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File: 152 KB, 1559x882, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51110584 No.51110584 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51110802

Gold is being shilled by people who sell gold dumbass.

>> No.51111619

It's fire insurance. Don't put more than 15% of your portfolio in it.

>> No.51111658


>> No.51111677
File: 149 KB, 969x919, Central Banks Gold Buying Spree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do what they are doing.

>> No.51111704
File: 70 KB, 556x544, 1633390455142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares if it goes down in dollar value, it's real heckin money

>> No.51111724

Annunaki return

>> No.51111727

Shmita year my negro

>> No.51111743

the only reason you should buy gold is if you live in a literal shithole country with 10% inflation every year. If you use USD you will always underperform the stock index, until the end of time

>> No.51111762
File: 251 KB, 645x770, 1661365444134564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He bought something shilled by the ugliest, most desperate and lowest iq loser on this website.
Your own fault.

>> No.51111778

When the Comex runs out of silver, and it will, gold may do a 20-32x, but silver will do a 110-220x.

The Comex is down 2/3rds of where it was January 2021. Roughly 50 million oz remain and it's dropping faster and faster.

>> No.51111811

As a brit, this reply justifies my gold stack.

>> No.51111855
File: 228 KB, 1080x1202, C4950119-6BDE-49A6-B62A-0BB384593809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 more weeks!!!
Inflation is rampant and yet PM’s dump into oblivion. 10% of my portfolio is gold but this hopium sounds like schizophrenic territory. Wouldn’t COMEX just, ya know, buy more at spot price? Not like a 200x pipe dream would be realistic in any scenario.

>> No.51111887

The only use case for gold is in tech and jewelry so it only goes up when those things are in demand

>> No.51111917

Comex sets the spot price you retard. When they are out of silver, that's it, there's no longer a central entity where industry can supply large quantities from.

>> No.51112019
File: 1.20 MB, 1065x592, 1659714003744116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fren Drumph supporters always pushing shiny metal

>> No.51112915

this but unironically

>> No.51112953

and why can't they just buy more from producers? Have we reached peak silver?

>> No.51112971

If you have less than a million dollars invested in gold you're dumb as fuck and probably nobody told you before that you're dumb but you need to hear it ASAP.

>> No.51113007

Dude just hodl for 50 years lmao

>> No.51113018

down compared to what? goyim funny money?
you realize your yidpaper is going to be worthless soon right?

>> No.51113035

>any second now...

>> No.51113098
File: 255 KB, 1536x891, EC44629A-4985-4EFD-8361-0B6AB12990BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51113220

I have the majority of my investment holdings in physical gold/silver and gold/silver related equities. I gotta admit its been a really demoralizing couple of years but I can’t find a better, more rational place to put my money.

>> No.51113374

Because we're consuming more than we're mining on yearly basis. What producer do you suppose they buy from? The miner's that can't profitably mine silver at the current spot price? HAH

>> No.51113540

To add on to this, the amount of quality locations with silver in the ground is gone. What would have required a single mine may now require 2 or more to pull the same amount of silver from the ground.

>> No.51113559

that's why it was so valuable in medieval Europe. it all makes sense now,

>> No.51113602

i have far more trust in gold and silver than confetti toilet paper fiat. don’t care what tricks jews play. besides, most of my gold and silver are numismatic and have gone up in value even as gold and silver go down.

>> No.51113746

the gold market is the most controlled and rigged market. its rigged all the way from the top. the BIS tells central banks to tell the LBMA (metals cartel) to pressure gold all in an effort to distort classic market signals

>> No.51113800

so all of europe and soon the US too, then

>> No.51113878

why would you buy something that's been manipulated downwards for years, (((they))) can keep it going for a long time, otherwise everyone would just buy gold and all FIATs would hyperinflate within a few weeks, (((they))) will never allow it, purposefuly crashing it or at least dumping as much as they can in order to prevent the narrative from forming that gold is a good inflation hedge, too many normies know what inflation is now that's why they will fiercely defend their scam

>> No.51113958
File: 2.80 MB, 600x654, 1658527054738649.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold goes up
>spot price rockets
>goes down
>spot hardly budges

>> No.51114797

checked and yes

>> No.51114812

>10% inflation every year
Usa and Europe is 10% inflation per month now retard.

>> No.51114902

What other physical asset can you hold with zero cost of upkeep and won’t depreciate in value? Seems like something good to leave your family.

>> No.51114955

At the pace of 0.11% drainage daily were down to around 300 days left at this pace

>> No.51115085

That's why I bought USD/Gold with Euros in march. Only gains.

>> No.51115137

>why would you buy something that's been manipulated downwards for years
why WOULDNT you?? unless you are a kike yourself, no one would advise NOT to buy an asset that is clearly manipulated to be extremely under true value.
yeah I'm thinking you're a JUDE yourself faggot, your time is coming sooner than you could ever imagine.

>> No.51116383

USD is far stronger than just about anything at the moment. Read some charts retard.

>> No.51116526

You should only buy gold if you're already so rich that you don't know what to do with all the money. And then only a small % (less than 5%).

For example 50mil NW then maybe get a couple mil in gold AT MOST.

It isn't what most plebs think it is, from all the retarded youtube shilling. But it is something, and it has a role to play.

>> No.51116709

>It isn't what most plebs think it is
It isn’t the most malleable metal in existence that amazingly never tarnishes? Why would something like that be valuable, I wonder?

>> No.51116724

>this piece of paper is stronger than that piece of paper because something different is printed on it goyim

>> No.51116729

I have like 1/3rd of my 40k networth in gold and silver, seethe

>> No.51116770

No it isn’t unironically

>> No.51116796

You being retarded doesn’t make anyone seethe. You just are ngmi wasting all that money on boomer rocks. You’re securing value that is so little it’s not even worth it. Literally less than a year’s work at a minimum wage job.

>> No.51116808

this but ironically

>> No.51116822


>> No.51116852
File: 251 KB, 800x782, 9eff7e4fd0ef2c65975df323f061514d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying straight bullion
you deserve to lose money. at least when you buy coins you have gold value, rarity and beauty.

>> No.51116961

it's called saving for retirement nigger, not buying your boomer stock bags

>> No.51117012

Literally true. How do you pay for things?

>> No.51117013

>Annunaki return
I can't wait 2000yrs

>> No.51117027

Just hold dollars, it's a better hedge against inflation than gold.

>> No.51117065

sure, theyll still be taking in new product, but theyll be continuously in and out of stock. like if you were running your vehicle on fumes every mile and refilling just enough to get you another mile. its not a great longterm practice

>> No.51117074

>Europe collapses
>Europe sells USD reserves to cover their loses
>inflated USD comes home to roost
USA just lags the rest of the world.

>> No.51117078

>Use it to make colloidal gold
>Boost IQ by 50 points for basically free

>> No.51117539

Lmao you aren’t saving shit for retirement. If you want actual retirement invest you fucking moron. All your boomer rocks will get you is a retirement of equal comfort as living on the dole at 65.

>> No.51117657

You'll be the king of the nursing home

>> No.51117739

yeah well ill be the one laughing while gettin a gummer from your mom lmao

>> No.51117807

I bought gold at $1980/oz and Silver at it's high since ~2012. Deep red, holding for 10+ years I guess.

>> No.51117846
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, laugh pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiny rock

>> No.51117883

If history is a good indicator, time.

>> No.51118226
File: 185 KB, 633x502, 1660315020153305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u fell for the jew rock meme

>> No.51118705

lmao I can't wait until mutts see their savings wiped out.

>> No.51118717

comex keeps the price suppressed. Thats the entire goal of the market. Other markets can simply pay more for gold and silver causing the price to spike.

>> No.51118734

I buy it to prevent myself from apeing back into cryptos with that money

>> No.51118740

you bought JPM's cash cow
they just sell paper silver and gold and short the miners
that's why you need an "auditable by default" money

better luck on your next endeavor

>> No.51118766

that's around 7 ounces which isn't nothing. what percent of people in america or canada have 7 ounces of gold. Less than 1% IMO. I'm canadian and almost nobody has even one ounce other than chinese and indians.

>> No.51118775

Fed capitulation…mines done ok since 2016
Wealth preservation asset - real money = NOT FIAT dog shit losing 15% PA value permanently

>> No.51118801

lol good bait broham

>> No.51118837

>When the Comex runs out of silver, and it will, gold may do a 20-32x, but silver will do a 110-220x.
you don't honestly believe this, do you? i could see a 3x for gold and maybe a 5x for silver but not much more than that

>> No.51118892
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1661388322597055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think'n dark brandon won't confiscate your gold as it goes past 1.69x

>> No.51118922

this would cause a civil war in the US. have you seen the IRS agents they're going to send out to audit people in person? they're mostly young mexican girls (unless those images were a joke).

>> No.51118950

Different investment have different characteristics. You must decide what is for you. I've been buying metals since the 90s. It's still under 10% of my assets, but I do love metals. You must stick with what works for you.

>> No.51119027

The stock market, the bubble that will never burst, just trust us goyim

>> No.51119069

gold and silver are real money
fiat is the meme

>> No.51119235

i am prepared to do so

>> No.51119255

I recommend you diversify and not rely on the US stock market and bonds, which could take huge losses in real terms. Paid off land and a house is a good start for retirement.

>> No.51119324

Everything is manipulated, dumbass

>> No.51119499

I guarantee you that should gold skyrocket enough to make people gorillionaires, the world would have changed so much that everything would most likely be destroyed before we even get there. You are betting against the house.

>> No.51119513

>gonna call in my expert
>oh well, my expert said it has a stain on it
>best I can do is half
now what

>> No.51119524

A lot of things should have caused civil war in the US but they never have.

>> No.51119541

the only thing that makes gold go up is the literal breakdown of not just one particular fiat system but civilization as we know it.

>> No.51119719


>> No.51119776


>> No.51119907
File: 65 KB, 1250x539, 1666013144967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEE, SEE GOLDFAGS? This is what people meant when they told you that gold was only a unit of value that, at beast sustained it worth and at worst keeps going down worst than the worst stable on the market right now
It's just not worth it, you hear? It's just not worth it, remember that all of that you spent on your ingots could've already doubled on vinu, but no, you decided to climb to your ego and trip and fall

>> No.51119945

You Buyed Nothing but totally replaceable stones.

>> No.51120294

Rekt bobos,Everything is on sale. Stop being a coward and take that bold step in going for the solid ones.

>> No.51120357

please explain what the hell your retarded chart means when you are writing your post.

>> No.51120370

>could've already doubled on vinu

That's possible. Some retards don't have the balls to throw funds on memes. What if it's done on a solid project with real-life utility like Geeq? Over time, it could be worthwhile. When it comes to crytpo, good risk management is essential. When it's poorly done, pain is inevitable.

>> No.51120531

They did it once in the 30s/40s and no one did jack shit

>> No.51120610

Now that people can buy bitcoin, probably nothing.

>> No.51120891

Yes. Original currency was items of value, people traded for things usually in food like grain. Jews first ever banks were grain banks were they’d loan grain at interest. This made Jews very wealthy and they got a lust for exotic luxuries like shiny metals. The demand for shiny metals by rich Jews gave the metals value and Jews would start gold/silver banks. Shiny metals allowed Jews to travel and carry their value with them and set up gold/silver banks all over and subvert the world with their usury. Gold/silver was the original Jewish scam.

Cope,seethe and dial8

>> No.51122451

you would have been better off with dogshit, things like vinu wouldn't even have charged you fees

>> No.51122492

Checked, but I'd like to understand something.
>Central banks (and China might I add) buy gold like there's no tomorrow
>But price still go down
How does it work ?

>> No.51122754

gold is only good for physical applications like satellite technology, or making your brain faster


>> No.51123267

What happens to crypto retard? it isn't as bad as most people thought

>> No.51123510


>> No.51123517

>at the moment

The world is conspiring against your country. You have 10 more years left of reserve currency status. Use it wisely.

>> No.51123538

paper gold.

>> No.51123556

Gold is not backed by anything. It's a scam.

>> No.51123590

Oh right, paper gold is utter shit, everyone with a brain knows it, but what about physical gold ?

>> No.51123605

Yea, buy crypto at 10-15x the prices from now, mid bullmarket. What a brainlet lol.

>> No.51123621
File: 240 KB, 900x561, gold-has-beaten-sp500-index-so-far-this-century-01-2019-LG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it didn't and in the past 20 years actually wrecked us indexes, unless you put in the mid 20th century into calculation when gold was illegal in the US. Cope more brainlet stock jew lmao.

>> No.51123826

How can someone be this illiterate and disconnected from reality? Is this guy some brainwashed dumb redneck?

>> No.51123921

>I have like 1/3rd of my 40k networth in gold and silver, seethe

that doesn't make me seethe, it makes me feel really sorry for you. idk what it is with silverfags, always thinking far richer people with far better investment nous are going to "seethe" that retards are shit with money.

It's sad, that's all.

>> No.51124172

How can anyone's net worth in the west be 40k? Is he homeless and without a car? No land? Wtf.

>> No.51124182

>paying 2x the value of gold in premium, while probably never getting that back if you ever sell
yea, no thanks bro lol.

>> No.51124296

yup this is why i say bitcoin is not digital gold. monero is digital gold never pumps only crabs and loses purchasing power to inflation.

>> No.51124357

the thing is it will not moon if it is manipulated

>> No.51124577
File: 177 KB, 1080x525, 1544593401291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor choices, not lack of money, is the cause of America's financial problems.

>> No.51124916

>muh heckin moon
you are too low IQ to understand why one would store wealth in gold.

>> No.51124956

why would I want a car if I live in a city? literally nothing but a waste of money, are you 19? cars are depreciating assets and are costly. I don't own "land" because I am inheriting two homes in the suburbs of NYC. I likely make far more money per year than you ever will.

>> No.51125265

add premiums to spot to get real price

>> No.51125286
File: 2.83 MB, 960x3585, silver-precious-metal-sbcgold1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Industrial demand for silver is at an all time high
>It's the best material for batteries, solar panels, and top grade weapons munitions
>We're consuming more than we're mining
>The Comex has gone from 150 million toz down to 50 million toz since January 2021, and the registered reserves continue to fall
What do you think will happen when they run out? This is why they shill so hard against it.

>> No.51126112
File: 61 KB, 1037x555, gc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold 4x'd since you were born, probably 10x since your father was born

its not doge, but on the other hands, its not doge