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51119031 No.51119031 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51119086

This is just some generic text targeted towards average people.

>> No.51119100

>don't invest young!
>we need you to be a slave underclass!

This line of thinking brought to you by people with multimillion stock portfolios.

>> No.51119101

Don't stress about the money. Just make it work.

Ok boomer

>> No.51119102

Traveling is waste of money. I can check how other places in the world look like on Google Images. I can read about other cultures if I want, but I never do because I don't care about other people. Money saved on traveling can be invested. And you know why I want to invest? Because I hate working. No vacation time will provide me as much joy as being able to retire earlier.

>> No.51119118

You can't fuck local girls on google maps, nerd.

>> No.51119137

Imagine being controlled by some primal urges. I ascended and can't be manipulated by pussy. All I care about is myself and my own enjoyment, don't need pussy for that.

>> No.51119165

As long as you are growing it's an investment. It's about who you become, being a man that has been places and has learned the skill of fucking chicks is far more important than any amount of money. Most of us don't know this because of modern society and being raised by women.

I wouldn't trade who all the travel I did for an equivalent amount of money I would have earned. Because the man I have become is worth far more.

Fix yourself first. Get yourself to a place you are proud of. Then work on money and you will keep it.

If you stay a beta and get money you will just lose it all to some gold digger very quickly. You need to be a man first.

>> No.51119170

This mentality is why my ex will never afford a house . All the bitch wanted to do was travel and spend money for pictures .

>> No.51119180

>fuck around while young
>which destroys your capacity to pairbond
>which turns you into an atomised individual
>who is also poor since squandered wealth for fucking around
We can always use more slaves.

It's funny how atomised individuals have so much more to lose than family units, who in turn have so much more to lose than familial households.

>> No.51119215

How bout dont eat shit food and torch your body so that you can travel well into your 70s?

>> No.51119414

The 10 or 20k you “invest” in walking around the hustle and bustle of the big city taking pictures which already exist on google and getting drunk with strangers in bars who you will never talk to again will be worth enough in 10 or 20 years to grow a sucessful business or buy yourself a home and raise a family who loves you. On your deathbed I assure you that will be what you wish you had if you never had it because you spent your youth “having experiences” of doing drugs and living hedonistically in countries you can barely remember visiting.

If your goal is fucking a bunch of different woman you have already lost.

>> No.51119496
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Im going to Rio de Janeiro Brazil this winter to finally spend some of my crypto profits (will get A LOT of prostitutes)

>> No.51119538

Why do you need health to travel? You need health to fucking work. Build wealth rapidly in your youth, let it compound, retire early and travel the rest of your life. People are fucking retarded copers.

>> No.51119558
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Imagine being this jewed

>> No.51119570

Travelling as a 50 y-o isnt the same as a 25 y-o

>> No.51119581

>Ew what is that old guy doing here

>> No.51119598
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>seeing sights and drinking
>except OLDER

I have been on my vacations and fucked my women, people who bleat on about this stupid bullshit about "doing things when they're young" are ass backwards. You're supposed to work, build wealth and a family when you're young, live off of the returns in your older age.

Let me guess you're going to do the opposite and then cry about your social security payments when you're 70, fuck you.

>> No.51119634

based and incelpilled

>> No.51119646

is gym membership mandatory to fuck those roasties?

>> No.51119662


Beaches and cruises are like shooting fish in a barrel when you're tall and muscular. It's simply your domain.

>> No.51119677

>seeing sights and drinking
>except OLDER
The eternal manchild. I grew out of that when I was 20.
I like travelling but if you're just being a retarded tourist you may as well stay home.

>> No.51119748
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Hard agree, specially considering that i would like to travel while im young and i can enjoy the nature and adventure
Sadly i still need to make it, but if VINU keeps the constant +60% then im set for it before reaching 24

>> No.51119782
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>you manchild!

>> No.51119807

Go join a Contiki tour grampa

>> No.51119809

Completely agree.
As in, I hope everyone else except me is doing that to boost economy and maintain the system, while I invest and reap the benefits.

>> No.51119855
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Basically this. You don't have to worry about money if you have it.A rich man telling a poor man not to worry about money is stupid.

>> No.51119951

>wasting money on temporary pleasures rather than on something lasting

>no one ever wishes for more money in their last days
Literally all old people do is play the Lottery, play Bingo and play Slot machines

>> No.51120099

I lean more towards this than the penny pinching attitude. If you really want to go do something, just go do it. That being said, I don't think it's that hard to save money and travel if you actually have an income. Spend less on dumb shit like fast food, fancy clothing, brand new cars, etc. and consider cheap travel destinations. Going full autist is bad and going full roastie is bad

>> No.51120125

ill sacrifice my entire life to make sure my kids can. and yes, i do mean killing every single non-white starting with the jews

>> No.51120184

I literally don't care about my life. I am just one part of the puzzle that is my family lineage.
I will sacrifice my free-time to accumulate as much wealth as possible, and then my descendants can enjoy the rewards. I'm playing the long-game here.

>> No.51120377
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I've camped for 5 days in the Adirondacks each year for the past 3 years, spent more time there in the past when I was summer camp outdoor staff from 2015-2018 prior to that. Camping is so cheap and comfy, it's absurd not to do it.

This year my campsite reservation Sunday to Friday was $120, food was somewhere under $100 for me and my gf to have dry and cold/cookable food, gas was roughly $100, brought my parents back some food from Lake Placid for $30 plus ate out for that night for roughly $75, rented a canoe for a day and self transported it to Lake Saranac for $50, $40 on mini golf when we were too tired from hikes to do much else. $415 for two people to have 6 days of camping with plenty of extras that could be taken away, once a year, is totally acceptable to me.

Simultaneously, I was in Cancun for a wedding in May and idk how people pay the kind of $ for a decent resort there yearly. The flight there in normie class seats was about $650 alone, room was $1200 for 3 nights, airport shuttle service was about $50, plus airport food was maybe $50 ontop of that. I get the wastefulness of many types of vacations if you see this as the standard vacation. A hair under $2000 for one three night trip where I can't really leave the resort, or $415 trip to white people land where I can plan my entire trip out my way and have way more fun.

>> No.51120420
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Based and manpilled.

>> No.51120534


So many experiences I've had may as well have been imaginary. Tangible assets and security give me fare more comfort and piece of mind.

>> No.51120541

Memories fade. Have children, raise them. They will care for you in old age so your final days aren't complete hell.

>> No.51120648

I backpacked through Europe in my 20's and fucked a bunch of girls. You may loose everything in life, money, health. But you'll never loose memories of raw backing a 19 year old Dutch girl in a 10 person dorm.