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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 1118x1426, BB935BC9-2DCD-4DE8-B9AC-8516B07EC760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51104723 No.51104723 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t this you?

>> No.51104738

I'm not a npc

>> No.51104765

I have more money than you will ever see in your lifetime. I can make more money than you will ever see in your lifetime.

>> No.51104823

Don't want to dress like a bitch. Already rich off my bags of matic. I wear whatever the fuck I want. fuck NPCs bruv

>> No.51104827

Do none of these retards know of an iron?

>> No.51104832

it is me, and I'm proud

>> No.51104833

They're all single so no woman to iron for them.

>> No.51104836

>those shoes
The fuck?

>> No.51104840

because I am not a fucking wagie

>> No.51104843

Nothing wrong with dressing "nice" (though every single one of these faggots has the 'im forced to wear this look'). Wear some real shoes, dipshits.

>> No.51104847

I'll never understand adults wearing sneakers

>> No.51104851

That's cause they're probably tech bros, finance bros wear outfits that cost thousands. Look at the fucking shoes!!

>> No.51104866

I don't need to, or want to.

>> No.51104960

You can look nice without spending a lot of money. These guys simply dont give a single fuck. Its childish and embarrassing.

>> No.51105005

I'll rather feel comfy wearing a pair of sneakers at work than some uncomfortable business shoes.

>> No.51105010

good thing your opinion in life is irrelevant and doesnt matter. imagine being so pathetic (homosexual) you eye fuck males to judge their outfits. is this the new homosexual flex?

>> No.51105013
File: 60 KB, 563x1000, 997b08a8d833988619ef9e6cea4233d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a faggot

>> No.51105018

faggot manchild

>> No.51105027
File: 14 KB, 394x383, 1639022092448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this you?

>> No.51105034
File: 46 KB, 960x707, 1657140840036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wear nice shoes until my back issues resulted into having to wear special soles and good shoes, which are (expensive) Asics. Other than that I still dress with style. So don't always think some-one wears "sneakers" because they have no style and are plebs. Sometimes they have to because of health reasons..

>> No.51105035

Boomer mindset. I wanna show up in basketball shorts and carry on with my engineering. Enjoy sucking cock following the (((dress code)))

>> No.51105041


read: >>51105034

>> No.51105059

You are a manchild.

>> No.51105065

kys parasite

>> No.51105068

wow what a comeback

>> No.51105094

Their shoe choice is awful, loosening dress codes was a mistake.

>> No.51105099

the industrial revolution was a mistake fucker, no one tells me how to dress

>> No.51105108

Is that people dressed smart for work? NIGGERMAN I AM ONCE AGAIN CALLING ON YOU FOR ASSISTANCE.

>> No.51105113

I dont need to take even a few seconds to come up with a witty comeback on a Chinese silkworm harvesting forum. That anon is a manchild so are you and the way you present yourself is why you will never have a girlfriend, why no one takes you seriously, why no one even likes you, and why your life is going nowhere.

>> No.51105123

wrinkled shirt chudsaaxw4

>> No.51105144

what is this reddit? jesus, ok big deal a few people wear it for health reasons, most of these guys are just forced to be npc plebs and wear the same shit but have no taste so they look like man children.

>> No.51105150
File: 26 KB, 247x459, main-qimg-04648197eea1abc0fdb126cab3c2d188-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are most definitely junior/intern finance bros. Tech bros dress like pic related.

>> No.51105156

I have a gf but nice wall of projection

>> No.51105160
File: 74 KB, 859x687, 1623651970041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for acknowledging your handicapped brethren. Heil Hitler.

>> No.51105166

asics are for mining bitcoin, not for your feet anon. no wonder your back hurts

>> No.51105175

You just sound bitter and probably speak in a way where everyone listening detects slight passive aggressiveness and need to read. You are calling him a man-child for not being one of the boys in the adult lunch line.

>> No.51105179

Much comfier

>> No.51105178

Normie. If you actually care about your body then take the Mizuno pill, retard.

>> No.51105252

why do fully grown employed men wear sneakers and tight fitting pants

>> No.51105255

Business casual ruined an entire generation of gen xers

>> No.51105293

Wtf ive never seen anyone where sneakers with buisness dress. Do americans really?

>> No.51105363

They’re comfy all around and I don’t give a fuck what /fa/ spergs think. Walking around in uncomfortable dress shoes in situations that dont warrant them is peak NPC

>> No.51105399

Tight fitting pants have been normal for many years now. It both feels and looks good. Only people who complain about it are fatasses

>> No.51105413

Also if you take a second look at the picture, the only one wearing dress shoes and loose fitting pants is the fatass in the middle

>> No.51105424

yep, that's how we dress. hr roasties can get fucked. i ain't wearing no shitty suit.

>> No.51105440

Literally me except I get to wear a t-shirt

>> No.51105442

rofl i wish some-one told me sooner.
I'll take the word of a fysiotherapist, a neurologist and a ultramarathon runner over yours lol.

>> No.51105444

Why are all their shirts too big?

>> No.51105449

Forgot the podiatrist. Asics are great if you buy the expensive ones..

>> No.51105505


>> No.51105544

Get a comfortable pair of leather shoes then.

>> No.51105609

back issues from sitting down 90% of the time ?
how about doing various core exercises instead
of consoooming le Asics.

>> No.51105624

>business shoes

Holy fuck my sides

>> No.51105631

Why? If you’re going to set by your desk and slave away on a computer it doesnt matter what the fuck kind of shoes you’re wearing. Nice shoes are only needed if you’re going to be attending meetings with clients. Only cringelords are fashion maxxing in a regular office setting

>> No.51105652

i'm an absolute poorfag and even i would scrape together enough money for a tailored shirt to not look fucking embarrassing. these plebs just grabbed a shirt with collar in one of 3 sizes from walmart and just left it at that.

>> No.51105654

didn't read /fa/ wagie
don't care about norms
yall is gay lol

>> No.51105663

it's not like a tailor is even that expensive to get a shirt fitted

>> No.51105699

>Tight fitting pants have been normal for many years now.

so has having your genitals surgical removed and having a pair of tits sewn on, but its still ridiculous. wear clothes that fit you.


>feels good

>> No.51105726

t. fatass who is embarrassed to be the only one walking around in a tent suit from the 1980s to hide his fat flaps

>> No.51105842

Tech bros dont wear shirts, if i go to work in a tanktop with surfer shorts and flipflops none would bat an eye. On the other hand finance bros definetly has a 'culture' of jerking themselves of to clothes and brands and shit. Pretty gay imo but you do you.

.t tech bro

>> No.51105885

>this is what happens when you don’t grow up going to church

>> No.51105956

Honestly, ngl, gonna say this is the least gay way possible:
He looks super comfy
I dress like this in the fall but not to work :(

>> No.51105985

I wear button up shirts to work and try to be quite professional looking when I can just turn up in a t-shirt and shorts. It's about impressions people! You want people to look at you and think "damn, he is on-top of his shit". That way they don't know you drank 12 beers the night before and turn up stoned everyday.

>> No.51106023

If you work downtown, sometimes the cheapest parking you can find is like a mile from the office so you keep your good shoes at your desk and change them at the office.
I have a wfh job now, and wouldn't change it for the world. It took me all of 10 seconds to get out of bed and walk to my computer. The best part is being able to shit in peace without having a coworker hop into the stall next to you.

>> No.51106086

If somebody made a thread of a bunch of npcs wearing well fitted shirts and dress shoes then 90% of the responses here would be calling them wage cucks.

>> No.51106114

i used to wear dockers, a button up, and dress shoes to work every day at my old job. it's gay as hell.

>> No.51106129

my new job is wfh. ive built financial statements for 11 figure a year entities in a cum stained undershirt and ratty sweatpants.

>> No.51106206
File: 108 KB, 1080x1080, 1657905446816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WFH cucks don't know the joy I experience.
>Webcam off
>Browse the web, 4chan, hacker news
>Rocket league from time to time
>Jerk off anytime I want
>Speak for maybe 15 minutes on client calls, of which there is maybe 1 per day
>T. 250k+ a year enterprise software sales, pay be higher if Q4 is as good as I think it's going to be.
>Cash and cash equivalents gang
>Sex wrestling gang
Fuck it's good to be part of the privileged class.

>> No.51106216

I do 3 days from home and do the same (well cum stained boxers why is your shirt covered). I've found that normies are so shallow that it's better to just use it to your advantage.

>> No.51106233

I think you mean office cucks.
Fuck I hate chicks who try to be dudes. Put a skirt on and get dainty bitch.

>> No.51106240

Meant to say non-WFH, lol

F2F meetings, whether they are virtual or in person, are 90% a waste of time. Most people are all talk and no action. You can accomplish the same results in less time with chat apps like Teams.

>> No.51106258

Because I wear air forces

>> No.51106277

Yeah. I am still drinking my morning coffee, watching the markets on the Berg.

To each their own. I like slightly masculine fit chicks, they are way more fun in bed, they also need way less maintenance than the typical femoid

>> No.51106405

Never fucked one but you've got me intrigued now. Fair call.

>> No.51106478

doing what exactly

>> No.51106539

I miss the 90s pants look to be honest. I still can't believe the tight work pants is still popular. I don't think it looks good.

>> No.51106546

Enjoy back, knee, and hip issues

>> No.51106591

Fuck ironing. Hate that shit.

>> No.51106681

I WFH and wear whatever the fuck I want. Today I worked in my boxers and a Gunbuster shirt.

>> No.51106699


>> No.51106822
File: 70 KB, 640x639, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skate shoes or sneakers I can handle.
But wearing running shoes with dress pants is pretty passé

>> No.51106834

Because I iron my shirts.

>> No.51106898

I hate everything about this picture especially the background and the brown guy

>> No.51106930
File: 903 KB, 300x200, 1655402605974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got off work early today
>Go on 4channel
>Still wearing my long sleeve shirt, olive khaki's and shoes

>> No.51106938

>wake up forcefully at 7am
>work in your retarded repetitive work for 8 hours

>do this 6 times a week

Wagie? Do you really do this?

>> No.51106942

It's obvious none of them take any pride in their appearance and that they are just required to follow dress code.

>> No.51106945

When I see faggots like this it makes me lose faith in God.

>> No.51106961

The new style is dress shoes with a white rubber sole. I hate this gay earth and every single NPC faggot in it. Please Lord Jesus come again and destroy this gay earth.

>> No.51106988

Is this brazil?

>> No.51107097

Being a faggot.

>> No.51107147

>un-ironed clothing
>no suit jacket
>using phones
>bad posture
>hands in pockets
>can't form a single file line
These soys wont make it.

>> No.51107158

>Not a single ironed shirt
Pro tip: Learn to groom and you're already in the top 10% of males

>> No.51107179

It was, but I worked at a boutique.

>> No.51107181
File: 78 KB, 850x478, 053c5601cde16e8e9c74bc21752582e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex wrestling is addictive. I only achieve maximum arousal if my partner "fights back." But a weak woman isn't capable of playing this way.

>> No.51107186

>that autistic early 20 something striver who sticks out like a sore thumb by dressing and acting like an executive/partner while struggling with entry level tasks

many such cases

>> No.51107207
File: 19 KB, 515x595, 47292948583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomies are bringing baggy pants back!

>> No.51107288

The inner heel and toe upper fall apart in no time.
Used to buy Asics but fuck them nowadays.

>> No.51107322

What's the definitive factor here that makes them autistic? The fact that they take pride in their appearance or the fact that they struggle with entry-level tasks?

>> No.51107385

the fact that they dress like a total faggot, visibly stick out by dressing like a total faggot, and get shit talked behind their back for dressing like a total faggot.

t. worked at a professional services firm and have seen this exact scenario play out numerous times

>> No.51107477

What a good manager would see in a person like that, is ambition

>> No.51107493

No because I dont have a shit job, meaning I can work from home as much as I want (every workday)

>> No.51107530

>jewgle search Mizuno
>top result
>'At Mizuno, we pride-'
Stopped reading right there. Not supporting your fag shoe.

>> No.51107655

There seems to be a damned if you do damned if you don't sentiment in this thread. If a person dresses for their job they're a faggot. If they don't care how they look they are a single onions npc that doesn't care.

>> No.51107709

Does your iron match your purse, ya fucking fairy?

>> No.51107943

I think anon wanted to address junior professionals trying hard to look more professional than they are.
If dress code is not a business requirement, dressing elegantly is using a dress code inappropriate for their level - nice suits cost money and entry levels usually don’t have lots.
On top of that, if they struggle to do entry level stuff, either they are trying hard to look more expert that they are (juniors), or they are showing off an esthetic esthetic symbol they aren’t inherently worthy of (senior idiots)

>> No.51107965

>sneakers to show that they are in fact cool and have a personality, unlike these other npcs

it's over

>> No.51108004

nothing wrong with looking sharp fren

>> No.51108043

i’d rather wear my comfy dress shoes with arches
what’s wrong with these plebs?

>> No.51108045

Based. My best wrestling fucks are either 6'2" Amazons or 5' petite Hispanics

>> No.51108136

because i don’t wear brown shoes

>> No.51108232

The bigger crime is no sport jacket

>> No.51108272
File: 302 KB, 1435x1500, 2ZS6G8Kelgjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped ironing when I started riding my motorcycle to work. Besides, it’s understandable to have wrinkles on your back if you’re setting and moving on a chair all day.

Solution? Don’t buy plain shirts, get unrinkable ones if necessary

>> No.51108442

Based. I've trained my 5'4" azn wife to play the way I like. Even had started her on weightlifting. Ever since, we are both even more /fit/ now and our sex life has gotten really good. She was hesitant at first but now it's our favorite way to play. She calls herself a feminist and in her words loves a "fair fight" in bed. Fucking awesome

>> No.51108921

>Besides, it’s understandable to have wrinkles on your back if you’re setting and moving on a chair all day.
the fact that some many post complain about this says everything.
these are the basement dwellers telling you to buy muh link

>> No.51109104

It's been a trend for several years now, if you look at vidya conferences like The Game Awards, half the presenters pair their suits with sneakers like that and to me it also looks really tacky. I think it's due to influence from sneakerheads; the specific edition of shoe that they're wearing is probably worth a lot of money, but like with watchfags you wouldn't know that unless you were into the same moneysink "hobby" as they are so to most people not in the know it just looks like shit.

Not really sure about the tight pants. I personally don't like them because I'm self-conscious about my dick showing through my pants and always go for more loose fits as a result, but I guess other people like them? They remind me of emo pants from back in the day too.

>> No.51109353

"Sneakerheads" represent the gayest, faggiest, zoomer trend

>> No.51109361

Lol faggot

>> No.51109448
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>> No.51109479
File: 190 KB, 1177x640, 1642897925223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've trained my 5'4" azn wife to play the way I like.

>> No.51109509

>the gayest, faggiest, zoomer trend
Nah, that'd be femboys.

>> No.51109523

>Standing in line for goyslop

Couldn’t be me. If you’re not fasting on a daily you’re most likely an overweight fucking cuck. Simple as.

>> No.51109572


You guys realize that this is just role playing rape right? Lmao at calling it "sex wrestling" and boasting about it online. You could at least grow some balls and own up to the fact that you have rape fantasies. You leddit retards are the reason why there are no more gems to be discovered in biz. IQ is too low

>> No.51109578

>nobody speaking to each other
>on phones or looking at the menu


>> No.51109581

SAVA stock ladies.

>> No.51109613

ironing is for people who identify as women

>> No.51109634

Slaves all lined up in their uniforms

>> No.51109639
File: 45 KB, 680x420, 0da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linus unironically kind of looks like me. I think he married a Filipina though, which I couldn't tolerate.

Hehehe faggot. Hey married life is actual bliss for me and wifey is a big earner for our family. Hope you find the same.

I can't believe "bussy" is a term that has entered our vernacular. More cattle to milk I guess.

>> No.51109640

Nobody gave me good advice on what to study in college. Turns out my family is mainly composed of idiots and I didn't make the right friends in high school. Thank god for BTC.

>> No.51109643

>only knows formal
i guarantee you take yourself extremely seriously at all times

>> No.51109682

Le'Redditors never take what isn't theirs and play by the rules.
They ask permission first to pretend to be men who dominate their girlfriends and wives.

>> No.51109821

There is no reason to be triggered. Of course it's a form of rape fantasy. It works for us, we have rules and safety controls. By the way, from my own experience, many women WANT this -- but only with someone they feel attracted to, and preferably in a safe environment.

>> No.51110177

I dress for comfort not what Reddit tell me to wear. You ever notice the people judging how you dress always dress like shit anyways. Wow your pant go up your ass, congratulations.

>> No.51110224

Because I iron my shirts?

>> No.51110330

time traveler spotted

>> No.51110492

dress shoes is boomer tech, proven garbage by science

>> No.51110809

There's literally nothing wrong with having rape fantasies. Many of your ancestors were rapists and rapees. It's in our genetics at this point.

>> No.51111049

>willingly choosing to NOT be comfy

>> No.51111232

i dont wanna trigger leftists?

>> No.51111261

I work on multimillion Dollar deals regularly, and for the rare occasion which I need to meet a client face to face, I'm not going to wear Skechers.

>> No.51111421

based fatbro

>> No.51111447

Yeah, you're such a unique snowflake.

>> No.51112757

If you weren't wearing shitty suits maybe it wouldn't be so uncomfortable

>> No.51112803
File: 599 KB, 1448x874, 1491738981960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the men of /pol/
>pic related

>> No.51112874

<...pride ourselves in our hatred of fags

>> No.51113015

>wrinkly shirts
What is this? 8th grade?

>> No.51113078

I’m 26 and still wear the clothes I had in high school.

>> No.51113108

Ngl, I was thinking the same thing. And no dress shoes with the fits... yikes

>> No.51113134

Sure they look stupid, but I'd rather look stupid than slip on my pair of loafers with no traction and crack my head open on the tile floor

>> No.51113164
File: 2.68 MB, 384x216, 1660380451972443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so based

>> No.51113351

Skinny fit always looked terrible, but the 2010s popularized tailoring your clothing, which did not happen in the 90s-2000s except for expensive suits. I'll take comfortable 90s clothes that don't look like I wore them right off of the rack

>> No.51113604

If I was them I’d probably wax my soles hoping they put me out of my misery.

>> No.51113637

What are they doing? Standing in line for their morning coffee or something?

>> No.51113784

Others looking like shit is a good thing. The worse the normies look, the less effort you need to put in to mog them and look amazing. If everyone wore a tailored suit you’d blend in to the crowd. Now an ironed shirt puts you far above the rest.

>> No.51114467

don't worry, as poverty increases, all styles consistent with ratty, worn-out hand-me-downs become fashionable, because it's all people can fucking wear

>> No.51114492

The leather uppers with that kind of shitty glued on sole is just an insult.

>> No.51114549

none of these people make 6 figures, you can just tell by the way they dress, inb4 cope and seething NEET loser faggot replies

>> No.51114658

>he thinks 6 figures is a lot
tell me you're poor without telling me you're poor

>> No.51114729

>"Slim fit!", unfaltering slackerinos
>Hair not oiled

>> No.51114893

Ironing? What is that a hobby for faggots?

>> No.51114982
File: 91 KB, 800x800, 1633895755716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She calls herself a feminist and in her words loves a "fair fight" in bed

>> No.51115195
File: 49 KB, 634x536, 344D483F00000578-3595290-image-m-71_1463515229561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because this is me.

>> No.51115292
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 1633018099246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggot fucking shoe selection is the most triggering thing to me, I'd fire everyone one of these wagies and force black dress shoes as the uniform
I'd also chop the guy's fucking hand off with the half ass sleeve rolled up like shit
Absolutely embarrassing seeing these balding gen x/ millenials wearing these faggot fucking sneakers with dress clothing, holy fuck who told these people this is okay

>> No.51115554
File: 96 KB, 640x640, 1661549161780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sleep with wrinkly clothes
>wake up with no wrinkles

>> No.51116015

they're single or worse, in open relationships

>> No.51116095

LMAO you're just a white collar salaryman, your WFH job will be replaced by pajeets with the exact same brainless skillset that you have, you are not smart or talented, if you had any value they would have given you your own private office and you would have face to face meetings with people that matter

>> No.51116150

>wrinkled shirts
>skinny jeans
just wear a suit you goddam morons, no its not uncomfortable. I swear millennials are so retarded

>> No.51116199

you're not qualified to hold an opinion on anything substance, let alone whatever it is you're trying to qualify. move along, nigger retard.

>> No.51116221
File: 6 KB, 300x337, 87lrcb9bkxt31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work from home

>> No.51116246

exactly, learn to use a computer and pay your internet bill, best financial advice on biz

>> No.51117231


>> No.51117263

I want everyone and everything to die, me first

>> No.51117469

>why dont you wear the dork uniform?
Because I'm not some urbane filth pretending to have culture by being a robot.

>> No.51117494


>> No.51117558

If you present yourself like OP's picrel, no one likes you or takes you seriously except for other soulless idiots walking face-first into the urbanite finance meat grinder, the majority of whom are on so many drugs, drinks, and prescriptions to stave off the constant existential dread of being themselves that they aren't conscious enough to realize they could just quit and be happier shoveling dirt around.
It's a very good thing for them they are overpaid, because they have nothing else in their life.

>> No.51117684

It is a sign that they never accepted their place as an adult. They see business dress as something their dad or uncle or grandad did and they feel like imposters.

>> No.51117931
File: 214 KB, 345x336, don-draper-drunk-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of these disgusting faggot slobs getting mad in the replies
They could also find a cheap Asian dry cleaner.

>> No.51117975

>Wear nice shoes for work and professional events
>Wear plain sneakers for casual stuff
The dumbasses in OP's pic got hired at a place that clearly wanted to go with the gay Silicon Valley work casual atmosphere.

>> No.51119904

kek just noticed it's a Sweetgreen, this is a meme picture

>> No.51119913

kys retard

>> No.51120880

What's wrong with link?

>> No.51121430

>im a weak fuck that has lower back pain
damn anon, you sure btfo us

>> No.51121761

Have you cashed out yet?

>> No.51121943

>wear dark blue jeans, undershirt and short or long sleeve shirt with sneakers or boots if it's raining
was that hard?

>> No.51121995

I dress a lot better than these white niggers. Why can't they wear normal shoes? And why do they all have the same "style".

>> No.51122007

>Spineless cuck
I can dance and walk the whole night on my shoes. No need to wear sneakers.

>> No.51122010

>And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death

>> No.51122651
File: 101 KB, 735x1102, 33703b805fadca79b38d17a7d04b94e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how I dress for work.
Basically this is the minimum "business"-like dress code you can get away with in banking without wearing a literal suit.

- The shoes are "ON" shoes, its a high-end runners brand but they also make super comfy walkable shoes. They look like shit though
- Everyone has a pair of leather shoes at work that they can switch into if needed for a client meeting
- Denim pants are more comfy than suit pants plus you dont need to spent $10 just to wash them and if they're black they nearly look like suit pants
- Shirt doesn't get ironed anymore, itll look like shit anyway after a few hours at work

I prefer grey jeans though, doesnt look as dorky as pic related

>> No.51122712

>be IT guy
>been wearing tshirt, shorts and trainers at work all summer
>wear shorts that show my dick really obviously
>girls in the office all want it

>> No.51122853

we're no different from ducks it seems

>> No.51123245
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>> No.51123981

Anon burned you pretty good. Apply water and ice to area with burns.

He got your faggot ass good, you fucking queer

>> No.51124033

holy shit, talk about literal NPC clones.
this is disturbing

>> No.51124050

>wearign a jacket
>carryign another jacket

>> No.51124083

perhaps he murdered a fellow jacket wearer

>> No.51124238

Holy shit, money is really all that matters in your life. This thread is about their lacking fashion sense, you faggot. Money can't buy you that.

>> No.51124260

That other jacket seems to be a coat.

>> No.51124527

>All out of shape.
Thanks God this isn't me.

>> No.51124542

I don't want to right now

>> No.51124576
File: 25 KB, 600x546, daniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They probably did iron it but got sweaty or leaned back in their office chair.

>> No.51124607

Jewish dress is designed to hide the frailness of the body.

>> No.51124684

why do none of these men know how to wear a tucked in shirt properly?

>> No.51124754

It looks better with wrinkles

>> No.51124979

Because I'm me

>> No.51125382

that's the worst part. If they were chatting and enjoying themselves then who cares about the clothes.

>> No.51125415

these are just your typical americans wearing sneakers and sport shoes with a suit. fuck formal wear though, they should be allowed to wear tshirts

>> No.51126814
File: 29 KB, 500x440, cover4-e1654106256396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressing is pressing (pressuring). Ties are chains to your owners. Quite cucking deplorable. Unless modeling attire is irrelevant and should be brought to court as unconstitutional a demand. But then you fools address criminals as they request (honor is nowhere near the judiciary) and said criminal wears a fucking cape like he's Batman. One should not be surprised.

>> No.51128557

Based bro, also in software sales making 250k+ a year and working from home

Spend 90% of my day playing valorant, practicing guitar, watching tv, working out, 4chan, etc.

Do my 1 client call of the day and some 1:1's and then go back to chilling

>> No.51128737
File: 41 KB, 576x747, Tom-Keene-headshot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day starts
>i'm in shorts and a t-shirt, coffee in hand, watching Bloomberg surveillance
>Check the work emails
>Reply to my inner circle about the deals that actually matter
>Get 100 invites to internal "look at me" bullshit meetings that don't really matter
>Click "tenative" to all of them. Nobody asks but if they do I just tell them I'm with a customer or prepping for one
>Back to /biz/, watch the markets, maybe snack time, play games or exercise or even get a little bit high if it's late afternoon.

Fuck, life is good. The funny part is that the labor supply is so bad, my job is guaranteed thanks to my skills and relatively young age. I've seen what others can do and it takes even masters-degree educated talent 2+ years to achieve competency, if they don't wash out before then.

>> No.51129384

you can do all that and still have no money. you're missing out lot of things if you have money. poor thing.

>> No.51131019

Because all my IB friends washed out and are alcoholics despite getting Bachelors and Masters in Finance or a related field.
t. comfy middle manager at a manufacturing plant making just short of 6 figs

>> No.51131713


That is not the 90s phat look.

>> No.51131751

I was in the airport yesterday, a bunch of arrogant looking wagies sat down next to me wearing OP pic exact attire, internally kekd when I realize I make 2x what they make without going through all that posturing corpo bullshit

>> No.51132003

>be fat
where are the wrinkles on your shirt again?

>> No.51133647

That's because you are mentally challenged.

>> No.51133665

Why are they all queuing for the disabled bathroom

>> No.51135684

Dunno don't care.

>> No.51135711

>I think he married a Filipina though, which I couldn't tolerate.
i did and i cannot complain
she is a great mom and a great cook and she sucks my dick anytime i want
that's all i need

>> No.51135718
File: 129 KB, 1320x1616, Sperrys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topsider here. Literally the only shoes you need. Come home white man.

>> No.51135775

I hate wearing tight pants.

>> No.51135782

Why would you wear dress shoes in a casual setting?

>> No.51135806

imagine taking time out of your day and money out of your wallet to iron your shirt when you can just not and no one but faggots like you will care.

>> No.51136599

Cause crypto pulled me out the rat race

>> No.51136609

You should though

>> No.51136652

this post just inspired me too buy an iron, thank you anon. I never realized just how ridiculous is looks

>> No.51136753

>ironing clothes that will get wrinkled again

>> No.51136956

Why does the sole have to look like the shoes were designed for 60-year-old Karens

>> No.51137028

>being afraid to show off your dick
This is why 20% of men fuck 80% of all the women

>> No.51137037

I mean honestly, do you realize how much young women fuck?
>ooo no its a business setting
Stop caring so much. Bitches want dick. And showing yours off puts you so far ahead. Especially if you have a nice face

>> No.51137118

It is but I don’t wear formal anymore. Dress down culture.

>> No.51137142

Based. Let me guess, you invested in web3 assets and NFTs?

>> No.51137837

Cash prizes to be won in excess

>> No.51138534

Ah the new Dfinity office. How is work there anon? What are you doing there?

>> No.51138588

>wiping your ass when you will just shit again

>> No.51138621

>his ass isn't squeaky clean from his solid logs
fix your diet

>> No.51138916

It is, check the black one in the corner with autistic leg under him, watching others with a little disgust.

>> No.51139502

>Lined up like cattle

Rather be an oilsand tech stuck on camp and needing to drive 10 hours plus to sites. Seeing everyone around me being literally the same person is depressing.