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51123731 No.51123731 [Reply] [Original]

>get matches on tinder from ok, even 8/10 looking girls
>too lazy to write to them
>almost don't even have the energy to make this thread

What the fuck is wrong with me? How can i not seem to do anything else than just lurk 4chan?

>> No.51123735

>>>/soc/ is that way

>> No.51123745

I hate women so much it’s unreal

>> No.51123749

I'd bang her all night bros.

>> No.51123757

Youre at that point were you wouldn't even cross the street for pussy. I'm kinda the same. Been nofap for 2 months too.

>> No.51123759

low test

>> No.51123782
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A part of you probably thinks it's a waste of time. Which, most of the time it is. I won't even date a woman over 25 miles from me. I'm not driving an hour to meet some chick. Plus, ots always the same shit. You both find each other attractive. You text or snapchat for a few days. She meets someone hotter, funnier or closer to her than you. She starts ignoring your texts. You go back to look for someone else.

I'm banned off every dating app, so I don't get to experience any of this anyways.

>> No.51123799
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>get matches with attractive girls on tinder
>write to them, have a great conversation
>"wanna hangout?"
>"Sorry anon, Im going to be busy all day everyday"
Called an escort immediately after, I still follow my tinder matches on instagram, they play too much games though.

>> No.51123805

it could be low test, more than likely you have come to the realization that 2022 pussy just isn't worth the effort

>> No.51123942

Not op , but got my T checked and came back normal and yet i just don’t feel like doing anything , i have zero interest in 99% of things nowadays

>> No.51123977

recap of my life
i still bang some here and there tho

>> No.51123987

/biz/- bizness & zinance

>> No.51124015

Sounds like depression my nigga.

>> No.51124031

Good morning. I hate women.

>> No.51124045

8/10 girls on tinder get hundreds of match weekly, getting a match with a 8/10 is far from doing anything with her.

Without interesting conversation and perfect photos you're already beaten by someone with both.

>> No.51124092

> they play too much games though
Checked and this, i dont understand womens dating economy

>> No.51124093

I have the same problem. With other things at least I can force myself to follow up as they rationally good things for me. But with women it seems such a waste of time and energy to give them interest so just maybe one of them wouldn't be a total mess you would like to date. Even starting at the wall feels more productive. When I see my fellow men spending their entire free time on this I feel really bad for them as well.

>> No.51124107

Most likely low testosterone and/or depression. Go see your doctor. Young men are not supposed to feel lethargy as a default

>> No.51124165

>came back normal
Did your doctor tell you they were normal or did you look at the levels yourself? The thing about testosterone is that during the 80s and 90s there was this whole roid rage scare because of some famous roiders committing violent crime, so medical guidelines for providing TRT were tightened by way more than they should have. Doctors have a chart they look at that classifies what is within the normal range, and the thing about this chart is that it doesn't take age into account. If you as a 20 year old man have the same testosterone levels as the average 75 year old man, you will still be considered to be within the normal range, even though your testosterone levels are much less than half of what other men your age have.

If you are below 40 years old and your testosterone levels are below 350ng/dl, you have low testosterone and should get it treated. Regular doctors know fuckall about hormones so go see an endocrinologist

>> No.51124195


>> No.51124201

>It's all about testosterone bruv
You are as stupid as people downplaying its importance.

>> No.51124209

these are bot matches you imbecile