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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51105683 No.51105683 [Reply] [Original]

I want to invest in crypto, figured I’d start here and see what you fags have to recommend me. Looking for something of a 3-5 years investment. Ideally only 1-3 different coins or tokens, whatever you call them. I don’t want to get spread to thin, just looking for a good baseline. I’be been seeing the trend forming towards digital currencies that the globalists are expecting to implement, I think now is a good time to get in. What are the unironic best 3 cryptos you guys are into? I have about 12k I am willing to use, just opened up a Coinbase account and considering Crypto-com app as well, thoughts on where to buy? Anyway, don’t give me any meme answers please, I’m not informed but I’m not gullible either. Help me out!

>> No.51105723
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Faggo dinky doinker nig coin OP!

>> No.51105750
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>> No.51105765

Buy the nigger coin

>> No.51105774

Nigger coin

>> No.51105801

Is it actually a coin? Kek

>> No.51105830

Yes and has great fundamentals: anonymous exchange, no fees, instant movement. Nigger coin is quickly replacing Bitcoin and eth on the dark web ooga booga

>> No.51105840
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>gee thanks kid

>> No.51105852

Delete that account and use Coinmetro. Buy KDA. Start watching the amas and invest in other projects they list. Keep an eye on staking. If you have friends you can bring into crypto, make use of the affiliate program for passive income.

>> No.51105862

nobody is going to tell you what to buy because of an instinct to keep opportunities to themselves so as not to get frontrun. people will tell you what they want to sell not what they themselves are buying. also shills and bots looking for exit liquidity. basically nobody is ever going to give you a real answer to your question.

>> No.51105890
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I will look this KDA up, Ty
Then your post is by default invalid, congratulations you played yourself. Now tell me your coins brother

What’s the most esoteric crypto on biz right now?

>> No.51105917
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chainlink. the great work. the philosophers stone. the singularity

>> No.51105945

Ethereum Chainlink Monero!
Most others are just huge risk little reward

>> No.51105958

Chain link is one I’ve heard of, it looks like it’s one of the bigger ones too. And what is the affiliation with Saturn? Are you making a reference to (((them)))? Or what’s the correlation?

>> No.51105983

Okay, so just a sanity check here from my limited knowledge, I need Etherum to use Chainlink right? Or what’s the deal with that? It needs Etherum to run/use/buy/sell?

>> No.51106094

Buy BTC/ETH/LINK. They are /biz/ recommended 3. Search archives if you don't believe.
Don't listen to KDA trannies or really anyone who says anything else.

>> No.51106106

>esoteric crypto
ROSE logo is the storm of Saturn.
Look into Ari Juels.

>> No.51106108



stay far away from BTC, ETH, LINK

stay even further away from dogecoins or pajeet scams like matic and avax

>> No.51106133

This guy mass replied knowing you'll be suss but the coins he recommended are legit but they are not as good as the ones he told you not to buy. Welcome to /biz/.

>> No.51106195
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Fuck… I thought the other boards were psychological war zones, but I guess when money is on the line it’s a bit more direct.

Why those coins specifically? >>51106108 Are they related to each other?

>> No.51106202

look up ISO20022 standard

>> No.51106211

i'll tell you to learn what dollar cost averaging is and why it works. consider a balanced portfolio where most of it is in high market caps and less in low caps. reason being high caps tend to fall less then low caps and low caps tend to rise higher then high caps. so when you get a good pump on your low caps feed that into your high caps and when your low caps drop feed some of the high caps into the low caps. be less worried about price in usd and more worried about price relative to btc in order to "stack sats". don't buy too many coins its hard to keep track of them, try to be an expert on every coin you do buy in order to keep abreast of whats going on. and don't fall in love with your coins. thats just some basic bitch advice for you.

>> No.51106248

They really don't want us to make it anon. Good luck.

>> No.51106263

he thinks banks will use xrp because the banks use software developed by ripple which also makes xrp. and everytime ripple has a partnership he thinks that means that partner is going to use xrp, but they never do. it's a coin for banks when banks keep saying they're not interested. so they developed some is02022 standard theory which i haven't looked into but its something about how their coin is well positioned in terms of regulation and other coins aren't so banks will choose them. when in reality banks aren't interested at all and if they were they would probably just make their own coin. if i understand correctly, and i'm sure someone will say i don't. xrp has a big court case right now though, if you know your legal stuff and speculate they could win the case then when they finally do you'll get a big pump in theory, or a big dump if they lose so there is an xrp trade to be made there either way. personally i don't like xrp because so many retards buy it thinking ripple partnerships are xrp partnerships and ripple does nothing to correct that common misunderstanding because it pumps their coin.

>> No.51106265
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>> No.51106288

>Getting filtered this easily

yeah dont buy XRP man its a scam! lol

>> No.51106296

wow, you've convinced me i'm totally wrong about everything with your poignant argument, buying 10k worth of xrp now. thanks!

>> No.51106306

post screenshot or I dont believe you

>> No.51106317

Are you fucking running a class here for plebs to understand this?They don't deserve it.

>don't fall in love with your coins
This is the major problem with traders. They are emotionally attached to a project, and some are shoddy projects with no future.

>> No.51106331
File: 26 KB, 600x450, DACCDA35-5E0C-44A6-B3CF-ABE8312DFD7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG /biz/ here, I have $1M in crypto, and about that much tied up on bankrupt lending platforms. (Also profits taken into real estate, normie stonks and a truck.)

My chief holdings are ETH, ADA and BTC. Also have some DOT and KSM. Holdings I have that are more of a gamble for bigger appreciation are COTI, ATOM, and SAND.
And I have assorted bags of BNB, MATIC and GLMR.
I am making passive income holding ADA, MATIC, ATOM, DOT and KSM, all while holding them in self custody.

Hail victory.

>> No.51106354
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>is02022 standard theory which i haven't looked into
Kek you probably should anon.
Not saying XRP is the play because of it. That's all speculation.

>> No.51106382

XRP will go to like $500 in November 2022 when its gonna replace Swift

>> No.51106409

Why on earth will I give in to XRP now? I will wait for everything to be in their favor before considering it. From a tech and utility standpoint,it has what it takes towitness adoption, including the likes of Geeq and Ocean.

>> No.51106416

>I will buy after it already pumped

great strategy, good luck anon

>> No.51106429

Chainlink is a protocol for incentivising truth and integrity of data via game theory. This data is fed into smart contracts which are settled on ‘settlement layers’ ie. blockchain. From a sufficiently chainlinked world emerges the truth machine. Real world phenomena and their symbolic representations become one as first and third party testimony become equivalent - an economy which progressively cedes its coordination to trustless autonomous agents.

The utility function of capital maximises itself through infinitely expanding access to economic outcomes. Feedback loop positive oriented cybernetics to infinity and the singularity emerges.

All protocols are digital rituals.
Ari Juels

>> No.51106431

i think fewer people are in love with their coins then it seems. people will say "diamond hands" and "hodl to the moon" and all that out of a desperation to find exit liquidity so they can sell and then instead buy whatever coin they're actually interested in and then not tell anyone what they're buying until they want to sell it then they say its the best thing ever and they love it, to get rid of it while they buy something else. sure some people, ok probably a lot, are stupid and do fall in love with their coins for real but how do you separate that from all the scammers trying to pump for an exit price?

>> No.51106445
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C'mon retard, are you considering the CS and mcap before giving such an exaggerated projection?

>> No.51106448

I'm a baggie still waiting for my Flare kek. Just not entirely convinced.

>> No.51106472
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Alright, well now that you guys mention it, I see quite a lot of threads in the catalog about XRP right now. Like a overwhelming amount. What’s the deal? Is this like a advertising campaign going on here that just also made it to my own thread in the form of suggestions? Or is this a coin people talk about the most on here on a daily basis? Is that popular? Looking at the charts, If I understand it straight, XRP is like the #3 actual crypto right? Because the other ones between Etherum and XRP are like special coins? Meaning not traditional projects.

>> No.51106507

i'll also say coin price doesn't matter. market cap matters not the coin price. supply matters, how many coins there are relative to the cost of the coin. also how much of that coin is circulating supply and how much is yet to be released and on what schedule its releasing.

but so many retards and noobs will buy the coin with the most zeros in front of it after the decimal, which is why nearly all the dogcoins have so many zeroes. it baits retail investors and noobs who imagine the price will go to 2k when their shitcoin flips eth or whatever and then they'll be trillionaires.

may also want to keep track of vc investments and when their coins are unlocked to sell and what they bought at. for example with icp the vcs bought in at like 3 cents so when it pumped they all sold dumping it hard.

>> No.51106511

>Market cap in crypto

ok so you are actually a braindead nigger

if you think market cap in crypto is a thing im not even gonna try spoonfeeding you

>> No.51106513

>great strategy
I know, right? There is no room for further losses.

>> No.51106526

XRP fags usually stay in their general. Last day or two they've branched out. Probably shills.

>> No.51106543

Buy an inkfoxdao nft

>> No.51106561

they've had a massive community for years of retail noobs who bought in because of all the zeroes after the decimal and because "muh partnerships" with ripple that i mentioned earlier. so there's this huge base of normies attracting more normies etc etc and they call themselves xrp army. so youtubers and social media influencers learned to cater to xrp army for views and clicks and not to piss them off because they'll swarm with downvotes and fud on their haters. its popularity on 4chan is also involving wild conspiracy theories since thats what sells here.

>> No.51106586

Kek not wrong. I bought because of the spiritual white boy meme.

>> No.51106598

there is always room for further losses. people like to buy the rumour and sell the news so when you buy the pump after the good news thinking its gonna pump more you'll probably get a dump.

>> No.51106605
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if you want to be a truly good investor you have to leave all of those boards behind, and ignore 90% of this board, too.
i suppose you can go back to /x/ later to chuckle at some ghost stories, but the ideas and philosophies and attitudes of all four of those? they're for children. let it go. you need to follow your own inner voice to place your faith where it belongs, in jesus. if you need a social group to lift, you are insecure. arguing politics is beneath the investor, who uses others' ideological myopia to profit. and you don't have time for fantasy anymore, faggot.
you've got 10-K's to read.

>> No.51106619


>> No.51106625

You think XRP will hit $500.
Kek,do the maths before saying shit. What will the mcap be at $500, given the current CS of 49.5 billion? If I can remember, it's not a deflationary asset. Retard.

>> No.51106644

very nice, i had an idea for this exact website years ago but was too lazy and unskilled to pull it off. nicely done.

>> No.51106647

>Still believing market cap in crypto

How the fuck can anyone still be this fucking dumb?


>> No.51106666

can you explain yourself? or is this just cope?

>> No.51106687

>integrity of data
This is becoming a thing, and I believe projects with such a solution are most likely to embrace adoption. Enterprises are showing aninterest in this aspect because of the security and efficiency it brings.

>> No.51106691

Spoonfeeding season is over but because you got quads I will for this time

SWIFT moves around $5 trillion dollars per day. $5 trillion divided by 100 billion XRP = $50 dollars per XRP, and this is assuming that SWIFT owned all the supply.

XRP will handle much more than SWIFT; it will eliminate the need for nostro accounts (worth $27 trillion), tap into the $2.7 quadrillion global transfer market, as well as interact with other blockchains and technologies. In other words, if XRP’s price was low, it wouldn’t be able to handle the trillions/quadrillions within its 100 billion coins.

XRP will likely be pegged to precious metals and/or a basket of assets to make the price even more stable and liquid over time, likely by governments, central banks, and institutions like the IMF.

Market cap is the multiplication of last trading price x circulating supply.

In other words, someone could create a coin with a 100 billion supply and buy a few of the coins for $11 dollars and its market cap would exceed a trillion dollars. Does this mean that a trillion dollars have been pumped into the coin? No, not even a hundred dollars, yet its market cap is over a trillion. This simple example illustrates how naïve market cap discussions are when it comes to crypto.

XRP’s price will be determined by utility, not by market cap. For example, SWIFT moves around $5 trillion dollars per day. $5 trillion divided by 100 billion XRP = $50 dollars per coin, and this is assuming that SWIFT owned all the supply. XRP is going after more than just SWIFT, it is going after a $2.7+ quadrillion market. Market cap means nothing.

>> No.51106695

massreply fags need the rope

>> No.51106781

>ctrl+f zuzimhXr

>> No.51106875
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>spiritual white boy meme
Now you're piquing my interest

>> No.51106883

>Spoonfeeding season is over
says the guy who copied and pasted that argument (you didn't write all that in a minute 30 seconds). you were waiting to copy and paste it but you first wanted to pretend like you weren't going to say anything about it until it was dragged out of you so as not to appear a shill. its a great tactic, you're clearly a pro, but wait longer next time before posting will make it seem more organic.

>Market cap is the multiplication of last trading price x circulating supply.
which matters because if the market cap is high that means it takes more money to make it go higher or lower percentage wise. which is why market cap matters in terms of pumping and dumping potential.

>someone could create a coin with a 100 billion supply and buy a few of the coins for $11 dollars and its market cap would exceed a trillion dollars.
ok you got me. thats something to think about in terms of marketcaps maybe not mattering as much as i thought. but i wonder why nobody as done this already, for the lols at the very least.

as for the rest of what you're saying about how everyones going to use xrp, i don't know about any of that. food for thought at the very least. but it all sounds wildly optimistic and grandiose. but a lot of it makes sense actually, if xrp did replace swift it would need a higher price just to work at all. maybe you have something there

>> No.51106896
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If the market widely believes that $50 XRP is possible, the best it will do is $20, because buyers will dry up since they’ll only be chasing a 2X, while crypto has many other 10X or more available. Then holders will also front-run the dump well before those levels are achieved.

$500 is an absolute fantasy, ignoring market cap is one of the copes they use to maintain the illusion.

>> No.51106913
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Based? Thanks for the life advice, coach. My life is pretty good, i was just hoping to get some recommendations today, but i appreciate the genuine effort anon. ty, Christ is King.

>> No.51106918

oooh look at you big boy all smart and grown up

>> No.51106958

Helium webcrawler application is a good tool to use if you ever want to scrape a site in the future btw.

>> No.51106985

i think the idea is less about investors and more about banks just dumping the trillions in daily just to move around and transfer payments. and if they dumped their 5 trillion a day into it thats where the price would be.

>> No.51106997

I don't even remember anon. It was long ago. I'm not to keen on XRP and don't really follow it.
>you didn't write all that in a minute 30 seconds
If he did he was typing at 210wpm kek. Well spotted.

>> No.51107039
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>Market cap means nothing.
You are making the case that the market cap is justified, not meaningless. Fine, but it’s still a long shot, as Feb 24 and subsequent events have proven. SWIFT is walking dead, but what comes next? No one will sign up for a replacement that will cut them off for acting in their national interest. Countries are scrambling to get into BRICS, and currency is one of the reasons. Unless you believe that BRICS itself wants actual Ripple, don’t buy it. BRICS could just fork it and run it themselves. Neither the collective west nor BRICS are going to lavish trillions on XRP baggies.

>> No.51107077
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These are my picks. If you can only get 3 I’m telling you to go for ETH, MATIC, and LINK, but consider throwing $500 into ALBT for a make it stack. It’s a micro cap and that’s all you’ll need long term. If you want privacy on the Ethereum network Railgun is a necessity and is also low marketcap. Quant is based as fuck and will pop off with LINK. But ETH, MATIC, and LINK are the safest 3 long term. Go 30% ETH, 20% MATIC, and 50% LINK. Good places to buy are Coinbase advanced trading, Kraken, KuCoin, and DeFi like Uniswap. Drop discord and I’ll add you to give more advice later.

>> No.51107087

buuuut according this this

swift doesn't move 5 trillion a day
>So far, 3,500 banks have signed up, and they move $300 billion a day over the service, roughly half of Swift’s total daily volume.

which would place daily swift transfers at 600billion not 5 trillion as the xrp shills claim

what am i missing here?

with xrps 100 billion supply that would put coin price at $6. a mere 17x from its current price. and thats a big gamble i think that the entire global money supply is going to be transferred using xrp

>> No.51107108

don't take advice on picks before learning everything you can about crypto, how it works, and its potential use-cases. after you do that, be very wary towards any advice you receive here. you're better off on your own

>> No.51107130
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>> No.51107248

Don’t discount hype. It is only one metric but not an unimportant one.

>> No.51107290
File: 62 KB, 1000x1000, LINK HBAR ICP trifecta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend HBAR, ICP and LINK. They have such great technology that they will be around in the next bullrun with 100% certainty.

The truth is that most coins will go up in the next market, so you'll probably be fine if you choose a more known coin to invest in. Even Dogecoin will most likely pump.

>> No.51107356

ICP and Link are scams

HBAR can still have a nice pump yes

But XRP is the standard

>> No.51107359
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I'm trying to get a few recommendations from anons to research myself. I know to stay away from non official coins, or i guess "shit coins". i am legitimately expecting to wire the funds next week and make my first purchase probably early sept. I really appreciate everyone's input so far though, tyvm anons ITT
So far, here is the list of things to research:
>Saturn ^
secondary list

Also, to anyone here with an opinion, what is the Internet Computer? I heard the name last year from a coworker, but that guy got fired and now i see it somewhat mentioned on biz. Doesn't look like it's doing too hot though honestly, but I just watched this video and holyshit it sounds pretty cool desu.

>> No.51107416

Kek you faggot well poisoner.
BEL anon.

ICP is amazing tech, shit tokenomics. It'll probably pump like crazy one day though.

>> No.51107434

1. MOST IMPORTANT RULE: BROWSE THE ENTIRE CATALOG AND DO NOT BROWSE YOUR CHOSEN SHITCOIN ALONE: when you inevitably settle on a shitcoin or chosen shitcoins, you’ll start ignoring and filtering out the rest of the board, THIS IS AN EXTREMELY BAD IDEA AND THE CATALOG ALWAYS HAS ALPHA. to counter this: ALWAYS BROWSE the whole board in its entirety in between you browsing your chosen coins THIS ENSURE YOU KEEP UP WITH THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS AND POSSIBLY NEW 1000x SHILLINGS
2. coins to avoid: xrp, gme, precious metals, stock market general, bbby, chainlink
even newfags will know right away that these coins are for retards, except chainlink, BEWARE CHAINLINK they are 2017 old fags trying to dupe newfags into buying their bags and have far higher quality shilling though their token has dumped since 2020 and have successfully managed to make newfags buy their bags, WATCH OUT FOR CHAINLINK YOU WILL SEE IT OFTEN jannies will eventually ban them in due time
when you find your coin/coins use the search function in the top right corner or boards.4chnnel.o rg/search to search your coin for the last 2 weeks of posting to see if it’s worth buying and use archived.moe for older posts (archived.moe doesn’t have search, wakarmasen used to be the go-to archive but it got taken down by glowies)
Even the 1 post no reply shitposts have valuable information no matter how stupid it might be

well that’s it the 4 steps above are a good step to mastering biz.
hope you follow it and find your coins to buy.
you’re in an icp thread, but I won’t shill icp, instead I’ll shill bitcoin and ethereum, the two biggest coins which absolutely everybody even boomers regard as solid blue chips. all other coins including icp you’ll have to do your own research and see if it’s worth investing in

>> No.51107457

copied and pasted this from an icp thread. ignore the icp stuff, the rest is good advice

>> No.51107470

this but ignore all chainlink threads that shit is a scam

>> No.51107478

Pretty solid advice and I definitely agree that those are the 3 most solid picks. I can tell you are high IQ. Can I ask your opinion on Uni? Seems like a good buy at these prices. Seems like the king of defi.

>> No.51107489

icp (internet computer) is frightening and dystopian

hbar is governed by a coubcil of globohomo corporations

iota is also a frightening coin trying to create "smart cities" starting with building a smart city in africa which sounds insane. microtransactions and total surveillance on everything.

not sure why /biz/ has such a hardon for evil coins. i feel the desire to fud these coins simply because i don't like what they're doing.

>> No.51107521
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No precious metals? hmm, ya i'm going to stop you right there anon. I invested in Gold/Silver in 2020 and I expect those to do extremely well this decade. I don't see how there could be any negative sentiment towards literal Gold and Silver. It baffles me.

>> No.51107539

fuck off boomer

>> No.51107596
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So, now I not only have to learn about crypto as a whole, but I have to research coins recommended to me ITT using various mediums of information gathering, plus every single coin mentioned in every single thread on this board, while also simultaneously factoring in the psychological warfare going on subtly attempting to lead me astray from multiple angles by bad actors, but i also now I have to consider the morality of the coins/projects themselves? This seems like quite the task for me today, I guess i'll pop an addy and get to work... You guys are stressing me out, I need a morning drink already

>> No.51107606

>not sure why /biz/ has such a hardon for evil coins. i feel the desire to fud these coins simply because i don't like what they're doing.
I agree with you in spirit, but in practice, what do you think is going to happen? It's not going to be as simple as Rowdy Roddy Piper shooting a satellite dish to reveal to the world what is really happening, and the scales then fall from everybody's eyes. Look how most people lined up for the fucking jab. They'll drag you down with them into microwave city pod world if you're not careful. Best you can hope for is to sell then gtfo to somewhere out of their sphere of influence, if there is any such place left on Earth. Otherwise you're destined for the pod and the mandatory euthanasia but hey, at least you didn't sell out, right?

>> No.51107624
File: 82 KB, 1058x636, WhatsApp Image 2022-08-25 at 9.38.53 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quai Network is going to $1000 in the next bullrun. It is the TRUE ETHEREUM 2.0. Quai uses a dynamic set of blockchains that can infinitely scale with increasing demand. Through this use of a unique multi-chain architecture, Quai Network establishes itself as the fastest, most secure blockchain on the planet, creating THE ONLY decentralized solution that scales to all global commerce

>> No.51107639

yeah it's pretty annoying, but you seem to get it. already putting you ahead of all the retards who haven't even figured out yet what you just said.

>> No.51107664

honestly just follow rule 1 and rule 3 which is the search function which is browse the catalog heavily and use the search function
browse the catalog heavily for at least 1 - 2 weeks
never use filters
you’ll eventually figure out the trash from the gold

>> No.51107671

Don't get fudded out of LINK anon.
Honestly, search archives. Bitcoin, ETH, LINK.
Uni has no use. It's a shitcoin which lots of us got airdropped 400 of. I'd be amazed if anyone is still holding it.

>> No.51107676

I am unironically a 30/yo boomer, but with all due respect anon, Gold and Silver have been money for 4,000+ years and I don't expect to see that change in my lifetime. It's not even a question, if you think those are stupid investments, maybe its biz who needs to get informed.

Wise words from a boomer
>Make new friends, but keep the old.
>One is Silver and the other Gold.

>> No.51107697

then buy your dystopia coins and sell them for profit. as if there were no other opportunities in crypto. but don't shill for them. we vote with our dollar and you're voting for dystopia to make a buck even though you don't have to. do what you want i just don't understand how anyone can be a fanboy for this shit unless they don't really understand it or they want dystopia.

>> No.51107729

there’s a reason it’s called boomer rocks, boomer. fuck off back to pol or wherever you came from

>> No.51107740

gold is a way to preserve wealth not make it. takes years for a 2x pump or dump. meh. some people have conspiracy theories about how gold will pump when the world collapses in 2 weeks but i mean come on.

>> No.51107743
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I like your thought process anon. Which 3 coins do you recommend to me?

>> No.51107744

oh shit you’re the OP? fucking lmao

>> No.51107789

It got shilled on national television by talking heads while it was at it's peak.
Now here we are, half a decade later, with hundreds of bagholders coping on our board. I remember when they used to deny being schizos

>> No.51107803

read uniswap whitepaper, and you will understand why its a better hold than link. Uniswap has actual revenua that can be triggered by 1 click. chainlink is just burning money 24/7 until it runs out.

>> No.51107838

Please dont baghold metals, they are like +9% in 10 years while everry single shit stock is up 900%. and if we add crypto to the equation...

>> No.51107860


>> No.51107906
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>its a better hold than link

>> No.51107941

anon, uniswap has more volume than fucking coinbase. they have a functionailty to drain % from fees from all the liquidity pools in the DEX and distributhem them equally to UNI holders. holding UNI will be better than holding any kind of dividend asset in the world.
meanwhile, chainlink token is not needed.

>> No.51108000

HEX. stake (meaning lock up in exchange for interest) for 3-5 years on hedron.pro

>> No.51108069
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Although I'm a Hedera maxi, I have to agree. HEX will also be a good hold for the coming time and it is very cheap right now.

>> No.51108082

I have been on the receiving end of a lot of advice today, for which I am genuinely grateful. That said, let me bestow some to you fine lads. These videos, however BOOOMER they may seem, are what convinced me to buy G/S in the first place. I invested a large sum of my money into it and i did so without hesitation. I can understand the frustration of maybe not having a lot of money to invest enough in to make a worthwhile profit, but if you have money just sitting in a savings, its better to store that in G/S. I have browsed this board maybe 3 times in the last 5 years, so i'm not sure if your take on precious metals is a reflection of biz itself, or just your personal anecdotal opinions, but to state it clearly: Gold and Silver are quite literally the only true forms of money that have existed in this world since the beginnings of civilization. Try not to think of G/S from a FoxNews commercial boomer tier gimmick, but as a genuine asset class that you are not seeing.


>> No.51108099

he bought gold? kys.

>> No.51108110
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Go back weak chud

>> No.51108150

>uniswap has more volume than fucking coinbase
No it doesn't
>they have a functionailty to drain % from fees from all the liquidity pools in the DEX and distributhem them equally to UNI holders
Why would liquidity providers hang around then?
>holding UNI will be better than holding any kind of dividend asset in the world.
Sounds too good to be true!
>chainlink token is not needed
And here's the fud I talk of OP

>> No.51108210


Well said

>how do you separate that from all the scammers trying to pump for an exit price?

It's obvious to spot. very obvious, and I avoid projects the Dev is selling a major allocation. That's a red flag.

>> No.51108236

you are down 90% vs eth since 2020
you have crashed from $50 to $7 in 2021

you won’t answer the fud instead you’ll start reeing and kvetching

OP although you’re a boomer beware of chainlink shills they’re literally worse than precious metal shills and are XRP 2.0

now watch link shill deflect or reply with his 100 sock puppet accounts to defend shit investment of 5 years

>> No.51108266

Idk why that anon is so anti link. I hold both. Link is my largest gold. Uni is my smallest. But I still accumulate Uni when I am waiting for Link purchases to clear on exchange so I can move to my wallet. Both will hopefully take me from poorfag to make it fag in a few years.

>> No.51108286

With the good risk management I imbibe, I don't think that will surface again, though I'm not at loss in anyway. Still up in the game.

>> No.51108302

>chainlink token is not needed
Is that a statement saying the coin itself is not necessary for the project to work? I know these are not stocks, but is the price of a coin not correlated to the success of a project always? i dont see how those could be independent variables, but i'll listen to replies.

>> No.51108317


Chainlink = Scam

>> No.51108330

one man holds 90% of hex
thats bad. its a cult of personality coin backed by mental gymnastics

>> No.51108338

they’re xrp 2.0
anything else is cope

just buy btc/eth until you have done solid research and then buy some other coins with a small proportion of your money

>> No.51108353

You'll see these guys a lot OP if you hang around.
They're here 24/7 spamming fud.

>> No.51108378

nothing will be XRP 2.0

XRP will always be 1

>> No.51108401

like clockwork the link shill comes and defends his shit investment

>> No.51108402

i understand that gold is natures money. but i'm trying to make a worthwhile profit over here. nothing personal. if i was rich i'd buy some gold to diversify but i'm not so there's no point.
>if you have money just sitting in a savings
i'm not retarded so i don't have a savings account to get raped by inflation. sure id rather gold then that.

>> No.51108417
File: 19 KB, 480x304, 555A8ECB-BB49-46A2-8D36-8E6CA7097964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down 90%
>held since 2013
>people actually genuinely and legitimately still hold XRP
fucking KEK!

>> No.51108435

I bought in around 20cents

>> No.51108460
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I'll let Vitalik explain for me. In his proposal for UNI to become an oracle, because that cuck saw the writing on the wall and didn't want to bend the knee.
>Decentralized price oracles (at least, if they want to avoid dependence on an identity layer) need to have a token for sybil-resistance. Holders of the token are asked what the price is, and typically an economic mechanism is introduced where those who provide the majority answer are rewarded and those who provide the minority answer are penalized.
>If the majority of token holders are corrupted, they can successfully impose an incorrect answer, and at that point it’s up to the minority holders to create a fork of the system where the attackers’ coins are zeroed out and convince the community to prefer the fork from that point forward. The cost of such an attack is thus half the market cap of the token, minus some amount to account for very lazy holders who are not willing to participate in a vote even in an extreme emergency that could cost them their coins.

Now look at pic rel.

>> No.51108461

A side bag of XDC or Algorand.

>> No.51108472

If you don't know shit, then stick to Bitcoin. If you want to get into altcoins, try twitter or discord groups. Biz will just turn you into a coping bagholder.

>> No.51108493

and still held 4 years plus. you and link are literal retards.

actually I change my mind, it’s you. link only held for 4 years, you’ve held for 5 years plus

>> No.51108525

I think the only people feeling like retards are the ones missing out on it when XRP switch is gonna be flipped

>> No.51108635

Sorry, yes that's the implication they make. When you prove them wrong you'll be astonished as the next thread they appear as if the previous conversation had never happened. Slowly, I began to hate them.

>> No.51108986

invest in BTC if you are only interested in the money and dont care about the gov being able to track, trace, and tax your money.
Invest in ETH if you like our current top down economic system and are banking on it continueing in the future, but in a slightly dif form, also trackable and traceable and taxable.
Invest in XMR if you actually believe ina the crypto cypherpunk ethos of uncensorable permissionless digital money/medium of value transfer. not trackable or taxable.

>> No.51109017


yeah dont listen to this dude

go for XRP or XLM

>> No.51109422

Uni is a solid investment

>> No.51109464

>Why those coins specifically? >>51106108 Are they related to each other?

that guy listed all the low iq schizo coins lmao

>> No.51109568


>> No.51109760

Also OP I don’t know if anyone mentioned this before but GET A HARDWARE WALLET. Not your keys not your coins. Leaving them on an exchange means that they can halt withdrawals whenever they want. A software hot wallet is always at risk of being hacked. Spend a few hundred on a good Trezor or Ledger wallet, and only buy from the official website to avoid scam devices. I’ve heard good things about Keystone as well but haven’t used one.

>> No.51109809

bitcoin. simple as.

>> No.51109989
File: 42 KB, 693x496, 1653563408767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, Make your search on Sylo, one of the tokens that has integrated web3 in it's ecosystem.
that's all I could tell you for now

>> No.51110109

I have 8 dollars in my bank. HOW DO I TURN IT INTO 80 AND THEN 800 AND THEN 8000 AND THEN 80,000 AND THEN 800,000

>> No.51110130

I would recommend reading this:
and finding the rest of it through an archive

it was cb@marwolwarl's old tweet chain before he made his account private. he wrote a good top-down analysis of crypto and you can probably find the rest of it through some means of searching. most of the posts on here are going to shill you bullshit because that's part of the crypto game.

to summarize it:
>most cryptos are scams
>most crypto websites are bullshit
>it's a matter of finding a good coin that can be shilled through a good narrative, doing your research through telegrams and twitter
>you have to be absolutely obsessed with it

>> No.51110138


>> No.51110159

Starting a company that produces kneepads would be a great idea, will you invest?

>> No.51110282

Ride for the time being, most gaming gems are safu, and Ride still hasn't matured yet, i think it's gonna hit good time in the coming bull season.