130790

inflate the market

>> No.51130833

also, i'll be funding journalism. i want to drive corporate media out of business with my infinity dollars. anyone that wants to be an independent journalist i'll fund all expenses and marketing costs until said journalist pisses me off or gets caught in what i think is a lie and funding is cut off.

academia will no longer be woke bullshit. they'll be unbiased and strictly focus on not being political or they want get any monies from me. maybe pay student loans as well for degrees that make sense to me, no funding for gender studies. though i have to do all this without causing inflation or other issues.

as for the governments of the world, they're tricky. i suppose i can buy all the politicians in the world off see how far that gets me. but entire systems need to change.

theres the issue of that being too much power for any one person even me so i guess i'll have to decentralize all this money power somehow to ease the burden so i don't develop power addiction and become a power junkie.

>> No.51130844

this is all starting to sound like a lot of work and not very fun. not sure i even want infinity money now. with great power comes great responsibility, a wise man who was also part spider said that

>> No.51130866

Recreational nuclear weapons and destroy the white countries for the lulz

>> No.51130962

Will buy the world and shit on it
Might be the Next Punk or BoredApe

>> No.51130973

>Don't even mention stables.
Are you retarded? What's more stable than a stable coin? I'm not talking about those shit stables but the 1:1 backed coins like USDC. Stake that on Spool for decent APY.

>> No.51131325

Since this is a infinite amount I'd buy the planet Earth.

>> No.51131382

How much APY is decent? I'm sure your faggot ass is okay with 3%.

>> No.51131388
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you should look up what the age is in italy

>> No.51131497

Do a Masters in History and work out religiously. Also buy expensive tweed suits to wear all the time since it's based.

>> No.51131731

APYs on Spool are within 6-12% depending on your risk appetite.

>> No.51132029

enjoy life until I die

>> No.51132066

call Austin Reid and ask him

>> No.51132180
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>end the illegitimate state of Israel and free Palestine
>end ZOG, WEF, NWO globalism etc... and put the criminals of humanity into prisons for the rest of their lives while simultaneously hunting down remnants of secret societies
>pay for white couples to have as many babies as possible
>pay for architecture to be beautiful, classical and artistic again
>reforest the deserts and make them green again
>Utilize permaculture and water management to contour the land in such a way that natural rainwater refills all aquafers around the world naturally to it's highest efficiency
>speed up project SAFFIRE to grant energy independence to anyone who wants it
>free healthcare
>promote small city/town living
>Do what >>51125351 said
>terraform mars and mine asteroids

pic related is my irl infinite money glitch

>> No.51132230
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Set up an airline and only employ Indian hostesses

>> No.51132239

Buy Link

>> No.51132354

that sounds pretty cool actually. I would probably end up doing something like this, dicking with the prices of everything. would probably beef up certain industries over others. Would pump up nuclear, space industry, crypto, AI, nuclear fusion startups, and blimps. I want tons of blimps/zeppelins everywhere. I would also start up a foundation for gifted kids that pays room/board and teaches high skill subjects with a core curriculum of math, finance, economics, public speaking, and NLP.

I would hire consultants and bribe recruiters to place them in high level positions in corporations and government. I would then hold mandatory annual conferences to discuss our grand strategy of world domination and manifest galaxy, and spread relentless waves of propaganda to further our goals.

>> No.51132388
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I will build a space ship then I will go to Jupiter. I will jump into the great red spot and become one with Jupiter

>> No.51132392

Play vidya, shitpost, wank one out, go for a long walk by the river, buy a roasted sheep for me and family and a big carp for cats. Renovate the house a bit, rebuild the fence, do some small things for the roof and such.

>> No.51132406

Kill myself but strictly for the lols

>> No.51132500

I would also short TWTR to 0 in perpetuity.

>> No.51132552
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>> No.51132623

Pay for interracial advertisements to be put up on every billboard, TV station, and website in Israel, forever.

>> No.51135225

Remove all jannies from /tv/ and fill the board with sneedposts

>> No.51135244

I will be the turbo himmler to your giga hitler

>> No.51135253

anon... are you okay?

>> No.51135485

fund millions in hentai

>> No.51135550

I would buy a hot meal

>> No.51135565


>> No.51135570

>What are you going to do with your life?
I love learning skills. I would just pay people to teach me as much as possible. I'd fund perfect translations of books and video games that I enjoy into languages that I'm learning. I'd hire teachers to travel the world with me. Language and music teachers.
This probably wouldn't even cost that much, relatively speaking.

>> No.51135594

Fantasize about luxury. Fantasize about killing and raping. Fantasize about doing businesses
Within 30 seconds I realize that my families survival needs are met completely and that I do not need to compromise ethics to ensure generational wealth. Explain things to my wife. Spend all my time on my family, cultivating arts, and Donati g to libraries. Since I have infinite money, the only resource to prioritize is my time, and I spend it on my family, my society, and music.

>> No.51135617
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I would rebuild puc related.

>> No.51135645


>> No.51135651

i dont know. probably buy a house and being on the computer the whole day. i have all the time of the world right now and money to do stuff and i dont really do anything beside computer.

>> No.51135691

>Build my own blockchain
>faster than ETH2 and all its derivates
>Have healthy grant fund for helping smart people.
>Turn giant plots of land into livable communities of smart people who can connect with other smart people in their terms of equity. (You get to have a spot where you can chill and work with others in my portfolio.)
>Buy shipping containers and 3d print drones on a enterprise level scale to print stuff and distribute by drones to clients (3D printers will print the next section of 3d printers who will print more 3d printers)
>find harems of the best possible genetic structuring to recreate the best versions of myself but in sperm / egg with added benefits cuz we evolve.
>Create a benevolent Artificial intelligence council free from corruption and no associations to any human organization to overlook and control AI. (This means all open source)
>Make starcraft real.
>We fly in space with the innovations we create.
>Clean the water and remove all of the gay hormones in the water
Just some things.

>> No.51135912
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Buy this business

>> No.51136039

Richguy cope, if you ain't got the rangle dangle, you're 2nd class

>> No.51136114


>> No.51136121


>> No.51136133

Based they should put all concocted criminals on LSD

>> No.51136153

Kill all the Americans.

>> No.51136165
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You already give women free shit anyway, simp.

>> No.51136172

I actually got laid in highschool.
Nah, that image of chud is the Jewish kid from El paso Texas.
I'd definitely nuke Americans though.

>> No.51136180

>Start a bar/restaurant
You're so fucking gay.

>> No.51136195

Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.51136233

Financially aid my relatives; prepare my son's future. Make so that my local chapel will be able to feed the homeless everyday (currently just 2 times a week).
Travel throughout Latin America in a Wolkswagen Beetle. And lastly, get back to sh*postting on 4Chinz.

>> No.51136250

a fucking disgusting abomination

>> No.51136256

Become a femboy and make porn with cute guys.

>> No.51136491

fuckin based

>> No.51136542

based fellow homebody

>> No.51136643

I'd buy amazing homes and villas in the Alps, Krete, French Riviera. Donate endless amounts to Traditional Latin Mass churches so they can expand across Europe. Fund North African, Middle Eastern Regimes to keep stop the refugees from coming to Europe by either making safe camps there or helping make those countries livable again, and off of a central bank. Same for the ECB. I would take over the ECB and decouple it from the USD. End the world bank or at least kick them out of Europe and North Africa. Fund campaigns in Scotland to join the EU, leaving England.

Basically be the George Soros of the Trad Cath Right, oh and have a harem of women to have my children.

>> No.51136705

>renovate both houses
>travel to the destinations I've always wanted to see in person
>leave as big as possible carbon footprint by opening factories near shithole cities
>build some nuclear power plants because they're cool
>buy up farmland and open massive farms that pay 2x IT jobs and have very strict rules and regulations about shit that goes into food
>turn a random shithole country into a great trad place to live
>buy cool cars
>marry a girl and never share a penny with her
>single-handedly bankrupt public transportation and gay companies that push gay values
idk a lot of shit. At that point with infite money you basically own the world.

>> No.51138265

I would start issuing bounties from my pyramid complex in the Arizona desert.

>> No.51138346

If an infinite amount of money existsn then that money is worth zero.

>> No.51138371


I'd pay everyone money to beat up gay people.

>> No.51138378

Buy Epstein's island or something similar, build automated defense systems all around it, equip it with large diesel tanks with generators, solars and all prepper shit. Move me and my close ones there. Hire the best development team money can buy and make them build a decentralized, easily browsable compilation of all the redpills in the world, all neatly categorized with connections between people/companies, etc. Hire the best schizos and autists around the world to keep the database updated and organized. Links to this will be spammed everywhere nonstop. Hire hackers to fuck up the IT systems of every government and corporation in the world nonstop. Create a schizo cult to infiltrate government structures and bring them down (like Scientology did, but thousand times biggers). And buy myself an infinite supply of comfy socks. Fear the day when I make it, faggots.

>> No.51138602

play vidya
get drunk
spend time and travel with the wife. have been doing this already and nothing beats it

>> No.51138812

Start donating to animal shelters. And offering dead or alive rewards for animal abusers.

>> No.51138835

Move to the middle of nowhere and get a starlink connection.

>> No.51138838

Probably keep playing runescape

>> No.51138871

>large diesel tanks
Congrats, your anarchist island is now a sitting bomb waiting to be fucked by a US predator missile.
Go back

>> No.51138888

Congrats, you just figured out that fiat is a ponzi scheme

>> No.51138903

It's... it's real?

>> No.51139020

Lose an infinite amount of money in lunc rug

>> No.51139042

Buy enough hash power to make BSV the real bitcoin. Say what you will but I trust Craig more than Adam

>> No.51139083

>Lmfao they would be getting kicked the fuck out back home
Good job nigger they simply spread back out once you die. If you don't use this chance to completely eliminate them from the equation you are a faggot jewsimp

>> No.51139096

Couldn't you just pay politicians to stop feeding Africans? Why destroy Africa?

>> No.51139398

Where ? It's the best way to gain political influence over millions.
You should go back or consider rope.

>> No.51140075
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Escape the Matrix.

>> No.51140111
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You realize you are basically waging economic warfare and bribing people for friendship, right?

>> No.51140668

I dunno, I think it's pretty artful. It's the destruction of beauty. It shows you what the people who did this truly want. In their hearts, they want to make the world horrible and destitute, void of hope and beauty, likely because they possess neither, within themselves and without. They've painted themselves as enemies of all that is good, and they wear the badge with pride.

>> No.51140783

So I get the power of a rothchild then?