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51113631 No.51113631 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women being arrested for providing services that are in demand?

>> No.51113663

I would ask her if she's on the rag then insult her if she's not. :^)

>> No.51113707

How much were people paying for that special sauce?

>> No.51113719
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>the choice is yours

>> No.51113729

Kinda based ngl

>> No.51113741

When I read that headline, I immediately wondered "Hmm... is she doing that to customers she likes or dislikes?"

>> No.51113753

>don't homecook goy
>and don't forget to tip :^)

>> No.51113792

Because she was dumb enough to use sex acts for vengeance instead of just starting an onlyfans and selling the wings to subs.

>> No.51113794

I wouldn’t date her or anything but this is pretty based. Good for her

>> No.51113854

Wouldn't that hurt like a bitch? I only eat mango habanero

>> No.51113857

Oh shit wait this is actually fake news. This mugshot is from some chick in Chicago and the Hooters logo was just photoshopped on her shirt.

>> No.51113959
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>> No.51113992

how exactly is this a punishment for the rude customer? if anything its a delicious treat.

>> No.51114013

bet she is the type to go crazy in bed too. she has that look in her eyes. damn!

>> No.51114098

idk why the manager didn't do an oil wrestling event. Would have made way more $$$$

>> No.51114183

> get's arrested on the job, not fired
> 5 years later still working there, now dippin wings.

>> No.51114655

i'd pay extra for that

>> No.51114683

why is everyone so fucking illiterate

>> No.51114727

Is this that exotic Mexican cuisine the boomers said we need to import 100 million Mexicans for?

>> No.51114808

>Why are women being arrested for providing services that are in demand?

Absolutely disgusting
It really is true isn't it? None of you have ever had sex.

>> No.51114829
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She looks like she is 4'10" and weighs 150lb with those jugs

>> No.51114834

That's a pretty crazy coincidence. She looks similar.

>> No.51114912
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>> No.51114976
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no this ks the cuisines daughter

>> No.51115247

she would probably do really well on onlyfans, she should set one up ASAP because this news article will give her credibility
she can film herself in her hooters outfit dipping the wings into her vagene and sell it as a "collectible" to simps

>> No.51115280

>those tits
idgaf id fuck the hell out of her

>> No.51115308
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>implying this is revenge to rude customers

>> No.51115350

Mug shot is supposedly for the face
The photographer had other plans

>> No.51115424

Two crimes in one day

>> No.51115436

the replies to >>51113959 are unnervingly dumb.

don't even notice it's the same woman

elementary school grammar mistake, at least has enough braincells to match the picture to the OP but not enough to notice her name is different

hopefully just joking

>> No.51115437 [DELETED] 


>> No.51115462

yep biz coulda saved her

>> No.51115510

This is why you ever eat at restaurants that are non whites. They could also just do this to you because you are white. Most browns have a seething hatred for white because of the Jewish anti-white propaganda

>> No.51115543

Spics are low iq

>> No.51115574

>t. homosexual

>> No.51115915

>brown eyes
never trust them.

>> No.51115957

they do simply because it pains them knowing they were born a permanently inferior subspecies of human, that either panders to them, knowing they're inferior, or disrespects them, knowing they're inferior.

>> No.51116078


>> No.51116187

>hopefully just joking
hopefully just joking

>> No.51116477

so does she thinks her vagina is that disgusting?

>> No.51117783


>> No.51117825

this is why i only patronize white establishments

>> No.51117838

Need it or keep it?

>> No.51117840

that's a man

>> No.51117847


>> No.51117858

maybe she has stds

>> No.51118136

Surely you must be fun at parties, nigger.

>> No.51118146

She needs a pimp to help guide her efforts

>> No.51119055


>> No.51119225

Hot wing sauce inside a vagina doesn’t sound like a good time. All coomers must be beheaded

>> No.51119349

>don't even notice it's the same woman
You were too busy staring at her hooters amarite

>> No.51119411

>anyone who isn't white is inferior
Lol dumbfuck kill yourself

>> No.51119589

What is the best cusine for vaginal injection and uber delivery

>> No.51119839


>> No.51119949

this is actually an ancient occult ritual
if you eat a woman’s period blood it will chemically bind you to her, I’m 1000% positive that she got better tips after doing this

>> No.51119964

gross vagina juices are nasty

>> No.51120373

BRB gonna be rude at hooters

>> No.51120493

>dipping wings in her vagina
that's hot. also i worked in restaurants and i've seen much worse

>> No.51120568

Don't fuck with people that handle your food. Simple rule to follow

>> No.51120595

she looks like she practices Santería

>> No.51120597

More like don’t let other people handle your food

>> No.51120611

Which is why I'm a qualified chef.

>> No.51120613

like what.

>> No.51120684

Someone posted on chans a deep dive into Mexican cartel magic and satanism.
Not surprising if it had something to do with this.

>> No.51120701

this was advertising

>> No.51120726
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>> No.51120768

she aint got no crystal ball

>> No.51122504

I pray this is true

>> No.51122530

Japs would pay extra for that

>> No.51122539

Interesting, but my autism dictates to inform you that her bellybutton should be a little higher.

>> No.51122551

and i was just about to go to hooters and insult the waitress while i was ordering some hot wings

>> No.51122556


>> No.51122566

>there are guys ITT that would not love to slurp the pussy juice off a qt spic girl

>> No.51122684
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>> No.51122788

this is the fake one

>> No.51123241


Anon, that's the bullet wound...

>> No.51123321

i'd spray such a fat load on this goofy looking wetback's tits

>> No.51123359

Yes, whenever shitskins regurgitate jewish anti white propaganda it’s fueled by their sense of inferiority

>> No.51123368


>> No.51123624

Would totally be cowgirled by her with those giant jugs in my face and nipples in my mouth between my teeth.

>> No.51123637


>> No.51123652

Jug shot

>> No.51124941


>> No.51124987

If you eat out probably you ingested a lot of cum in the sauce. Kek, white men who eat Kebab and hope muzzies didn't fill it with their cum, then you pay for it and eat with a smile like a good white cuck.