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File: 188 KB, 1194x1116, Annoy mumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51124672 No.51124672 [Reply] [Original]

J has hardly raised rates and he is still expanding the balance sheet. We are dumping just because he uttered Volker's name.

>> No.51124685

Cope retard, this is the clowns in the market waking up to the fact it's still a bear market and we're not pivoting. I'm glad all these delusional idiots are getting wrecked.

>> No.51124700

He's not expanding the balance sheet.

it also takes 3 months for MBS to settle so there are actually 3 more months of tightening locked in that you can't see in the data.
this is probably the cause for your confusion, although now even the public data shows reducing fed balance sheet.

>> No.51124873

>hardly raised rates
>still expanding the balance sheet
>We are dumping just because he uttered Volker's name
You're so fucking retarded that even though they're raising rates, decompressing their balance sheet (set to double the disbursement rate NEXT WEEK), but you focus on the "forced dump" meme of "the mention of Volcker"?
Imagine living under a rock this thick.
We should've had a 2% rate hike in March and had been done with it. It would've been painful, but that would've been 6 months behind us at this point.
Retards will also point to CME group probability of 50 v 75 rate hikes, what they fail to understand is that a lower rate increase at this point is unironically pretty fucking bearish. That means they're confident WHAT THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE SHOULD DO THE JOB WELL ENOUGH. A higher rate hike is THEORETICALLY bullish because that means there's more work to do and more energy needed to cool the "economy."

Biz gets more and more stupid every day and it seems Mumu.jpg is attached to each and every progressively more profoundly retarded post.

>> No.51124900

The bankers have won. nothing needs to make sense anymore

>> No.51124958

Two more weeks!

>> No.51124978

>He doesn't know
Anon. It's dead.
The era of Growth is dead.
Because of what happened to Millenials. There are more producers in the world, than viable consumers. While the majority of the population is set to retire over the next few year. Who will consume EVEN LESS than normal.
This is inverted efficiency. In which the overproductive nature of a system. Actually ends up killing it.
The system needs people to sustain. Those people are vanishing fast.
>We have low unemployment
>But so many worker shortages
Explained clearly right there.
If that wasn't bad enough, we have dozens of market/asset bubbles of the size never before seen in history.
If that wasn't bad enough. China, one of the worlds most important trade partners is belligerently collapsing. Unable to fill orders with any certainty.
If that wasn't bad enough 2 political blocs are exchanging blows through a proxy.
If that wasn't bad enough, this is the worst harvest we've had in years.
If that wasn't bad enough. Russian oil and gas has officially been locked up long enough, some of the wells on a pure physics basis alone. Should be frozen up and unusable now.

It's so ogre it's ridiculous.
You have what is called in the Biz
Charging into the slaughterhouse syndrome.

>> No.51125049

Balance sheet decrease is counterbalanced by increase reverse repo (which is being abused to effectively print money, which is the opposite for what the tool was built) and treasure general account which doesn’t appear in the balance sheet
It’s a smoke and mirror game, but at the end of the day FED is not tapering at all
It’s all a words and definitions game, you reduce the balance sheet on paper and you increase it with workarounds, you keep rates at 2% with inflation at 10% and you just name Volker (without ever even remotely thinking about raising rates to 11%)
Just play dumb and accumulate risk assets while retards keep selling at discount, G8 pledged hundreds of TRILLIONS for climate change, how do you think they are going to materialize?
It’s 2+2, just understand it’s all an insider game, they are shutting down the economy so plebs will have no money and demand will crash, bringing inflation down with the absolutely worst way, then turn back the money printer on when there is blood on the street and people cannot afford housing, food, energy, they are going to make boomers panic and sell stocks low to steal their retirement, then when everybody is asking for daddy gov and more communism they are doing to inflate the monetary supply and bring us debt over 40T and acquire majority of stocks and assets, inflation will skyrocket and stock market will crash upwards
You are still gonna lose money, but better have some assets, including risk assets, then holding useless cash

>> No.51125100

I agree with pretty much all of this. Biggest issue is we only have the data they report, it's not like they're doing this on the blockchain or something.
Your reply seems a little doomerish, I don't believe there's going to be a meltdown. I think SP500 will reach a low of 3000 by the end of the year and that'll be it. Tell me why I am wrong.

>> No.51125103

>They'll just shut everything down
>Then buy everything
>Then it'll turn back on just fine
Not how anything works anon
When people lose jobs around the world
When food goes up around the world
When housing isn't affordable during winter.
That working class which is the reason "economy" even means anything dies.
That is obviously not the plan.

>> No.51125112

>it takes 3 months for MBS to settle

where do people learn such stupid stuff. MBS are T+2

>> No.51125168

Powell wants the market to do the work for him. Not very hard to understand. He keeps making threats, market keeps going down. It’s a weak strategy, because every retard and their mother “buying the dip” which is just prolonging the suffering. Either he can get the market to cool off on enough threats or he unironically will have to pull a volkner. Long term bear market or fed induced recession are the only choices

>> No.51125244

If you look at more recent GFANZ articles the rough number is already being estimated to north of 140 TRILLIONS
And the biggest chunk is obviously coming from US
There is only one way they are going to meet the rapidly increasing budget expenses: print more.
But with the already high level of inflation and with the narrative shifting to “money printer goes brrrrr” it’s not gonna be an easy task to keep approving trillion dollars bills one after another without a toss from general public,
The only way they can do it is to have wide approval, and the approval is gonna come when the system is near to collapse. People will demand for huge stimulus at the cost of high inflation, and the stimulus bills will just include everything the globalist need to push forward their agenda.
I really think we are going to lose a ton of money, the only thing I can do is try to reach food and energy independence (farm, animal, oversized solar panel plant) and acquire as much as BTC I can, and hope people start calling out the central banking scam and BTC decoupling from other risk assets cause more liquid and more useful as money then let’s say stocks (you cannot buy bread with stocks but you can buy it with LN)
I’m preparing for survival, I feel I’m gonna need it
Even if doom is gonna be softer, or even if I’m completely wrong (fed pivot and risk asset pump and everyone happy once again), being food and energy independent it’s still going to give me a hedge and make my life less stressful
Either way politicians are retarded and they will fuck up with food and energy at some point, maliciously or not

>> No.51125328

This goes in line with "hyperinflation is the only way out" right?
Will CBDCs actually be our new currency, "DOLLAR"?
Is Circle just a psyops for how DOLLAR will work?

>> No.51125342

You are forgetting the part where US needs to keep printing trillions at deficit at accelerating speed
They can’t taper for real and let sleepy joe forgive loans and fund other socialist utopias, and most importantly the elephant in the room: climate change, which is not even a problem, but the psyop already started and insane amount of money are already being pledged for the cause, with the ultimate goal of forming a g20 totalitarian globalist-oriented multi-continental government)

>> No.51125395
File: 26 KB, 591x519, 09534D30-67F2-4C9A-BCF4-4034B18AA063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This goes in line with "hyperinflation is the only way out" right?
Look at the chart, what do you think will happen? FED balance sheet is gonna be 40T in a blink, and then 100T is gonna be normal
We are approaching the quadrillion era
>Will CBDCs actually be our new currency, "DOLLAR"?
I hope not but that’s the trajectory, the only way to shut down rebellions is monetary and financial mass surveillance (and a more or less thin veiled dictatorship)
>Is Circle just a psyops for how DOLLAR will work?
I don’t think so, CBDC will likely have full kyc and full traceability

>> No.51125449

Nigger you can literally look at the balance sheet and see that it's retracting. It's been retracting for months now

>> No.51125463


Its fucking stupid, but still hilarious that Powell can just come on a stage for 5 minutes with literal just Volker FUD and can dumps the markets by 3%. That is how retarded "traders" actually are. As if 5 minutes of just Powell saying the fed cares about inflation, is some sort of earth shattering news. No policy changes. Not even vague future insights just a straight up continuation of the status quo. And is this is "hawkish."

>> No.51125886

The balance sheet doesn’t say it all
Why do you think reverse repo is skyrocketing?
FED is playing like a magician, you are just staring in front of it and it looks real, enough to trick short term traders, but a trained eye can see beyond that, and it knows how the trick is done

>> No.51125991


If the fed balance sheet's market value decreases its because the assets are depreciating, not because money is being removed from supply. Almost the entirety of the fed balance sheet is dollar denominated debt. So by raising rates the fed is devaluing its own reserves. Supply of money is still increasing. Government is running a multi-trillion deficit. the fed has zero ability to actually reduce the real "balance sheet," the outstanding currency, Fiat is a ponzi scheme of course, the only thing the fed can do is FUD to try to scare retards into hoarding fiat.